Student Participation Extract (Kentucky)

Tool Search: Student Participation

The Student Participation Report details student participation and engagement when they are taught in-person, remotely, via virtual/performance-based courses, or in a hybrid blended learning model.

Tool Rights

Reporting > KY State Reporting > Student Participation





Users can generate and view the report. Users can generate and view the report. Users can generate and view the report.. Users can generate and view the report.

Report Logic

The following describes report population logic and business rules:

All Reports

Student must have been enrolled during the date range entered in the extract editor.

Calendars, Grades, and Enrollments marked State Exclude will not pull on the report.

Enrollments designated as “No Show” will not be considered in the logic of the report.

Student must be enrolled in Grades 00-12 and Grade 14.

Student may have any Enrollment Service Type as long as the other conditions of the report apply.

Student Participation

The Student Participation report produces a list of students and the number of days they participated within a specified date range.

Student must be scheduled into at least one course marked for attendance.  

The extract will produce ONE record of participation days per enrollment.

Students with multiple enrollments in the selected calendars will have multiple rows of data in the report.

Participation Logic

  • Any positive attendance for the day, count ‘1’ for student participation that day.
  • In the absence of any positive attendance, if a course scheduled for the day has studentParticipation = 1, count ‘1’ for student participation that day.

Else, count ‘0’ for student participation that day.

Aggregate Participation

The Aggregate Participation report produces an aggregate count of students and the number of days they participated within a specified date range.

The extract will produce an aggregate count of participation days per calendar and per district

Multiple enrollments in the district will be added together for a district total, overlapping enrollment dates between calendars will only be counted once.

If students have overlapping enrollment types in the same school calendar count distinct dates per enrollment. 

  • Count all dates in the student’s Primary enrollment
  • Count only distinct dates that do not overlap a Primary enrollment for a Secondary enrollment
  • Count only distinct dates that do not overlap a Primary or Secondary enrollment for a Special Ed Services enrollment

The extract will break out Student Participation by Learning Model during the reporting date range.

  • All 
  • Remote
  • Hybrid
  • In Person
Students enrolled 100% in Virtual Performance-based courses will only be counted in the ‘All’ learning model row.
Virtual Participation-Based Students

The Virtual Participation-Based Students report will produce a list of students scheduled 100% into virtual/performance based.

Students enrolled 100% in virtual/performance based courses do not have any courses marked for attendance.

Setup for a V/P class that will report is as follows:

  • A class should be set up with the type of  “Performance” or “Virtual” (Course Screen)
  • The class should NOT be marked for attendance.
  • The class should be marked “Active” (Course Screen)
  • Virtual and Performance classes are typically scheduled in non-instructional periods (though they do not have to be).  

The class must have a grading task and this grading task must include a score group with both passing and failing scores (passing scores are marked “passing score” on the score group).

The extract will produce ONE record of participation days per enrollment.

Students with multiple enrollments in the selected calendars will have multiple rows of data in the report.

Participation Credit will be calculated for VPB Courses 

Participation Credit Logic

  • Multiple classes can be “skinnied” into a single period.  It is not necessary to create separate periods for each V/P class.  
  • Students must earn a passing grade in the class to receive participation credit.
  • Virtual classes have one grade assigned at the end of the course. If the student passes the final grade (chronologically last active transcript-posted grading task on the course), they are given participation credit for the entire course even if earlier term grades are not present or have failed.
    • Districts are instructed to only assign one grade at the end of a class. However, it is allowed to set up interim grades, though they will have no impact on reporting.
  • Once credit is earned, students earn participation in the following manner: 
    • Participation Credit = 1 for each day the course was scheduled if the student earned a passing grade
    • Participation Credit = 0 for each day the course was scheduled if the student earned a failing grade
  • SUM Participation on each date, if the SUM is > 0  the day is counted as 1 for participation
When the Exclude Cross-Site Data checkbox is marked, the report does not include cross-site homeroom data. Cross-site must be enabled at the district level for this checkbox to display. This checkbox defaults to marked.

Student Participation

The Student Participation report details a list of students and the number of days they participated within a specified date range.

Generate the Report

  1. Enter the Date Range. Only students scheduled within these days are considered for reporting.
  2. Select a Report Type of 'Student Participation'.
  3. Select the report Format
  4. Select which calendars will report data.
  5. Select which Grades will report data or select an Ad Hoc Filter to determine which students are reported. 
  6. Click Generate Extract to generate the report immediately or click Submit to Batch to schedule when the system will generate the report. 

Use the table below to better understand each report column.

Data Element Label Description and Business Rules GUI Path and Database Field

School Year

Reports the academic year of participation data

Concatenate the calendar start year and end year.


District Number

Reports the state district number.

