Core SIF - MarkValueInfo

The current version of SIF is v2.7.

This object defines the types of values allowed for a mark and the domain for each mark value. At least one of the Percentage, Numeric, Letter or Narrative nodes must be used to create a valid MarkValueInfo.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Batch Condition: 

Existing SIF_Condition elements to support:

  1. @SchoolRefId

Object Triggering

Event TypeRequirement
AddWhen a new Score Group is added to a Grading Task on a course in Campus.
Grading & Standards > Score Groups & Rubrics

When a new Rubric is added to a Standard on a course in Campus.

Grading & Standards > Score Groups & Rubrics

ChangeWhen the Score Group information is changed and saved.
  • When Score group Name is Changed.
ChangeWhen the Rubric information is changed and saved.
  • When the Rubric Name is Changed.

When score group id is changed in GradingTaskCredit table.

(Note: For Rubrics, when the score group id is changed, a Delete/Add event will not be triggered. This change will have to be done by batch)

(Note: When the score group id already connected to a course in a school in a given year is changed, to trigger a delete event, that id will have to be the last (and the only one) unique id existing then only it will send deletes. And then to trigger an add event, that same id will have to be the first (and the only one) unique id that doesn't exists yet in that particular course in a school in that given year then only it can be added).

DeleteWhen an existing Score Group in ScoreGroup table is removed.

Object Population and Business Rules

The SIF Agent and Zone must have access rights assigned to MarkValueInfo.
The district must belong to the same calendar and year assigned to the SIF Zone in order to populate.
A Natural RefId is not created for this object, it is created by a compilation of IDs. Users can use other IDs within the object to run batch.

Object Data Elements

Data Element LabelDescriptionBusiness RulesData Source GUI PathDatabase
M, C or O
@RefIdThe Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies this MarkValueInfo entity.

Report the unique ID of the selected Score Group.

Note: We are not currently supporting RefId in the SIFObjectMap code for this object so the python process will not pull a single record when it runs a "refID" condition.

Grading & Standards > Score Groups & Rubrics > Score Groups & Rubrics EditorMIN(dbo.ScoreListItem.itemID), ScoreGroup.scoreGroupIDM
@SchoolInfoRefIdThe Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the School that these Mark Values apply to.

1. If the Score Group for a Course in the selected school (Course > Grading Tasks > Grading Task Editor > Score Group = selected), report the unique School ID which uses this mark.

2. If the Standard for a Course in the selected school (Course >Standards>Standards Alignment = selected), report the unique School ID which uses this mark.

Course > Grading Tasks > Grading Task Editor > Score Group

Course >Standards>Standards Alignment

SchoolYearThe year that this MarkValueInfo applies to.1. Report the year of the MarkInfo (based on the SchoolYear) referencing this MarkValueInfo.
2. A new MarkValueInfo object  must be created for each year being referenced by MarkInfo

NameThe text name of the value list ("Letter Grades", "Letter Grades (+/-)", "ESU", "Pass/Fail", "Override Grades", "Citizenship Comment Codes", etc.).1. Report the Name of the selected Score Group or Rubric.Grading & Standards > Score Groups & Rubrics > Score Groups & Rubrics Editor > Score Group (or Rubric) Detail > NameScoreGroup.nameM
PercentageIndicates whether a percent Mark is accepted (format ##0.00).Container element to hold Percent/@IsAccepted.

Percentage/ @IsAcceptedIndicates whether a percent Mark is accepted (format ##0.00).Value = "true" or "false". (hard coded to "false")

Percentage/MinimumThe minimum percent value accepted for this mark. Any values present in the StudentSectionMarks object will not be lower than this value.Optional do not report

Percentage/MaximumThe maximum percent value accepted for this mark. Any values present in the StudentSectionMarks object will not be higher than this value.Optional do not report

NumericIndicates whether a raw numeric score is accepted.Container element to hold Numeric/@IsAccepted.

