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OLR Version 6.1 Release Notes

This functionality is available to districts who have purchased Online Registration (OLR) as an add-on service. For more information, contact the appropriate Client Relationship Manager.

OLR Release Notes describe all changes included within the release pack which may impact users who use Online Registration as add-on functionality to their existing student information system. Questions or concerns regarding an update should be directed to Campus Support. See the Online Registration Product Documentation for more information.

OLR 6.1.12 (2/21/2023)


  • Students with enrollments in schools on the School Pull OLR exclude list were still pulling into OLR applications if there existed at least one configuration group in the same year that did not have that school excluded. This has been corrected. (CDP-2340)
  • When creating an Annual Update application through the Parent Information tool, the application was not pulling in any people if the configuration of the application was closed. This has been corrected. (CDP-2356)
  • When searching for applications in Staff Processing, the clickable elements of some buttons were not aligned with their respective buttons. They could only be clicked on above or below the text. This has been corrected. (CDP-2357)
  • When using Student Processing search, selecting the 'Not Assigned' option for the School parameter was not producing the correct results. This has been corrected. (CDP-2360)

OLR 6.1.10 (1/23/2023)


  • The Open Campus Enrollments option in OLR Student Processing would sometimes get redirected to the Behavior tab instead of Enrollments when using the New Look of Campus. This has been corrected. (CDP-2326)

OLR 6.1.9 (1/18/2023)

This version of OLR is compatible with Campus.2303 and later. 


  • The processing screens now leave student information fixed at the top of the page and allows users to scroll through their search results. (CDP-2258)


  • When an existing application has another household member moved to the student index, the submission now shows a status of "Submitted-Existing with Moved Household Member." (CDP-973)
  • The tool rights required to run the Application Statistics report weren't working as designed. This has been corrected.(CDP-2302)
  • Notifications weren't sending properly when they were set to trigger from a federal race checkbox. This has been corrected. (CDP-2313)
  • Applications with a Denied status were appearing on the list of applications in the parent portal. This has been corrected. (CDP-2319)
  • Comments using the / character were not saving properly in Student Processing. This has been corrected. (CDP-2321)

OLR 6.1.8 (12/14/2022)


  • In rare cases, an OLR student record could be created without some of the student information saving properly. This change updated the saving process to create the record if it is missing when an OLR student record is saved. (CDP-2278)
  • Some of the OLR tools that require the selection of rows in a grid were not working properly after a recent update. This has been corrected. (CDP-2288)

OLR 6.1.6 (12/9/2022)


  • OLR Notifications related to assigning a student to a school in Student Processing or flagging them as processed was not working. This has been corrected. (CDP-2281)
  • An error occurred when the Campus list had NULL values for the Seq field when running the OLR List Bank Replacer for certain list bank categories. This has been corrected. (CDP-2276)

OLR 6.1.5 (12/5/2022)


  • The grid of students for the OLR Annual Update portal screen sometimes did not load if there was more than one Annual Update Configuration open at the same time. This has been corrected. (CDP-2219)
  • Users were getting a rights error if they attempt to access the OLR Queue Applications tool without rights to OLR Queue Setup. This has been corrected. (CDP-2227)
  • Students were not listed as qualifying for Annual Update applications if their enrollment school is marked in the School Pull Exclude OLR Configuration List for any Configuration Group in a given year. This has been corrected. (CDP-2234)
  • The grid of students in the OLR Parent Information tool was not properly clearing out data when the configuration group changes prior to loading the grid again for the new configuration group. This has been corrected. (CDP-2237)
  • When opening an OLR application from a processing screen, it would previously open a new window each time.  Now it will reuse the same window if one exists. (CDP-2252)
  • A validation error occurred when attempting to post an OLR check box field to a Campus state/federal program check box field. This has been corrected. (CDP-2270)


  • A new button was added to create Annual Update application links within the OLR Parent Information tool. (CDP-2231)


  • The Student Processing Review has been redone for the new user interface and will have its own page in Student Processing search. (CDP-2202)
  • The label 'Online Registration' in the header of OLR applications can now be translated. (CDP-2214)

OLR 6.1.4 (10/19/2022)


  • The OLR Applications Report was filtering out inactive students even when the Active Student Only checkbox was not marked. This has been corrected. (CDP-2140)
  • Health Conditions not set to Post condition to Campus were sometimes incorrectly posting to Campus in Health Staff Processing when selecting the Post Student Conditions button. This has been corrected. (CDP-2184)
  • For Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Virginia, the calculated state race value was not posted properly when the Race Ethnicity pleat was active but only available for new students and not existing students. This has been corrected. (CDP-2207)


  • The OLR Configuration Group Display Name now allows up to 250 characters. Previously, the character limit was 50.  (CDP-2150)

OLR 6.1.3 (9/22/2022)

This version of OLR is compatible with Campus.2152 and later. 


