Tool Search: SPED State Reporting
The Special Education State Reporting allows users to store and manage student Special Education state reporting data. This tool removes the legal burden of having a Special Education team meeting to amend the setting for age-based changes, such as an early childhood student aging out.
This tool contains two sections: State Reporting and Flags.
Fields vary by state. Please see your state's specific article for more information on Special Education State Reporting procedures in your state:
- Colorado Setting
- Delaware Special Education Summary
- Georgia ACS
- Kansas Special Education State Reporting
- Maine Special Education State Reporting
- Massachusetts Special Education State Reporting
- Montana State Reported Data
- New Jersey State Reporting
- Oklahoma Special Education State Reporting
- Pennsylvania State Referral
- Wisconsin Setting

Special Ed State Reporting
Select an existing record or click New to view the State Reported Data detail screen. The below example is from Montana, but your screen may have different fields.
Dates entered must be between 01/01/1900 - 06/06/2079.
Montana Example of the Special Ed State Reported Detail Screen
State Reported Detail Fields
Fields vary by state. See your state-specific article for the specific fields for your state:
- Colorado Setting
- Delaware Special Education Summary
- Georgia ACS
- Kansas Special Education State Reporting
- Maine Special Education State Reporting
- Massachusetts Special Education State Reporting
- Montana State Reported Data
- New Jersey State Reporting
- Oklahoma Special Education State Reporting
- Pennsylvania State Referral
- Wisconsin Setting
Add a New State Reporting Record
A new record should be created anytime a student enters a new Special Education Setting. Fields vary by state.
State Reporting records cannot overlap. This means the previous record must end before the new record begins.
Delete or End a State Reporting Record
To delete a State Reporting record, select the record from within the State Reporting Editor window and click the Delete button. This action COMPLETELY removes the record from Campus. Only do this when the record was completed in error.
To end a record, select the record from within the State Reporting Editor window and enter an End Date. This ends the record and allows a new record to be added, if applicable.
Tool Rights for Special Education State Reporting
For full access to Special Education State Reporting, users must have R rights to the Special Ed State Reporting tool and at least Read Only Calendar Rights for the calendar selected in the Campus toolbar.
Tool Rights | |
Special Ed State Reporting fields in Ad hoc
Special Education State Reporting Information is available in the Query Wizard for Student Data Type filters in the Student > Special Ed State folder.
Special Education State Reporting Ad hoc Fields
SPED Flags
Users can assign Special Education Flags on the Special Education Summary (also known as the Special Education State Reporting) tool.
All Special Education Flags display, no matter where they were assigned to a student. This includes Flags assigned via the Student Flag, Batch Program Assignment Wizard, or Task Scheduler tools.

SPED Flags List View
The following columns display on the list view of SPED Flags.
Column Name | Description |
Start Date | The first day the flag is active for the student. |
End Date | The last day the flag was active for the student. |
Flag Type | The name of the special education flag. This displays in the student's header. |
User Warning | Additional comments concerning the flag. This displays when hovering over or clicking the flag name in the student's header. Users often enter the student's case manager into the user warning field. |
Flag Icon | The image associated with the flag. This displays next to the flag name in the student's header. |
Select an existing record or click New to open the Student SPED Flag Editor.
Student SPED Flag Editor Fields
Users can add new or edit existing Flags with the Student SPED Flag Editor.

Field | Description | Additional Information |
Flags Required | The name of the special education flag. This displays in the student's header. The icon associated with the Flag display next to the dropdown. See the Flags Setup section for additional information on how flags display in this dropdown. | Database: Ad hoc Inquiries:, spProgramFlag.flagImage |
Case Manager Read-only | The person marked as the student's Case Manager. | This information is pulled in from the Special Ed Team Members tool. Ad hoc Inquiries: spProgramFlag.userWarning |
Start Date Required | The first day the flag is active for the student. | Database: ProgramParticipation.startDate Ad hoc Inquiries: spProgramFlag.startDate |
End Date | The last day the flag was active for the student. | Database: ProgramParticipation.endDate Ad hoc Inquiries: spProgramFlag.endDate |
Eligibility Start Date | The first day the student was determined eligible for special education services. | Database: ProgramParticipation.eligibilityStartDate Ad hoc Inquiries: spProgramFlag.eligibilityStartDate |
Eligibility End Date | The last day the student was determined eligible for special education services. | Database: ProgramParticipation.eligibilityEndDate Ad hoc Inquiries: spProgramFlag.eligibilityEndDate |
User Warning | Additional comments concerning the flag. This displays when hovering over or clicking the flag name in the student's header. | Database: ProgramParticipation.userWarning Ad hoc Inquiries: spProgramFlag.userWarning |
Participation Details | Any details concerning the student's participation in the special education program. | Database: ProgramParticipation.participationDetails Ad hoc Inquiries: spProgramFlag.participationDetails |
Description | Any additional comments regarding the student's participation in the special education program. | Database: ProgramParticipation.programParticipationDescription Ad hoc Inquiries: spProgramFlag.programParticpationDescription |
Flags Setup
Tool Search: Flags Setup
Before assigning Special Education Flags to students, they must be set up using the Flags Setup tool. This tool can only assign active Flags marked with the Special Ed checkbox. Only flags marked as Flagged display on the student's header.

Special Education Flags Tool Rights
Tool Search: User Account
Tool Rights for Special Education Summary Flags are assigned at Student Info > Special Ed > Special Education Summary > SpedFlag Information.

Read - View existing SPED Flags. The SPED Flag card does NOT display for users unless they have Read rights.
Write - Edit existing SPED Flags.
Add - Create new SPED Flags.
Delete - Remove SPED Flags.
Users need at least Read rights to the Special Education Summary tool to view the tool.
Special Ed Flag assigned at Student Information > General > Flags > Special Ed do NOT impact Special Education Summary Flag access. Those rights only apply to Special Ed Flags assigned using the Student Flag, Batch Program Assignment Wizard, or Task Scheduler tools. See the Student Information Tool Rights article for additional information.
Other Special Education Flag Fields in Ad hoc
Tool Search: Filter Designer
Additional Special Ed Flags fields are in the Ad hoc folder under Student > Learner > Programs/Flags > Flags.