RICAS (Rhode Island)

Tool Search: RICAS Registration

The RICAS Registration Report returns student assessment data and is used to evaluate a student's abilities for after high school graduation and for beginning a career.

screenshot of the RICAS registration editor

Data Setup

The RICAS Registration Extract requires the following items to be done before generating the extract:

Step 1. Add state assessment codes to Custom Attribute Dictionary

Tool Search: Attribute Dictionary

Verify the State Assessment Codes are listed in the Attribute Dictionary within the Test node. If a code is not listed, click the Add Row button to the right and add the codes as they appear in the image below. Make sure the codes are marked Active.

Screenshot highlighting the State Code in the Attribute/Dictionary. Attribute Dictionary - State Assessment Codes

Step 2. Add assessments to Test Setup

Tool Search: Test Setup

Create a New Test for RICAS in the Test Setup tool. The Name field must have some reference to indicate RICAS and the Test Type must be marked as State Test with the State Code of RICAS. Other options can be marked as needed, like the score fields and result statuses.

Screenshot of the Test Setup tool.RICAS Assessment Setup

Step 3. Record Test Accommodations for Students

Tool Search: Test Accommodations

For those students receiving test accommodations, create a record on the Test Accommodations tab. Click the New icon to enter a record of accommodation for each test in which the student requires an accommodation. Enter the required fields of Calendar and Assessment, and select the options for the student's accommodation as needed.

Screenshot of the Test Accommodations tool. Student Test Accommodations

Step 4. Build an Ad hoc Filter to report students

This step is optional.

Create an ad hoc filter for those students who will be taking the RICAS assessment in the Filter Designer. Include at least the student's first and last name, and grade level. If desired, include any accommodation information, just for reference. Accommodation fields are located in Student > Learner > Test Accommodations.

The selection of an ad hoc filter is required when generating the extract.

Screenshot of the Filter Designer tool. Ad hoc Filter Setup

Report Logic

Students included in the selected ad hoc filter are included in the report. Students must have a Test Accommodations record for the selected test.

  • Accommodation data reports from the matching Test Code on the report editor to the Test Code from the assessment selected on the Accommodations tab.
  • If there is no matching Test Code, no data reports for the student.

Students are not included when:

  • Their enrollment record is marked as No Show or as State Exclude.
  • They are enrolled in a calendar marked as State Exclude.
  • They are enrolled in a grade level marked as State Exclude.

The following must be true in order for a record to report:

  • A student must be scheduled into a section of a course with the State Code attached to the Assessment (Scheduling > Course > Assessment). 
  • Courses must be Active as of the Effective Date on the Extract Editor.
  • The Assessment State Code for a course (Assessment > Test Setup > Test Detail > State Code) must match the State Code selected on the Extract Editor.

Report Editor

The following fields are available for data entry.

Effective DateEntered date is used to return only those students who have active enrollments as of that date. Dates are entered in mmddyy format or can be chosen by selecting the calendar icon. This field auto-populates with the current date.
FormatIndicates the format in which the report generates. Options are CSV or HTML
Report Legal IdentitiesWhen marked, the student's legal name reports.
Ad hoc FilterOnly those students in the selected filter are included in the results of the extracts.
State CodeSelections indicate what Assessment types are being generated. Options are based on the Assessment State Codes available entered in the Attribute Dictionary.
Calendar SelectionAt least one calendar needs to be chosen to generate the report. Calendars can be chosen by active year, by school or by year. The calendar selected in the Campus toolbar is automatically selected.

Generate the Report

  1. Enter the Effective Date for the report.
  2. Select the desired Format for the report. 
  3. Select Report Legal Identities, if desired.
  4. Select the desired Ad hoc Filter from the dropdown list. 
  5. Select the desired option(s) from the State Code list. 
  6. Select the desired Calendar(s) from which to report students.
  7. Click the Generate Extract button. The extract displays in the selected format.

