Summary - BIE Consolidated Report Card

Tool Search: Consolidated Report Card

The Summary page of the BIE Consolidated Report Card provides an overview of each of the nine sections included in the report. A brief summary and overall total displays for each section.  

Screenshot of an example Summary Page.Summary Page (Individual School) Example

Field Descriptions

Each card in the Summary section of the BIE Consolidated Report Card reflects overall student totals. Depending on the Report Type selected when the report was generated, these totals reflect individual school student totals or student totals across all BIE schools combined. A View Details button displays in each section. Select this button to navigate to that section in the report. 

About this School
School Improvement DesignationIdentifies the status assigned to a school by the BIE after calculating accountability indicator results.
Status' include:
Comprehensive Support and ImprovementBIE identified schools with a graduation rate below 67 percent.
TSI: Targeted Support and ImprovementBIE identified schools with one or more “consistently underperforming” subgroups of students based on all indicators.
STSI: Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI)BIE identified schools with at least one subgroup, performing in the lowest 5% of all schools and at least 50% of the state assessment components.
School & District Settings > Schools > BIE Federal Reporting
School TypeIdentifies if the school is BIE Funded, Bureau Operated or Tribally Controlled.School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > School Type
School AccountabilityRepresents the status associated with the school's score after all accountability indicators have been assessed.
Status' include:
AE: Approaching Expectations
ME: Meets or Exceeds Expectations
NI: Needs Improvement
School & District Settings > Schools > BIE Federal Reporting
Enrollment - BIE Consolidated Report Card 
TotalIndividual School: Reflects the total number of students enrolled in a school during the School Year, based on the October snapshot.
BIE: Reflects the total number of students enrolled across all schools during the School Year, based on the October snapshot.
This section uses data collected by the BIE Attendance Data Mart.
Data Mart:
BIE Attendance Data Mart
Data Table: 
Attendance - BIE Consolidated Report Card 
TotalIndividual SchoolReflects the percentage of students in the school who meet the criteria for on-track attendance.
BIE: Reflects the percentage of students who meet the criteria for on-track attendance across all BIE schools.
This section uses data collected by the BIE Attendance Data Mart.
Data Mart:
BIE Attendance Data Mart
Data Table: 
Graduation Rates
Graduation Rates - BIE Consolidated Report Card
TotalIndividual School: Represents the percentage of students who received a regular diploma in four years or less from the time they entered ninth grade.
BIE: Represents the percentage of students across all BIE schools who received a regular diploma in four years or less from when they entered ninth grade.
This section uses data collected by the BIE Graduation Rate Data Mart.
Data Mart:
BIE Graduation Rate Data Mart
Data Table: 
English Language Arts / Mathematics / Science
ELA, Mathematics, Science - BIE Consolidated Report Card
TotalIndividual School: Represents the percentage of students at each achievement level and the percentage of students who participated in the Bureau-wide annual assessments.Data Mart:
BIE Assessment Data Mart
Data Table: 
English Learners
English Learners- BIE Consolidated Report Card
TotalReports the percentage of English Learners who meet English Language Proficiency and students meeting individual progress targets.Database:
lep.programStatus, lep.exitDate, lep.fourthYearMonitoring, testscores from tests with an Assessment Type of “LPF: EL for Proficiency”
Educator Qualifications
Educators Qualifications- BIE Consolidated Report Card
TotalReports the total Number of Teachers, Principals, Other School Leaders, and Paraprofessionals with an active District Assignment record during the selected school year the report was generated for.Census > People > District Assignment
employmentAssignment employmentCredentials
Per Pupil Expenditure
BIE supplied informationPer Pupil Expenditure links to an Excel document with Per Pupil Expenditure information supplied by the BIE.N/A

Other Sections 

The BIE Consolidated Report Card includes the following sections: