Grade Calc Options (Scheduling)

Tool Search: Grade Calc Options

Grade Calculation Options determine how In Progress Grades for grading tasks and standards calculate in the Grade Book.

Before setting grade calculation options, Grading Tasks and Standards must be assigned to the Course.

Screenshot of the Course Grade Calc Options, located at Scheduling & Courses, Courses. Course Grade Calc Options

Read - View grade calculation options for the selected course.
Write - Edit grade calculation options for the selected course.
Add - Add new grade calculation options for the selected course.
Delete - Remove grade calculation options for the course.  

See the Tool Rights section below for more details on what actions can be performed with each right.

Be aware that any updates made after school has started may affect student's current grades. 

Updating the grade calc options for a course that is linked to a course master temporarily breaks the connection with the master - changes pushed from the course master level will not update this grade calc option. Click Reset to Default to restore the link to the course master.

Screenshot highlighting the Reset to Default option that displays when course-level options are no longer synced with the course master. 

Use the Course Audit Report to identify discrepancies between course and course master setup.

Grade Calc Options can be managed at the Course Master level. Icons next to each option provide more information: 

Screenshot of the lock icon. Locked to Course MasterIndicates that the option corresponds to a option at the Course Master level. These options are not editable in this tool.
Screenshot of the unlocked icon.Linked Course Catalog UnlockedIndicates that options are unlocked for the whole Course Catalog. These options are editable in this tool.
Screenshot of the broken link icon.Course Master UnlinkedIndicates that the option is associated with a option at the Course Master level, but that the link with that option is broken. Options can be relinked using the Push All Course Masters tool, selecting a Push Mode of Overwrite and leaving Grade Calc Options marked in the Data to be Pushed section.
Screenshot of the course managed icon.Course ManagedIndicates that the option is managed at the Course level and does not have a corresponding record at the Course Master level.

Grade Calc Options in Ad hoc Query Wizard

Grade Calc Options fields are available in the Query Wizard when using the Course/Section Data type in the Course > Course Information > Composite Grading folder.

Screenshot highlighting the Composite Grading fields in an Ad hoc query.Composite Grading Ad hoc Fields

Fill and Filter Options

To apply a specific grading setup to multiple tasks or standards, select Fill Options. From there, filter using the Type, Term, and Task dropdown lists and then select the Calculation Type and other options to apply to all standards or tasks that fit the filter criteria. For example, in the image below, I'm setting the Term Grade task to calculate the same way in all terms.

Screenshot of the fill options modal. Use the Fill and Filter options to apply grade calculation options to multiple standards or tasks. 

Additionally, the filter options are available in the main Grade Calc Options screen to filter the individual standards and tasks displayed.

Grade Calculation Options for Standards

Establish calculation preferences for multiple standards using the Fill options or for each Term/Standard combination individually.

Screenshot of the Method dropdown list showing the options for calculating grades for Standards. Select the applicable calculation options for standards

The following table describes the Types for Standards:

No Calculation

Select this option to exclude the standard from calculation of students' In Progress proficiency estimate in the Grade Book.

This option is pre-selected and cannot be modified when a standard is marked as Post-only on the Course Standards tab or the Course Masters Standards tab. No assignments or categories can be assigned to this standard.

In Progress Grade

Select this option to calculate an In Progress grade for this standard using a Grading Scale. Use this option if scoring for the standard is done with Points or Marks. Additional options appear when this option is selected:

  • Grading Scales - Choose a scale to convert student score percentages into grades in the scale, such as A-, B+, D, etc. Click the information icon next to the dropdown list to see the scale options.
  • Weight Categories - Marking this checkbox indicates the Weight values entered for the Category should be included in the calculation of the In Progress grade.
  • Use score's % value - Marking this checkbox calculates scores based on the percentage of points earned for each assignment rather than the raw point value across all assignments. For example, two assignments are scored as 8/10 and 100/100. The point value calculated for these two assignments would be 108/110, or 98%. The percent value calculated would be 80% and 100%, or 90% for the Category. If this option is chosen, all assignments aligned to the Standard must be worth more than zero points.

