District Summary Attendance Report (Texas)

Tool Search: TEA Attendance

The Texas TEA District Summary Attendance Report details student, school, and district attendance information. This report summarizes a school's attendance data for multiple reporting periods in six-week reporting periods.

Screenshot of the TEA District Summary Attendance editor.TEA District Summary Attendance Editor  

Report Logic

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This report generates data for any student actively enrolled during the Reporting Period whose ADA eligibility is not equal to 0. The attendance accounting system determines a student’s ADA eligibility. See the Report Layout for Eligibility Codes.

  • Courses with the State Report Exclude option selected on the Courses tool do NOT report.
  • CTE attendance and V code calculations consider suspensions lasting longer than 5 days. If a student has a state reportable suspension (in or out of school) within the reporting window that lasts longer than 5 days, any attendance days after the 5th day will be counted as regular (not CTE), and the student will report no V codes.
  • Attendance entered by the minute is saved to the database as period-based. This means the exact time is not reported, only the period in which it falls.
  • When calculating CTE attendance days, logic excludes any date contained in a CTE Funding Exempt record that overlaps with the reporting period. 
  • When calculating CTE attendance days, logic excludes any date contained in a Non-Certified CTE record that overlaps with the reporting period. 
  • Grade levels do not need to match State Grade Levels to report.
  • When a user selects dates that cross multiple attendance periods, only the dates for the earliest period are considered; the rest are not reported.

Generating the Report

  1. Select the District Summary Attendance option from the Report Type dropdown.
  2. Select a Report Format of either PDF or DOCX.
  3. Choose a school and calendar in the Period Model dropdown. The calendars list in the extract editor should populate once a period model has been selected.
  4. Select a calendar from the Calendar dropdown.
  5. Fill in the Start Date and End Date fields. There are several options for this action: 
    • Select the Calendar icon and select the start and end dates for the reporting period. 
    • Select the Start Date and End Date fields and manually input the start and end dates for the reporting period. 
    • Click on the period options below the Period model to quickly set the start and end dates for the reporting period.
  6. Select either Grade to filter the report by grade and then choose a grade from the dropdown, or select Ad Hoc Filter and choose a filter from the dropdown options.
  7. Decide if you want to generate the report or submit it to batch:
    Generate Report

    Click the Generate Report button to generate the report immediately. The report will appear in a separate window in the designated format.

    Submit to Batch

    Click the Submit to Batch button to send the extract to the Batch Queue List. The Batch Queue functionality allows users to schedule when the extract is generated and to navigate away from the report editor while the extract is being built. The Batch Queue List also lets users view and access historical reports that were run through the Batch Queue tool.

Report Example

Screenshot of an example of the District Summary Attendance Report.District Summary Attendance Report

Screenshot of an example of the District Summary Attendance Report Contact Hours Calculations.District Summary Attendance Report Contact Hours Calculations

Weight Factor Calculations

Screenshot of an example of the District Summary Attendance Report Weight Factor Calculations.District Summary Attendance Report Weight Factor Calculations

Report Layout


Reporting Period

This report pulls from the period of time used to generate an attendance summary. The general period of time for this report is six weeks. This report can analyze the full school year but must be divided into approximately six equal reporting periods.Calendar Setup > Attendance Periods > Attendance Periods Detail



The sum total of A-R for all grades included in the report.Not dynamically stored

Calculated field

Grade Level

The student grade level used to filter this report.

Note: Grade levels do not need to match State Grade Levels to report.

Enrollment  > Grade

System Admin > Calendar > Calendar > Grade Level


Instructional Days (A)

The total number of days classes are held during the school year.Not dynamically stored

Calculated field

Student Count

The number of students included in the report population with at least one day of membership within the Reporting Period Date Range.Not dynamically stored

Calculated field

Days Membership (B)

The total number of days all students were enrolled in the school during the reporting period. Days Membership is calculated by adding together the number of Days Absent (C), number of Eligible Days Present (F), and number of Ineligible Days Present (E) for each grade within the reporting period and instructional track:

Days Membership = Days Absent +Eligible Days Present + Ineligible Days Present

Not dynamically stored

Calculated field

Total Days Absent (C)

The total number of days students were absent during the reporting period.Not dynamically stored

Calculated field

Total Days Present (D)

The total number of days students were present in the reporting period. Days Present is calculated as the number of Ineligible Days Present (E) plus the number of Eligible Days Present (F) for each grade within the reporting period and instructional track.

