Tool Search: Special Ed Documents
The Individual Education Program (IEP) or Evaluation team uses the Evaluation to document the student's educational needs and the student's determination of eligibility for special education.
Evaluation Editors
The following table lists the editors available on the student's Evaluation, the section(s) of the print format that include the entered information, a Description of what the editor is used for and any special considerations and instructions for using the editor.
Editor Name | Printed Document Section | Description | Special Considerations and Instructions |
Evaluation Information | Eligibility Report | Indicates the type of evaluation and dates of the evaluation. | N/A |
Student Demographics | Child's Information | The Student Demographics editor populates basic information about the student such as demographic information and student and school address. | Clicking Refresh Student Information will synchronize the information in the editor with the most recent information about the student, from the Demographics, Households, Enrollments and School tabs. |
Parent/Guardian Demographics | Parents'/Guardian Information | The Parent/Guardian Demographics Editor populates based on established student/guardian relationships created on the student's Relationships tab or indicated by the guardian checkbox on the Households tab. The editor includes Demographics information for the student's guardian. | Clicking Refresh Guardian Information will synchronize information in the editor with the most recent information from the student's guardian's Demographics and Households tabs. |
Evaluation Assessments | Assessments | The Evaluation Assessments Conducted editor lists the areas where the student has been assessed and the outcomes of the testing/assessment. | N/A |
Team Conclusions | Team Conclusions on Disability and Need for Special Education Services | The Team Conclusions editor indicates the student's existence of a disability, what that disability is and further recommendations for the student. | N/A |
SLD: Determination Criteria | RtI Process Basis: Criteria for Determination of Specific Learning Disability, Section 1 | The SLD Determination Criteria editor lists the basis for determining a student's disability. | N/A |
SLD: Other Considerations | RtI Process Basis: Criteria for Determination of Specific Learning Disability, Section 2 | The SLD Other Considerations editor lists additional student performance areas that may affect the student's ability in learning. | N/A |
SLD: Determination | RtI Process Basis: Criteria for Determination of Specific Learning Disability, Section 3 | The SLD Determination editor is the team's final statement of the student having a disability. | N/A |
Team Meeting | Team Conclusions on Disability and Need for Special Education Services | The Team Meeting editor lists the time and date of the team meeting and the team members who were in attendance and if those members agreed or disagreed to the statements noted in the previous editors. | N/A |