Proficiency Estimate (Rubrics)

Select this option if the standard is scored using a rubric. Rubrics are used to described quality of work, rather than a numerical score. Choose a Method to calculate grades:

  • Power Law: Power Law is a mathematical calculation that converts proficiency levels into numeric values and determines a trend based on the student's scores. Power Law works on the assumption that standards are assessed at consistent intervals, such as weekly. See Posting Grades when Using Power Law for an example of using Power Law.
  • Highest Score: Determines the highest proficiency level the student has achieved. Sequence must be entered for items on the Rubric for this option to calculate correctly.
  • Mode: Determines the most common score for the student across scores. Enter a value in Limit Assignments to Last ____ to limit the calculation to the x number of recent assignments. 
  • Most Recent: Populates the most recent proficiency level.
  • Mean: Calculates the grade as the average of all scores entered based on the Mean % Value entered for the Rubric. To calculate a grade, rubric scores are converted into numeric values using the Mean % Value field on the rubric. Those values are then averaged and converted back into a rubric score using the Minimum % and Mean % values.
  • Decaying Average: Calculates the grade as the average of all scores entered, but with more recent scores weighted more heavily. The most recent score is calculated at full weight, with the next most recent score worth 65%, the score previous to that worth 65%2 (42%), then 65%3 (27.5%), etc. The average is calculated by converting scores into numeric values and back based on Rubric values as described above.
    Image of a mathematical formula where decaying average equals the SUM of rubric score value multiplied by decay weight, over the SUM of the decay weight.

In the grade book, hover over a student's proficiency estimate to see each of these values calculated.

Assign Grade Calculation Options for Standards

  1. Select the desired Calculation Type for each Standard assigned to the course, choosing to mass-assign the same calculation type using the Fill Down option or assigning the calculation type for each standard one at a time.
  2. If any standard needs to be a Composite standard, set those options.
  3. Click the Save icon when finished.

Grade Calculation Options for Grading Tasks

Establish calculation preferences for multiple tasks using the Fill options or for each Term/Task combination individually.

Screenshot of the options for calculating grades for grading tasks. Select calculation options for Tasks

The following table describes the Types for Grading Tasks:

No Calculation

Select this option to exclude the task from calculation of students' In Progress grades in the Grade Book.

In Progress Grade

Select this option to calculate an In Progress grade for this task. Additional options appear when this option is selected:

  • Grading Scales - Choose a scale to convert student score percentages into grades in the scale, such as A-, B+, D, etc.
  • Weight Categories - Marking this checkbox indicates the Weight values entered for the Category should be included in the calculation of the In Progress grade.
  • Use score's % value - Marking this checkbox calculates scores based on the percentage of points earned for each assignment rather than the raw point value across all assignments. For example, two assignments are scored as 8/10 and 100/100. The point value calculated for these two assignments would be 108/110, or 98%. The percent value calculated would be 80% and 100%, or 90% for the Category. If this option is chosen, all assignments aligned to the Standard must be worth more than zero points.

Post-only Tasks

Categories and assignments cannot be aligned to tasks marked as Post-only on the Course > Grading Tasks or Course Masters > Grading Tasks tabs. However, calculation options can be set up for these tasks to allow a Grade to be calculated in the Posted column when a Percent is entered for a student.

Assign Grade Calculation Options for Grading Tasks

  1. Select the desired Calculation Type for each Grading Task assigned to the course, choosing to mass-assign the same calculation type using the Fill Down option or assigning the calculation type for each standard one at a time.
  2. If any standard needs to be a Composite standard, set those options.
  3. Click the Save icon when finished.

Additional Options in Grade Calc Options

The following options are available for standards and tasks:

CompositeA composite task or standard is a parent task that is grade based on the child tasks that make it up. For example, a semester task may be a composite of two quarter tasks. See the Composite Grading article for more information.
RollupA parent standard or task can be calculated by "rolling up" child tasks. See the Rollup Grade Calculations article for more information.
Limit Assignments to Last ___This option limits the grade calculation to only include the most recent x number of assignments. For example, proficiency in a standard may be calculated as the mode of the most recent 5 assignments.
Cumulative Grading Starting inThis option allows teachers to set a starting term for calculating grading across multiple terms. See the Cumulative Grading article for more information.

Composite Grading

For grading tasks that are calculated together with other grading tasks to have a composite grade (like a Semester Grade or End of Year Grade), mark the Composite checkbox. This displays a Child Task/Standard editor within the grading task window where the Grading Tasks and Standards can be set to properly calculate the composite grade.

If Composite Grading is locked at the Couse level, teachers cannot edit Composite grading setup at the course level. 

In the example below, the Final Grade is marked as Composite and combines the student's Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 grades together. Each of the quarter grades are worth 50% of the Final grade.