Screenshot of an example of the RICAS registration extract in CSV format. RICAS Registration Extract - CSV Format

Screenshot of an example of the RICAS registration extract in HTML format. RICAS Registration Extract - HTML Format

Report Layout

Data ElementDescriptionType, Format and LengthCampus DatabaseCampus Interface

District Code

Reports the district responsible for administering the test to a student.Alphanumeric, 6 charactersDistrict.numberDistrict Information > District Detail > State District Number

School Code


Reports the Testing School responsible for administering the test to a student.Alphanumeric, 5 charactersSchool.numberSchool Information > School Detail > State School Number



Reports the student's unique school assigned identifier.Alphanumeric, 10 charactersPerson.schoolNumber Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number

Student Grade


Reports the student's grade as listed in the most recent Enrollment Census (eRide).Numeric, 2 digitsEnrollment.grade Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Grade

Last Name


Reports the student's full legal last name.Alphanumeric, 25 charactersIdentity.lastName

Demographics > Person Information > Last Name

First Name


Reports the student's full legal first name.Alphanumeric, 25 charactersIdentity.firstName Demographics > Person Information > First Name

Middle Initial

Reports the student's middle initial.Alphanumeric, 1 characterIdentity.middleName Demographics > Person Information > Middle Name
GenderReports the gender of the student.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

M or F

Identity.gender Identities > Identity Information > Gender



Reports the student's date of birth.

Date field, 10 characters


Identity.birthDate Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date

Test Code


Reports the value from Assessment State Code. Options include:

  • ELA03
  • ELA04
  • ELA05
  • ELA06
  • ELA07
  • ELA08
  • MAT03
  • MAT04
  • MAT05
  • MAT06
  • MAT07
  • MAT08

Alphanumeric, 5 charactersTest.stateCode

Course > Assessments > Assessment Detail > State Code

Test FormatReports the Test Format.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

P or O

TestAccommodations. testFormatTest Accommodations > Test Format
Filler Field 12N/AN/AN/AN/A
Session Name

Reports the description of where an assessment is administered, such as the Course Name and Section Number separated by a hyphen.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters



Course Information > Course Number, Section > Section Number
Filler Fields 14-17N/AN/AN/AN/A
Process Organization IDReports the column header.N/AN/AN/A
Color Contrast

Indicates the student is provided with tools that invert the foreground and background colors for readability.

Reports the value selected in the dropdown list. Options include:

  • Y: Black on Cream
  • 02: Black on Light Blue
  • 03: Black on Light Magenta
  • 04: White on Black
  • 05: Yellow on Blue
  • 06: Dark Gray on Pale Green
Numeric, 2 digitsTestAccommodations. colorContrast

Test Accommodations > Color Contrast

Answer Masking

Indicates the student is provided with masks to cover portions of the assessment questions until needed.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on the Test Accommodations tab; otherwise, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


TestAccommodations. maskingTest Accommodations > Masking
Large Print

Indicates the student is provided with a large print test booklet and answer booklet with the text increased to an 18-point font.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on the Test Accommodations tab; otherwise, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


TestAccommodations. largePrintTest Accommodations > Large Print
Screen Reader Addition

Indicates a student is provided a screen reader for the assessment.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on the Test Accommodations tab; otherwise, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


TestAccommodations .atScreenreaderTest Accommodations > Screen Reader Edition
Assistive Technology

Indicates select assistive technology is allowed for the student.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on the Test Accommodations tab; otherwise, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


TestAccommodations. specalizedEquipmentTest Accommodations > Assistive Technology
Braille Test Addition

Indicates a hard-copy braille test (text and graphics) is provided for a student who is blind.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on the Test Accommodations tab; otherwise, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


TestAccommodations. brailleDisplayTest Accommodations > Braille Test Addition
Read Aloud-Math

Indicates the student reads the assessment aloud to themselves and may use an external device such as a whisper phone. The student must be tested in a separate setting.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on the Test Accommodations tab; otherwise, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


TestAccommodations. studentReadsToThemselvesTest Accommodations > Read Aloud-Math
Read Aloud-ELA

Indicates the test administrator reads an assessment aloud to a student with a disability. 

