Staff Template & Staff Snapshot Template (New Mexico)

Tool Search: Staff & Staff Snapshot_Template

This tool extracts data to complete the Staff Template and Staff Snapshot extracts. The Staff Template reports a current view of the staff population and the Staff Snapshot Template reports a point-in-time view of the staff population. The Staff Snapshot Template can be used to track changes over time since there is one record for each staff member for each snapshot date.

Screenshot of Staff Template & Staff Snapshot Template.Staff Template & Staff Snapshot Template

Extract Logic

  • To report, staff must meet the following requirements:
    • Have an active District Employment record on the Snapshot Date selected on the extract editor. (Applies to Staff Snapshot and the Open Yr Round Submission Schedule of the Staff Template Only)    
    • Have an active District Employment record one day on/between the Submission Start Date and Submission End Date selected on the extract editor. (Applies to 40D, 80D, 120D, EOY, Summer, and K5P Submission Schedules of the Staff Template Only)  
  • The primary assignment record is determined by the greatest FTE of all assignment records in the given school and calendar year. To determine the greatest FTE, Campus uses the following logic:
    • Campus compares all Employment assignment records where the

      • Employment Assignment Start Date is null or is on or before the Snapshot Date selected on the extract editor (Staff Snapshot Only) or the Submission End Date selected on the extract editor (Staff Template Only) AND

      • the assignment is selected from the max FTE or 0 (if there is no employment assignment FTE value)

    • If there are two Max FTE values that are the same, Campus reports the FTE with the minimum school ID.

  • A record reports for staff with an active district employment record but who do not have an active district assignment; however, data collected on district assignment may report as null in that record.
  • Only one record reports per reportable staff regardless of how many District Employment records were/are active in the reporting range.

Extract Editor

Extract Type

A dropdown list of all available extracts.

Submission Schedule

A dropdown list of submission schedules.

  • 40D
  • 80D
  • 120D
  • EOY
  • Summer
  • K5P
  • Open Yr Round
Snapshot Date  (Staff Snapshot Only)The snapshot date of the collection.
Submission Start Date (Staff Template Only)
The first day of the reporting range.
Submission End Date (Staff Template Only)
The last day of the reporting range.
Start Date of School Year

The first date of the school year. The default value is 07/01/YYYY where YYYY = Start Year.

Ad Hoc FilterAd Hoc Filters allow you to limit report results to those included in the filter. This option is useful for troubleshooting. For example, you could filter report results to specific staff members.

The format in which the report will generate.

  • State Format (CSV)
  • HTML
Select school(s) to be included in the reportSelect schools to include in the report.
Generate Extract/Submit to BatchThe report can be marked to generate immediately using the Generate Extract button or can be marked to generate at a later time using the Submit to Batch button. See the  Batch Queue  article for additional guidance.

Report Layout


Unless otherwise noted, information commonly reports according to the following criteria:

  • STAFF 
    • 40D, 80D, 120D, EOY, Summer, K5P: Information reports from the identity active on the District Employment End Date OR the Submission End Date selected on the extract editor. Whichever date comes first.
    • Open Yr Round: Information reports from the identity active on the Snapshot date. The employee's District Employment record MUST be active on the Snapshot Date selected on the extract editor. 
  • STAFF_SNAPSHOT. Information reports from the identity active on the Snapshot date.
1District Code

A three character district code.

Numeric, 3 digits

District Information


2Staff ID

The staff member's social security number.

Numeric, 12 digits

Identities > SSN

3 Filler 3 -5 N\AN\A
6Middle Initial

The staff member's middle initial. If one does not exist, this element reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Identities > Legal Middle Name

7 Filler 7 - 13 N\AN\A
14Location Code

The state school number.

From the staff's active assignments, Campus finds the assignment with the highest total FTE value; i.e., the staff's primary assignment. If the FTE value is null or multiple exist with the same highest value, Campus uses the most recent active assignment.

If an active District Assignment does NOT exist, Campus reports according to the Qualification Status from the District Employment record. If the staff's Qualification Status is T or R, Location Code 000 reports. If their Qualification Status is NOT T or R, the corresponding State School Number reports.

Numeric, 5 digits

School  Information > State School Number

15 Filler 15 - 19 N\AN\A
20Gender Code

The gender code for the staff member: M or F.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

 Identities > Gender

21Ethnic Code Short

The ethnicity code assigned to the staff member.

  • Staff:
    • 40D, 80D, 120D, EOY, Summer, K5P: Reports from the identity active on the District Employment End Date OR the Submission End Date selected on the extract editor; whichever comes first.
    • Open Yr Round: Reports from the identity active on the Snapshot date.
  • Staff Snapshot: Reports from the identity active on the Snapshot date.

Valid Values

  • C: Caucasian
  • B: Black or African American
  • A: Asian
  • I: American Indian/Alaskan Native
  • P: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Identities > State > Race Ethnicity

22 Filler 22 - 32 N\AN\A
33Original Hire Date

The date the staff member was first hired. The Teacher Start Year reports from the staff's oldest district employment record.