School & District Settings > District > District Information > State District Number


District Name

Reports the district name.

School & District Settings > District > District Information> Name 

School Number

Reports the location number

School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > Location Number


School Name

Reports the School Name

School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > Name

State ID

Reports the unique identifier for the student 

If State Student ID is blank/null, report blank.

Student Information  > Demographics > Student State ID


State Grade

Reports the grade level for the student 

If State Grade is blank/null, report blank.

Census > People > Enrollments > Grade 


Student Information > General > Enrollments > Grade


Last Name

Reports the last name of the student.

If Last Name is blank/null, report blank.

Census > People > Demographics > Last Name


First Name

Reports the first name of the student.

If First Name is blank/null, report blank.

Census > People > Demographics > First Name



Reports the gender of the student.

  • M = Male
  • F = Female

Census > People > Demographics > Gender


Race Ethnicity

Reports the federal race/ethnicity of the student.

  • 1: Hispanic/Latino
  • 2: American Indian or Alaskan Native
  • 3: Asian
  • 4: Black or African American
  • 5: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • 6: White
  • 7: Two or More Races

If Race ID is blank/null, report blank.

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity


Economic Status

Reports the FRAM Eligibility for the student at any point during the date range.

Also known as Lunch Code / Economic Indicator / SES.

  • A: Non-reimbursable 
  • F: Free 
  • R: Reduced 
  • S: Paid 

If no FRAM Eligibility Record exists that overlaps the date range, report S.

FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility 


This logic should pull from the core eligibility value, not ‘v_posEligibility StateCode’.

Active SpEd

Reports whether the student had an active, locked IEP during the date range.

  • Y = Yes
  • N = No

Default to N

Student is considered Active in Special Education if they have an active, locked IEP that overlaps the date range.

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IEP > Education Plan > Start Date & End Date

Calculated Field 

Logic checks for a locked, active IEP record, not a particular field.

English Learner

Reports students EL 

Report if the student has a Program Status of EL that overlaps the date range.

Report  Y if the student has a Program Status of Exited EL with an EL Exit Date that overlaps the date range.

Else, N

Student Information > English Learners > English Learners (EL) > Program Status | EL Exit Date

Calculated field.

Program 504

Reports students indicated as Program 504

Report Y for Yes,

Else report N

Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > 504



Reports if student is homeless any time during the date range.

Report Y, if any homeless record from the same district overlaps the date range.

Else report N

Student Information > General > Program Participation > Homeless




Foster Care

Reports if student was in Foster Care any time during the date range.

Report Y, if any foster care record from the same district overlaps the date range.

Else report N

Student Information > Program Participation > Foster Care




Gifted Talented

Reports if student was Gifted & Talented at any time during the date range.

Primary Talent Pool (Category = 12) is only valid for grades 00-03.

Report Y, if any gifted record from the same district overlaps the date range AND 

(State Grade is 00-03 and Category = 12) 


(State Grade is 04-12 and Category <> 12),

Else report N

Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented






Reports if student was Migrant at any time during the date range.

Report Y, if any migrant record from the same district overlaps the date range,

Else report N

Student Information > Program Participation > Migrant

Migrant. lastQualifyingArrivalDate

Migrant. eligibilityExpirationDate


Military Connected

Reports if student was Military Connected at any time during the date range.

Report Y, If the student has at least one record in the v_StudentMilitaryConnectionsSummary table overlaps the date range AND Status like ‘%active duty,%’,

Else report N

Census > People > Military Connections




Enrollment Type

Reports the student’s enrollment type

Indicate the type of enrollment.

  • P = Primary
  • S = Partial
  • N = Special Ed Services

Enrollment > Service Type


Enrollment Start Date

Reports student’s Primary enrollment start date

When students have more than one Enrollment in the district, report a separate row for each enrollment.

Sort by earliest enrollment that overlaps the date range.

Enrollment > Start Date


Enrollment End Date

Reports student’s Primary enrollment end date

When students have more than one Enrollment in the district, report a separate row for each enrollment.

Enrollment > End Date


Days Scheduled

Counts the number of days scheduled in at least one attendance course during the date range

Includes Instructional Days only.

Sum of instructional days, with at least one attendance course scheduled, from enrollment start date to enrollment end date, within the date range.

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Course > Section > Schedule




Participation Days

Counts the number of days where the student had any positive attendance or confirmed participation.

Student Information > General > Attendance

Non-Participation Days

Counts the number of days where the student had no positive attendance or confirmed participation.

Student Information > General > Attendance

% Participated

Calculates the number of days participated by the number of days scheduled.


Total Days Remote Counts the number of days the student was attending remotely during the date range.

