Reminder/Restriction Wizard

Tool Search: Reminder/Restriction Wizard

The Reminder/Restriction Wizard allows users to enable/disable patron account restrictions and reminders en masse. Account restrictions can be placed on patron accounts so that a warning message appears on the Point of Sale Terminal to the cashier when the patron attempts to purchase more than one menu item, concessions or A la carte items.

Reminders can also be placed on patron accounts so that when the account falls to a certain dollar amount or the patron spends more than a specific amount of money in a day, a message is displayed to the cashier on the Point of Sale Terminal.

If reminders or restrictions have already been set, the wizard overwrites the existing reminders or restrictions on accounts that match the selection criteria.

Patron account restrictions can also be individually controlled on the patron's Account Details.

Screenshot of the Reminder/Restriction Wizard editor. Reminder/Restriction Wizard

Add/Remove Account Restrictions and Reminders

  1. Select the Type of account to update (Student or Staff).
  2. Select the School(s) whose students/staff will have the reminder/restrictions applied/removed.
  3. Select which Grade(s) will have reminder/restrictions applied/removed if an account Type of Student is selected.
  4. Select the school Year. Only student enrollment records within the Year selected will have reminder/restrictions applied/removed.
  5. Select the Eligibility for the account. This option allows users to apply/remove reminder/restrictions based on the student's meal status.
  6. Select which Restrictions to enable/disable on patron accounts. See the table below for more information about each option.
  7. Select whether to enable or disable a patron account Reminder.

    Reminder Enable must be set for the Service within Food Service > Administration > Application Manager in order for pop-up reminders to appear on the Point of Sale terminal or in Campus Food Service.

    • Enable - Adds a reminder to all patrons who meet criteria. Reminders are used to indicate when a patron's account has reached a specific dollar amount. 
    • Disable - Disables all reminders for all patrons who meet criteria.
  8. If a Reminder is being added for account balances, enter the Reminder Amount. A reminder message will appear to the cashier on the Point of Sale Terminal when the patron's account hits the amount entered in this field.
  9. If a Reminder is being added for daily account limits, enter the Daily Limit. A message will appear to the cashier on the Point of Sale Terminal when a patron attempts to spend more than the amount entered in this field within the same day.
  10. Click the Run Update button. Patron account restrictions/reminders have now been added/removed for all patrons who meet the criteria entered. A confirmation screen will appear that lists the total number of accounts that were updated.

Screenshot of the confirmation screen.Account Updated Results

Reminder/Restriction Field Definitions

The following table describes each available field.



Ad hoc Field Name


The type of person receiving/removing restrictions and/or reminders:

  • Student: Indicates only students meeting criteria entered will have restrictions/reminders applied/removed.
  • Staff: Indicates only staff members meeting criteria entered will have restrictions/reminders applied/removed.


The school(s) whose students/staff will have the reminder/restrictions applied/removed.



If Student is selected, this indicates which grades will have reminder/restrictions applied/removed.



The school year in which reminder/restrictions will be applied/removed.



Allows users to apply/remove reminder/restrictions based on the student's meal status.

  • Free: Reminders/restrictions will be applied/removed for students with a Meal Status eligibility of Free.
  • Reduced: Reminders/restrictions will be applied/removed for students with a Meal Status eligibility of Reduced.
  • Paid: Reminders/restrictions will be applied/removed for students with a Meal Status eligibility of Paid.
  • Non-reimbursable: Reminders/restrictions will be applied/removed for students with a Meal Status eligibility of Non-reimbursable.

Single Purchasable

Add - All patrons who meet criteria will now have a warning message display to the cashier on the Point of Sale Terminal when attempting to purchase more than one meal item or multiple quantities of the same ala carte item.
Remove - All patrons who meet criteria will no longer have a warning message display to the cashier on the Point of Sale Terminal when attempting to purchase more than one meal item or multiple quantities of the same ala carte item.


Block Concessions

Add - All patrons who meet criteria will now have a warning message display to the cashier on the Point of Sale Terminal when attempting to purchase concessions.
Remove - All patrons who meet criteria will no longer display a warning message on the Point of Sale Terminal when attempting to purchase concessions.


Block a la Carte

Based on the selection made, determines if patrons can purchase a la carte items. If a patron attempts an ala carte item purchase, a warning message will appear to the cashier.
  • Never - if selected, patrons are never blocked from a la carte items.
  • Always - if selected, patrons are always blocked from a la carte items. If the patron attempts an ala carte item purchase, a warning message will appear to the cashier.
  • Account Balance - if selected, patrons are blocked from a la carte items when their account balance is less than the price set in the Min Balance Limit. If the patron attempts an a la carte item purchase when the price is below the Min Balance Limit, a warning message will appear to the cashier.


Enable - Adds a reminder to all patrons who meet criteria. Reminders are used to indicate when a patron's account has reached a specific dollar amount.
Disable - Disables all reminders for all patrons who meet criteria.


Reminder Enable must be set for the Service within Food Service > Administration > Application Manager in order for pop-up reminders to appear on the Point of Sale terminal or in Campus Food Service.


Reminder Amount

A reminder message will appear to the cashier on the Point of Sale Terminal when the patron's account hits the amount entered in this field.


Daily Limit

A message will appear to the cashier on the Point of Sale Terminal when a patron attempts to spend more than the amount entered in this field within the same day.
