Student Interchange (TSDS) (Texas)

Tool Search: Student Interchange

The Student Interchange is used when only student identification, characteristic, and demographic information is required to be exchanged. The Student information includes identifiers, name, sex, ethnicity and race, birth data, and contact information. In addition, flags are included for economically disadvantaged, school food service eligibility, and limited English proficiency. Information is included regarding the student’s home situation, language(s), displacement status, and disabilities.

Image of the TSDS Extract Editor - Student InterchangeImage Caption

Report Logic

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The following report logic applies to all submissions.

  • Students only report once regardless of the number of enrollments the student has within the same district.
  • Only one Texas school district is allowed to report any given student.
  • To report, students must be in one of the following categories:
    • Served only by a public school.
    • Served by both a public and a nonpublic school (including students served under an individualized services plan).
    • In a special education nonpublic day school.
    • In a special education residential placement.
    • Do not fit any of the above situations but were served in grades 7-12 in the district at any time during the prior year and: do not enroll in the district within the school-start window; do not enroll in another Texas public school; do not receive a General Educational Development (GED) certificate within Texas by August 31st; and are not accounted for by other state reconciliation processes.
  • To be considered for leaver calculations, students who "left" school between last year and this year (including graduates) must have a prior year enrollment that encompasses at least one instructional day.
  • Only enrollment records overlapping at least one instructional day will be considered for reporting.
  • The following students do not report:
    • Students marked as State Exclude, Grade Level Exclude or Calendar Exclude.
    • Students marked as "No Show" do not report unless there is another enrollment during the school year that is not marked as "No Show."
    • Student who have active enrollments during the prior school year, a grade level or EE-06, enrolled into the current school year in the same district but not actively enrolled on the Effective Date.
    • Adult basic education students.
    • Adult secondary education students.
    • Nonpublic school students living in the LEA, but who are served totally by a nonpublic school.
    • Home-school students except those who receive Special Education services from the LEA (e.g., Nonpublic Day School or Residential Nonpublic School Program).

The following logic only applies to submission 3.

  • If the student is in membership in the LEA (served at least two hours per day) then the student reports.
  • Any student who participated in the Electronic Course Program (eCP) reports.
  • If all ADA records for the reporting enrollment contain an ADA Eligibility of 0 or blank, then the student does not report.

The following logic only applies to submission 4.

  • Students who were served in the Extended School Year (ESY) services program and/or Bilingual/ESL Summer School report.
  • Special Education students must have
    • an active and locked IEP that overlaps the enrollment by at least one day.
    • a value in ESY Instructional Setting 1 on the Extended School Year (ESY) services editor on the IEP.

Report Editor


1 - Fall (Prior/Current Year)

3 - Summer

4 - Extended

Interchanges are XML Schema Definitions (XSDs) which group related complex types.

Select Student.

Fall Snapshot Date

Submission 1 Only

The last Friday in October.

Last Day of School Start Window

Submission 1 Only

Default value is today's date. 

Effective Date

Only data as of this date reports. Default value is today's date.

  • Regular
  • Resubmission
  • Working Collection
Report TypeXML
Filter By

This field allows you to narrow the report results to specific Calendars, Calendar Years (District), or Schools.


This option allows you to select the specific calendar(s) to include in the report.


This option allows you to select the specific Calendar Year to include in the report.



This option allows you to select the specific school(s) to include in the report.

PopulationThis option allows you to limit report results to Unique IDs. The Unique ID option only considers students with a Unique ID, while the All option considers all students.
Ad Hoc FilterSelect an Ad Hoc filter to limit report results to those that meet filter requirements.

Report Generation

The report can be marked to generate immediately using the Generate Extract button or can be marked to generate at a later time using the Submit to Batch button. See the Batch Queue article for additional guidance.

Report Example

Student Interchange Submission 1 Example

XML Elements

XML ElementDescriptionLocation


A unique number assigned by the state Department of Education.

1, 3, 4

Numeric, 10 digits
Census > People > Demographics > Student Unique State ID


Identification System


This field always reports State.

1, 3, 4

Alphanumeric, 16 characters


If no value exists for Local Student ID, reports Previous State ID.

If no value exists for Local Student ID and Previous State ID, reports blank.

