Test Accommodations (Maryland)

Tool Search: Test Accommodations

The Test Accommodations tool identifies the assessments for which the student requires special accommodations and modifications. Select the New button to add a Test Accommodation.

Image of the Test Accommodation Detail editor.Test Accommodation Detail

Field Descriptions

Start DateIndicates the first day on which the accommodation applies.
End DateIndicates the last day on which the accommodation applies.

Indicates the assessment for which the student has the accommodation.


Only assessments marked Test Accommodations Eligible under the Score Fields section of Test Detail in the Assessment Center appear within this field.

Test Format

Selection indicates how the student receives the assessment.

  • E: Electronic (Online) Testing
  • P: Paper and Pencil Testing
Accommodations Plan
Accommodation ELWhen marked, indicates English Learner accommodations needed for a given assessment.
Accommodation 504When marked, indicates 504 accommodations needed for a given assessment.
Accommodation IEPWhen marked, indicates Individualized Education Program accommodations needed for a given assessment.
Accommodation PNPWhen marked, indicates PNP plan accommodations needed for a given assessment.
Special Orders

Selection indicates a specific accommodation needed.

  • 1: Braille
  • 2: Large Print
  • 3: Kurzweil
  • 4: Accommodated Packet
Color Contrast

Indicates the student's preference for alternate onscreen background and/or font color.

  • 01: Black-Cream
  • 02: Black-LBlue
  • 03: Black-LMagenta
  • 04: White-Black
  • 05: LBlue-DBlue
  • 06: DGray-PGreen
  • 07: Color Overlay
Braille with Tactile Graphics

Indicates a hard copy braille test booklet is provided with embedded tactile graphics.

  • 01: UE/Unified English Braille - Not available for Fall Block
  • 02: EBAE/English Braille American Edition
Unique Accommodation

Indicates an accommodation is required for a student with a disability or an English Learner that is not listed in the PARCC Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual but is identified in the student’s IEP, 504 plan or EL plan (if approved by the state).

Frequent Breaks

Indicates the student is allowed to take breaks, at their request, during the testing session.

Separate/Alternate LocationIndicates the student is tested in a specially assigned location.
Small Group TestingIndicates the student is tested in a separate location with a small group of students with matching accessibility features or accommodations/testing needs as appropriate.
Specialized Equipment or FurnitureIndicates the student is provided specialized equipment or furniture needed for a successful testing environment (e.g., low lighting, adaptive seat, etc.).
Specified Area or SettingIndicates the student is tested in a specialized area or setting (e.g., front of the classroom, seat near the door, library observation room, etc.).
Time of DayIndicates the student is tested during a specific time of day based on their individual needs (e.g., ELA/l in the morning, no testing after lunch, etc.)
Answer MaskingIndicates that answer choices for multiple-choice items are covered when the item is first presented. The student has the ability to remove the masks at a time of their choosing.
ASL VideoIndicates that American Sign Language content is provided to the student by a human signer through a video.
Assistive Technology - Screen ReaderIndicates that a screen reader application is used to deliver computer-based test form for ELA/L and Math.
Assistive Technology - Non-Screen RIndicates that an assistive technology application is needed for a student without visual impairments.
Closed Captioning for ELA/LIndicates that closed captioning and subtitling are required for displaying text on a television, video screen, or other visual display to provide additional or interpretive information.
Word to Word DictionaryIndicates the student needs a bilingual word to word translation dictionary for a given assessment.
ELA/L Constructed Response

Indicates the student's response is captured by an external Speech to Text device, external AT device, Human Scribe or Signer for Constructed Response item types.

Mathematics Response

Indicates the student's response is captured by one of the following:

  • 01: Speech to Text
  • 02: Human Scribe
  • 03: Human Signer
  • 04: External AT Device
Mathematics Response EL

Indicates the student's response is captured by one of the following:

  • 01: Speech to Text
  • 02: Human Scribe
  • 03: Human Signer
  • 04: External AT Device
Human Reader or Human Signer

Indicates a test administrator reads aloud to the student (human reader or human signer).

  • 01: Human Signer
  • 02: Human Read Aloud
Emergency Accommodation

Indicates an emergency accommodation is needed for a student who incurs a temporary disabling condition that interferes with test performance shortly before or during the PARCC assessment window.

  • 01: Human Scribe
  • 99: Other
Refreshable Braille Display for ELAIndicates a student who is blind or has a visual impairment takes the ELA/literacy assessments using their preferred screen reader software with a refreshable braille display.
Alternate Representation Paper TestIndicates that the student requires a paper and pencil test format as an approved accommodation.
Large PrintIndicates the student requires a Large Print test booklet with text increased 150% to an 18 point font.
Reads Assessment Aloud ThemselvesIndicates the student reads the assessment aloud to themselves and may use an external device such as a whisper phone.
Human Signer for Test DirectionsIndicates a human signer will sign the test directions to the student.
Answers Recorded in Test BookIndicates the student records answers directly in the test book. Responses must be transcribed verbatim by a test administrator in a student answer book or answer sheet. Responses that have not been transcribed will not be scored.
Braille ResponseIndicates the student is blind or visually impaired and their response is captured by a Braille Writer or Note taker.
Calculation Device & Math ToolIndicates the student is allowed to use a calculator as an accommodation, including for items in test sections designated as non-calculator sections. In addition, an arithmetic table (including addition/ subtraction and/or multiplication/division charts), and/or manipulatives may be used.
Monitor Test Response

Indicates the test administrator monitors proper placement of the student's responses on a test book/answer sheet.

Word PredictionIndicates the student uses an external word prediction device that provides a bank of frequently or recently used words as a result of the student entering the first few letters of a word.
Admin Directions in Native LanguageIndicates the test administrator clarifies general administration instructions only.
Text-to-SpeechIndicates the student is provided a computer that reads aloud content but does not support browser navigation. It is not intended to support students with visual impairments.
ELA/L Select Resp or Tech Enh ItemsIndicates the student's response is captured by an external Speech to Text device, external AT device, Human Scribe or Signer for Selected Response or Technology Enhanced items types.
Admin Direct Read Aloud Native LangIndicates the test administrator reads aloud, and repeats as needed, test directions in student's native language.
Translation of The Mathematics Test

Indicates the form administered for online testing is a language other than English.

Extended TimeIndicates the student is given extended time.

Text field used to provide additional comments about the accommodation.