Core SIF - StudentPeriodAttendance

Tool Search: SIF

The current version of SIF is v2.7.

This object contains information about a school district or other Local Educational Agency (LEA).
SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Batch Conditions:

SIF_Condition elements to support:

  1. @StudentPersonalRefId
  2. @SchoolInfoRefId
  3. @Date

Object Triggering

Event TypeRequirement

When a new (Excuse NOT = X) attendance event is verified and saved for a student with an enrollment.

  • When a student's enrollment exists which didn't previously existed.
  • The student must have a StudentSectionEnrollment record to report.
  • A record will send for each distinct Date, Section and Attendance Event .
  • Do not send records if the student's enrollment is marked as a No Show or State Exclude.
ChangeWhen a (Excuse = X) attendance event is changed to a (Excuse NOT = X) attendance event
DeleteWhen a period attendance is set to blank or from a non-exempt attendance code to an exempt attendance code.
  • When a (Excuse = X) attendance event is changed to a (Excuse NOT = X) attendance event.
  • When No Show or State Exclude check boxes are checked.
  • When a student's enrollment no longer exists.
  • Note: When a student's enrollment is deleted, no delete events are sent.
  •  Note: Student Period Attendance will not be deleted if the student is removed from the course section. Users must either delete the attendance event or use the Deleter Tool.

Object Population and Business Rules

  1. Half Day absent (0.5):
    1. The sum of all absent minutes the student is assigned in their periods, where the attendance code has Status = A and Excuse NOT = X, minus any Present Minutes must be >= ((Half Day Absent Minutes)), and < ((Whole Day Absent Minutes)).
  2. Whole Day absent (1.0):
    1. The sum of all absent minutes the student is assigned in their periods, where the attendance code has Status = A and Excuse NOT = X, minus any Present Minutes must be >= ((Whole Day Absent Minutes)).
  3. Definitions:
    1. Half Day Absent Minutes:
      1. (System Admin>Calendar>Calendar>Grade Levels>Grade Level Detail>Half Day Absence (minutes)) for the grade the student is enrolled on this day.
        1. When Null, (System Admin>Calendar>Calendar>Half Day Absence (minutes))
          1. When Null, use 120.
    2. Whole Day Absent Minutes:
      1. (System Admin>Calendar>Calendar>Grade Levels>Grade Level Detail>Whole Day Absence (minutes)) for the grade the student is enrolled on this day.
        1. When Null, (System Admin>Calendar>Calendar>Whole Day Absence (minutes))
          1. When Null, use 240.
When the student is NOT either half or full day absent, a StudentPeriodAttendance object must not be reported for this student and day.
Student does not have "State Exclude" = Checked on the enrollment unless the Zone Options allows these students to report.
Student does not have "No Show" = Checked on the enrollment unless the Zone Options allows these students to report.

Student is not exclusively enrolled in a non-Primary enrollment on this day unless "Exclude All Secondary Enrollments" = NOT Checked.

Send records for only  Primary enrolled students when "Exclude All Secondary Enrollments" = Checked.

The Attendance Code being referenced (AttendanceCodeInfoRefId) must be in the Attendance Code Allowed List:
  1. System Admin>Data Interchange>Zones>SIF Zone Options>Attendance Code Allowed List
  2. When no Attendance Code is selected on the Zone Options, all attendance codes will report.
  3. When any Attendance Code is selected on the Zone Options, only the attendance codes selected are reported.
Follow SIF Zone Options Rules for Zones:
Do Not Report when the Calendar > 'Exclude from SIF Exchange' is selected.

Object Data Elements

Data Element LabelDescriptionBusiness RulesData Source GUI PathDatabase
M, C or O

@StudentPersonalRefIdThe GUID of the student that this attendance applies to.The RefId for the student.
@SectionInfoRefIdThe GUID of the section that this attendance applies to.The RefId of the associated section
@SchoolInfoRefIdThe school where the attendance was recorded. Somewhat redundant, needed for requests.The RefId for the school.
@DateThe date of the attendance event.The attendance date.Student Information > General > Attendance > attendance record > Dateattendance.dateM
TimetablePeriodThe period within which attendance is being reported, e.g. "4D". Conditional on the SectionInfo object having MeetingTime elements. If one or more are defined for the Section, this element is required.

TimeInThe time the student entered or returned to this class.Optional. Do Not Report.

TimeOutThe time the student left this class.Optional. Do Not Report.

AttendanceCodeThe local attendance code.

1. Report the RefId based on the most common absent (Status = A and Excuse NOT = X) attendance code assigned across all of the student's periods in the day.
A. When > 1 attendance code is considered most common (assigned during the same number of periods in the day), use the attendance code with the most absent minutes.
i. Otherwise, use the last-entered absent attendance code.
2. When the student is considered half day absent, report the AttendanceCodeInfo version with an AbsenceValue = 0.5.
3. When the student is considered Whole Day Absent, report the AttendanceCodeInfo version with an AbsenceValue = 1.0.

AuditInfoAn audit trail to help determine who entered this attendance event and when.

AuditInfo/CreationUserInformation about which staff member created this attendance record.

@TypeThe role of the staff member for that created this attendance record.Looks for direct title match to the values listed. If none, reports Other
AuditInfo/CreationUser/UserIdUnique identifier of the user that created the attendance record. This will depend on the user and the source. The preferred identifier would be a RefId for a StaffPersonal, StudentContact, or StudentPersonal Object. However, the user may not be associated with any of these SIF objects. In that case a unique Id given by the source should be used.

AuditInfo/CreationDateTimeThe date and time of this attendance record was created.

AttendanceCommentThis element contains the comments that are relevant to this attendance record.Optional. Do Not Report.