1, 3 & 4

Numeric, 9 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student ID

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Previous State ID


Identification System


This field always reports District.

1, 3 & 4

Alphanumeric 16 characters



Local Student Number generated by the school of enrollment.

1, 3 & 4

Numeric, 9 digits
Census > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number



The student's first name.

1, 3, 4

Alphanumeric, 75 characters
Census > Demographics > Person Information > First Name




The student's middle name.

1, 3, 4

Alphanumeric, 75 characters
Census > Demographics > Person Information > Middle Name



The student's last name.

1, 3, 4

Alphanumeric, 75 characters
Census > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name




The student's date of birth.

1, 3, 4

Date field, 10 characters
Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date



Reports the State District Number assigned by the State.

1, 3, 4

Numeric, 6 digits
System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number




The suffix / abbreviation following the student's name; (Sr., Jr., 3rd.)

1, 3, 4

Alphanumeric, 2 characters
Census > Demographics > Person Information > Suffix



The student's gender.

1, 3 & 4

Alphanumeric, 2 characters
Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Gender




Reports 1 if the student is Hispanic or Latino.
Otherwise, the field reports 0.

1, 3 & 4

Numeric, 1 digit
Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity > Hispanic/Latino



Reports 1 if the student is American Indian or Alaska Native.
Otherwise, the field reports 0.

1, 3, 4

Numeric, 1 digit
Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity > American Indian or Alaska Native



Reports 1 if the student is Asian.
Otherwise, the field reports 0.

1, 3, 4

Numeric, 1 digit
Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity > Asian




Reports 1 if the student is Black or African American.
Otherwise, the field reports 0.

1, 3, 4

Numeric, 1 digit
Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity > Black or African American




Reports 1 if the student is Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. 
Otherwise, the field reports 0.

1, 3, 4

Numeric, 1 digit
Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity > Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander



Reports 1 if the student is White.
Otherwise, the field reports 0.


1, 3, 4

Numeric, 1 digit
Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity > White




Submission 1
  1. Report ADA Eligibility value from the ADA record that is active on the Snapshot Date
  2. If As-of-Status is A then do not report

For Submission 1, if the ADA Eligibility Code is 0, the student DOES report.

Submission 1 Only.

Numeric, 2 digits
Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs > ADA Eligibility




Indicates whether a student is currently identified as at-risk of dropping out of school using state-defined criteria only.

  1. If the As of Status Code is B, D, F or X AND the At-Risk checkbox is marked, 1 reports.
  2. If the As of Status Code is B, D, F or X but the At-Risk checkbox is NOT marked, 0 reports.
  3. If the As of Status Code is A, C, E, or G, this field reports blank.
  4. For all other students, if the At-Risk checkbox is marked, 1 reports.
  5. Otherwise, if the checkbox is not marked no value reports.

Submission 1 Only. 

Numeric, 1 digit
Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > At-Risk




Indicates whether the student is homeless.

  • Submission 1: If the student has a Homeless record with a Homeless Nighttime Residence value other than 0 on the snapshot date then that value reports. Otherwise, 0 reports.
  • Submission 3: If the student has a Homeless record with a Homeless Nighttime Residence value other than 0 at any point during the reporting window then that value reports. Otherwise, 0 reports.

If multiple records exist, then the most recent record reports.

If the As of Status Code is A, a value of 0 reports.

Submissions 1 & 3 Only.

Numeric, 2 digits
Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless > Homeless Nighttime Residence




Indicates whether the student is an identified immigrant.

Reports 1 if the Immigrant check box is marked on the Enrollments tab.

If the checkbox is not marked and the As of Status Code is B, D, F, or X, the element reports 0.

If the As of Status Code is A, C, E, or G, the element reports blank regardless of the checkbox status.

Submission 1 Only.

Numeric, 1 digit
Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Immigrant



Indicates whether the student has been identified as an English Learner (EL) by the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC).

Submission 1 (Optional) 

If the student has an As of Status Code that is A, C, E, or G, this element reports blank.

If the student has an ESL / Bilingual Program that is active on the Effective Date or has an F/S code and the Effective Date is prior to the Second Year Monitoring date), this element reports as follows.


