SCS Extract (Massachusetts)

Tool Search: Extracts

The Massachusetts SCS (Student Course Schedule) Extract collects summary information about student participation in courses, including course identification data and basic score and credit information.

Screenshot of SCS (Student Course Schedule) Extract.SCS (Student Course Schedule) Extract

Report Logic

  • This extract reports students and their courses if the extract Effective date is on or after the Term Start Date and the student's Roster Start Date.
  • Records will only report the most recent Primary Enrollment with a Start Date in the calendar that is less than or equal to the Effective Date entered on extract editor.
  • Records marked State Exclude, Grade Exclude or Calendar Exclude will not be included in the report.
  • Courses will report even if they have ended.
  • Enrollments do not need to be active in the current calendar to be included.
  • Courses with a State Code of Exempt and those that are not marked as Active do not appear in the report.
  • Only Grading Tasks and Standards that are marked as State Reported are reported.

Generating the SCS Extract

  1. Select SCS as the Extract Type.
  2. Enter an Effective Date in mmddyyyy format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date. This date will limit the records reported to District Employment records active on that date. The default entry is the current date.
  3. Indicate the Format in which the report should generate, HTML for data review and verification or State Format (CSV) for submission to the state.
  4. Mark Header Off if the header should be left off the report.
  5. Select an Ad hoc Filter to limit records reported.
  6. Select which Calendar(s) should be included in the report.
  7. Click Generate Extract to view the report in the selected format or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report will generate.

Users have the option of submitting an SCS report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process will allow larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

Screenshot of SCS Extract in State Format (CSV).SCS Extract - State Format (CSV)

Screenshot of SCS Extract in HTML Format.SCS Extract - HTML Format

SCS Extract Layout

If Header Off is not selected in the extract editor, a header will appear at the top of the report which lists Record Type (SCS), Record Name (Student_Course_Data) and the District Number of the district generating the report.

Element Name


Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Location

Local Student Number

The identification number of the student maintained by the local school district.

Numeric, 32 digits

Person. studentNumber

Demographics > Local Student Number

State Student ID

The unique identification number assigned to the student and maintained by the state.

Numeric, 10 digits


Demographics > Student State ID

School Identification Number

The location where the student takes a particular course.

  • When College/Virtual Institution is not null and contains 5 to 8 characters, the entered value is reported.
  • If the College/Virtual Institution field on the Course tab is not Null and contains up to 4 characters, logic will report CLBR + the value entered in that field.
  • If College/Virtual Institution is null, logic reports the Attending School ID Number from student Enrollment record.
  • If Attending School ID is null, logic reports the first four characters of the State District Number concatenated with the School Number the course belongs to.
    • Characters 1-4 = District Number (left-filled with zeros when District Number is less than 4 characters).
    • Characters 5-8 = School Number (left-filled with zeros when School Number is less than 4 characters).

Numeric, 8 characters

Course. specialCode

Enrollment. attendingSchool

 Course > College/Virtual Institution

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Attending School

 District Information > District Number

School Information > State School Number

Local Course Code

The locally defined code that identifies the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences.

Numeric, 20 digits


Courses > Course > Number

Subject Area Course

The state defined code that identifies the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences.

Number, 7 digits

Course. stateCode

Course > State Code

Class Section

The identification of the section number. Reports Course Number and Section Number.

Numeric, 20 digits


Courses > Section > Section Number

Course Term

The length of an individual course.

