Tool Search: Behavior
Behavior fields that are specific to the state of Texas are described below in the Behavior Setup, Behavior Management, Behavior Referral, and Behavior Response sections. For all other inquiries, please visit the Behavior article.
Behavior Setup
The Behavior Admin tool is used to setup behavior events/incidents, resolutions, and responses. Behavior Admin fields that are specific to the state of Texas are described below. For all other inquiries, please visit the Behavior article.
Event Types
Behavior Event Type Detail Editor
State Event Code (Mapping)
State Event Codes indicate the reason a student was subject to a disciplinary action. These are the official state codes to which all district-defined behavior events/incidents should be mapped. Behavior events/incidents that are not mapped to a state event code do NOT report.
Code | Description | Definition |
01 | (P-01) Permanent Removal by Teacher from Class | Teacher has removed the student from classroom and denied the student the right to return. |
02 | (P-02) Conduct punishable as a felony | Conduct punishable as a felony |
04 | (P-04) Possessed, sold, or used controlled substance | Possessed, sold, used, or was under the influence of marijuana or other controlled substance |
05 | (P-05) Possessed, sold, or used alcoholic beverage | Possessed, sold, used, or was under the influence of an alcoholic beverage |
06 | (P-06) Abuse of a volatile chemical | Abuse of a volatile chemical |
07 | (P-07) Public lewdness or indecent exposure | Public lewdness or indecent exposure |
08 | (P-08) Retaliation against school employee | Retaliation against school employee |
09 | (P-09) Off campus felony offenses in Title 5 | Based on conduct occurring off campus and while the student is not in attendance at a school-sponsored or school-related activity for felony offenses in Title 5 |
10 | (P-10) Off campus felony offenses not Title 5 | Based on conduct occurring off campus and while the student is not in attendance at a school-sponsored or school-related activity for felony offenses not In Title 5 |
11 | (P-11) Unlawful Carrying of a Handgun under Penal Code 46.02 | Brought a firearm to school or Unlawful Carrying of a Handgun |
12 | (P-12) Unlawful Carrying of a location restricted knife longer than 5.5 inches | Unlawful Carrying of a Location-Restricted Knife (Location-Restricted Knife -blade longer than 5.5 inches) |
14 | (P-14) Conduct Containing the Elements of an Offense Relating to Prohibited Weapons | Conduct containing the elements of an offense relating to prohibited weapons |
16 | (P-16) Arson | Arson |
17 | (P-17) Murder or attempt to commit murder | Murder, capital murder, criminal attempt to commit murder, or capital murder |
18 | (P-18) Indecency with a child | Indecency with a child |
19 | (P-19) Aggravated kidnapping | Aggravated kidnapping |
21 | (P-21) Violation of student code of conduct | Violation of student code of conduct (does not include student code of conduct violations covered in reason codes 33 and 34) |
22 | (P-22) Criminal mischief | Criminal mischief |
23 | (P-23) Emergency Placement/expulsion | Emergency placement/expulsion |
26 | (P-26) Terroristic threat | Terroristic threat |
27 | (P-27) Assault of a school employee | Assault against a school district employee or volunteer |
28 | (P-28) Assault | Assault against someone other than a school district employee or volunteer |
29 | (P-29) Aggravated assault of an employee | Aggravated assault against a school district employee or volunteer |
30 | (P-30) Aggravated assault | Aggravated assault against someone other than a school district employee or volunteer |
31 | (P-31) Sexual assault of employee | Sexual assault or aggravated sexual assault against a school district employee or volunteer |
32 | (P-32) Sexual assault | Sexual assault or aggravated sexual assault against someone other than a school district employee or volunteer |
35 | (P-35) False alarm/false report | False Alarm/False Report |
36 | (P-36) Felony controlled substance violation | Felony controlled substance violation |
37 | (P-37) Felony alcohol violation | Felony alcohol violation |
41 | (P-41) Fighting/Mutual Combat | Fighting/Mutual Combat – excludes all offenses |
46 | (P-46) Aggravated robbery - TEC 37.006(c)-(d)for DAEP placement | Aggravated Robbery |
47 | (P-47) Manslaughter | Manslaughter |
48 | (P-48) Criminally negligent homicide | Criminally negligent homicide |
49 | (P-49) Engages in deadly conduct | Engages in deadly conduct |