Student has an EL Service Type of B0, B2, B3, B4, B5, E0, E2, or E3


Student has an EL Service Type of NP or NS AND a Parental Permission code of C, 7, or 8

Exited EL
The effective date is equal or prior to the First Year Monitoring date
The effective date is after the First Year Monitoring date, but equal or prior to Second Year Monitoring dateS
The effective date is after the Second Year Monitoring date, but equal or prior to Third Year Monitoring date3
The effective date is after the Third Year Monitoring date, but equal or prior to Fourth Year Monitoring date4
if current date is after Fourth Year Monitoring date5
Not EL
Not EL or Null0

Submission 3   (Required)

If the student has an ESL/Bilingual Program that is active on the  Effective Date or has an F/S code and the Effective Date is prior to the Second Year Monitoring date, this element reports as follows.

Exited EL
the current date is prior to the First Year Monitoring date
the current date is after the First Year Monitoring date, but prior to the Second Year Monitoring date
the effective date is after the Second Year Monitoring date, but equal or prior to Third Year Monitoring date
the effective date is after Third Year Monitoring date, but equal or prior to the Fourth Year Monitoring date
Not EL
Not EL or Null

Submission 1 & 3 Only

Alphanumeric,   2 characters
Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL Services > Service Type





Indicates whether the student (ages 3-21) is, or the student's parent, spouse, or guardian is a migratory agricultural worker.

Reports 1 if the migrant checkbox is marked, indicating the student is a migrant. 

Otherwise, the field reports 0.

1, 3, 4

Numeric, 1 digit
Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Migrant




Indicates whether the student was promoted or retained as a result of participation in the Student Success Initiative (SSI). See the SSI Promotion Retention Codes following this table.

If the As of Status Code is A, C, E, or G, this element does not report even if a value exists.

Submission 1 Only

Numeric, 2 digits
Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting > SSI Promotion


TX-UnaccompaniedYouth Status 


Identifies whether a homeless student is accompanied by a legal guardian.

  • Submission 1: If the student has a Homeless record with a Homeless Nighttime Residence value other than 0 on the snapshot date AND has a value in Unaccompanied Youth Status Code, then that value reports. Otherwise, does not report.
  • Submissions 3: If the student has a Homeless record with a Homeless Nighttime Residence value other than 0 at any point during the reporting window AND has a value in Unaccompanied Youth Status Code, then that value reports. Otherwise, does not report.
  • Submission 4: Does not report.
1, 3

Numeric, 2 digits
Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless > Homeless Nighttime Residence; Unaccompanied Youth Status Code




Indicates whether a student's initial enrollment in a school in the United States in grades 7 through 12 was as an unschooled asylee or refugee.

Reports the selected code from the Asylee Refugee field. Options are:

  • 0: Not Applicable
  • 1: Refugee
  • 2: Asylee

If blank, this field reports 0.


1, 3

Numeric, 2 digits
Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Asylee Refugee




Indicates whether a student is reading on grade level or is not reading on grade level.

This field can only be reported for students in grades KG, 01, or 02. If a Result of 1, 2, or 3 is not entered or the student is in grade 02 or higher, this field reports as blank.

  1. The code reports from an Assessment record dated on or before the Effective Date, and from the record with a Results Date closest to the Effective Date.
  2. If the Date field is blank, the Early Reading Indicator Code does not report (Student Information > General > Assessments > Test Scores > Early Reading Indicator Code > Date).

Submission 1: Reports the value in the Result field for students in grade levels KG, 01, and 02. The Result must be associated with an Early Reading Indicator Code; i.e., a test set up with Code = ERIC. The Early Reading Indicator Code is reported from the Assessment dated on or before the last Friday in October and the Result Date closest to the submission Effective Date.

Submission 3:  Reports the value in the Result field for students in grade levels KG, 01, and 02. All students in grade levels KG, 01, and 02 report. The Result must be associated with an Early Reading Indicator Code. Reports the Early Reading Indicator Code from the Result Date closest to the submission Effective Date.


