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ACME Status

Tool Search: ACME Status

The Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) Status tool is used by Infinite Campus Support and Development to manage, maintain, and troubleshoot your system's certificate used to connect to centralized services. 

This tool is for Infinite Campus Support and does not require user interaction or setup. Users cannot break functionality if interacting with this tool.

screenshot of the ACME Status tool

Tool Rights

Only users assigned a Product Security Role of Student Information System (SIS) can access this tool.

Certificate Information

The Certificate Information section indicates if you have a valid certificate, its name, and when it will expire. The Main certificate is signed, and the Intermediate certificate is used to sign. 

screenshot of the certificate information section of the tool

ACME Server Information

The ACME Server Information section indicates the server that issued the certificate and whether or not the certificate is active.

screenshot of the acme server information section of the tool

SIS ACME Configuration

The SIS ACME Configuration section houses information used to request and store certificates for the site. 

screenshot of the SIS ACME configuration section of the tool

Additional Information

The table below explains the purpose for each button in the tool:

Download Current Certificate
picture of the download current certificate button
Download your current public certificate (.pem file) to your local machine or network.
Request New Certificate
the request new certificate button
Generate a new certificate with a new expiration date and private key. Once selected, you must click Download Current Certificate to access and inspect the newly generated certificate. 
Reset Keystore
the reset keystore button
Wipes the current keystore and inserts and validates a new keystore.