Foster Care (Oregon)

Tool Search: Foster Care

The Foster Care tool is used to indicate whether a student is in Foster Care. A start and end date is associated with each instance of a Foster Care record. These records are not tied to student enrollments or calendars.

Overlapping records are not allowed.

See the core Foster Care article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Foster Care records.

Screenshot of the Foster Care record, located at Student Information, Program Participation. Foster Care Record

Use the Federal/State Program Updater tool to import Foster Care information to this tool.

Foster Care Detail Fields

Start Date

Indicates the first date the student was in Foster Care.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Foster Care > fosterCare.startDate

End Date

Indicates the last date the student was in Foster Care.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Foster Care > fosterCare.endDate

School of Origin

Indicates the school in which the student is enrolled at the time of placement in Foster Care.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Foster Care > fosterCare.schoolOfOrigin


Lists any additional information about the student's Foster Care record.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Foster Care > fosterCare.comments