HB410 Student Truancy Extract (Ohio)

PATH: OH State Reporting > HB410 Student Truancy

The HB410 Student Truancy extract reports student who meet thresholds of truancy or excessive absence as defined by HB 410.

Screenshot of the HB420 student truancy report editor. 
 HB410 Student Truancy Extract

Report Logic

Students must be enrolled in the selected calendar to report. Enrollments marked as No Show or State Exclude, and those in Calendars or Grade Levels marked as State Exclude are not reported. Courses marked as State Exclude are also not reported. Additionally, attendance events with a code of OS: Out-of-School Suspension or those in non-instructional periods are not included in calculations.

If a Date Range is entered in the extract editor, only students whose Absence Truancy Date (see below) is on or within the Date Range are reported.

Absence Thresholds

A record is reported each time a students meets the following criteria (depending on the Compare Truancy Records option selected in the editor). Absences for all of a student's enrollments are combined into a single district-wide count. Absence status with a State Code of OS are not included in threshold counts. Periods must be marked as instructional to be included in threshold calculations.

  • Habitual Truant (Absences with a State Code of OH are not included in the Habitual Truant count.)
    • HT30: Student has 30 of more hours of unexcused or unknown consecutive absences.
    • HT42: Student has 42 or more hours of unexcused or unknown absences within a single month.
    • HT72: Student has 72 or more hours of unexcused or unknown absences total.
  • Excessive Absences (Absences with a State Code of M: Medical are not included in this count unless Include Medical Absences is marked.)
    • EA38: Student has 38 or more hours of excused, unexcused, or unknown absences within a single month.
    • EA65: Student has 65 or more hours of excused, unexcused, or unknown absences total.

One record a month may report for the EA38 and HT42 thresholds and one record a year may report for the EA65 and HT70 thresholds. A record reports for the HT30 threshold for each instance of 30 consecutive hours. Count for consecutive absences resets each time the student attends school.

Generating the Extract

  1. If desired, enter a Date Range in mmddyy format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting dates. If a Date Range is entered, only students whose Absence Truancy Date (see below) is on or within the Date Range are reported.
  2. Select an Absence Threshold to generate the report for one of the thresholds described in the Report Logic above.
  3. Select an Enrollment Service Type to limit the enrollments that contribute to calculations to only those with the type(s) selected.
  4. Select an option for Compare Truancy Records if desired: 
    • No option: runs the report with the selected thresholds only. 
    • All Records: runs the report with the selected thresholds and reports all thresholds met and all truancy records for the student. 
    • Differences only: reports instances where a threshold was met but no record exists or a record exists without a matching threshold.
  5. Select the Format. For submission to the State, select the State Format (CSV). To review data prior to submission, use HTML format.
  6. Indicate if the extract should Include Protected ID Info. If this checkbox is marked, Demographics fields report from Census > People > Identities > Active Identity > Protected Identity Information.
  7. Mark the Include Medical Absences to include absences flagged as medical in calculations.
  8. Select an Ad hoc Filter to limit records reported to only those included in the filter.
  9. Select Calendar(s) to report.
  10. Click the Generate Extract button to generate the report in the indicated format or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report will generate.

Users have the option of submitting an extract to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process will allow larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

Extract Layout

If the Include Protected ID Info checkbox is marked in the extract editor, Demographics fields report from Census > People > Identities > Active Identity > Protected Identity Information.

Element Name

Description & Format

Campus Location

Sort TypeCurrently reports as blank.N/A
Fiscal YearReports the End Year of the calendar.

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > End Year

Building IRNReports the state-assigned Information Retrieval Number of the building.

System Administration > Resources > District Info > Number

EMIS Student IDThe district-assigned, local identification number of the student.

Census > People > Demographics > Local Student Number

Date TypeReports the type of record being reported. Options are HT30, HT42, HT72, EA38, or EA65 - see logic for options in the Report Logic section above.

Calculated, not dynamically stored
Absence Truancy DateThe date of the absence that met the threshold for truant or excessive absence criteria.

Date field
Calculated, not dynamically stored
Last NameThe last name of the student.

Census > People > Demographics > Last Name

First NameThe first name of the student.

Census > People > Demographics > First Name

Middle NameThe middle name of the student.

Census > People > Demographics > Middle Name

Grade LevelThe Grade in which the student is enrolled.

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Grade

Service TypeThe type of the student's enrollment

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Service Type

Calculated Truancy TypeThe type of truancy calculated using student attendance data. Reports HT30, HT42, HT72, EA38, or EA65. 

Calculated, not dynamically stored
Calculated Truancy DateThe date the truancy threshold was met, calculated based on student attendance data. 

Date field
Calculated, not dynamically stored
Truancy Record TypeDisplays the record type stored in the database. 

Truancy Record DateDisplays the record date stored in the database. 

Date field











