Demographics Tool Rights


Most of the information that displays in the Demographics tool is created elsewhere. Tool rights determine what a user can do with that information. Examples of staff who may need to at minimum have read rights to this information might include Front Office, Health Office, Registrars, and Administrators.

Screenshot of Census People Demographics tool.Census > People > Demographics

General Tool Rights

Read - User can:

  • Search for People and Staff and view their Person and Contact information in the Demographics tool
  • Generate Person Summary and Graphics Data report
  • View Documents uploaded for selected person

Write - User can save information they add or modify
Add - Activates Upload Picture link, allows user to browse to and upload a picture for the selected individual
Delete - User can delete this information if no other records are tied to it

  • The Person Identifiers, Staff Birthday and Age fields are subrights of Demographics. 
  • Related Tool Impact Alert
    • The Identities tool is used to update information such as a student's name or gender so that a historical record of that information can be retained. 
    • Changes made and saved via the Demographics tool update the most recent record in the Identities tool without creating a historical record. 
    • Depending on your district's procedures, you may need to adjust rights accordingly.

Demographics - General Tool Rights

Demographics - Person Identifiers Subrights

Use subrights under Census > People > Demographics to grant access to Person Identifiers fields. As shown in the screenshot above, it is possible to grant full access to the Demographics tool itself without granting access to Person Identifiers.

Screenshot of what the Person Identifiers section of the Demographics tab looks like with no rights assigned.Demographics - Person Identifiers - No Rights

Screenshot of the Person Identifiers section of the Demographics tab with full rights assigned.
Demographics - Person Identifiers - Full Rights
Staff State ID

User can view the staff person's state-assigned identification number.

User can also select the staff ID number in Ad hoc reports.
User can add or modify the staff person's state-assigned identification number. User can add a state-assigned identification number for the staff person. N/A
Student State ID
User can view the student's state-assigned identification number.

User can also select the student number in Ad hoc reports.
User can add or modify the student's state-assigned identification number. User can add a state-assigned identification number for the staff person. N/A
Allows the user to view the person's GUID. N/A N/A N/A
Modify Local Staff Number

User can modify the staff person's locally assigned student number.

Assigning any right level (R, A, W, D) allows this ability.



Modify Local Student Number

User can modify the student's locally assigned student number.

Assigning any right level (R, A, W, D) allows this ability.

View Staff Birth Date & Age
User can view the staff person's birth date and age. User can modify (including delete) the staff' person's birth date and age. N/A N/A
Reset Portal Password
Select All to grant access to the link used to reset user passwords. N/A N/A N/A