Sum of the number of days where students were marked as VP (virtual and present) and VN (virtual and absent)

See the Attendance Status Logic section for more information.
Student participation view ‘attendedStatus’
Participation Days Remote Counts the number of remote days with participation during the date range.

Sum of the number of days where students were marked as VP (virtual and present).

See the Attendance Status Logic section for more information.
Student participation view ‘attendedStatus’
Total Days Remote % Participation Displays the rate of participation on remote days.

Total Days Remote / Participation Days Remote
Total Days In Person Counts the number of days the student was attending remotely during the date range.

Sum of the number of days where students were marked as PP (physical and present) and PA (physical and absent)

See the Attendance Status Logic section for more information.
Student participation view ‘attendedStatus’
Participation Days In Person Counts the number of remote days with participation during the date range.

Sum of the number of days where students were marked as PP (physical and present).

See the Attendance Status Logic section for more information.
Student participation view ‘attendedStatus’
Total Days In Person % Participation Displays the rate of participation on in person days.

Total Days In Person / Participation Days In Person
Learning Model for Date Range Indicate which learning model a student was in during the report date range.

Report ‘Remote’

  • If all days within the data range have an attendedStatus of VP or VN

Report ‘In Person’

  • If all days within the data range have an attendedStatus of PP or PN
Else report ’Hybrid’

See the Attendance Status Logic section for more information.

Report Date Range

Indicates the date range used to run the report.


Attendance Status Logic

Expand the link below to view AttendanceStatus logic:

Click here to expand...

  1. VN: Virtual Non Particpation
    1. Student in a BLG that is virtual on the day
    2. AND no StudentParticipation record at all or a record with participationConfirmation=0
    3. AND no Positive Attendance minutes during the period
  2. VP: Virtual Participation (note two logic options, 1 & 2 or 3 & 4)
    1. Student in a BLG that is virtual on the day
    2. AND Student has a StudentParticipation record with participationConfirmation=1 OR any Positive Attendance minutes during the period
    3. OR Student in a BLG that is physical on the day
    4. AND Student has StudentParticipation record with both participationConfirmation=1 and physicalOverride=1
  3. PA: Physically Absent
    1. Student in a BLG that is physical on the day OR student is not in a BLG at all.
    2. AND no Positive Attendance minutes during the period
    3. IF the student has a StudentParticipation record participationConfirmation must =0
  4. PP: Physically Present
    1. Student in a BLG that is physical on the day OR student is not in a BLG at all
    2. AND the student has Positive Attendance minutes during the period OR a Student Participation record with participationConfirmation=1
  5. Hierarchy for multiple attendedStatus codes within a single day:
    1. If any period within the day has an attendedStatus of PP, the whole day would be considered PP and would count as an In-Person Day with Participation 
    2. If any period within the day has an attendedStatus of VP, and there are no periods with an attendedStatus of PP, the whole day would be considered VP and would count as a Remote Day with Participation
    3. If any period within the day has an attendedStatus of PA, and there are no periods with an attendedStatus of PP or VP, the whole day would be considered PA and would count as a In Person Day without Participation
    4. All periods within the day must have an attendedStatus of VN for the whole day to be considered VN and count as a Remote Day without Participation

Aggregate Participation

The Aggregate Participation report produces an aggregate count of students and the number of days they participated within a specified date range

Generate the Report

  1. Enter the Date Range. Only students scheduled within these days are considered for reporting.
  2. Select a Report Type of 'Aggregate Participation'.
  3. Select the report Format
  4. Select which calendars will report data.
  5. Select which Grades will report data or select an Ad Hoc Filter to determine which students are reported. 
  6. Click Generate Extract to generate the report immediately or click Submit to Batch to schedule when the system will generate the report.

Use the table below to better understand each report column.

Data Element Label Description and Business Rules GUI Path and Database Field

School Year

Reports the academic year of participation data

Concatenate the calendar start year and end year


District Number

Reports the state district number.

School & District Settings > District > District Information > State District Number


District Name

Reports the district name.

School & District Settings > District > District Information > Name

School Number

Reports the location number

First row of the report will be District Totals, School Number will be blank.

School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > Location Number


School Name

Reports the School Name

First row of the report will be District Totals, School Name will be blank.

School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > Name

Learning Model for Date Range Aggregate the report by Learning Model during the date range.

Report a row of data to tally aggregate totals by learning model during the date range:

  • All 
  • Remote
  • Hybrid
  • In Person
Students enrolled 100% in Virtual Performance-based courses will only be counted in the ‘All’ learning model row.

Total Students

Reports a count of students enrolled during the date range

Counts 1 for the unique number of students enrolled.

First row reports the SUM of unique students enrolled in the District.

Subsequent rows report the unique number of students enrolled per school that is being reported.