  • Pleats and fields in the Household section of OLR Applications were not included on the Batch Receipt when they were set to show for only New or only Existing applications. This has been corrected. (CDP-2161)
  • Due to the way that fields posting via the Program Import Wizard work, the OLR Info Center check for OLR Builder fields with orphaned Posting locations was giving false positives for those fields. This has been corrected. (CDP-2159)
  • OLR Parent Portal and Parent Information no longer displays duplicate student rows when a student in the household has multiple active, qualifying enrollments. (CDP-2157)


  • The headers on the OLR Audit Reports now include the name of the district instead of the name of the state in which the district exists. (CDP-370)
  • The Refresh button has been removed from its original location on the processing screen and now exists on the tab bar. (CDP-2132)
  • The 'Enable Automatic School Boundary School Selection if School List Field is Disabled' has been renamed to 'Enable Automatic Boundary School Assignment if School List Field is Disabled'. The behavior of the setting has not changed. (CDP-2126)
  • The list of Configurations now displays in newest to oldest order. (CDP-1906)
  • The OLR Submitted Applications report header now reads Students with Submitted Applications.  (CDP-1469)


  • The list of available addresses to select in OLR Address is now limited to 500 potential address options. (CDP-2136)
  • The OLR Builder now includes the sequence numbers next to the field so users don't need to open each field to see the sequence. (CDP-1917)
  • An warning was added to the OLR Info Center that displays when letters do not have a short description, which is used for the email subject. (CDP-1530)

OLR 6.1.2 (9/13/2022)

This version of OLR is compatible with Campus.2152 and later.


  • Improvements have been made to the student grid to address display issues. (CDP-2120)

OLR 6.1.1 (8/11/2022)

This version of OLR is compatible with Campus.2152 and later.


  • When reviewing health conditions using the OLR Health Staff Processing Review, the Open Campus Conditions button redirected the user to the selected student's Health Conditions record. When attempting to enter new health conditions this way, the record would not save. This has been corrected. (CDP-1995)
  • In the New Look, the OLR subright now displays in the outline when setting user/user group tool rights. (CDP-2116)
  • Configuration groups that have invalid characters in the file name (i.e, the slash in 20/21) now have the invalid characters removed from the uploaded receipt's file name before the uploading of the application occurs. Other characters that are removed are: ><:"\/?|* (CDP-2106)
  • Applications that were submitted by staff were reported to still be showing as In Progress on the OLR Parent Portal even though they could no longer be edited. This has been corrected. (CDP-2102)
  • The Pleat name field now has a 30 character limit in the user interface (previously, this was 50 characters) to match the database character limit for that field. (CDP-2087)


  • To address a version display issue with translations via the Kiosk, the following translation literals are now set to be Global Configuration, meaning any changes made to these fields are made to all configuration groups. In addition, a new Global Translation Literal has been added to the header for the returning version of the kiosk (kiosk.header.return). (CDP-2110)
    • kiosk.first
    • kiosk.last
    • kiosk.birthdate
    • kiosk.email
    • kiosk.previouslyInDistrict   
    • start.yes
    • start.no   
    • kiosk.confNumber
    • kiosk.captsha   
    • kiosk.begin.button   
    • kiosk.failMessage   
    • kiosk.noMatch


  • Two new integrity checks have been added to the OLR Information Center. A validation has also been added to the Builder that alerts the user when these issues occur. (CDP-2104)
    • All Builder fields that have a Post Object and/or Post Element that no longer exists in Campus are now listed.
    • All Builder fields that have the Pull data into app option selected but do not have a Post Object and/or Post Element value set are not listed.
  • When using the Post Batch Applications in OLR Staff Processing, indication that the process is loading or in progress has been added. (CDP-2091)

OLR 6.1.0 (7/21/2022)

This version of OLR is compatible with Campus.2152 and later. 


  • Previously, there was a limitation of one configuration per year. This limitation has been removed and districts can set up multiple configuration per year. (CDP-2076)


  • The Post Object and Post Element fields on the OLR Builder tool have been increased to allow up to 50 characters. (CDP-2060)
  • Default letters were sending in place of a translated letter when a different code for the English language was used. This has been corrected. (CDP-2062)
  • In some circumstances, a parent could modify an application after it had been submitted, resulting in applications being submitted without required fields. This has been corrected. (CDP-2065)
  • A scrollbar was missing on the Registration Windows by School tool when there were more than 14 entries. This has been corrected. (CDP-2066)
  • The OLR Audit Reports tool now creates Student Type Ad hoc Filters. Previously, Person (Census) Data Type filters were created. (CDP-2070)
  • Warnings for custom pull/post scripts and custom files have been removed from the OLR Information Center. (CDP-2072)
  • The OLR Parent Portal incorrectly showed registration as being closed when it was not in rare circumstances. This has been corrected. (CDP-2079)