Numeric/ @IsAcceptedIndicates whether a raw numeric score is accepted and is used in Change events to unambiguously signal whether support for the score has changed, especially ended.1. Count Rows in Score group or Rubric (Grading & Standards > Score Groups & Rubrics > Score Groups & Rubrics Editor > Score Group List Items Detail (or Rubric List Item Detail) > Score).
a. If total Rows has numeric character, count + 1.
i. If Count = Rows, Numeric/@IsAccepted = "true".
ii. Else, report "false".
IF SUM(ISNUMERIC (dbo.ScoreListItem.score)) > 0 THEN "true" ELSE "false" END
Grading & Standards > Score Groups & Rubrics > Score Groups & Rubrics Editor > Score Group List Items Detail (or Rubric List Item Detail) > ScorescoreListItem.scoreM
Numeric/PrecisionNumber of significant digits.

hard code to "7"

Only reports if Numeric/ @IsAccepted = true

Numeric/ScaleNumber of decimal places.

hard code to "3"

Only reports if Numeric/ @IsAccepted = true

Numeric/LowLowest Mark in the range (e.g., 98, 3.95).


Only reports if Numeric/ @IsAccepted = true

Numeric/HighHighest Mark in the range (e.g., 100, 4.0).


Only reports if Numeric/ @IsAccepted = true

LetterIndicates whether a letter Mark is accepted.

Letter/ @IsAcceptedIndicates whether a letter Mark is accepted and is used in Change events to unambiguously signal whether support for the Mark has changed, especially ended.Count Rows in Score group or Rubric (Grading & Standards > Score Groups & Rubrics > Score Groups & Rubrics Editor > Score Group List Items Detail (or Rubric List Item Detail) > Score).
1. If total Rows has alpha character, count +1
a. If Count = Rows, Letter/@IsAccepted = "true"
b. Else, report "false"
IF  ISNUMERIC(dbo.ScoreListItem.score) = 0 (capture first occurrence of a zero return) THEN "true" ELSE "false"
Grading & Standards > Score Groups & Rubrics > Score Groups & Rubrics Editor > Score Group List Items Detail (or Rubric List Item Detail) > ScorescoreListItem.scoreM
Letter/ValidMarkList of specific valid letter Marks. May be omitted when IsAccepted is false, otherwise mandatory.

1. Omitted when Letter = false. Else, container element to hold ValidMark/Code.
2. This element is repeated for each value in "Score" field with an alphabetic character.

Only reports if Letter/ @IsAccepted = true

Letter/ValidMark/ @SIF_ActionIn a Change event, this flag can be used to indicate an element has been deleted from the parent list container. At a minimum the key for the list must also be present.Optional 

Letter/ValidMark/CodeString representing the actual Mark that would appear on the report card (e.g., "A+", "I", "100").

Report the value for each "Score" field cell that contains an alphabetic character.
IF ISNUMERIC(dbo.ScoreListItem.score) = 0 THEN dbo.ScoreListItem.score

Only reports if Letter/ @IsAccepted = true

Numeric equivalent for the Mark (e.g., 100, 4.0).

Report the GPA value associated with the letter grade (Grading & Standards > Score Groups & Rubrics > Score Groups & Rubrics Editor > Score Group List Items Detail (or Rubric List Item Detail) > GPA Value).

Only reports if Letter/ @IsAccepted = true

Grading & Standards > Score Groups & Rubrics > Score Groups & Rubrics Editor > Score Group List Items Detail (or Rubric List Item Detail) > GPA ValueScoreListItem.gpaValueO
Letter/ValidMark/DescriptionThe description for this code. (e.g. "Excellent", "Participates in Class", "Incomplete", etc...).

Report the description for this code (Grading & Standards > Score Groups & Rubrics > Score Groups & Rubrics Editor > Score Group List Items Detail (or Rubric List Item Detail) > Name).

Only reports if Letter/ @IsAccepted = true

Grading & Standards > Score Groups & Rubrics > Score Groups & Rubrics Editor > Score Group List Items Detail (or Rubric List Item Detail) > NameScoreListItem.nameO
NarrativeIf present, indicates that a free-form text narrative is accepted.Container element to hold Narrative/@IsAccepted.

Narrative/ @IsAcceptedIndicates whether a narrative is accepted and is used in Change events to unambiguously signal whether support for a narrative has changed, especially ended.hard-coded  value = "false"

Narrative/MaximumSizeAn integer value representing the maximum number of Unicode characters for the narrative, the UTF-8 encoding of which may be longer.Optional