55 | (P-55) Student required to register as sex offender, under court supervision | Student is required to register as a sex offender and Is under court supervision. The offense(s) for which the student is required to register as a sex offender must have occurred on or after Sept. 1, 2007. |
56 | (P-56) Student required to register as sex offender, no court supervision | Student is required to register as a sex offender and is not under court supervision. The offense(s) for which the student is required to register as a sex offender must have occurred on or after Sept. 1, 2007. |
57 | (P-57) Continual sexual abuse of young child(ren) on school property or event | Continuous sexual abuse of young child or children occurring on school property or while attending a school-sponsored or school-related activity on or off school property |
58 | (P-58) Breach of Computer Security - TEC 37.007(a)(5) | Breach of computer security |
59 | (P-59) Serious Misbehavior as Defined by TEC 37.008 while Expelled or placed in DAEP | Serious misbehavior while expelled to/placed in a Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP) Serious Misbehavior is defined as:
60 | (P-60) Harassment Against an Employee of the School District | Harassment Against an Employee of the School District |
61 | (P-61) Bullying | Bullying |
62 | (P-62) Possessed, Sold, Gave, Used, Delivered, or Under the Influence of Marihuana or THC | Possessed, sold, gave, used, delivered, or was under the influence of marihuana or tetrahydrocannabinol |
63 | (P-63) Possessed, Sold, Gave, Delivered, or Used E-Cigarette | Possessed, sold, gave, delivered, or used E-cigarette |
64 | (P-64) Possessed, Sold, or Used Controlled Substance | Possessed, sold, gave, used, delivered, or was under the influence of other controlled substance |
Database Location:
Resolution Types
Behavior Resolution Type Detail Editor
State Resolution Code (Mapping)
State Resolution Codes indicate the type of disciplinary action taken for a student. These are the official state codes to which all district-defined behavior resolutions should be mapped. Behavior resolutions that are not mapped to a state event code do NOT report.
For students eligible for special education and related services, this includes any setting that has not been addressed by an admission, review, and dismissal committee within the placement determination of the student's current IEP. (Suspension may exceed three days) Database Location: Behavior.stateResCode Reports:Code Description Definition 01 (P-01) Expulsion by formal expulsion hearing 02 (P-02) Expulsion to JJAEP 03 (P-03) Expulsion to on-campus (DAEP) 04 (P-04) Expulsion to off-campus DAEP 05 (P-05) Out-of-school-suspension (<= 3 days) 06 (P-06) In-school-suspension 07 (P-07) Placement in DAEP by conference 08 (P-08) Continuation of other district's DAEP placement 09 (P-09) Continuation of other district's expulsion order 10 (P-10) Continuation of prior year DAEP placement 11 (P-11) Continuation of prior year expulsion 12 (P-12) Continuation of prior year expulsion to JJAEP 13 (P-13) Placement in a JJAEP by Court order Placement In A JJAEP By Court Order 14 (P-14) Placement in a DAEP by Court order Placement in a DAEP by Court Order 15 (P-15) Continuation of other district's JJAEP placement Continuation of other district’s Expulsion With Placement To JJAEP 25 (P-25) Partial day Out-of-School Suspension 26 (P-26) Partial day In-School Suspension 27 (P-27) Disciplinary action not taken by ARD committee 28 (P-28) Mandatory disciplinary action not taken 50 (P-50) Expulsion (no educational setting) by SpEd officer 51 (P-51) Expulsion JJAEP by SpEd hearing officer 52 (P-52) Expulsion on-campus DAEP by SpEd hearing officer 53 (P-53) Expulsion on-campus DAEP by SpEd hearing officer 54 (P-54) Alternative Ed. program by SpEd hearing officer 55 (P-55) Continuation of other district's DAEP placement 56 (P-56) Continuation of other district's expulsion order 57 (P-57) Continuation of prior year DAEP by SpEd hearing officer 58 (P-58) Continuation of prior year expulsion by SpEd hearing officer 59 (P-59) Continuation of prior year JJAEP by SpEd officer 60 (P-60) Placement in a JJAEP by SpEd hearing officer 61 (P-61) Continuation of other district's JJAEP by SpEd officer
Behavior Management
Behavior Management fields that are specific to the state of Texas are described below. For all other inquiries, please visit the Behavior Management article.
Behavior Incident Detail Editor
Behavior Location
This indicates where a student committed an applicable offense that is enumerated in Texas Education Code (On/off campus, school related activities, etc).
