Tool Search: KECS LEAD Extract
KECS LEAD Extract Classes (Aggregate) Report
Classes (Aggregate) Logic
The report will generate an aggregated list of course sections for a given calendar and pulls all records from the Detail report. It contains courses that have no students assigned to them grouped by: End Year, District Number, District Name, School Number, School Name, State Classification, Calendar, Schedule Structure Name, Course Number, Course Name, Section Number, Section ID, Course Code, Core Content, Teaching Method, Instructional Setting, Section Special Type, KTSExchange, Responsive, Person ID, Section Start Date, Section End Date. The report will sort by the following in ascending order: End Year, District Name, School Name, Calendar Name, Schedule Structure Name, Course Number, Section Number.
Classes (Aggregate) Report Layout
Data Element | Requirement/Rules | Path | Format |
Date Time Generated | Date and time the extract was generated. | N/A | MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM |
EndYear | Reports the end year for a reported school session. | System Administration > Calendar > School Year > End Year | XXXX 4-digit number (e.g. 2022 for SY 21-22) |
District Number | Reports the unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to the reporting district. | System Administration > Resources > District Information > District > State District Number | XXX 3-digit number |
District Name | Reports the name of the reporting district. | System Administration > Resources > District Information > District > Name | Text |
School Number | Reports the unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to the reporting school. | System Administration > Resources > School > Select School > Location Number | XXX 3-digit number |
School Name | Reports the name of the reporting school. | System Administration > Resources > School > Select School > Name | Text |
State Classification | Reports the state assigned school classification. See Appendix A for possible values. | System Administration > Resources > School > Select School > State Classification | Code (e.g. A1) |
Calendar Name | Reports the name of the calendar. | System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Name | Text |
Schedule Structure Name | Reports the calendar’s schedule structure name. | System Administration > Calendar > Schedule Structure > Schedule Structure Detail > Name | Text |
Course Number | Reports the local course number. | Search > Course/Section > Course > Number | Text |
Course Name | Reports the course name. | Search > Course/Section > Course > Name | Text |
Section Number | Reports the section number for the course. | Search > Course/Section > Section > Number | Integer |
SectionID | Reports the ID for a reported school session. | Search > Course/Section > Section > SectionID | Integer |
State Course Code | Reports the state’s course code. | Search > Course/Section > Course > State Code | XXXXXX Char(6) |
Core Content | Reports section level content indicator. | Search > Course/Section > Section > Core Content | Code (e.g. 100) |
Teaching Method | Reports the course’s teaching method. Possible values are:
| Search > Course/Section > Course > Teaching Method | Code (e.g. 01) |
Instructional Setting | Reports the course’s instructional setting. Possible values are:
Instructional Setting is determined by the value set on the section in the Instructional Setting (Override) field. | Scheduling > Courses > Course > Section > Instructional Setting (Override) IF NULL: Scheduling > Courses > Course > Instructional Setting | Code (e.g. 01) |
Section Special Type | Reports the section’s special classroom type. Possible values are:
| Search > Course/Section > Section > Special Type | Code (e.g. 01) |
KTS Exchange | Reports the legacyKeyKTS field for the course. Possible values are:
| courseMaster.legacyKeyKTS is not null for the corresponding course | 1 or 0 |
Responsive | Reports the course’s Responsive checkbox value. Possible values are:
| Search > Course/Section > Course > Responsive | 1 or 0 |
Primary Teacher PersonID | Reports the active / most recent primary teacher’s personID for the section. If there is a current active primary teacher for the section, use the active primary teacher’s personID If there is no currently active primary teacher for the section, but there was a previous primary teacher, use the most recent primary teacher’s personID | Census > People > Demographics > PersonID | Integer |
Primary Teacher First Name | Reports the primary teacher’s preferred first name. If there is a Primary Teacher PersonID for the section, report this person’s preferred first name. If 0 for the section, return NULL. | Census > People > Demographics > Identities > First Name | Text |
Primary Teacher Last Name | Reports the primary teacher’s preferred last name. If there is a Primary Teacher PersonID for the section, report this person’s preferred last name. If 0 for the section, return NULL. | Census > People > Demographics > Identities > Last Name | Text |
Low Grade | Reports the lowest grade level of enrollment for the section identified on each record. Possible values are grade levels 95 through 20. Report the lowest grade level of enrollment for the section. If there are no active students (Grades are NULL), report the lowest defined state grade level for the selected calendar’s schedule structure where excludeEnrollment = 0. | Search > Course/Section > Section > Roster | Code (e.g. 00) |
High Grade | Reports the highest grade level of enrollment for the section identified on each record. Possible values are grade levels 95 through 20. Report the highest grade level of enrollment for the section. If there are no active students (Grades are NULL), report the highest defined state grade level for the selected calendar’s schedule structure where excludeEnrollment = 0. | Search > Course/Section > Section > Roster | Code (e.g. 08) |
Total Count | Reports the count of distinct students on the roster. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section. | Search > Course/Section > Section > Roster | Integer |