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on the Test Accommodations tab; otherwise, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


TestAccommodations. frequentBreaks Test Accommodations > Read Aloud-ELA
Standard Human Signer ELA and Math

Indicates a test administrator signs a test (CBT or PBT) to a student who is deaf or hard-of-hearing.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on the Test Accommodations tab; otherwise, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


TestAccommodations. readerSignerTest Accommodations > Standard Human Signer
Human Signer ELA Passages Only

Indicates a human signer will sign the test directions to the student. The student may need to be tested in a small group or seperate setting.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on the Test Accommodations tab; otherwise, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


TestAccommodations. humanSignerTest Accommodations > Human Signer
Text To Speech

Indicates the student uses a TTS (text to speech) enabled version of the software to render text on the assessment into read-aloud content.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on the Test Accommodations tab; otherwise, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


TestAccommodations. textToSpeechTest Accommodations > Text-to-Speech
Filler Fields 30-32N/A
Human Scribe-Math

Indicates a student's response is captured by a human scribe.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on the Test Accommodations tab; otherwise, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


TestAccommodations. altTestingLocationTest Accommodations > Human Scribe-Math
Human Scribe-ELA

Indicates a student's response is captured by a human scribe.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on the Test Accommodations tab; otherwise, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


TestAccommodations. smallTestingGroupTest Accommodations > Human Scribe-ELA

Indicates a student's reponse is captured by a test administrator who must transcribe the student's responses verbatim at the time of testing into the student's test answers.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on the Test Accommodations tab; otherwise, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


TestAccommodations. specifiedAreaOrSettingTest Accommodations > Speech-to-Text-Math

Indicates a student's response is captured by a test administrator who must transcribe the student's responses verbatim at the time of testing into the student's test answers.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on the Test Accommodations tab; otherwise, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


TestAccommodations. timeOfDayTest Accommodations > Speech-to-Text-ELA
Typed Responses

Indicates a student responds using a word processor or similar device.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on the Test Accommodations tab; otherwise, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


TestAccommodations. aslVideoTest Accommodations > Typed Responses

Indicates a student is allowed to use a calculation device or other mathematics tool on the non-calculator sessions of an assessment as an accommodation.

A calculator must be provided to the student by the school.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on the Test Accommodations tab; otherwise, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


TestAccommodations. calculatorTest Accommodations > Calculator
Spell Checker

Indicates a student is allowed to use an external spell-checking device for paper-based tests.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on the Test Accommodations tab; otherwise, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


TestAccommodations. nonScreenReaderTest Accommodations > Spell-Checker
Word Prediction

Indicates a test administrator may transcribe or facilitate the transfer of responses by the student from an external device or application to the student's test. 

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on the Test Accommodations tab; otherwise, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


TestAccommodations. wordPredictionTest Accommodations > Word Prediction
Filler Field 41N/AN/AN/AN/A
Graphic Organizer ELA Reference Math

Indicates a student is allowed to use a RIDE pre-approved graphic organizer or supplemental reference sheet.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on the Test Accommodations tab; otherwise, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


TestAccommodations. closedCaptionsTest Accommodations > Graphic Organizer
Unique Accommodation

Indicates a student with a disability has a required accommodation.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on the Test Accommodations tab; otherwise, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


TestAccommodations. uniqueAccommodationTest Accommodations > Unique Accommodation
Spanish Edition-Math

Indicates mathematics tests may be administered to any EL student with a low-level English proficiency.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on the Test Accommodations tab; otherwise, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


TestAccommodations. languageTest Accommodations > Spanish Edition-Math
Bilingual Dictionary

Indicates EL students are authorized to use a list of authorized word-to-word dictionaries on tests.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on the Test Accommodations tab; otherwise, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


TestAccommodations. dictionaryInNativeLangTest Accommodations > Bilingual Dictionary
Filler Fields 46-53N/AN/AN/AN/A