Student Information  > Demographics > Student State ID


Total Days Scheduled Reports a total number of days enrolled with at least one attendance course scheduled.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of days scheduled in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days scheduled in the school where the student is enrolled
Student Information > General > Enrollment

Participation Days Reports a total number of days with student participation records.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of participation days in the school where the student is enrolled
Student Information > General > Attendance

Non-Participation Days Reports a total number of days with student non-participation records.

Counts SUM of day without participation

First row counts SUM of non-participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days enrolled in the school where the student is enrolled
Student Information > General > Attendance

% Participated Calculates the number of days participated by the number of days scheduled.

If there are no students in the Learning Model report ‘NA’

Total Male

Reports a count of male students

Counts 1 for Gender of M

First row reports the SUM of unique students in the District.

Subsequent rows report the unique number of students per school being reported.

Census > People > Demographics > Gender

Days Scheduled - Male Reports a total number of days enrolled with at least one attendance course scheduled for students who identify as Male.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of days scheduled in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days scheduled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Census > People > Demographics > Gender 


Participation Days - Male Reports a total number of days with student participation records for students who identify as Male.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of participation days in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Census > People > Demographics > Gender 


Non Participation Days - Male Reports a total number of days with student non-participation records for students who identify as Male.

Counts SUM of day without participation (DE.26)

First row counts SUM of non-participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days enrolled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Census > People > Demographics > Gender 


% Participated - Male Calculates the number of days participated by the number of days scheduled for students who identify as Male

If there are no students in the Learning Model report ‘NA’

Total Female

Reports a count of female students

Counts 1 for Gender of F

First row reports the SUM of unique students in the District.

Subsequent rows report the unique number of students per school being reported.

Census > People > Demographics > Gender

Days Scheduled - Female Reports a total number of days enrolled with at least one attendance course scheduled for students who identify as Female.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of days scheduled in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days scheduled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Census > People > Demographics > Gender

Participation Days - Female Reports a total number of days with student participation records for students who identify as Female.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of participation days in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Census > People > Demographics > Gender

Non Participation Days - Female Reports a total number of days with student non-participation records for students who identify as Female.

Counts SUM of day without participation

First row counts SUM of non-participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days enrolled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Census > People > Demographics > Gender

% Participated - Female Calculates the number of days participated by the number of days scheduled for students who identify as Female.

If there are no students in the Learning Model report ‘NA’

Total White

Reports a count of students with a race/ethnicity of White

Counts 1 for Race of 6

First row reports the SUM of unique students in the District.

Subsequent rows report the unique number of students per school being reported.

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity


Days Scheduled - White Reports a total number of days enrolled with at least one attendance course scheduled for students who identify as White.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of days scheduled in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days scheduled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity


Participation Days - White Reports a total number of days with student participation records for students who identify as White.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of participation days in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity


Non Participation Days - White Reports a total number of days with student non-participation records for students who identify as White.

Counts SUM of day without participation

First row counts SUM of non-participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days enrolled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity


% Participated - White Calculates the number of days participated by the number of days scheduled for students who identify as White.

If there are no students in the Learning Model report ‘NA’

Total Black

Reports a count of students with a race/ethnicity of Black

Counts 1 for Race of 4

First row reports the SUM of unique students in the District.

Subsequent rows report the unique number of students per school being reported.

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity

Days Scheduled - Black Reports a total number of days enrolled with at least one attendance course scheduled for students who identify as Black.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of days scheduled in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days scheduled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity


Participation Days - Black Reports a total number of days with student participation records for students who identify as Black.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of participation days in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity


Non Participation Days - Black Reports a total number of days with student non-participation records for students who identify as Black.

Counts SUM of day without participation

First row counts SUM of non-participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days enrolled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity


% Participated - Black

Total Hispanic

Reports a count of students with a race/ethnicity of Hispanic

Counts 1 for Race of 1

First row reports the SUM of unique students in the District.

Subsequent rows report the unique number of students per school being reported.

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity

Days Scheduled - Hispanic Reports a total number of days enrolled with at least one attendance course scheduled for students who identify as Hispanic.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of days scheduled in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days scheduled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity


Participation Days - Hispanic Reports a total number of days with student participation records for students who identify as Hispanic.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of participation days in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity


Non Participation Days - Hispanic Reports a total number of days with student non-participation records for students who identify as Hispanic.

Counts SUM of day without participation

First row counts SUM of non-participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days enrolled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity


% Participated - Hispanic Calculates the number of days participated by the number of days scheduled for students who identify as Hispanic.

If there are no students in the Learning Model report ‘NA’

Total Asian

Reports a count of students with a race/ethnicity of Asian

Counts 1 for Race of 3

First row reports the SUM of unique students in the District.