If the Teacher Start Year is blank, the Start Date from the same Employment record reports.

Date field, 10 characters


 District Employment > Teaching Start Year

34 Filler 34 N\AN\A
35Staff Start Date Current School Year

The date the staff member’s contract started for the current school year.

Reports the most recent of these two dates: District Employment > Start Date OR the date selected in Start Date of School Year entered on the extract editor.

Date field, 10 characters


 District Employment > Start Date

36Staff Exit Date

Staff Template Only

The District Employment End Date from the employee's active primary district assignment. This element only reports for Teacher codes: 00, 20-23, 25, 28, 30, 73-75, 94, 96, 97, 101, 103-104, 106, 110, 110S, and 139-140.

Date field, 10 characters


District Employment > End Date

36 Filler 36 Staff Snapshot Only
37 Filler 37, 38 N\AN\A
39Teaching or Principal Years Experience

The number of years that the staff member has been employed by any school district in any state as a teacher or principal (includes the current district) if the employee's active primary district assignment  title Code is in 14-19, 00, 20-23, 25, 28, 30, 73-75, 94, 96, 97, 101, 103-104, 106, 110, 110S, or 139-140 (teacher or principle).

To calculate this value, Campus takes the difference between Original Hire Date and the Submission End Date or the District Employment End Date, whichever comes first, then adds the Teaching Years Modifier to this value.

Numeric, 2 digits

District Employment > Teaching Start Year

Employment. teachingStartYear\

District Employment > Yrs Experience In District


40Birth DateThe staff member's date of birth.

Date field, 10 characters


 Identities >  Birth Date

41 Filler 41, 42 N\AN\A
43Teaching or Principal Years Experience In District

The number of years that the staff member has been employed by the current district as a teacher or principle if the employee's active primary district assignment title Code is in 14-19, 00, 20-23, 25, 28, 30, 73-75, 94, 96, 97, 101, 103-104, 106, 110, 110S, or 139-140 (teacher or principle).

To calculate this value, Campus takes the difference between the Original Hire Date and the following:

  • Staff:
    • 40D, 80D, 120D, EOY, Summer, K5P: DE End Date or Submission End Date whichever comes first
    • Open Yr Round: the Snapshot Date
  • Staff Snapshot: the Snapshot Date

This element only reports for Principal codes 14-19 OR the following Teacher codes: 00, 20-23, 25, 28, 30, 73-75, 94, 96, 97, 101, 103-104, 106, 110, 110S, and 139-140.

Numeric, 2 digits

District Employment > Teaching Start Year

Employment. teachingStartYear

District Employment > Yrs Experience In District


44 Filler 44 N\AN\A
45Highest Degree Earned

Reports the Highest Degree Earned from the staff's active District Employment record when their primary district assignment's Qualification Status Code is Null and Type is 02:Certified.

Otherwise, the Highest Degree Earned from the staff member's District Employment record when Qualification Status is C (Certified) reports.

Otherwise, this element reports blank.

Valid Values

  • D: Doctorate
  • E: Educ Specialist
  • M: Masters
  • B: Bachelors
  • A: Associate
  • N: Non-Degree

Alphanumeric, 1 character

District Employment > Highest Degree Earned

District Employment > Qualification Status

District Assignment > Qualification Status


46 Filler 46, 47 N\AN\A
48Staff Qualification Status

General descriptor of the position in which a staff member is qualified to work.

The Qualification Status from the staff's active primary district assignment reports. If that value is null, but the Type on the district assignment is Certified, C reports. All others with a District Assignment report N. Staff without an active assignment report the Qualification Status code from the staff's active district employment record.

Valid Values

  • C: Certified Personnel

  • N: Non-certified Personnel

  • S: Substitute Teacher (Long Term)

  • T: Substitute Teacher (Short Term)

  • R: Contracted Related Service Provider

Alphanumeric, 1 character

District Employment > Qualification Status


District Assignment > Qualification Status

49 Filler 49 N\AN\A
50Snapshot Date

Staff Snapshot Only

The report date. This element reports the end year plus a specific value for each reporting date.

The YEAR reports based on where the reporting date falls the school year generated e.g.; if the Snapshot date is 10/14/2015, the YYYY reports as 2015.

Valid Values

  • YYYY-10-01 = 40D
  • YYYY-12-15 = 80D
  • YYYY-03-01 = 120D
  • YYYY-06-01 = EOY
  • YYYY-09-01 = K5P
  • YYYY-06-29 = Summer Session
  • YYYY-07-15 = Open Yr Round

Date field, 10 characters


50 Filler 50 Staff Template Only
51 Filler 51 N\AN\A
52Annual Salary

Gross pay for one FTE before deductions in whole dollars.

Reports the salary from the staff's active primary District Employment record. To report, the staff member's Staff Qualification Status must be C or N. Otherwise, this element reports blank.