1, 3 

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > General > Assessments > Test Scores > Early Reading Indicator Code

Student Information > General > Assessments > Test Scores > Test Score Detail > Early Reading Indicator Code > Result



 *Required for Submission 4 

Indicates whether a student is in foster care. If a student has multiple foster care records, the most recent record reports. Options are:

  • 0: Not in the conservatorship of DFPS
  • 1: In the conservatorship of DFPS
  • 2: PK previously in the conservatorship of DFPS

The following logic applies to Submissions 1 & 3.

If the As of Status Code is...Reports
Not Avalue in the field
Not A and there is no value in the fielddoes not report (Submission 1)
0 (Submission 3)

Submission 4 (Required): Reports the value in the foster care record. If there is no value in the foster care record, reports 0.

Numeric, 2 digits
Student Information > Program Participation > Foster Care > Foster Care Indicator Code


TX - MilitaryConnected


Indicates whether student is connected to the military. Options are:

  • 0: Not a military connected student
  • 1: Dependent of active member Army/Navy/Air Force/Marines/Coast Guard
  • 2: Dependent of TX National Guard
  • 3: Dependent of reserve member of Army/Navy/Air Force/Marines/Coast Guard
  • 4: PK Dependent of active/injured discharged/KIA Army/Navy/Air Force/Marines/Coast Guard
If the As of Status Code is...Reports
Not Avalue in the field
Not A and there is no value in the fielddoes not report (Submission 1)

0 (submission 3)

1, 3

Numeric, 2 digits
Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields




Indicates whether a student is identified as having dyslexia or related disorders as defined in TEC §38.003.

Submission 1- Fall

  1. Reports blank if the 'As of Status Code' is A, C, E, or G.
  2. If the 'As of Status Code' is B, D, F, or X:
    • Reports 1 when student has a Dyslexia record with a Dyslexia Indicator = 1 (Yes) that is active on the Effective Date (Snapshot Date) 
    • Reports 0 when the Dyslexia Indicator = 0 (No).
    • Only considers the most recently entered record if multiple applicable Dyslexia records exist.
  3. Otherwise, reports blank.

Submission 3- Summer

  1. Reports 1 if the student has a Dyslexia record with a Dyslexia Indicator = 1 (Yes) that is active on the Effective Date (Snapshot Date).
  2. Reports 0 if the Dyslexia Indicator = 0 (No)
  3. Only considers the most recently entered record if multiple applicable Dyslexia records exist.
  4. Otherwise, reports blank.

1, 3

Numeric, 1 digit

Student Information > Program Participation > State Program > Dyslexia



If grade level is KG or 01 AND the student has an active Dyslexia record where the Dyslexia Risk code contains a value, the Dyslexia Risk code value is reported. If no value exists, report 00. 

  1. Report the most recent record when multiple Dyslexia records exist.
  2. All others, do not report.


Coded, 2 characters
Student Information > Program Participation > State Program > Dyslexia

TX-DyslexiaScreeningException Reason
  1. If the student's grade level is KG or 01 AND Dyslexia Risk = 03, report the Dyslexia Screening Exception Reason.
  2. If blank, does not report.  
  3. If multiple applicable Dyslexia records exist, only consider the most recently entered record.
    • All others, do not report.

Coded, 2 characters
Student Information > Program Participation > State Program > Dyslexia



Indicates whether a student is enrolled in a T-STEM Academy.

  1. If the STEM checkbox on the Calendar screen is marked, 1 reports for all students within that calendar.
  2. If the STEM checkbox on the Calendar screen is NOT marked, but the STEM checkbox on the Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields is marked, 1 reports.
  3. If the As of Status Code is A, this element does not report even if a value exists.
  4. Otherwise, this field does not report.


1, 3, 4

Numeric, 1 digit

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > STEM

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields






Indicates whether a student is enrolled in an Early College High School.

  1. If the ECHS checkbox on the Calendar screen is marked, 1 reports for all students within that calendar.
  2. If the ECHS checkbox on the Calendar screen is NOT marked, but the ECHS checkbox on the Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields is marked, 1 reports.
  3. If the As of Status Code is A, this element does not report even if a value exists.
  4. Otherwise, this field does not report.

1, 3, 4

Numeric, 1 digit

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > ECHS

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields






If the PTECH checkbox is checked for the school (System Administration > Resources > School > PTECH):

  • If the student is in Grades 9-12 and the PTECH checkbox is marked on their graduation record, a value of 1 is reported.
  • If the PTECH checkbox not marked on their graduation record, this element reports blank.
  • All other grades do not report.