Subsequent rows report the unique number of students per school being reported.

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity

Days Scheduled - Asian Reports a total number of days enrolled with at least one attendance course scheduled for students who identify as Asian.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of days scheduled in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days scheduled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity


Participation Days - Asian Reports a total number of days with student participation records for students who identify as Asian.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of participation days in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity


Non Participation Days - Asian Reports a total number of days with student non-participation records for students who identify as Asian.

Counts SUM of day without participation

First row counts SUM of non-participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days enrolled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity


% Participated - Asian Calculates the number of days participated by the number of days scheduled for students who identify as Asian.

If there are no students in the Learning Model report ‘NA’

Total American Indian/Alaska Native

Reports a count of students with a race/ethnicity of American Indian or Alaska Native

Counts 1 for Race of 2

First row reports the SUM of unique students in the District.

Subsequent rows report the unique number of students per school being reported.

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity

Days Scheduled - American Indian or Alaska Native Reports a total number of days enrolled with at least one attendance course scheduled for students who identify as American Indian or Alaska Native.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of days scheduled in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days scheduled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity


Participation Days - American Indian or Alaska Native Reports a total number of days with student participation records for students who identify as American Indian or Alaska Native.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of participation days in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity


Non Participation Days - American Indian or Alaska Native Reports a total number of days with student non-participation records for students who identify as American Indian or Alaska Native.

Counts SUM of day without participation

First row counts SUM of non-participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days enrolled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity


% Participated - American Indian or Alaska Native Calculates the number of days participated by the number of days scheduled for students who identify as American Indian or Alaska Native.

If there are no students in the Learning Model report ‘NA’

Total Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander

Reports a count of students with a race/ethnicity of Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Counts 1 for Race of 5

First row reports the SUM of unique students in the District.

Subsequent rows report the unique number of students per school being reported.

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity

Days Scheduled - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Reports a total number of days enrolled with at least one attendance course scheduled for students who identify as Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of days scheduled in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days scheduled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity


Participation Days - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Reports a total number of days with student participation records for students who identify as Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of participation days in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity


Non Participation Days - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Reports a total number of days with student non-participation records for students who identify as Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.

Counts SUM of day without participation

First row counts SUM of non-participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days enrolled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity


% Participated - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Calculates the number of days participated by the number of days scheduled for students who identify as Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.

If there are no students in the Learning Model report ‘NA’

Total Two or More Races

Reports a count of students with two or more races 

Counts 1 for Race of 7

First row reports the SUM of unique students in the District.

Subsequent rows report the unique number of students per school being reported.

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity

Days Scheduled - Two or More Races Reports a total number of days enrolled with at least one attendance course scheduled for students who identify as Two or More Races.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of days scheduled in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days scheduled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity


Participation Days - Two or More Races Reports a total number of days with student participation records for students who identify as Two or More Races.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of participation days in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity


Non Participation Days - Two or More Races Reports a total number of days with student non-participation records for students who identify as Two or More Races.

Counts SUM of day without participation

First row counts SUM of non-participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days enrolled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity


% Participated - Two or More Races Calculates the number of days participated by the number of days scheduled for students who identify as Two or More Races.

If there are no students in the Learning Model report ‘NA’

Total Economically Disadvantage

Reports a count of students with an Economic Stats or Free or Reduced

Counts 1 for Economic Status of F or R 

First row reports the SUM of unique students in the District.

Subsequent rows report the unique number of students per school being reported.

FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility

Days Scheduled - Economically Disadvantaged Reports a total number of days enrolled with at least one attendance course scheduled for students who report as Economically Disadvantaged.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of days scheduled in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days scheduled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility

Participation Days - Economically Disadvantaged Reports a total number of days with student participation records for students who report as Economically Disadvantaged.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of participation days in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility

Non Participation Days - Economically Disadvantaged Reports a total number of days with student non-participation records for students who report as Economically Disadvantaged.

Counts SUM of day without participation

First row counts SUM of non-participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days enrolled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility

% Participated - Economically Disadvantaged Calculates the number of days participated by the number of days scheduled for students who report as Economically Disadvantaged.

If there are no students in the Learning Model report ‘NA’

Total Special Education

Reports a count of students with a locked, active IEP.

Counts 1 for Active SpEd of Y

First row reports the SUM of unique students in the District.

Subsequent rows report the unique number of students per school being reported.

