Record V - Virtual Performance Based Attendance (Kentucky)

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The RV - Virtual Performance Based Attendance Report will only be triggered for students who are scheduled into a section marked as virtual or performance-based upon completion of the course within the school year. Students marked with a grade of P or Pass will be counted as proficient and the present ADA for the term of the course will be added to the record (and adjustment for record 7). Students who have another grade (other than P or Pass) will be classified as Not Proficient and their head count will show on the Record V report, but no present ADA will be taken into account.

Screenshot of the Superintendent's Annual Attendance Report editor with Record v highlighted.RV - Virtual Performance Based Attendance Editor

Report Logic

Virtual/Performance classes are calculated based on present minutes only, based on the student's pass or fail status in a course. The calculation differs from other Kentucky attendance calculation in that it is an FTE value not a Whole Day/Half Day value.

Record V reports classes meeting the following criteria:

  • Classes set up with a Type = Performance or Virtual.
    • The class should not be marked for attendance.
    • The class should be marked as Active.
    • The class must have a Grading Task and the task must include a Score Group with both passing and failing scores.

Uncapped Logic

Uncapped in the RV detail report indicates that are not constrained by the Virtual/Performance Cap logic Record V that adjusts R7. 

Virtual / Performance Cap

The SAAR Record V and the Record 7 Adjustment have a cap on Virtual/Performance attendance in coordination with R7 Base attendance. The goal of this cap is to prevent a district from receiving more than 1.0 days of present attendance credit for a single student on a single day. The Record 7 Base attendance will not be affected by this change.  This logic will work as follows:

Standard Day Attendance Model (09-10 School Year)

  • Principle behind the cap: Funding Basis Minutes - (Present Minutes + Funding Absent Minutes for a given day) = Maximum Funding Minutes available for Virtual/Performance Days
  • This principle is achieved by subtracting the PossibleADA value for a given day from 1.0. The remainder is the available ADA for Virtual attendance in FTE format on the secondary enrollment.
  • This formula will cause students who are overscheduled in their Primary enrollment and students whose scheduled minutes already match the Standard Day to not receive any Virtual Minutes regardless of any absences that may have occurred.
  • The Cap will be filled with Virtual minutes first and then Performance. If the Virtual Minutes fill the cap, no Performance minutes will be reported, though the headcount columns will still report the student’s presence in the class as proficient or non-proficient.
  • Virtual/Performance minutes will be calculated at the report level only, as only SAAR Adjustment and RV require this information. Including V/P minutes in the Summary Table would compromise performance unnecessarily.

Uncapped numbers are higher in the detail report because they count the total number of Virtual or Performance minutes regardless of whether or not those minutes would put students over the Standard Day.

Attendance Credit Logic

  • The length of the period in which the class is scheduled determines how many minutes per day are used in the FTE calculation.
    • Multiple classes can be "skinnied" into a single period. It is not necessary to create separate periods for each V/P class.
  • Students must earn a passing grade in the class to receive attendance credit.
    • Virtual classes have one grade assigned at the end of the course. If the student receives a passing final grade (chronologically last active transcript-posted grading task on the course), they are given attendance credit for the entire course even if earlier failing grades were received or term grades are not present.
      • Districts are instructed to only assign one grade at the end of a class. However, districts are allowed to set up interim grades, though they will have no impact on recording.
  • Once credit is earned, students earn credit in the following manner: (Minutes Scheduled * Days enrolled) / Standard Day. This calculation holds true in the WDHD attendance model.
  • Each class gets the full period-length credit (if 6 classes are skinnied into a 60 minute period and all classes are passed, the student gets 360 minutes of credit per day in the FTE calculation).
    • If a day is shortened so that the Virtual period falls outside of the shortened day, V/P attendance will still report for that day.
    • If a student's PAR attendance group puts the virtual period outside of the student day, V/P attendance will still report for that day.

Example: Student who passes 3 of 6 V/P classes

  • A student is scheduled into 6 virtual classes in a 60 minute period. The student passes 3 classes.
  • The student receives 180 minutes of credit per day. The student is enrolled 175 days. Use the calculation 180 * 175 = 31,500.
  • If your school has only one period schedule, you may divide this by Standard Days to get an approximate value (Standard Day for this example will be 400): 31,500/400 = 78.75.
    • Shortened days may alter this number slightly.
  • If a school has multiple period schedules with varying standard days, the calculations can be very complex to complete manually. Each set of days that belongs to one period schedule should be calculated according to its Standard Day, and then all sets of attendance will be added together.

Virtual/Performance Cap

The SAAR Record V and the Record 7 adjustment have a cap on Virtual/Performance attendance in coordination with R7 Base attendance. The goal of this cap is to prevent a district from receiving more than 1.0 days of present attendance credit for a single student on a single day. the Record 7 Base attendance will not be affected by this change. This logic will work as follows:

Standard Day Attendance Model

The Principle behind the virtual/performance cap is as follows:

  • Funding Basis Minutes - (Present Minutes + Funding Absent Minutes for a given day) = Maximum Funding Minutes available for Virtual/Performance Days
    • This principle is achieved by subtracting the Possible ADA values for a given day from 1.0. The remainder is the available ADA for virtual attendance in FTE format on the secondary enrollment.
  • This formula will cause students over scheduled in their Primary Enrollment (and students whose scheduled minutes already match the Standard Day) to not receive any Virtual Minutes regardless of absences that may have occurred.
  • The Cap will be filled with Virtual Minutes first and then Performance Minutes. If the Virtual Minutes fill the cap, no Performance Minutes will be reported, though the headcount columns will still report the student's presence in the class as proficient or non-proficient.
    • Virtual/Performance Minutes will be calculated at the report level only as SAAR Adjustment and Record V require this information.