If the PTECH checkbox is not marked for the school, this field does not report for any student regardless of whether or not PTECH is marked on a student's graduation record.

Submission 1 Only 

If the As of Status Code is A, this element does not report even if a value exists.

1, 3, 4

Numeric, 1 digit

Student Information > General > Graduation > P-TECH

System Administration > Resources > School > PTECH





Currently does not report data.

1, 3, 4

Coded, 1 character



Identifies whether the student will continue to receive services.

If the As of Status Code is B, C, D, E, F, or G AND the Special Ed Indicator Code is 1 AND the student's age is equal to or greater than 18 (as of September 1) then 1 reports if ALL of the following criteria are also met as of the Fall Snapshot Date:

  • Student has completed all credits for graduation (the date in the Coursework Completion Date field is prior or equal to the Fall Snapshot Date)
  • Student has NOT completed their IEP (IEP End Date is after the Fall Snapshot Date)
  • Student is currently enrolled
  • Student is receiving SpEd services
  • Student has an active locked IEP on the Snapshot Date.

  • Must have a Child Count Funding value of 1 on the Settings and Disabilities tab in the IEP with an active date on the Snapshot Date

If any one of the above criteria is not met, 0 reports.

All others do not report.

Submission 1 Only.

Numeric, 1 digit



Indicates the language spoken in the student's home. Reports a student's Home Language from the student's most recent Identitity record.

If the As of Status Code is A, C, E, or G, this element reports blank.

Submission 1 Only.

Numeric, 2 digits
Census > People > Demographics > Home Primary Language





Indicates the language spoken in the student's home is different than their primary language.

  • If a student's As of Status Code is A, C, E, or G, then the element does not report (even if a value exists).
  • If a student's As of Status Code is B, D, F, or X, then the value in the "Student Primary Language" field reports.
  • If there is NOT a value in the "Student Primary Language" field but there is a default value set on the attribute, then the default value will report.
  • If the field is NULL and there is NO default value set on the attribute, then this element does not report.

Submission 1 Only

Numeric, 2 digits
Census > People > Demographics > Student Primary Language



Indicates the student’s current status in the district on the Submission 1 as of dates and the Submission 3 as-of dates.

See the following As of Status Code Options table for values.

Additional Submission 3 Logic

H: (Grades 07-12) Indicates the student's enrollment status in the district on the final day of the school year. Reports if the student was enrolled in the district on the final day of the school year and was in membership. Also reports for any students who were absent on the last day of the school year. Students who report this code must also have a 400 record report, if student was in membership.

I: (Grades 07-12) Indicates the student's enrollment status in the district on the final day of the school year. Student enrolled and in membership in the district at some point during the school year, but not on the final day of the school year.

Submissions 1 & 3 Only.

Numeric, 2 digits
Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > As-of-status



Indicates the student's economic disadvantage status.

See the following Economic Indicator Options table for values.

Submission 1:

If the Code 99 checkbox is marked, 99 reports.

If the As Of Status Code is B, D, or F, the student's status as of the October Snapshot date reports.

If the As Of Status Code is C, E, or G, the student's last status in the current year reports.

If the As Of Status Code is A, the student's last status from the prior year reports.

Submission 3: Reports based on the student's last status and last enrollment in which the student was in membership.

Submissions 1 & 3 Only

Numeric, 2 digits
Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Code 99

 FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility > State Code




If ANY of the following are TRUE, then do not report.  Otherwise, report the Primary Address Block value.

  1. TX-EconomicDisadvantaged equals 00
  2. TX-ADAEligibility equals 0, 4, 5, or 8
  3. TX-Attribution equals 21 or 23 (Student Information > General > Enrollments > Attribution Code)
  4. TX-HomelessStatus equals any value other than 0

Report Block from the most recent primary household tied to the student AND the most recent primary address within that household.


Numeric, 12 digits
Census > Address > Primary Address > Block



Reports the Crisis Code recorded on the student's Crisis Events tab. Indicates a state health or weather related event that impacts a group of students, and may require additional funding, educational, or social services.