  1. If the Section 'Term Type Override' is populated, report the code populated in the field.
  2. If the Course 'Term Type Override' is populated, report the code populated in the field.
  3. If the course has 1 term and course is a full year course, report 01.
  4. If the schedule structure is semesters and the course is in semester 1 then report 21. If the course is for semester 2 then report 22.
  5. If the schedule structure is trimesters and the course is in trimester 1 then report 31. If the course is for trimester 2 then report 32. If the course is for trimester 3 then report 33. If the course is in multiple consecutive trimesters then report 34, otherwise report 35.
  6. If the schedule structure is Quarters and the course is in Quarter 1 then report 41. If the course is in Quarter 2 then report 42. If the course is in Quarter 3 then report 43. If the course is in Quarter 4 then report 44. If the course is in multiple consecutive quarters then report 45, otherwise report 46.
  7. If the schedule structure is Quinmesters and the course is in Quinmester 1 then report 51. If the course is in Quinmester 2 then report 52. If the course is in Quinmester 3 then report 53. If the course is in Quinmester 4 then report 54. If the course is in Quinmester 5 then report 55. If the course is in multiple consecutive Quinmesters then report 56, otherwise report 57.
  8. If the schedule structure is divided up into more than 5 terms then they will be considered mini terms. If the course is in Mini Term 1 then report 61. If the course is in Mini Term 2 then report 62. If the course is in Mini Term 3 then report 63. If the course is in Mini Term 4 then report 64. If the course is in Mini Term 5 then report 65. If the course is in Mini Term 6 then report 66. If the course is in Mini Term 7 then report 67. If the course is in Mini Term 8 then report 68. If the course is in Mini Term 9 then report 69. If the course is in multiple consecutive Mini Terms then report 78, otherwise report 79.
  9. If the course is part of a calendar that is Summer School flagged then report 80.
  10. Otherwise report 90.

See options in the following Course Term Length Options table.

Numeric, 2 digits

Calculated, not dynamically stored

Course/Section > Section > Section Schedule Placement


Course > Term Type Override


Course/Section > Section > Term Type Override

Course Enrollment Status

Indicates a student's status in each course in which the student is enrolled. 

See the following Course Enrollment Status Options table for values.

Numeric, 2 digits


Schedule > Walk-In Scheduler > Enrollment Status

Course Level

The general level of difficulty of instruction. If the field in the Course tab is not populated, will report the Default Value entered in the Attribute/Dictionary. Otherwise, reports as blank. Options are:

  • 01: Basic or Remedial
  • 02: General
  • 03: Advanced
  • 04: Postsecondary
  • 05: Postsecondary, remedial/developmental or not for college credit toward degree

Numeric, 2 digits


Course > Course Level OR Custom Attribute/Dictionary > Course > Course Level > Default Value

Course Credit Available

The number of credits the student can earn for completing the course. Reports the sum of the Credit field values across all Grading Tasks that have "State Reported" marked. If no Grading Tasks are marked "State Reported," this field reports as 9999. If the credit value in the Grading Task associated with the course is 9999, report 9999 and do not sum the the Grading Task Credit Values. If a Grading Task marked as State Reported has a Credit field value of null or 0, a value of 9999 reports.

Numeric, 5 digits


Courses > Grading Tasks > Credit

Course Credit Earned

The number of credits the student was awarded to the student for completing the course for the section being reported. When the student has a score with "Passing Score" marked in the Score Groups & Rubrics, this field reports the credit value associated with the Grading Task for the score the student received. Otherwise, reports as 0. If no Grading Tasks are marked "State Reported," this field reports as 9999. If the credit value in the Grading Task associated with the course is 9999, report 9999 and do not sum the the Grading Task Credit Values. If a Grading Task marked as State Reported has a Credit field value of null or 0, a value of 9999 reports. 

Numeric, 5 digits


Courses > Grading Tasks > Credit

Course Letter Mark

The letter grade/score awarded to the student upon completion of the course. Reports the State Score or Standard with State Reported marked. Otherwise, see options in the following Course Letter Mark Options table.

Alphanumeric, 2 character

Not dynamically stored

Courses > Section > Grading by Student > Score

Course Numeric Mark

The raw score or statistical expression of the score awarded to the student. Reports the student's score from the Grading Task or Standard that has State Reported marked. Otherwise, see options in the following Course Numeric Mark Options table.

Numeric, 5 digits

Not dynamically stored

Courses > Section > Grading by Student > Score

Pathways CourseThis variable will be to indicate that a particular course is being used to meet the technical course taking requirement for Perkins, Early College or Innovation Pathway programs.
  • If Pathways Course is marked, report 01.
  • If Pathways Course is not marked, report 00.
Alphanumeric, 2 
Course Information > Pathways Course

Course Term Length Options




Full year course


Semester 1


Semester 2


Trimester 1


Trimester 2


Trimester 3


Multiple consecutive trimesters


Multiple non-consecutive trimesters


Quarter 1


Quarter 2


Quarter 3


Quarter 4


Multiple consecutive quarters


Multiple non-consecutive quarters


Quinmester 1


Quinmester 2


Quinmester 3


Quinmester 4


Quinmester 5


Multiple consecutive quinmesters


Multiple non-consecutive quinmesters


Mini-term 1


Mini-term 2


Mini-term 3


Mini-term 4


Mini-term 5


Mini-term 6


Mini-term 7


Mini-term 8


Mini-term 9


Multiple consecutive mini-terms


Multiple non-consecutive mini-terms


Summer School


Other options not described above

Course Enrollment Status Options

When Enrollment Status is not null, the code selected reports.