Whole Day/Half Day Attendance Model

The capped FTE equivalent value is added onto the funding WDHD present value for the given day. This means the student's regular (non-virtual) attendance is calculated via the WDHD model, but the V/P attendance remains an FTE calculations.

Calculating Totals

The Virtual/Performance calculations are based on individual days of calculated attendance which are then added together to reach a total. The basic definition of the Virtual/Performance calculation is as follows:

((Day 1 Minutes per day)/Day 1 Standard Day) + (Day 2 Minutes per day/Day2 Standard Day) + ....)

The procedure calculates a single student's attendance for a given day, then moves on to the next day and continues the process until all days are individually calculated. The individual values are then added together to generate a total count for the student for the requested time period. Then all student totals are added together for a given grouping (e.g., T-Code). Finally, the grand total of the report is the sum of all T-Code groupings.

Rounding Rules for RV Attendance Values

Rounding is applied after each day's attendance is calculated for a given student. This prevents rounding discrepancies that would occur if rounding took place later in the order of operation.
Rounding is to 2 decimal places. See examples below:

Use Case: single student, single day, single T-Code

  1. The student is scheduled into 6 Virtual classes in a 60 minute period. The student passes 3 classes.
  2. The student receives 166 minutes of credit per day. The student is enrolled 175 identical days. The Standard Day is 400 minutes for all days.
    1. 166/400 = .415
      1. Round to .42 for all days (earliest rounding opportunity).
    2. Multiply .42 by Number of Days (175)
      1. .42 + .42 ... total is 73.50

Use Case: multiple students, multiple T-Codes

  1. 4 students are scheduled into 1 virtual class scheduled for a 167 minute period. Each student passes the class.
  2. 2 students have T-Codes of T1 and 2 students have T-Codes of T4.
  3. Each student receives 167 minutes of credit per day. Each student is enrolled for 175 identical days.
    The Standard Day is 400 minutes for all days.
    1. For each day, each student is present: 167/400 = .4175
    2. Round on each day to .42 (earliest rounding opportunity).
    3. For each student, add all 175 days together (as days are identical).
      1. .42 + is 73.50.
    4. Add the T1 students together: 73.50 + 73.50 = 147.00.
    5. Add the T4 students together: 73.50 + 73.50 = 147.00.
    6. Add all T-Codes together: 147.00 + 147.00 = 294.

Generating the Extract

  1. Select the desired Report Type. Report Selection options vary depending on the Report Type selected. 
  2. Select the Extract Format from the dropdown list.
  3. Enter a Date Range to review data for one or more school months or select which school months should be included in the report. Leaving the Date Range blank reports the entire year.
  4. Mark the RV Virtual Performance Based Attendance checkbox. 
  5. Select the appropriate Calendars to include in the report.
  6. Select the appropriate Grade (or select an Ad Hoc Filter)
  7. Specify 5 Low Attendance Days by selecting the Load 5 Low Att. Days button (optional).
  8. Select Validation Report to see if the report has been set up correctly.
  9. Select the Generate Report Button. The report will appear in a separate window in the specified Extract Format.

For more information about the SAAR Extract Editor see the SAAR (Kentucky) article.

Screenshot of an example of virtual performance-based attendance report.

RV - Virtual Performance Based Attendance Report (HTML)

Report Layout

Element Name


Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Interface

Virtual Proficient Aggregate Attendance Days

Identifies the present days for Virtual Courses only. Total present days calculated using the formula described in reporting logic for students enrolled in classes of type Virtual. Students must have passing grades on final grading task of the course to be included.

Numeric, 6 digits


Not Dynamically Stored

Not Dynamically Stored

Virtual Student Head Count: Proficient

Identifies the whole number count of students enrolled who have passed Virtual courses.

Students are counted once no matter how many classes they take.

Numeric, 4 digits


Not Dynamically Stored

Not Dynamically Stored

Virtual Student Head Count: Non-proficient

Identifies the whole number count of students enrolled in Virtual courses who have either failed or have no grade.

Students are counted once no matter how many classes they take.

Numeric, 4 digits


Not Dynamically Stored

Not Dynamically Stored

Performance Based Proficient Aggregation Attendance Days

Identifies the present days for Virtual courses only.

Total present days according to formula described in the report logic for students enrolled in classes of type Performance. Students must have passing grades on final grading task of the course.

Numeric, 6 digits


Not Dynamically Stored

Not Dynamically Stored

Performance Based Student Head Count: Proficient

Whole number count of students enrolled in Performance-based courses who have passed.

Students are counted once no matter how many classes they take.

Numeric, 4 digits


Not Dynamically Storeed

Not Dynamically Stored

Performance Based Student Head Count: Non-Proficient

Whole number count of students enrolled in Performance-based courses who have either failed or have no grade.

Students are counted once no matter how many classes they take.

Numeric, 4 digits


Not Dynamically Stored

Not Dynamically Stored