Early Childhood Program (Michigan)
Last Modified on 03/10/2025 10:07 am CDT
Tool Search: Early Childhood
The Early Childhood tool allows districts to record students' participation in several early learning/head start programs, like the Great Start Readiness Program, the GSRP/Head Start Blend, and/or Sec. 32p Early Childhood Block Grant/Great Parent Great Start Program.
Under federal guidelines, participation in early childhood programs is available for all students from birth through third grade. A student may have multiple active records at any given time.
See the core Early Learning article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Early Learning records.
Early Childhood Detail Editor
Early Childhood Detail Fields
Indicates the early childhood program(s) in which the child participates. Note that these programs may have specific rules for age and participation requirements. Consult the MDE Office of Great Start for details.
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Code | Program Name | Description |
01 | Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) | Great Start Readiness Programs are center-based preschool services for children who may be at risk of school failure. Children must be less than 5 years old on September 1 and greater than or equal to 4 years old on December 1 of the current school year. Each child must have at least one of the identified risk factors; at least 90% of the children must live with families having an income that is equal to or less than 250% of the federal poverty level. This program is funded under the State School Aid Act, Section 32d. |
02 | GSRP/Head Start Blend | A district contracted with a Head Start agency to serve children enrolled in Head Start with a school-day program and blending Head Start funds with a part-day GSRP allocation. All Head Start and GSRP policies and regulations apply to the blended program. Children are concurrently enrolled in both programs and must attend for the full day. |
03 | Head Start | Children 3 through 5 years of age are served in school districts by local grantees or delegates of the federal Head Start program. Intended to serve children whose family income is at or below federal poverty guidelines, and in some cases up to 130% of the poverty guidelines. |
04 | Title 1 Preschool | Children who are not yet age-eligible for kindergarten are served in districts that provide services utilizing Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, if they follow current rules for preschool services under Title I. |
10 | Early Head Start | Children from birth to age 3 are served in school districts by local grantees of the federal Head Start program. |
18 | Sec 32p Early Childhood Block Grant | Children from birth to age 8 who are receiving early childhood services under Section 32p. |
19 | Section 32p(4) Home Visitation | Children birth to age 6 or kindergarten entry, who are experiencing factors that place the children at risk of not achieving success in school, being served in home visiting programs. |
20 | Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership | Children from birth to age 3 who are receiving services where Early Head Start grantees partner with family childcare homes and child-care centers to implement Early Head Start in those settings. |
21 | GSRP-Wait List | Children who are eligible for the Great Start Readiness Program and as of the Early Childhood Collection Spring reporting end date are waiting for an available slot to open. |
| Michigan Strong Beginnings
| Center-based preschool services for children who may be at risk of school failure. Children must be less than 4-years-old on September 1 and greater than or equal to 3-years-old on December 1 of the current school year. Each child must have at least one of the identified risk factors; at least 90% of the children must live with families having an income that is equal to or less than 250% of the federal poverty level.
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MSDS Early Childhood (Michigan)
Start Date
Indicates the date the child first received services in the selected program.
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- Students who receive services during this early childhood program year and who exits prior to October 1 are included in the Fall Early Childhood Collection.
- A child who meets the age eligibility requirement to enroll in GSRP for a second year should be reported with a new program start date in the Fall EC Collection.
- For children identified as waitlisted for the GSRP program, this date is the date they were placed on the wait list.
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MSDS Early Childhood (Michigan)
End Date
Indicates the date the student stopped receiving services in the selected program.
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Database Fields:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
- If a child is no longer receiving services but is reported in the Early Childhood collections without exit information, CEPI assumes that the child is still actively receiving services. It is important to include exit information to provide an accurate account of the services received by the child.
- Include a student who receives services during this early childhood program year and who exit prior to October 1 in your Fall Early Childhood Collection.
- Report Program End Dates in the reporting period in which the exit occurred.
MSDS Early Childhood (Michigan)
Exit Reason
Indicates the reason the child ended participation in the selected program.
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Code | Reason | Description |
063 | Program Completed | A child who enrolled and completed a regularly scheduled or prescribed program. This code applies to children who successfully completed the program OR who have aged out of the program or the program has reached the end of the school/program year. |
064 | Parent Initiated Transfer | Parent makes a request to transfer out of one early childhood program and into another early childhood program (e.g., from Head Start to a Great Start Readiness Program or Early Childhood Special Education). This request results in the child making a transfer prior to completion of the original program. |
065 | Program Initiated Transfer | Program staff makes a referral to another early childhood program which results in parental consent to transfer the child from the current program into a different early childhood program (e.g., special education referral). |
066 | Child's Behavior Does Not Meet Expectations | Program staff is not able to accommodate a child with extreme behaviors that may result in injury to other children and staff and/or make program management impossible (e.g., expulsion). |
067 | Parent Withdrew Child | Parent withdraws child for any reason. (e.g., move from district, no information on subsequent program, etc.) |
068 | Death of Child | The child has died. |
069 | Program Termination | The program has closed and is no longer providing services (e.g., license expired, lack of enrollment, insufficient funds, staffing issues, building condemned). |
999 | Other Reason or Reason Unknown/Undetermined | The child left for a reason other than those above or the reason is unknown. |
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MSDS Early Childhood
Delivery Method
The primary location where the child attends the reported program or receives early childhood services. This data is used to determine program compliance, funding, and for reporting purposes.
