Tool Search: Lock Setup
Functionality is provided to allow schools to create locks as being built into the locker or assign padlocks to the lockers, as mentioned in previous sections.
Locker combinations are assigned when the locker is created. When creating locks for lockers with either built-in locks or a padlock, a serial number, a lock type and a combination must be entered.

The Locks editor is made of two parts - the Lock List, which is a list of already created and potentially in use locks, and the Lock Detail, which notes the serial number, the type of lock and the combination of the lock.
When searching for a particular lock, use the Filter On field. Select the Lock Type and enter the Serial Number. Only locks matching the selected options will appear in the Lock List.
Before creating new locks, use the Filter Options to search for the lock to protect data integrity and eliminate duplicate locks being entered.
Create New Locks
- Select the New icon. A Lock Detail editor will appear to the right of the Lock List table.
- Enter the Serial Number for the lock. This is the primary way the system identifies the lock.
- Select the Type of lock from the dropdown list.
- Enter the Combination of the lock. Combinations are entered in XX-XX-XX format (ex: 01-23-45).
- Click the Save icon when finished. The lock will be added to the Lock List.