Numeric, 10 digits

District Employment > Salary

53 Filler 53 N\AN\A
54Termination Code

Identifies the reason why the staff member left the district. Reports from the employee's active District Employment record.

Valid Values

  • 01: Left NM and teaching in other state
  • 02: Left for reasons other than retirement
  • 03: Left to teach in private school in NM
  • 04: Went to other pub/charter NM district
  • 05: Took non-teaching position in district
  • 06: Died
  • 07: Retired
  • 08: Personal Reasons

Numeric, 6 digits

District Employment > Exit Reason

55 Filler 55 - 62N\AN\A
National Board Certified  Teacher 
Indicates if the staff member is a National Board Certified Teacher.
When the National Board Certified Teacher checkbox is marked, reports Y.
When the National Board Certified Teacher checkbox is not marked, reports N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Staff member > District Employment
Filler 64
65First Name Long

The staff member's first name.


  • 40D, 80D, 120D, EOY, Summer, K5P: Reports from the identity active on the District Employment End Date OR the Submission End Date selected on the extract editor; whichever comes first.
  • Open Yr Round: Reports from the identity active on the Snapshot date.

Staff Snapshot

  • Reports from the identity active on the Snapshot date.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters

Identities > First Name

66Last Name Long

The staff member's last name.


  • 40D, 80D, 120D, EOY, Summer, K5P: Reports from the identity active on the District Employment End Date OR the Submission End Date selected on the extract editor; whichever comes first.
  • Open Yr Round: Reports from the identity active on the Snapshot date.

Staff Snapshot

  • Reports from the identity active on the Snapshot date.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters

Identities > Last Name

67 Filler 67 - 68 N\AN\A
69Hispanic Indicator

Indicates whether the staff member identifies with an ethnicity of Hispanic/Latino.

Reports Y(es) or N(o).


40D, 80D, 120D, EOY, Summer, K5P: Reports from the identity active on the District Employment End Date OR the Submission End Date selected on the extract editor; whichever comes first.

Open Yr Round: Reports from the identity active on the Snapshot date.

Staff Snapshot

Reports from the identity active on the Snapshot date.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

 Identities > Race/Ethnicity > Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?

70Race Ethnicity Subgroup

The primary New Mexico Tribe or Pueblo with which the staff member is affiliated or enrolled.

The default value selected in the Attribute Dictionary for the Tribal Affiliation code reports.


  • 40D, 80D, 120D, EOY, Summer, K5P: Reports from the identity active on the District Employment End Date OR the Submission End Date selected on the extract editor; whichever comes first.
  • Open Yr Round: Reports from the identity active on the Snapshot date.

Staff Snapshot

  • Reports from the identity active on the Snapshot date.

Valid Values

  • 0: Not Applicable
  • 1: Acoma
  • 2: Cochiti
  • 3: Isleta
  • 4: Jemez
  • 5: Jicarilla Apache
  • 6: Laguna
  • 7: Mescalero Apache
  • 8: Nambe
  • 9: Navajo
  • 10: Picuris
  • 11: Pojoaque
  • 12: San Felipe
  • 13: San Ildefonso
  • 14: Ohkay Owingeh
  • 15: Sandia

Numeric, 2 digits

Demographics >Tribe

71Highest Degree Institution

Institution or state in which the staff member earned their Highest Degree.

To report, the staff member's Staff Qualification Status must be C. Reports the Highest Degree Institution from the employee's active District Employment record. Otherwise, this element reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

District Employment > Highest Degree Institution

72Baccalaureate Degree

Institution or state in which the staff member earned Baccalaureate Degree.

Reports the Baccalaureate Degree Institution from the employee's active District Employment record.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

District Employment > Baccalaureate Degree Institution
73 Filler 73 - 75 N\AN\A
76Work EmailThe staff member's email address.

Alphanumeric, 80 characters
Demographics > Personal Contact Information > Email
77 Filler 77 N\AN\A





Race 2 Code

Race 3 Code

Race 4 Code

Race 5 Code

If the staff member has additional race/ethnicity selections, the value(s) report in these elements. Otherwise, these elements report blank.

Valid Values

  • C: Caucasian
  • B: Black or African American
  • A: Asian
  • I: American Indian/Alaskan Native
  • P: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

These fields only reports if 2 or more Federal Race checkboxes are marked. Otherwise, they report as NULL.

Only unduplicated values report in these fields and do not report the same value as the Ethnic Code Short field.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Demographics > Federal Races

82Filler 82N\AN\A
83Employment Eligibility Verification

Indicates whether a teacher is working in the US with a J1 or Temporary Work Visa. The value selected in the staff person's Visa Type field on their active Identity reports.

For the Open Yr Round Submission Schedule, the Staff Template reports from the Identity record that is active on the Snapshot Date. All other Submission Schedules report from the Identity record that is active on the Submission End Date selected on the extract editor.

The Staff Snapshot template reports from the Identity record that is active on the Snapshot Date.


Identities > Visa Type

84Filler 84 - 115N\AN\A