The event may or may not cause the student to leave the district or campus of residence. A crisis event is designated by the Commissioner of Education.

Submission 1: 

  • If a student has a Crisis Event record that is active on the Snapshot Date, the Crisis Event code is reported.
  • If multiple applicable records exist, all Crisis Event code values are reported. 
  • If no applicable records exist on the Snapshot Date, nothing reports. 
  • Reports blank if 'As-of-Status' is A.

Submission 3 and 4:

  • If a student has a Crisis Event record that is active at any time during the school year, the Crisis Event code is reported.
  • If multiple applicable records exist, all Crisis Event code values are reported. 
  • If no applicable records exist, nothing reports. 
1, 3, 4

Numeric, 2 digits
Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs > Crisis Events




If the student has an active EL program as of the effective date, the Parental Permission Code reports in this field. Otherwise, the field reports blank.

To report, the student must have an active EL program status as of the effective date AND an EL Service of B0, B2, B3, B4, E0, E2, or E3 as of the effective date. OR the Student must have an active EL Service of NP or NS AND a Parental Permission code of C, 7, or 8.

If the student has multiple active EL Service records, the parental permission code from the most recent record that contains a parental permission code reports.

If the student has an As Of Status of A, C, E, or G, this field reports a blank value.

Submission 1 Only.

Numeric, 2 digits
Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL Services > Parental Permission Code




Indicates whether the student earned an associate degree.

If the Associate Degree Earned checkbox is marked in Student Information > General > Graduation, 1 reports in this element. 

Otherwise, this element does not report.

Submissions 1 & 3 Only

Numeric, 1 digit
Student Information > General > Graduation > Associate Degree Earned




PK Students Only 

If Star of Texas checkbox is marked, 1 reports.

If Star of Texas checkbox is NOT marked, 0 reports.

All others do not report.

1, 3

Numeric, 1 digit
Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Star of Texas



If the student is SpEd AND has a Residential Facility record that is active on the Effective Date, 1 reports.  

All others, report 0.

*A student is considered SpEd if they have an active and locked IEP - the dates of the IEP must overlap with the Residential Facility record AND the report effective dates.


Boolean, 5 characters
Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs > Residential Facility




If student is PK and the PK Eligible Previous Year  checkbox is checked - report 1.  

If student is PK and the box is not checked - report 0.  All others do not report.

1, 3

Coded, 1 character
Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > PK Eligible Previous Year
TX-AdultPreviousAttendance Indicator

Reports 1 if:
The student's age on September 01 of current school year is greater than 18 and less than 26
'As-of-status' code is not A
Adult Previous Attendance is checked

If all is true and Adult Previous Attendance is not checked, 0 reports.

All others, do not report.

1, 3

Coded, 1 digit
Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Adult Previous Attendance



One complex type will report for each applicable 

Certification record as outlined below. 

1, 3


Reports the Date Completed from the applicable Graduation Certification and Licensure record.

1, 3
Student Information > General > Graduation > Graduation Certification and Licensure

TX-PostSecondaryCertification Licensure

Submission 1: If Date Completed is equal to or prior to the Snapshot Date, then report value from Certification/Licensure.

Submission 3: If Date Completed is equal to or prior to the End Date from the Extract Editor, then report value from Certification/Licensure.

1, 3
Student Information > General > Graduation > Graduation Certification and Licensure


Field reports if Certification is reporting sub complex type TX-IndustryCertification.
If no value, reports blank.

If a value exists, but Certification is not reporting, the field will not report.

1, 3

Numeric, 6 characters 
(5 digits / 1 decimal point)
Format:  ###.##
Student Information > General > Graduation > Graduation Certification and Licensure

Field reports IF Certification is reporting sub complex type TX-IndustryCertification. Otherwise, reports blank.

If a value exists, but Certification is not reporting, the field will not report.

1, 3

Coded, 3 characters
Student Information > General > Graduation > Graduation Certification and Licensure
TX-PostSecondaryCertification LicensureResult

Reports the status code value of a student's Graduation Certification Information.

  • If no value, reports blank.

1, 3

Coded, 2 characters

Student Information > General > Graduation > Graduation Endorsement / Certification Information > Status
TX-GeneralEducation HomeboundIndicator

Reports a value of 1 when the Homebound Indicator is marked.


