Data Extract Zip Tool

Infinite Campus has announced that the Data Extract Utility Pull method will be discontinued, with an end-of-life date set for June 30th, 2025. Customers currently using this method must transition to an alternative delivery mode before this deadline. After the deprecation, any Pull methods still in use will be automatically converted to SMB (Server Message Block) protocol with non-functioning credentials. Additionally, the Client tool, which is used for authenticating into Infinite Campus, will no longer function correctly and will result in a connection error for users still attempting to utilize this method.

It's important to note that customers using other delivery methods will not be affected by this change. For those impacted, it will be crucial to plan and execute the transition well ahead of the deadline to avoid disruptions in data access and operations.

Tool Search: Data Extract Zip Tool

The Data Extract Zip Tool functions like the Utility Setup tool, where users can upload a file to export to a third-party system. Unlike the Utility Setup tool, the Zip Tool allows users to upload multiple files to export to a third-party system.

Screenshot of Data extract zip tool

Data Extract Zip Tool Definitions

The following table provides definitions of the data elements available in the Zip Tool Editor.



Extract Instance Name

Description of the extract.

Delivery Mode

Indicates how the extract is delivered. 

  • SMB - Server Message Block. This works with an operating system higher than Windows Xp; used in Windows networks to allow resources such as files on one machine to be shared on other machines as if they were local.
  • SFTP Legacy (Being Deprecated) - This is an outdated version of SFTP which will be deprecated in the future. Users should transition to the other SFTP option as soon as possible to avoid disruptions once this delivery mode is removed.
  • SFTP - Secure File Transfer Protocol. An encrypted form of file transfer between a local system and any system on the network.
  • FTPS - File Transfer Protocol Secured. An encrypted form of file transfer between a local system and any system on the network. This option also allows different encryption methods:
    • SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
    • TLS (Transport Layer Security)
  • PULL - This option can be used in conjunction with the Export Wizard utility. This delivery mode allows for a separate client to be installed on a district server (not to be provided to third-party vendors) and setup to pull the desired extract using https via a Windows Scheduled task. See the Pull Delivery Mode section for information on using this option. When marked, the Student Photo Extract checkbox is removed.
Student Photo ExtractCreates a zip file of the picture directory. Only files for students with an enrollment record in the selected active school year are included.
When this is marked, the following is not available: 
  • PULL Delivery Mode
  • Select Instance to Include section
  • Daily Frequency option
This is NOT available in State Edition. 

File Name

File name associated with the extract being generated. Often a third-party tool needs this name.

Append Date to FilenameWhen selected, includes a date in the file, so as not to overwrite an existing file. Choose the format of the date, either the normal date format of yyyymmdd or date and time format of yyyymmddhhmmssSS. 


Username used to access the destination server.


Password used to access the destination server.


An identification label, using a string of letters and numbers separated by periods, to name organizations and addresses on the internet and to define a realm of administrative autonomy in the internet.   


A computer that provides client stations with access to files and printers as shared resources to a computer network. Can be an IP address or a server domain name.


Indicates the value required to connect to the server.

  1. SFTP default = 22
  2. FTPS default = 990


Indicates the navigation path the user takes to find the server or files. This needs to be an absolute path and include the /upload indicator.

Error Notification

If marked, any errors that occur are sent to the Notifications area of Infinite Campus (see below) to all users within the user group selected in the User Group to Notify dropdown list.

screenshot of the bell icon

User Group to Notify

This group is notified via a Notifications message when an error occurs while using the Data Extract Zip tool. You must have the Error Notification checkbox marked to utilize this functionality. 

Select Instances to Include

Mark the file instances to include in the zip file.

These options display every instance of extracts that were previously set up in the DEU Setup.

Test ConnectionThis button checks the connection to the entered server by attempting to write a 1-byte file to the location setup. When it is successful, a pop-up displays indicating the connection is good; when it is not successful, it provides the reason the connection failed.
Run ExtractThis button runs and generates the extract, sends and stores the file where needed (in case of an issue when it is an auto-run extract).
Data Extract Schedule

Lists the frequency, date, time and day of the week the extract runs. When this needs to stop for any reason, mark the Stop Automated Extract checkbox.

Screenshot of the data extract schedule

Frequency options include:

  • None
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly (Only available if the Student Photo Extract is selected)

When the Frequency value is set to Weekly or Monthly, the Start Time can only be between 10:00 pm and 4:00 am (2200 to 0400).

Create Zip Tool Extract

The creation of new extracts should be done by technical administrators only.

  1. Select New. A Detail Information section displays.
  2. Enter the Extract Instance Name.
  3. Choose the other necessary items for adding the extract by populating and marking the appropriate fields, as defined above.
  4. Click Save when finished. Additional modifications may be made to the extract to determine when the extract should be generated.

At this time, a user can select the available buttons to test the connection to the server or run the extract.

  1. The Test Connection button checks the connection to the entered server by attempting to write a 1-byte file to the location setup. When it is successful, a pop-up displays indicating the connection is good; when it is not successful, it provides the reason the connection failed.
  2. The Run Extract button runs and generates the extract, sends and stores the file where needed (in case of an issue when it is an auto-run extract).

Create a Student Photo Extract Zip Tool

  1. Select New. A Detail Information section displays.
  2. Enter the Extract Instance Name.
  3. Select the desired Delivery Mode. 
  4. Mark the Student Photo Extract checkbox.
  5. Enter a File Name, Username, and Server.
  6. Choose the other necessary items for adding the extract by populating and marking the appropriate fields, as defined above.
  7. In the Data Extract Schedule, choose the desired Frequency. 
    • When using Monthly, choose the Start Date, Start Time, and the Day of Month on which the extract should run.
    • When using Weekly, choose the Start Date, Start Time, and the Day of Week on which the extract should run. 
  8. Click Save when finished. Additional modifications may be made to the extract to determine when the extract should be generated. 

At this time, a user can select the available buttons to test the connection to the server or generate the extract.

  1. The Test Connection button checks the connection to the entered server by attempting to write a 1-byte file to the location setup. When it is successful, a pop-up displays indicating the connection is good; when it is not successful, it provides the reason the connection failed.
  2. The Run Extract button runs and generates the extract, sends and stores the file where needed (in case of an issue when it is an auto-run extract).

When the Student Photo Extract zip file has been successfully sent to the destination server, or there was an error generating the zip file, it is removed from the app server. 

When the Student Photo Extract zip file has been successfully sent to the destination server, or there was an error, it is logged in Data Extract History.