Code | Description | Definition |
00 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
01 | On Campus | On Campus |
02 | Off Campus within 300 ft of campus property line | Off Campus, but within 300 feet of campus property line |
03 | Off Campus, at school sponsored or related activity | Off Campus, but at a school sponsored or school related activity |
04 | Off Campus, > 300 ft of campus boundary | Off Campus, and further than 300 feet from the campus boundary (Student was not in attendance at a school sponsored or school related activity) |
05 | On Campus, school sponsored/related activity of another school district | On campus of another school district, or while in attendance at a school sponsored or school related activity of another school district |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Behavior > Behavior Incident > location
TSDS Student Discipline Interchange
Behavior Event and Participant Details Fields
Behavior Participant fields that are specific to the state of Texas are described below. For all other inquiries, please see how to Add Participants to a Behavior Incident.
Behavior Event and Participant Detail Editor
SSSP Team Review
This checkbox indicates whether the Safe and Supportive School Program (SSSP) team conducted a threat assessment related to the reported disciplinary incident.
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Behavior > Behavior Event > teamReview
Campus ID of Responsibility
This indicates the instructional campus on which the student was enrolled when the student code of conduct was fractured and the disciplinary assignment was made, or for a continuation disciplinary assignment the campus that the student would attend under all normal circumstances if not under a disciplinary assignment.
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Behavior > Behavior Role > campusIDofResponsibility
TSDS Student Discipline Interchange
Behavior Resolution Fields
Behavior Management Resolution fields that are specific to the state of Texas are described below. For all other inquiries, please see how to Add a Behavior Resolution.
Behavior Resolution Detail Editor
Campus ID of Assignment
Campus ID of Assignment indicates the unique campus identification number of the campus in which the student was placed for disciplinary reasons.
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Behavior > Behavior Role > CampusIDofAssignment
An instructional campus:
- has an assigned administrator,
- has enrolled students who are counted for average daily attendance,
- has assigned instructional staff,
- receives federal and/or state, and/or local funds as its primary support,
- provides instruction in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS),
- has one or more grade groups in the range from early education through grade 12, and
- is not a program for students enrolled in another public school.
An alternative instructional unit:
- is an instructional site, center, program, or arrangement that is not governed by an individual campus organization, and
- does not meet the above standard definition of an instructional campus.
TSDS Student Discipline Interchange
Duration Difference Reason
The Duration Difference Reason indicates the reason for the difference between the official and actual lengths of a student’s disciplinary assignment.
Code | Description | Definition |
00 | No difference | No difference between official and actual lengths of disciplinary assignments |
01 | Term modified by district | Term Modified By District is the reason for the difference, if any, between the official and actual lengths of a student’s disciplinary assignment. |
02 | Term modified by court order | Term Modified By Court Order is the reason for the difference, if any, between the official and actual lengths of a student’s disciplinary assignment. |
03 | Term modified by mutual agreement | Term modified by mutual agreement of district, student, and/or parents. |
04 | Student completed requirement sooner than expected | Student completed term requirements sooner than expected. |
05 | Student incarcerated | Student incarceration is the reason for the difference, if any, between the official and actual lengths of a student’s disciplinary assignment. |
06 | Term decreased due to health-related circumstances | Term Decreased Due To Extenuating Health-Related Circumstances is the reason for the difference, if any, between the official and actual lengths of a student’s disciplinary assignment. |
07 | Student withdrew from school | Student Withdrew From School is the reason for the difference, if any, between the official and actual lengths of a student’s disciplinary assignment. |
08 | School year ended | School year ended before completion of disciplinary action assignment. |
09 | Continuation of previous year disciplinary action | Continuation of the previous year’s disciplinary action assignment. |
10 | Term modified by placement program | Term modified by placement program due to student behavior while in the placement. |
11 | Term Modified By District - Disciplinary Alt Ed Prog Capacity | Term Modified By Placement Program Due To Student Behavior While In The Placement is the reason for the difference, if any, between the official and actual lengths of a student’s disciplinary assignment. |
99 | Other | Other |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Location:
Student > Behavior > Behavior Role > modificationReason
Behavior Response Fields
The Behavior Management Response fields specific to the state of Texas are described below. For all other inquiries, please see how to Add a Behavior Response.
Restraint Reason
Indicates that a student was physically or mechanically restrained due to imminent serious physical harm to themselves or others, imminent serious property destruction, or a combination of both imminent serious physical harm to themselves or others and imminent serious property destruction or was restrained by a law enforcement officer providing a police presence at a school campus or a school-related activity at the request or direction of the LEA.
