Instruction Mode (Montana)

Tool Search: Instruction Mode

The Instruction Mode tool allows districts to record the learning environment in which a student is participating. Fields that are unique to Montana are described below. For information on all other fields, please see the Instruction Mode article.

For State Edition users, please note that Instruction Mode is Read-Only and changes may not be made to records at this level.

Screenshot of the Instruction Mode Detail editor fields.Instruction Mode Detail EditorInstruction School

The Instruction School number auto-populates based on the school selected in the Campus toolbar. Users may manually enter a different school number if necessary. 

Users may NOT create overlapping records within the same Instruction School.

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Database Location:

Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Learner > State Programs > Instruction Mode > school


Mode of Instruction Collections

Instruction Mode

Use the Instruction Mode field to select the type of instruction the student is receiving: Full-time In-Person, Hybrid, or Remote/Online Only.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Learner > State Programs > Instruction Mode > status


Mode of Instruction Collections

Printing an Instruction Mode Summary

The Print option allows users to print out a summary of all Instruction Mode records for the selected student. 

Screenshot of the Instruction Mode Summary PDF example.Instruction Mode Student Summary

Tracking Instruction Modes Offered Per School

The Instruction Modes offered per school are tracked via the Instruction Mode section of the School Information tool. 

Screenshots of the Instruction Mode Fields on the School Information tool.Instruction Mode Fields