Reports if:

  • The extract Effective Date is on or after the course Term Start Date and on or before the course Term End Date.

Reports if:

  • The Roster Batch Edit > Enrollment Status is Null or 02,
  • The roster End Date is not null, before the course Term End Date, and before the extract Effective Date, and
  • The extract Effective Date is on or before the Term End Date.

Also reports if:

  • The Enrollment Status is Null and
  • The State Score of a State Reported Grading Task or Standard is 21, 22, or 23.

Reports if:

  • The course Term End Date is before the extract Effective Date and
  • The Roster End Date is on or after the course Term End Date.

When a Day Event of SD applies to a day in the calendar, reports if:

  • The enrollment End Date and section roster End Date are the same as the day with a Day Event of SD and
  • Roster Enrollment Status is Null or 03 and
  • The student does not have a score mapped to a State Code of 21, 22, or 23 in a State Reported Grading Task or Standard.

Reports if:

  • The State Score of a State Reported Grading Task or Standard is 40.
  • Roster Enrollment Status is null.

Reports if:

  • The State Score of a State Reported Grading Task or Standard is 50.
  • Roster Enrollment Status is null.
Otherwise reports as 02.

Course Letter Mark Options

When the student's section roster End Date is the same as their enrollment End Date and enrollment End Status is 04, 10 or Null, reports the local Code for the student's instance of the course for the latest score received in the course from a State Reported Grading Task or Standard, unless the following is true: 




When course Term Start Date is on or before the extract Effective Date and the course Term End Date is on or after the extract Effective Date.

88Ungraded courses still in progress.


When Course Type is 01 or there is not State Reported Grading Task or Standard. The course will only report this value once it has been completed.


When the roster Enrollment Status is 05 or the score given is mapped to 50.


When the roster Enrollment Status is 04 or the score given is mapped to 40.


Other options not describe above.

If the student's section roster End Date does not equal their enrollment End Date or the student's enrollment End Status is not 04, 10 or Null, reports as follows: 




When Enrollment Status is NULL or 02 AND roster End Date is not NULL, before the Course Term End Date and before the extract Effective Date AND the extract Effective Date is on or before the Course Term End Date.


When State Score is 22 or the student's scoring is marked as Passing.


When State Score is 23 or the student's sore is not marked as Passing. 


When Enrollment Status is 04


When Enrollment Status is 05 or when the student's Enrollment Status in Course > Section is 05: Excused for Medical Reasons.


When Course Type is 01 OR there is no grading task or standard with State Reported marked. The course will only report this value once it has been completed.


When State Code is 77.


When Course Term Start Date is on or before the extract Effective Date AND the Course Term End Date is on or after the extract Effective Date.

88Ungraded courses still in progress.


Other options not described above. 

When a Day Event of SD applies to a day in the calendar, reports the local Code for the student's instance of the course for the latest score received in the course from a State Reported Grading Task or Standard if the enrollment End Date and section roster End Date are the dame as the day with a Day Event of SD, the Roster Enrollment Status is Null or 03 and the student does not have a score mapped to a State Code of 21, 22, or 23 in a State Reported Grading Task or Standard.

Course Numeric Mark Options




When Course Letter Mark = 21


When Course Letter Mark = 22


When Course Letter Mark = 23


When Course Letter Mark = 40


When Course Letter Mark = 50


When Course Letter Mark= 55


When Course Letter Mark = 66


When Course Letter Mark = 77


When Course Letter Mark = 88


When Course Letter Mark = 01-20

Student's Score

When Course Letter Mark = 99, reports
based on the Grading Task/Standard
with State Reported marked.


Other options not described above.