Import Curriculum

The Curriculum Import is available as part of the Campus Learning premium offering. 

This tool is in a limited beta testing period and is only available in select districts.

Tool Search: Curriculum Import

The import tool allows teachers and curriculum directors to import curriculum via a Common Cartridge file. Curriculum must then be added to a section to be edited, and from there, can be used in that section and shared to the library for other teachers to use. 

To be imported, curriculum cartridges must conform to the Common Cartridge 1.3 specification. Cartridges that conform to a previous version of the specification may import correctly but could have some issues. These files have a file type of .imscc or .zip. Cartridges that exceed 200 MB cannot be imported; importing large files may affect performance. Campus recommends avoiding very large cartridges, such as a full year's worth of curriculum, and instead importing curriculum in 2-4 week unit chunks. 

See the Prepare a Curriculum Cartridge for Import article for more information about recommendations and requirements for importing curriculum. 

Screenshot of the import, with one successful cartridge and one which had an error. The status of imported curriculum cartridges displays in the import tool.


Users must have the Curriculum Import tool right to import curriculum.

To use imported content, teachers must have the Enhanced Curriculum tool right and rights to at least one of the following: Grade Book, Planner, Progress Monitor, Assignment Overview.

Where do I find Curriculum to Import?

Because this import only allows for curriculum that conforms to the Common Cartridge 1.3 specification, not all curriculum can be imported. Some tools (such as Canvas and Schoology) export their curriculum in Common Cartridge format, which can then be imported. Additionally, Open Educational Resources can sometimes be exported in this format.

Importing Curriculum

  1. To begin, click Import Curriculum and Select Files to select a cartridge to import.
  2. Once a file is selected, note any warnings or messages that display. See the Error & Warning section below for more information.
  3. If desired, modify the Curriculum Name. This name displays as the top level folder storing the curriculum cartridge. The Original File Name is not editable.
  4. Mark the Consent checkbox to indicate that you consent to the linked policies.
  5. Click Import to begin the import. A message displays in the top right corner indicating that the import is running. Once an import is queued, it runs in the background, so users can leave the Library while the import is processing.

Once the import is complete, a notification and process alert are sent.

Screenshot of a selected cartridge to import, with additional messages displaying.Take note of errors and change the Curriculum Name if desired. 

Add Curriculum to a Section

When a curriculum cartridge imports successfully, an Add to Section button displays. Click Add to Section to view a version of the Curriculum Copier that allows you to add all or part of the cartridge to a section you teach. 

Step 1: Select Curriculum

  1. Click Add to Section
  2. In the Source panel on the left, expand the imported curriculum to view the folders, resources, and assignments. Click a blue hyperlinked name to see a preview of a piece of curriculum. Unmark the checkbox next to any items you don't want to add to the section. 
  3. In the Destination panel on the right, select the School Year and Section you want to add the curriculum to. The current curriculum in that section displays. 
  4. If desired, select an existing Folder to add the curriculum to. 
  5. Click Next
Screenshot of the Source and Destination screen of the Add to Section workflow.View Curriculum in the Source panel and indicate where it should go in the Destination panel. 

Step 2: Set Dates and Grading

This step is optional; dates and grading can be set up later if desired. 

In the next screen:

  • Indicate if the curriculum should be Visible to your classes. Campus recommends leaving this checkbox unmarked until you have had a chance to review the curriculum and verify that it imported as desired. 
  • Enter a Start Date and End Date for each piece of curriculum. 
  • Set up grading, including grading alignments and points possible. 

Click Save when finished to add the curriculum to the designated section. 

Screenshot of the second step of the add to section workflow, with columns for visibility, dates, and grading for each piece of curriculum.Set Visibility, Dates, and Grading Setup if desired. 

Errors and Warnings

Errors are indicated by an orange triangle with messages that provide additional information for cartridges that can be imported. Warnings are indicated by a red circle and report for issues that prevent the cartridge from being imported.

Unsupported Content

These errors display on the import screen after a file is selected.

Message Text Additional Information
"Associated content will be imported as attachments." Associated content is content included in curriculum that does not align with the types of additional content that can be added to Campus curriculum. This content is added as attachments that can be viewed by students and teachers and may not be integrated into the curriculum in the same way it was in the source program.
"Custom content cannot be imported." Custom content is content added to the cartridge that does not quite fit the specification. The custom content itself in not imported, but it doesn't prevent the cartridge itself from being imported.

Cartridge Cannot be Imported

These warnings display on the import screen after a file is selected.

Message Text Additional Information
"It contains the following file types that cannot be added to the Campus Digital Repository:..." Curriculum that includes file attachments that are not allowed by the Campus Digital Repository cannot be imported. See this File Types list for excluded types.
"You do not have tool rights to configure Learning Partners, which is a required step for importing this curriculum." Selecting a Learning Partner is a required step if the cartridge contains curriculum with LTI links. LTI connections can be configured, but only if you have rights to the Learning Interoperability/Digital Learning Applications Configuration tool.

If there is an issue with the file type, a message displays in the top right corner that reads "There was an issue scanning this file." displays once the import is initiated. This message indicates that the file being imported was not in .imscc format, or a .zip that contained a .imscc file.

Import Errors

An error may also occur during the import process. In this instance, an error alert icon displays before the Name, the Status of the cartridge is 'Errored,' and a View Error button display in the Actions column. 

These errors are often as a result of issues with the cartridge that was imported. The following table describes possible import errors:

Example Message Additional Information
File size exceeds 1MB. Indicates that an attached file exceeds the size restrictions for the Campus Digital Repository.
Index: 0, Size: 0 Indicates that the cartridge does not contain structure directions, which means that the import process is unable to sort files.
Source and value are both required for the field Educational-IntendedEndUserRole Indicates the cartridge is missing required data. It may be that Campus doesn't support the version of the cartridge or that the cartridge itself is poorly constructed.
Error encountered while parsing input file. Indicates that something in the cartridge could not be read by the import process.