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IEP > Education Plan > Start Date & End Date

Days Scheduled - Special Education Reports a total number of days enrolled with at least one attendance course scheduled for students who report as active in Special Education.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of days scheduled in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days scheduled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents

Participation Days - Special Education Reports a total number of days with student participation records for students who report as active in Special Education.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of participation days in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents

Non Participation Days - Special Education Reports a total number of days with student non-participation records for students who report as active in Special Education.

Counts SUM of day without participation

First row counts SUM of non-participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days enrolled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents

% Participated - Special Education Calculates the number of days participated by the number of days scheduled for students who report as active in Special Education.

If there are no students in the Learning Model report ‘NA’

Total English Learners

Reports a count of students with a status of EL

Counts 1 for English Learner (EL) of Y 

First row reports the SUM of unique students in the District.

Subsequent rows report the unique number of students per school being reported.

Student Information > English Learners > English Learners (EL) > Program Status

Student Information > English Learners > English Learners (EL) > EL Accommodations > Type

Days Scheduled - English Learners Reports a total number of days enrolled with at least one attendance course scheduled for students who report as English Learners.

Counts SUM of days enrolled)

First row counts SUM of days scheduled in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days scheduled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Student Information > English Learners > English Learners (EL) > Program Status

Participation Days - English Learners Reports a total number of days with student participation records for students who report as English Learners.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of participation days in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Student Information > English Learners > English Learners (EL) > Program Status

Non Participation Days - English Learners Reports a total number of days with student non-participation records for students who report as English Learners.

Counts SUM of day without participation

First row counts SUM of non-participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days enrolled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Student Information > English Learners > English Learners (EL) > Program Status

% Participated - English Learners Calculates the number of days participated by the number of days scheduled for students who report as English Learners.

If there are no students in the Learning Model report ‘NA’

Total Program 504

Reports a count of students indicated as Program 504

Counts 1 for Program 504 of Y 

First row reports the SUM of unique students in the District.

Subsequent rows report the unique number of students per school being reported.

Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > 504


Days Scheduled - Program 504 Reports a total number of days enrolled with at least one attendance course scheduled for students who report as Program 504.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of days scheduled in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days scheduled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > 504

Participation Days - Program 504 Reports a total number of days with student participation records for students who report as Program 504.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of participation days in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > 504

Non Participation Days - Program 504 Reports a total number of days with student non-participation records for students who report as Program 504.

Counts SUM of day without participation

First row counts SUM of non-participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days enrolled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > 504

% Participated - Program 504 Calculates the number of days participated by the number of days scheduled for students who report as Program 504.

If there are no students in the Learning Model report ‘NA’

Total Homeless

Reports a count of homeless students.

Counts 1 for Homeless Status of Y 

First row reports the SUM of unique students in the District.

Subsequent rows report the unique number of students per school being reported.

Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless

Days Scheduled - Homeless Reports a total number of days enrolled with at least one attendance course scheduled for students who report as Homeless.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of days scheduled in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days scheduled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless

Participation Days - Homeless Reports a total number of days with student participation records for students who report as Homeless.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of participation days in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless

Non Participation Days - Homeless Reports a total number of days with student non-participation records for students who report as Homeless.

Counts SUM of day without participation

First row counts SUM of non-participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days enrolled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless

% Participated - Homeless Calculates the number of days participated by the number of days scheduled for students who report as Homeless.

If there are no students in the Learning Model report ‘NA’

Total Foster Care

Reports a count of students in foster care.

Counts 1 for foster Status of Y

First row reports the SUM of unique students in the District.

Subsequent rows report the unique number of students per school being reported.

Student Information > Program Participation > Foster Care

Days Scheduled - Foster Care Reports a total number of days enrolled with at least one attendance course scheduled for students who report as Foster Care.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of days scheduled in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days scheduled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Student Information > Program Participation > Foster Care

Participation Days - Foster Care Reports a total number of days with student participation records for students who report as Foster Care.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of participation days in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Student Information > Program Participation > Foster Care

Non Participation Days - Foster Care Reports a total number of days with student non-participation records for students who report as Foster Care.

Counts SUM of day without participation

First row counts SUM of non-participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days enrolled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Student Information > Program Participation > Foster Care

% Participated - Foster Care Calculates the number of days participated by the number of days scheduled for students who report as Foster Care.

If there are no students in the Learning Model report ‘NA’

Total Gifted Talented

Reports a count of students identified as Gifted and Talented

Counts 1 for Gifted and Talented Status of Y

First row reports the SUM of unique students in the District.

Subsequent rows report the unique number of students per school being reported.

Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted and Talented

Days Scheduled - Gifted and Talented Reports a total number of days enrolled with at least one attendance course scheduled for students who report as Gifted and Talented.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of days scheduled in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days scheduled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted and Talented

Participation Days - Gifted and Talented Reports a total number of days with student participation records for students who report as Gifted and Talented.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of participation days in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted and Talented

Non Participation Days - Gifted and Talented Reports a total number of days with student non-participation records for students who report as Gifted and Talented.

