Link Accounts (Campus Student & Campus Parent)

This option to link accounts is currently only available in North Carolina and Delaware. Account linking will be made available in other states in the future. 

Parents and Students with accounts in multiple school districts can link their accounts. Linking accounts:

  • Makes it easy to switch between accounts without having to log out and back in.
  • Enables push notifications from all linked accounts for mobile app users. 

Linking Accounts

  1. Log in to Campus Parent or Campus Student in a browser or the mobile app and open the user menu. 
  2. In the Linked Districts section, click Manage Districts.
  3. In the screen that displays, select Generate a code from this district and click Generate. Click the code that displays to copy it to the clipboard.
  4. Log out of this account.
Screenshot of the Manage Districts screen, highlighting the option to Generate a Code.
  1. Using the URL of the other district account, log in to that district and navigate to the Manage Districts screen via the user menu.
  2. Select Enter the code generated from another district, paste the copied code, and click Link
  3. Accounts are now linked! Open the user menu and click Switch to visit the newly linked for the first time. When done in the mobile app, this first switch activates push notifications. 
Screenshot of the Manage Districts screen, highlighting the option to Enter Code.
Screenshot of the user menu highlighting the Switch button.

Switching Between Accounts

To switch between accounts: 

  1. Open the user menu
  2. In the LInked Districts section, click Switch next to the account you want to switch to. 

When you first link accounts, switch to each linked account once using the mobile app to activate push notifications. 

You'll also need to switch to each linked account to activate mobile notifications each time you log in to a new device.

Unlinking Accounts

To unlink accounts: 

  1. Log in to a linked account, open the user menu, and click Manage Districts
  2. Click Unlink next to the account you want to unlink.
Screenshot of the Manage Districts screen highlighting the Unlink button.