Screenshot highlighting a task with composite grading setup, the Composite checkbox marked and child tasks with weights entered. Composite Grade Setup

Note the following:

  • Grading Tasks and Standards need to be assigned to the Course.
  • Active Terms need to be set properly before setting the composite grade.
  • The Weight field value can be entered as a decimal or as a whole number, but the total Effective Percentage of all of the child tasks entered here cannot be more than 100%.
  • A task/standard can only be selected once. Previously chosen tasks/standards display in gray and cannot be chosen again.
  • In the Progress Monitor, composite grading setup is represented visually by displaying child alignments nested under the parent, unless the section has more than 50 standard/task alignments.

Assign a Composite Grade Calculation

  1. Locate the Grading Task or Standard to set as a Composite.
  2. Mark the Composite checkbox. The Child Task/Standard editor displays.
  3. Select the grading tasks that are to be used in the composite calculation.
  4. Enter the Weight value for each of the child tasks.
  5. If desired, mark the Lock Composites checkbox. When this is marked, teachers would not be able to modify the composite grading setup (add more child tasks or change entered weight values), even if they have the tool rights to modify composite grading information.

Rollup Grade Calculation

Rollup calculations allow users to grade a parent standard based on the scores a student has received for child standards, rather than having to manually estimate the grade. Alternately, child standards can be selected to rollup to a grading task, with the rubric scores converted to numeric values and then into items  in the score group selected for the task. 

These calculations display in the Grade Book and Post Grades tool. Rollup calculation preferences are set up on this tab or in the Grade Calc Options tool in Course Masters.

When rolling up from standard to standard, all standards must be graded using the same rubric. In the Progress Monitor, rollup grading setup is represented visually by displaying child alignments nested under the parent, unless the section has more than 50 standard/task alignments.

Screenshot highlighting a standard with rollup grading setup, the Rollup checkbox marked and child standards selected. Rollup Grade Calculation

Setup Rollup Grade Calculation

  1. Mark the Rollup checkbox for the parent. The grade for this standard or task is calculated based on the child standards and Calculation Type.
  2. Select the Calculation Type to determine how grades in child tasks contribute to the rolled up grade. See the descriptions of each type in the table following.
    1. Select the Child Tasks/Standards to be included in the rollup calculation. Add rows for additional children as needed. When calculating from standard to standard, available standards are those entered as children of the parent standard in the Standards Bank
  3. Click Save when finished.

Calculation Types

ManualProvides no rollup calculation.
MeanRollup calculation is the average of the grade for each child standard, based on the Rollup Values entered on the Rubric. When the parent is a task, numeric rubric values are converted based on the selected Score Group. Rollup value, Minimum Value, and Mean Value should be populated for the rubric.
Weighted MeanWhen this type is selected, a weight field displays for each child standard, with an Effective % value calculating as weights are entered. Rollup calculation is the average of the grade for each child standard, based on the Rollup Values entered on the Rubric, weighted based on the values entered for each child. Similar to Composite Grading, weight values can be entered as percentages (such as 25%, 25%, and 50%) or as proportions (such as 1, 1, 2). Rollup value, Minimum Value, and Mean Value should be populated for the rubric.
MedianRollup calculation displays as the grade at the middle of the grade distribution. For example, if the child standards have grades of U, U, P, P, HP, the median value is P.

Rollup calculation displays as the most common grade received across child standards. For example, if the child standards have grades of U, P, P, P, HP, the mode is P.

If there is no mode in the entered scores, a rollup value is not reported.

HighestRollup calculation displays the highest grade achieved.

Copy Grade Calc Options to Another Course

Use the Copy icon to easily add Grade Calculation Options associated with one Course (called the Source Course) to one or more other Courses (called Destination Course Masters). The Copy icon displays when proper tool rights are assigned.

When copying grade calc options from one course to another:

  • Destination courses cannot be tied to any course masters.
  • Grade calc options are copied from one course to another course within the same calendar year.
  • Grading tasks and standards need to completely match between the two courses being copied.

Screenshot highlighting the copy button at the top of the screen and the copy modal that displays. Copy Grade Calc Options
  1. Click the Copy button.
  2. Select the Source Course from the dropdown list.
  3. Select the Destination Course:
    1. All Courses: copies options to all courses in the calendar.
    2. Active Courses: copies options to all courses in the calendar that currently have the Active flag marked.
    3. Select Courses: copies options to the selected courses. To select a course, type the Number or Name in the search field. Multiple courses can be selected. Click Clear to remove all courses from the list. Only Courses that do not already have Grade Calc Options established are available to be selected.
  4. Click the Save button to copy the grade calculation options to the destination course.

When the copy is completed, an alert displays indicating the copy has been saved.