Counts SUM of day without participation

First row counts SUM of non-participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days enrolled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted and Talented

% Participated - Gifted and Talented Calculates the number of days participated by the number of days scheduled for students who report as Gifted and Talented.

If there are no students in the Learning Model report ‘NA’

Total Migrant

Reports a count of Migrant students

Counts 1 for Migrant Status of Y

First row reports the SUM of unique students in the District.

Subsequent rows report the unique number of students per school being reported.

Student Information > Program Participation > Migrant

Days Scheduled - Migrant Reports a total number of days enrolled with at least one attendance course scheduled for students who report as Migrant.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of days scheduled in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days scheduled in the school where the student is enrolled.

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Student Information > Program Participation > Migrant

Participation Days - Migrant Reports a total number of days with student participation records for students who report as Migrant.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of participation days in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Student Information > Program Participation > Migrant

Non Participation Days - Migrant Reports a total number of days with student non-participation records for students who report as Migrant.

Counts SUM of day without participation

First row counts SUM of non-participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days enrolled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Student Information > Program Participation > Migrant

% Participated - Migrant Calculates the number of days participated by the number of days scheduled for students who report as Migrant.

If there are no students in the Learning Model report ‘NA’

Total Military Connected

Reports a count of military connected students.

Counts 1 for Military Connected Status of Y

First row reports the SUM of unique students in the District.

Subsequent rows report the unique number of students per school being reported.

Student Information > Program Participation > Military Connected

Days Scheduled - Military Connected Reports a total number of days enrolled with at least one attendance course scheduled for students who report as Military Connected.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of days scheduled in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days scheduled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Student Information > Program Participation > Military Connected

Participation Days - Military Connected Reports a total number of days with student participation records for students who report as Military Connected.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of participation days in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Student Information > Program Participation > Military Connected

Non Participation Days - Military Connected Reports a total number of days with student non-participation records for students who report as Military Connected.

Counts SUM of day without participation

First row counts SUM of non-participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days enrolled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Student Information > Program Participation > Military Connected

% Participated - Military Connected Calculates the number of days participated by the number of days scheduled for students who report as Military Connected.

If there are no students in the Learning Model report ‘NA’

Total Days Scheduled

Reports a total number of days enrolled with at least one attendance course scheduled.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of days scheduled in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days scheduled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Participation Days

Reports a total number of days with student participation records

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of participation days in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Attendance

Non-Participation Days

Reports a total number of days with student non-participation records

Counts SUM of day without participation

First row counts SUM of non-participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days enrolled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Attendance

% Participated

Calculates the number of days participated by the number of days scheduled.

If there are no students in the Learning Model report ‘NA'


Total VPB Days Scheduled

Reports a total number of Virtual Performance-Based days scheduled.

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of VPB days scheduled in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days enrolled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Enrollment




VPB Participation Days

Reports a total number of days with VPB student participation records

Counts SUM of days enrolled

First row counts SUM of participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of participation days in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Schedule

Student Information > General > Grades

VPB Non-Participation Days

Reports a total number of days with VPD without participation records.

Counts SUM of day without participation

First row counts SUM of non-participation days in the district.

Subsequent rows count the SUM of days scheduled in the school where the student is enrolled

Student Information > General > Schedule

Student Information > General > Grades

% VPB Participated

Calculates the number of VPB days participated by the number of VPB days scheduled.


Report Date Range

Indicates the date range used to run the report.


Virtual and Performance-Based Students

The Virtual Participation-Based Students report will produce a list of students scheduled 100% into virtual/performance based.

Virtual and Performance-Based Students

Generate the Report

  1. Enter the Date Range. Only students scheduled within these days are considered for reporting.
  2. Select a Report Type of 'Virtual and Performance-Based Students'.
  3. Select the report Format
  4. Select which calendars will report data.
  5. Select which Grades will report data or select an Ad Hoc Filter to determine which students are reported.
  6. When applicable, mark the Exclude Cross-Site Data checkbox. This checkbox defaults to marked. When marked, the report does not include cross-site homeroom data. Cross-site must be enabled at the district level for this checkbox to display. 
  7. Click Generate Extract to generate the report immediately or click Submit to Batch to schedule when the system will generate the report.

Use the table below to better understand each report column.

Data Element Description and Business Rules Data Source GUI Path Database Field

School Year

Reports the academic year of participation data

Concatenate the calendar start year and end year


District Number

Reports the state district number.

School & District Settings > District > District Information > State District Number


District Name

Reports the district name.