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Code | Description | Definition |
1 | School Based | Programs and/or services are provided within a facility identified in EEM as a school or LEA unique educational provider. |
2 | Community Based | Programs and/or services are provided in a facility identified in EEM as an ONSR or a facility not listed in EEM. |
3 | Home Based | Programs and/or services are performed within the child's home. |
4 | None - Wait List | Child is on GSRP Waitlist. |
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MSDS Early Childhood
Delivery Schedule
The primary schedule followed by the child for this program or service.
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Code | Description | Definition |
01 | Part-Day 4 Days Per Week
| Program operates a minimum of three hours per day, for a minimum of four days per week.
02 | Part-Day 5 Days Per Week
| Program operates three hours per day, five days per week.
| School-Day 4 Days Per Week
| Program operates for at least the same length of day as the local school district's/PSA's first grade program, for a minimum of four days per week, 30 weeks per year.
| School-Day 5 Days Per Week
| Program operates for at least the same length of day as the local school district's/PSA's first grade program, for five days per week, 30 weeks per year.
| Served by Family or Group Child-Care Provider
| Services provided through a contracted, independent, licensed family or group-childcare provider of Head Start Services (may only be reported for Head Start, Early Head Start, or Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership programs).
| Other
| Program has a district-sponsored delivery system not defined above (may not be reported for GSRP).
| GSRP Extended Week/Year
| Program operates for at least the same length of day as the local school district's/PSA's first grade program, for five days per week, 36 weeks per year (may only be reported for GSRP).
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MSDS Early Childhood
Provider License Number Override
The license number assigned to the location a child receives (or received) early childhood services.
Federal Poverty Level Quintile
The Federal Poverty Level that a child qualifies for in a Great Start Readiness Program or GSRP/Head Start Blend program.
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Code | Description | Definition |
01 | 0% to 50% FPL
| The family is at 0% to 50% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL).
02 | 51% to 100% FPL
| The family is at 51% to 100% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL).
| 101% to 150% FPL
| The family is at 101% to 150% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL).
| 151% to 200% FPL
| The family is at 151% to 200% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL).
| 201% to 250% FPL
| The family is at 201% to 250% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL).
| 251% to 300% FPL
| The family is at 251% to 300% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL).
| 301% FPL and above
| This code should NO LONGER BE USED. Use codes 08-11.
| 301% to 350% FPL
| The family is at 301% to 350% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL).
| 351% to 400% FPL
| The family is at 351% to 400% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL).
| 401% to 450% FPL
| The family is at 401% to 450% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL).
| 451% FPL and above
| The family is at 451%, or greater, of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL).
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MSDS Early Childhood
Additional Eligibility Factors
Additional factors used to determine a child's eligibility for a Great Start Readiness Program, along with income information collected in the Federal Poverty characteristic.
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Code | Description | Definition |
02 | Diagnosed disability or identified developmental delay
| Child is eligible for special education services or child's developmental progressis less than that expected for their chronological age, or chronic health issues cause development or learning problems.
| Severe or challenging behavior
| Child has been expelled from preschool or childcare center.
| Primary and/or home language other than English
| English is not spoken in the child's home; English is not the child's first language.
| Parent/guardian with low educational attainment
| Parent has not graduated from high school or is illiterate.
| Abuse/beglect of the child or parent
| Domestic, sexual, or physical abuse of the child or parent; child neglect issues. Child Protective Services report.
| Environmental risk
| Parental loss due to death, divorce, incarceration, military service, or absence; sibling issues; teen parent; homeless or without stable housing; residence in a high-risk neighborhood; or prenatal or postnatal exposure to toxic substances.
| None
| The child has no additional factors (02 - 07).
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MSDS Early Childhood
Qualifying Factors
A list of qualifying factors considered at the time child eligibility was determined for a Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP). Qualifying factors are those which automatically prioritize a child for enrollment.
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Code | Description | Definition |
| Homeless
| The child was experiencing homelessness.
| Foster Care
| The child was in foster care.
| Qualifying IEP
| The child had an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) recommending placement in an inclusive preschool setting.
| None
| The child had no qualifying factors (A-C).
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MSDS Early Childhood
Fiscal Entity Code
The state-assigned code identifying the entity receiving funding directly from the state to provide programs and/or services to the student/child reported. The fiscal entity may or may not be directly providing services to the student/child.
Fiscal Entity Code 2
The fiscal entity code 2 identifies the second funding source for blended programs.