Technology Staff

Technology Staff.pdf

Technology Staff - Spanish.pdf

Infinite Campus empowers Technology Staff to enhance district decision-making processes through deep data insights while ensuring data security through robust security options and comprehensive auditing capabilities.


Canned Reports 

Infinite Campus provides hundreds of predefined reports spread across each module within the system.

Data Viewer 

The Data Viewer is a user-friendly report builder enabling users to drag and drop fields into a real-time view of the report.  

Filter Designer

The Filter Designer allows users to build custom reports and custom filters by creating static lists or queries based on system data. Custom filters can be used throughout the system, such as in the Attendance and Messenger modules.

Insights Dashboard

Users can view up to four Insights visualizations simultaneously on the dashboard with customization options using user-created templates.

Auditing Options

Data Validations

Data Validations allow users to monitor data integrity based on canned and custom validation rules.  

Data Change Tracker

The Data Change Tracker allows districts to view who has made specific changes in the system, when they were made, and the old/new values. 

Data Access Tracker

The Data Access Tracker provides districts with the ability to see who has viewed specific student or user data, along with the tools they used to view this information

User Security

User Groups

User Groups allow districts to assign specific tool and calendar rights to groups with similar roles and responsibilities.

Tool Rights

Tool Rights determine the appropriate level of access that users have to specific modules, tools, and fields throughout Infinite Campus.

Calendar Rights

Calendar Rights determine the schools, years, and calendars that users have access to view or modify within the system.