Share Curriculum to the Library

The Curriculum Library is available as part of the Campus Learning premium offering.

Location: Anywhere you access assignments, including Instruction > Grade Book, Progress Monitor, Curriculum List, or Planner

Sharing curriculum to the Curriculum Library makes the curriculum available for other teachers to use in their classes. Curriculum is shared at the folder level. 

Two-part screenshot highlighting the Share button in the Curriculum List and the Curriculum Share window that displays. Click the Share button to enter details and share a folder of curriculum. 

To share curriculum, teachers need the Enhanced Curriculum tool right, the Curriculum Library District Share tool right, and rights to at least one of the following grading tools: Grade Book, Planner, Progress Monitor.

Check out this video for more information.

Share Curriculum

  1. Open the Folder you want to share and click the Details tab.
  2. Enter Curriculum Details for the folder. It is also recommended to enter Details for assignments and resources in the folder as well.
  3. Click Screenshot of the share button. .
  4. The Details entered for the folder are displayed. Edit if needed and click Screenshot of the share button at the bottom of the add your folder to the library. 

Curriculum you share displays with a Screenshot of the Shared By Me lozenge. indicator. See the Add Curriculum from the Library article for more information about using the Curriculum Library.

Screenshot of the Curriculum Library highlighting the Shared By Me lozenge. Curriculum you shared is indicated in the Library.

When you share curriculum, the version in the library is separate from the one you have. Changes you make to your curriculum will not be reflected in the version in the library. Likewise, when teachers use your curriculum from the library, any changes they make do not affect the library version.

Update Shared Curriculum

Currently, the only way to update shared curriculum is to make changes to your version and then share again. Remove the version you shared previously to make sure other teachers are finding the most up-to-date version.

Remove Curriculum

  1. Open the Curriculum Library and locate your curriculum. The Only Curriculum Shared By Me filter in the Add Filters menu may be helpful in finding your curriculum.
  2. Click the Screenshot of the remove button.  button. 
  3. In the message that displays, indicate if you want to Remove Folder and Resources, which removes the folder and anything inside it, or Remove Folder, which only removes the folder - any curriculum within the folder would no longer be grouped together. In the future, items would have to be removed individually.
  4. Once you choose an option, curriculum is removed from the library.
Screenshot of curriculum in the library highlighting the remove button.

Removing content removes it from the library, but teachers who have added it from the library still have access to their own versions. Likewise, you'll still have the original version of the curriculum you shared in your Curriculum List.