Joint Powers (Minnesota)

Tool Search: Joint Powers

The Joint Powers program collects data from districts/schools with a joint powers agreement for state-approved alternative programs and other types of programs.

Screenshot of th eJoint Powers list screen.Joint Powers

Tool Rights

Read - View existing records
Write - Edit existing records.
Add - Create new records.
Delete - Delete records.

 For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see this Tool Rights article.

Screenshot of Joint Powers list screen.Joint Powers

List Screen

The list screen displays all student Joint Powers records. Select a School Year from the dropdown to display only records from that year. Records are ordered by Start Date, with the most recent Start Date record at the top of the list. 

Column NameDescription
Start DateThe first day of the Joint Powers program for the student.
End DateThe last day of the Joint Powers program for the student.
Created ByThe user who created the record.
PrintGenerates a PDF version of all the student's Joint Powers records.

Detail View

Click the View button to open the detail view for an existing record, or click New to create a new one.

Screenshot of the Joint Powers Detail ViewJoint Powers Detail View
FieldDescriptionAdditional Information
Start Date
The first day of the Joint Powers program for the student.The information in the Joint Powers program reports in the Student Education Organization Responsibility Associations Ed-Fi resource.
End DateThe last day of the Joint Powers program for the student.
Reporting DistrictThe district for which the record is being reported.
Reporting SchoolThe school for which the record is being reported.
CommentsAny comments related to the record.
Modified ByThe person who last edited the record.This is auto-generated.