General Count | Reports the count of all students on the roster without a disability and who are not English Learners nor Gifted and Talented. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where: • Primary Disability Section is NULL • EL is NULL or 0 • Gifted is NULL or 0 | Roster: Search > Course/Section > Section > Roster Primary IDEA: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > KY IEP >Enrollment Status > Primary Disability EL: Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > Program Status Gifted: Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented > KY Gifted & Talented Editor > Gifted Category or Gifted Declined Services | Integer |
SPED 13: Autism Count | Count of students on the roster with primary disability of 13: Autism. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where Primary Disability Section = 13. | Primary IDEA: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > KY IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability | Integer |
SPED 11: Deaf Blind Count | Count of students on the roster with primary disability of 11: Deaf Blind. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where Primary Disability Section = 11. | Primary IDEA: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > KY IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability | Integer |
SPED 15: Developmentally Delayed Count | Count of students on the roster with primary disability of 15: Developmentally Delayed. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where Primary Disability Section = 15. | Primary IDEA: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > KY IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability | Integer |
SPED 07: Emotional Behavior Disability Count | Count of students on the roster with primary disability of 07: Emotional Behavior Disability. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where Primary Disability Section = 07. | Primary IDEA: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > KY IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability | Integer |
SPED 02: Functional Mental Disability Count | Count of students on the roster with primary disability of 02: Functional Mental Disability. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where Primary Disability Section = 02. | Primary IDEA: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > KY IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability | Integer |
SPED 04: Hearing Impaired Count | Count of students on the roster with primary disability of 04: Hearing Impaired. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where Primary Disability Section = 04. | Primary IDEA: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > KY IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability | Integer |
SPED 01: Mild Mental Disability Count | Count of students on the roster with primary disability of 01: Mild Mental Disability. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where Primary Disability Section = 01. | Primary IDEA: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > KY IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability | Integer |
SPED 12: Multiple Disabilities Count | Count of distinct StateIDs on the roster for the school where Primary Disability Section = 01. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where Primary Disability Section = 12. | Primary IDEA: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > KY IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability | Integer |
SPED 08: Orthopedically Impaired Count | Count of students on the roster with primary disability of 08: Orthopedic Impairment. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where Primary Disability Section = 08. | Primary IDEA: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > KY IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability | Integer |
SPED 09: Other Health Impaired Count | Count of students on the roster with primary disability of 09: Other Health Impaired. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where Primary Disability Section = 09. | Primary IDEA: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > KY IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability | Integer |
SPED 10: Specific Learning Disability Count | Count of students on the roster with primary disability of 10: Specific Learning Disability. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where Primary Disability Section = 10. | Primary IDEA: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > KY IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability | Integer |
SPED 05: Speech Language Count | Count of students on the roster with primary disability of 05: Speech Language. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where Primary Disability Section = 05. | Primary IDEA: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > KY IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability | Integer |
SPED 14: Traumatic Brain Injury Count | Count of students on the roster with primary disability of 14: Traumatic Brian Injury. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where Primary Disability Section = 14. | Primary IDEA: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > KY IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability | Integer |
SPED 06: Visually Impaired Count | Count of students on the roster with primary disability of 06: Visually Impaired. Count of students in the roster for the section with primary disability of 06: Visually Impaired. | Primary IDEA: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > KY IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability | Integer |
English Learner Count | Reports the count of English Learners. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where EL = 1. | EL: Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > Program Status | Integer |
Gifted Count | Reports the count of Gifted/Talented students. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where Gifted = 1. | Gifted: Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented > KY Gifted & Talented Editor > Gifted Category or Gifted Declined Services | Integer |
Migrant Count | Reports the count of students designated as migrant. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where Migrant = 1. | Student Information > Program Participation > Migrant | Integer |
