SASID Testing Demographics (Connecticut)

Tool Search: SASID Testing Demographics

The SASID Testing Demographics Record extracts data for completing the CT State-defined SASID Testing Demographics Record.

Screenshot of the SASID Testing Demographics extract editor.

Example SASID Testing Demographics Editor

Report Logic

  • Reports all enrolled students, sorted by SASID, as of the extract Effective date.
  • Reports one record per student when the student's
    • Enrollment Start Date is <= extract Effective Date
    • Enrollment End Date is Null or > = extract Effective Date
  • To report, the student must be enrolled into a calendar selected on the extract editor
  • Only one record per student may report. If more than one enrollment is eligible, the enrollment with the highest enrollment ID reports.
  • All enrollment types report.
  •  Students are NOT included if

    • their enrollment record is marked as State Exclude;

    • their enrollment record is marked as No Show; or

    • their Calendar of enrollment is marked as State Exclude.

  • Students with a null SASID (Student State ID) will be reported so that the User is alerted that a student who is eligible for testing has not yet been “registered” and the student won’t fall through the cracks.

Report Editor Fields


Effective DateTo report, students must have an enrollment that is active as of the Effective Date selected here. The default value is today’s date.
  • State Format (Fixed Width)
  • CSV
  • HTML
Ad Hoc FilterAd Hoc filters are available for narrowing report results.
GradesSelect the Grades to include in the report.
Select CalendarsSelect the schools to include in the report.
Generate Report
Submit to Batch
Users have the option of submitting the report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Report. This process allows larger reports to generate in the background without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

Report Layout

#ElementLogicFormat and LengthCampus Location
1Reporting District

The State District Number for the selected calendar.

3 Characters

School & District Settings > District > District Information > State District Number


The student's State ID.

10 Characters

Census > People > Demographics > Student State ID


The student's date of birth.

Date field, 8 characters


Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date

4EL Status

The student's EL status.

Y reports when the student has an EL record where

  • EL Program Status is EL or Exited EL
  • Identified Date is <= extract Effective Date
  • Exited Date is NULL or >= extract Effective Date 

Otherwise, N reports.

1 Character

Student Information > English Learners > English Learners (EL) > EL > Program Status

5Special Ed Status

Indicates whether the student has a current IEP and is receiving services.

Y reports when all of the following are true.

  • The student has an active enrollment on the extract Effective Date.
  • Special Ed Status = Y
  • Nexus District Entry Date is NULL or <= extract Effective Date
  • Special Ed Exit Date is NULL or >= extract Effective Date
  • ALL of the following are true:
    • The student has an active enrollment on the extract Effective Date.
    • Special Ed Status = N (considers attribute Default Value)
    • Nexus District Entry Date is NULL or <= extract Effective Date
    • Special Ed Exit Date is NOT = Null and >= extract Effective Date

Otherwise, N reports.

1 Character

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Education > Special Ed Status

Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Nexus District Entry Date

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Exit Date

6Meal Status

Identifies whether the student participates in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP).

F reports when

  • State Eligibility Code = F
  • Record start date <= extract Effective Date
  • Record end date = NULL or >= extract Effective Date

R reports when

  • State Eligibility Code = R
  • Record start date <= extract Effective Date
  • Record end date = NULL or >= extract Effective Date

Otherwise, N reports.

1 Character

FRAM > Eligibility

7Section 504

Indicates whether the student qualifies as an individual with disabilities under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

Y reports when a flag is assigned to the student with the following

  • Code containing "504"
  • Start Date <= extract Effective Date
  • End Date = Null or >= extract Effective Date
  • State Reported = Checked

Otherwise, N reports.

1 Character

Student Information > General > Flags

8Recent EL

Identifies whether the student has recently received EL services.

To report Y, the student must have an EL record where

  • the EL Program Status is EL or Exited EL,
  • the Identified Date must be before or on the extract Effective Date, and
  • the Exited Date must be null, before OR on the extract Effective Date.

The Date Entered US School on the student's Demographics tool must also be 24 months prior to the extract Effective Date.

Otherwise, N reports.

1 Character

Y or N

Student Information > English Learners > English Learners (EL) > EL > Program Status

Census > People > Demographics > Date Entered US School

9Military Family

The military status of the student's family.

Y reports when the Student has an active (Start Date = Null or <= Effective Date, and End Date = Null or >= Effective Date) Guardian relationship (Guardian = Checked) with a Military Connections record that has:

  • Start Date <= the extract Effective Date or is Null
  • End Date >= the extract Effective Date or is Null
  • Status is one of the following:
    • Active Duty, Deployed
    • Active Duty, Not Deployed

Otherwise, N reports.

1 Character

Census > People > Military Connections


Identifies a student who fits the McKinney-Vento definition of homeless and who is without a parent or guardian to advocate for them and exercise parental rights.

The code selected in the Homeless field reports; otherwise, 00 reports.

2 Characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Homeless

11End of Record Marker

Reports X for all report types.

1 CharacterN/A