Numeric, 1 digit
Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Homebound
TX-ParentRequestRetention Indicator

Reports a value of 1 when the Parent Request Retention Indicator is marked.


Numeric, 1 digit
Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Parent Request Retention
TX-VirtualStudentNotIn Membership
Report '1' when the student has an active ADA eligibility = 9.


Numeric, 1 digit
Student Information > Program Participation > State Program > ADA > ADA Eligibility

 SSI Promotion Retention Codes


Promoted Grade 3 Unsatisfactory Reading Assessment


Retained Grade 3 Unsatisfactory Reading assessment


Promoted Grade 5 Unsatisfactory Reading Assessment


Retained Grade 5 Unsatisfactory Reading Assessment


Promoted Grade 5 Unsatisfactory Math Assessment


Retained Grade 5 Unsatisfactory Math Assessment


Promoted Grade 5 Unsatisfactory Reading & Math


Retained Grade 5 Unsatisfactory Reading & Math


Promoted Grade 8 Unsatisfactory Reading Assessment


Retained Grade 8 Unsatisfactory Reading Assessment


Promoted Grade 8 Unsatisfactory Math Assessment


Retained Grade 8 Unsatisfactory Math Assessment


Promoted Grade 8 Unsatisfactory Reading & Math


Retained Grade 8 Unsatisfactory Reading & Math

As of Status Code Options




Enrolled prior school year, not in current year


This code will cause the ADA Eligibility Code in the 100 Record to report as blank.


Enrolled within SSW, on fall as-of date


Enrolled within SSW, not on fall as-of date


Enrolled prior year, not within SSW, on as-of date


Enrolled prior year, within SSW, not on as-of date


No prior year, not within SSW, on as-of date


No prior year, within SSW, not on as-of date


Enrolled on the final day of the school year


Enrolled during the year, not on final day


All students in grades EE-06

Economic Indicator Options




Not identified as economically disadvantaged


Eligible for free meals


Eligible for reduced-price meals


Other Economic Disadvantage

Parental Permission Codes

Req Plcmnt of Non-EL Student in Bil prgm
Parent or guardian requested placement of a non-EL student in the bilingual program.
Parent or Guardian Did Not Respond
Parent or guardian did not respond.
Parent or Guardian Was Not Contacted
Parent or guardian was not contacted.
Denied Plcmnt in Bil but approved in ESL prgm
Parent or guardian denied placement of an EL student in the required bilingual program, but has approved placement of an EL student in the ESL program.
App'd PK-8 in ESL prgm, not denied in Bil prgm
Parent or guardian has approved placement of A Grade PK-8 EL student in the required ESL program.
Denied Plcmnt in any Special Language prgm
Parent or guardian has denied placement of an EL student in any special language program.
Approved Placement of EL Student in the Bil prgm
Parent or guardian has approved placement of an EL student in the bilingual program.
App'd Bil prgm, but prmg not available
Parent or guardian approved placement of an EL student in the bilingual program, but the district has or has requested an exception approved under 19 TAC 89.1207; therefore, parent has approved placement of an EL student in the ESL program.
App'd grades 9-12 in LPAC plan
Parent or guardian of a grade 9-12 EL student has approved services in accordance with the LPAC plan. The LPAC plan may include English I for speakers of other languages, English II for speakers of other languages and/or modified (sheltered) courses for EL students. Modified (sheltered) courses for EL students may be taught by non-ESL certified teachers who have received training in modified (sheltered) instruction but English I for speakers of other languages and English II for speakers of other languages must be taught by ESL certified teachers.
Approval of plcmnt of recent exit Non-EL
Parent or guardian has approved the placement of a recently exited Non-EL student in a bilingual or English as a Second Language special. language program.
Req Plcmnt of Non-EL in Eng as 2nd Language
Parent or guardian has requested placement of a non-EL student in the English as a Second Language program.
App'd Plcmnt of EL Student in ESL as Alt Language
Parent or guardian has approved the placement of an EL student in the ESL program, but the program is an alternative language program approved by the Texas Education Agency. (See TAC 19.89.1207) Districts that use Parental Permission Code J have or should have submitted a waiver to the TEA ESL program.