Preschool Count | Reports the count of students in grades 95, 96, 97, 98, and 99. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where Grade = 95, 96, 97, 98, or 99. | Search > Course/Section > Section > Roster | Integer |
Hospital Attendance Group Home Count | Reports the count of students in Home/Hospital. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where Home Hospital = 1. | Student Information > General > Attendance Groups | Integer |
ILPA Count | Reports the count of students with a locked ILPA. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where ILPA = 1. | Student Information > General > ILPA > Documents | Integer |
Section Start Date | Reports the month, day, and year on which a section begins. | Search > Course/Section > Section | Integer |
Section End Date | Reports the month, day, and year on which a section ends. | Search > Course/Section > Section | Integer |
Male Count | Reports the count of male students. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where Gender = M. | Search > Course/Section > Section > Roster | Integer |
Female Count | Reports the count of female students. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where Gender = F. | Search > Course/Section > Section > Roster | Integer |
Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity Count | Reports the count of students with a Race Ethnicity of 1: Hispanic or Latino. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where State Race/Ethnicity = 1. | Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > State Race/Ethnicity | Integer |
American Indian or Alaska Native Count | Reports the count of students with a Race Ethnicity of 2: American Indian or Alaska Native. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where State Race/Ethnicity = 2. | Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > State Race/Ethnicity | Integer |
Asian Count | Reports the count of students with a Race Ethnicity of 3: Asian. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where State Race/Ethnicity = 3. | Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > State Race/Ethnicity | Integer |
Black or African American Count | Reports the count of students with a Race Ethnicity of 4: Black or African American. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where State Race/Ethnicity = 4. | Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > State Race/Ethnicity | Integer |
Two or More Races Count | Reports the count of students with a Race Ethnicity of 7: Two or More Races. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where State Race/Ethnicity = 7. | Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > State Race/Ethnicity | Integer |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Count | Reports the count of students with a Race Ethnicity of 5: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where State Race/Ethnicity = 5. | Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > State Race/Ethnicity | Integer |
White Count | Reports the count of students with a Race Ethnicity of 6: White. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where State Race/Ethnicity = 6. | Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > State Race/Ethnicity | Integer |
Eco Non-Dis Count | Reports the count of students who are not eligible to participate in the National School Lunch Program. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where Economically Disadvantaged = 0. | Roster: Search > Course/Section > Section > Roster FRAM: FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility Editor > State Eligibility Code | Integer |
Eco Dis Count | Reports the count of students who are eligible to participate in the National School Lunch Program. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where Economically Disadvantaged = 1. | Roster: Search > Course/Section > Section > Roster FRAM: FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility Editor > State Eligibility Code | Integer |
Homeless Count | Reports the count of students who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where Homeless = 1. | Roster: Search > Course/Section > Section > Roster Homeless: Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless | Integer |
Foster Care Count | Reports the count of students involved in the Foster Care System. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where Foster Care = 1. | Roster: Search > Course/Section > Section > Roster Foster Care: Student Information > Program Participation > Foster Care | Integer |
Military Connected Count | Reports the count of students with parents/guardians in Active Military Duty. Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where Military Connected = 1. | Roster: Search > Course/Section > Section > Roster Military: Census > People > Military Connections > Military Connections Editor > Status | Integer |
Grade Count | Count of students in grade level (95-99, 00-12, 14, 20) Count of distinct StateIDs in the roster for the section where Grade = (95-99, 00-12, 14, 20) | Search > Course/Section > Section > Roster | Integer |
Appendix A: State Classification Values
The possible values for State Classification are pulled from the locked dictionary within Campus. The current values in this locked dictionary are:
- A1: Principal or head teacher controlled school
- A2: District operated CTE Center (CTC)
- A3: District operated - special ed school
- A4: District operated-preschool program
- A5: District operated alternative program
- A6: KECSAC funded programs
- A7: Miscellaneous: Home/Hospital, Summer
- A8: District operated full-time enrolled online virtual and remote learning program
- B1: Laboratory/training school operated by college/university
- B2: Dual enrollment postsecondary/college-level course program operated by college/university
- C1: University Operated CTE Center
- C2: State Operated CTE Center (ATC)
- D1: State Dept. of Ed operated (Blind & Deaf)
- F1: Fed. Dependent School (Ft. Knox & Ft. Campbell)
- F2: Federal Job Corps
- F3: Federally funded stand-alone Head Start
- J1: Roman Catholic
- M1: Other religion
- M2: 7th Day Adventist
- R1: Private, non-public schools/programs
- C3: State operated vocational program-college
- C4: State operated-voc. health occupation school
- C5: State vocational program