School & District Settings > District > District Information >

School Number

Reports the location number

School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > Location Number


School Name

Reports the School Name

School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > School > Name

State ID

Reports the unique identifier for the student 

If State Student ID is blank/null, report blank.

Student Information  > Demographics > Student State ID


State Grade

Reports the grade level for the student.

If State Grade is blank/null, report blank.

Census > People > Enrollments > Grade 


Student Information > Enrollments > Grade


Last Name

Reports the last name of the student.

If Last Name is blank/null, report blank.

Census > People > Demographics > Last Name


First Name

Reports the first name of the student.

If First Name is blank/null, report blank.

Census > People > Demographics > First Name



Reports the gender of the student.

  • M = Male
  • F = Female

Census > People > Demographics > Gender


Race Ethnicity

Reports the federal race/ethnicity of the student.

  • 1: Hispanic/Latino
  • 2: American Indian or Alaskan Native
  • 3: Asian
  • 4: Black or African American
  • 5: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • 6: White
  • 7: Two or More Races

If Race ID is blank/null, report blank.

Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity


Economic Status

Reports the FRAM Eligibility for the student at any point during the date range.

Also known as Lunch Code / Economic Indicator / SES.

  • A: Non-reimbursable 
  • F: Free 
  • R: Reduced 
  • S: Paid 

If no FRAM Eligibility Record exists that overlaps the date range, report S.

FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility 


This logic should pull from the core eligibility value, not ‘v_posEligibility

Active SpEd

Reports whether the student had an active, locked IEP during the date range.

Y = Yes

N = No

Default to N

Student is considered Active in Special Education if they have an active, locked IEP that overlaps the date range.

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IEP > Education Plan > Start Date & End Date

Calculated Field 

Logic checks for a locked, active IEP record, not a particular field. 

English Learner

Reports students EL 

Report if the student has a Program Status of EL that overlaps the date range.

Report  Y if the student has a Program Status of Exited EL with an EL Exit Date that overlaps the date range.

Else, N

Student Information > English Learner (EL) > EL > Program Status | EL Exit Date


Program 504

Reports students indicated as Program 504

Report Y for Yes,

Else report N

Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > 504



Reports if student is homeless any time during the date range.

Report Y, if any homeless record from the same district overlaps the date range.

Else report N

Student Information > General > Program Participation > Homeless




Foster Care

Reports if student was in Foster Care any time during the date range.

Report Y, if any foster care record from the same district overlaps the date range.

Else report N

Student Information > General > Program Participation > Foster Care




Gifted Talented

Reports if student was Gifted & Talented at any time during the date range.

Primary Talent Pool (Category = 12) is only valid for grades 00-03.

Report Y, if any gifted record from the same district overlaps the date range AND 

(State Grade is 00-03 and Category = 12) 


(State Grade is 04-12 and Category <> 12),

Else report N

Student Information > General > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented






Reports if student was Migrant at any time during the date range.

Report Y, if any migrant record from the same district overlaps the date range,

Else report N

Student Information > General > Program Participation > Migrant

Migrant. lastQualifyingArrivalDate

Migrant. eligibilityExpirationDate


Military Connected

Reports if student was Military Connected at any time during the date range.

Report Y, If the student has at least one record in the v_StudentMilitaryConnectionsSummary table overlaps the date range AND Status like ‘%active duty,%’,

Else report N

Census > People > Military Connections




Enrollment Type

Reports the student’s enrollment type.

Indicate the type of enrollment.

  • P = Primary
  • S = Partial

N = Special Ed Services

Enrollment > Service Type


Enrollment Start Date

Reports student’s Primary enrollment start date

When students have more than one Enrollment in the district, report a separate row for each enrollment.

Sort by earliest enrollment that overlaps the date range.

Enrollment > Start Date


Enrollment End Date

Reports student’s Primary enrollment end date

When students have more than one Enrollment in the district, report a separate row for each enrollment.

Enrollment > End Date


VPB Days Scheduled

Counts the number of days 100% scheduled in VPB Courses during the date range

Total number of distinct days the student is scheduled in classes with a type of “Virtual” or “Performance”

Student Information > General > Enrollment




VPB Participation Days

Counts the number of Days where at least 1 Passing VPB Course is scheduled. 

Total number of distinct days where Participation Credit was > 0

Student Information > General > Schedule

Student Information > General > Grades


VPB Non-Participation Days

Counts the number of days where all there are 0 Passing VPB courses scheduled

Total number of distinct days where Participation Credit = 0.

Student Information > General > Schedule

Student Information > General > Grades


% VPB Participated

Calculates the number of days VPB Participated by the number of VPB Days scheduled.



Report Date Range

Report the start and end dates entered into the report UI.


Report UI