Code | Description | Definition |
01 | Physical Harm to Themselves | Imminent serious physical harm to themselves |
02 | Physical Harm to Others | Imminent serious physical harm to others |
03 | Physical Harm to Themselves & Others | Imminent serious physical harm to themselves and others |
04 | Property Destruction | Imminent serious property destruction |
05 | Physical Harm to Themselves & Property Destruction | Imminent serious physical harm to themselves and imminent serious property destruction |
06 | Physical Harm to Others & Property Destruction | Imminent serious physical harm to others and imminent serious property destruction |
07 | Phys Harm to Themselves & Others & Property Destr | Imminent serious physical harm To themselves and others and imminent serious property destruction |
08 | Restraint by School District Police/Resource Officer | Restraint by School District Police Officer/School Resource Officer performing law enforcement duties and/or providing a police presence on school property or at a school-sponsored or school-related activity. |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Behavior > Custom BehaviorResponse > restraintStaffType
Restraint Staff Type
Restraint Staff Type indicates the kind of school staff person who performed a student restraint.
Code | Description | Definition |
01 | LEA employee or volunteer | For this responsibility, the staff member works for the ESC only, and is not part of an ESC shared services arrangement |
02 | LEA police officer or SRO | For this responsibility, the staff member is part of the ESC shared services arrangement, for which the ESC is the fiscal agent |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Behavior > Custom BehaviorResponse > restraintStaffType
Campus ID of Restraint
Campus ID of Restraint indicates the unique campus identification number of the campus at which a special education student was restrained for emergency purposes. This campus ID may or may not reflect the campus ID where the special education student was enrolled (within the district) but does reflect the campus ID at which the student was restrained.
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Behavior > Custom BehaviorResponse > campusIDOfRestraintEvent
Behavior Referral
The Behavior Referral fields specific to the state of Texas are described below. For all other inquiries, please visit the Behavior Referral article.
Behavior Incident Detail Editor
Behavior Location
This indicates where a student committed an applicable offense enumerated in Texas Education Code (On/off campus, school-related activities, etc).
Code | Description | Definition |
00 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
01 | On Campus | On Campus |
02 | Off Campus within 300 ft of campus property line | Off Campus, but within 300 feet of campus property line |
03 | Off Campus, at school sponsored or related activity | Off Campus, but at a school sponsored or school related activity |
04 | Off Campus, > 300 ft of campus boundary | Off Campus, and further than 300 feet from the campus boundary (Student was not in attendance at a school sponsored or school related activity) |
05 | On Campus, school sponsored/related activity of another school district | On campus of another school district, or while in attendance at a school sponsored or school related activity of another school district |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Behavior > Behavior Incident > location
TSDS Student Discipline Interchange
Behavior Referral Response Fields
The Behavior Referral Response fields specific to the state of Texas are described below. For all other inquiries, please see how to Add a Behavior Response.
Restraint Reason
Indicates that a student was physically or mechanically restrained due to imminent serious physical harm to themselves or others, imminent serious property destruction, or a combination of both imminent serious physical harm to themselves or others and imminent serious property destruction or was restrained by a law enforcement officer providing a police presence at a school campus or a school-related activity at the request or direction of the LEA.
Code | Description | Definition |
01 | Physical Harm to Themselves | Imminent serious physical harm to themselves |
02 | Physical Harm to Others | Imminent serious physical harm to others |
03 | Physical Harm to Themselves & Others | Imminent serious physical harm to themselves and others |
04 | Property Destruction | Imminent serious property destruction |
05 | Physical Harm to Themselves & Property Destruction | Imminent serious physical harm to themselves and imminent serious property destruction |
06 | Physical Harm to Others & Property Destruction | Imminent serious physical harm to others and imminent serious property destruction |
07 | Phys Harm to Themselves & Others & Property Destr | Imminent serious physical harm To themselves and others and imminent serious property destruction |
08 | Restraint by School District Police/Resource Officer | Restraint by School District Police Officer/School Resource Officer performing law enforcement duties and/or providing a police presence on school property or at a school-sponsored or school-related activity. |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Behavior > Custom BehaviorResponse > restraintReason
Restraint Staff Type
Restraint Staff Type indicates the kind of school staff person who performed a student restraint.
Code | Description | Definition |
01 | LEA employee or volunteer | For this responsibility, the staff member works for the ESC only, and is not part of an ESC shared services arrangement |
02 | LEA police officer or SRO | For this responsibility, the staff member is part of the ESC shared services arrangement, for which the ESC is the fiscal agent |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Behavior > Custom BehaviorResponse > restraintStaffType
Campus ID of Restraint
Campus ID of Restraint indicates the unique campus identification number of the campus at which a special education student was restrained for emergency purposes. This campus ID may or may not reflect the campus ID where the special education student was enrolled (within the district) but does reflect the campus ID at which the student was restrained.
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Behavior > Custom BehaviorResponse > campusIDOfRestraintEvent