OLR Notification Editor (Prime)

This documentation applies to the Online Registration Prime version.

Tool Search: OLR Notification Editor

The OLR Notification Editor allows you to create notifications based on any field that is used as a toggle in the OLR Builder

Notifications cannot be created for multi-select fields set up in the OLR Builder.

Notifications can be filtered by calendar; so, Campus only sends a notification if the user is in the user group and has rights to the school that is in the Only send if school is: dropdown list.

What can I do? What do I need to know?

Screenshot of the OLR Notification Editor.OLR Notification Editor 

Detail Editor Field Descriptions

Screenshot of the OLR Notification Detail Editor.OLR Notification Detail Editor Screen 

Field Description



Displays the name of the notification.

Notification Context


Indicates the type of notification being sent. A notification can be sent for students, for households, for addresses, etc. 

Send Notification On


Indicates the situation in which a notification is sent.
Note: If this option is set to "Student Processing - Student Processed", the notification will only be sent out if the student is assigned to the school first (using the Assign to School for Processing button) and then flagged as processed. This option only looks at the assigned school, not the enrolled school.



Indicates the status of the application.

Notification Text


The subject of the email and/or process alert text. The maximum character limit is 180 characters.

If the Notification Text reaches its character limit and the student's name is long, the notification will begin to truncate.

Search Screen


Indicates in which processing section the user is sent when clicking the notification.

Only Send if School Is


Indicates when the notification is sent based on the school chosen on the application.

Only Send if Grade Is


Indicates when the notification is sent based on the grade level chosen on the application.

Only Send if Context Is


Indicates when the notification is sent based on the application being for a new student, an existing student, or both.

User Group to Receive Notification


Indicates which user group receives the notification.

Field to Trigger On

This is the field from the OLR application that when populated causes the notification.

This field is required when Student is selected in the Notification Context dropdown list.

Codes of toggle field to send

These are the values that cause or prevent the notification. 

If you select... Then...
In only the values you select cause a notification to be sent.      
Not In every value except the values you select cause a notification to be sent.

This field is required when Student is selected in the Notification Context dropdown list.

Filter Notifications by Calendar Rights

When marked, it indicates that the notification is sent only to those with Calendar Rights to the school(s) of the student or application, depending on the notification context. If a user has at least one Calendar Right for the school, which may involve multiple calendars associated with the school, they will qualify for the notification.

Active When marked, indicates the notification is currently active.
Send Notification Option A process message, an email, or both can be sent as desired.

Create a Notification

  1. Click the New button.
    Result: The Field Detail editor displays.
  2. Enter or select the values in the required fields.
  3. Enter or select the values for the non-required fields. (optional)
  4. Click the Save button.
    Result: The new notification is listed in the OLR Notification Editor.

Default Notifications

The following notifications are automatically available for districts that start using Online Registration with OLR version 6.0.37 or later.

Notification Notification Sent On Field Triggered On
OLR School Assigned Student Processing - School Assigned Any
OLR Application Submitted Status Changes Any
New Medications Status Change Medication Added
New Health Conditions Status Change Health Condition Added