Days Present = Ineligible Days Present +Eligible Days Present

Not dynamically stored

Calculated field

Total Ineligible Days (E)

The total number of days students were present and in membership but ineligible for ADA funds.Not dynamically stored

Calculated field

Total Eligible Days (F)

The total number of days students were present, in membership, and eligible for ADA funds.Not dynamically stored

Calculated field

Eligible Days Bilingual/ESL (G)

The total number of days students participated in eligible Bilingual or ESL programs.Not dynamically stored

Calculated field

Eligible Days Pregnancy Related Services (H)

The total number of days students participated in Pregnancy Related Service programs.Not dynamically stored

Calculated field

Eligible Days SpecEd Main (I)

The total number of days students were in Special Ed Setting 40: Mainstream during the reporting period.Not dynamically stored

Calculated field

Bilingual/ESL Refined ADA (J)

Bilingual/ESL Refined ADA is calculated by dividing the number of Eligible Bilingual/ESL Days Present (G) by the number of Instructional Days (A) for each grade within the reporting period and instructional track. (Rounded to the nearest 0.1):

Bilingual/ESL Refined ADA = Eligible Bilingual/ESL Eligible Days Present / Instructional Days

Not dynamically stored

Calculated field

SpecEd Main Refined ADA (K)

Special Education Mainstream Refined ADA is calculated by dividing the number of Eligible Special Education Mainstream Days Present (I) by the number of Instructional Days (A) for each grade within the reporting period and instructional track:

Special Education Mainstream Refined ADA = Eligible Special Education Mainstream Days Present / Instructional Days

To be included, on the day being counted

  • the IEP must be active and locked, AND
  • there must be an active Instructional Setting code of 40 on the Settings and Disabilities editor in the IEP
Not dynamically stored

Calculated field

Pregnancy Related Service FTE (L)

Pregnancy-Related Services FTE is calculated as the number of Eligible Pregnancy-Related Services Days (H) multiplied by 0.2936; the result is divided by the number of Instructional days (A) for each grade within the reporting period and instructional track:

Pregnancy-Related Services FTE = (Elig Preg Rel Serv Days * 0.2936) / Instructional Days

Not dynamically stored

Calculated field

Career & Technology Ed FTE (M)

Career & Technology Ed FTE is calculated by multiplying the Career & Technology Education Eligible Days Present (F) for each grade by the corresponding weight factor to calculate contact hours (see the Weight Factor Calculations table). All of the Career & Technology Education contact hours are added together, and this sum is then divided by 6 multiplied by the number of Instructional days (A) to yield the Career & Technology Education FTE for the track:

Career & Technology Education FTE = Contact Hours / (6 * Instructional Days)

Not dynamically stored

Calculated field

Special Education FTE (N)

Special Education FTE is calculated by adding all the Special Education Eligible Days Present (F) and multiplying this sum by the corresponding weight factor for each grade (see the Weight Factor Calculations table). Then, the excess hours are subtracted to calculate the contact hours. All the Special Education contact hours are added together, and this sum is divided by 6 multiplied by the number of Instructional Days (A) to yield the Special Education FTE for the track:

Special Education FTE = Spec Ed Contact Hours / (6 * Instructional Days)

Not dynamically stored

Calculated field

Regular Program Refined ADA (O)

Regular Program Defined ADA is calculated by the Total Refined ADA (P) minus the Career & Technology Education FTE (M) and Special Education FTE (N), rounded to the nearest 0.1:

Regular Program Defined ADA = Total Refined ADA - Career & Technology Education FTE - Special Education FTE

Not dynamically stored

Calculated field

Total Refined ADA (P)

Total Refined ADA is calculated by dividing the number of Eligible Days Present (F) by the number of Instructional Days (A) for each grade within the reporting period and track:

Total Refined ADA = Eligible Days Present / Instructional Days

Not dynamically stored

Calculated field

Percent in Attendance (Q)

Percent in Attendance is calculated by dividing the Days Present (D) by the Days Membership (B). This sum is then multiplied by 100:

Percent in Attendance = (Days Present / Days Membership) * 100

Not dynamically stored

Calculated field

Gifted and Talented (R)


The total number of students with a GT program: Gifted &Talented.Flags > Student Flag Detail > Flags > GT: Gifted & Talented