Course Audit Report

Tool Search: Course Audit

The Course Audit report compares the grading setup between course masters and their associated courses to identify differences. These differences could result from unpushed changes at the course master level or changes to unlocked elements of individual courses.

Screenshot of the Course Audit Report, located at Grading & Standards, Reports. Course Audit Report

Report Logic

This report looks at differences between the course master and associated courses in the following areas:

Course MasterCourse

Grading Tasks

Grading Tasks




Grade Calc Options

Grade Calc Options

The report can be generated in Detail or Summary versions. 

  • The Detail report lists each difference between courses and course masters.
  • The Summary report

Generate the Course Audit Report

  1. Select the Course Catalog to display a list of Course Masters. Options display based on the Calendar selected in the Campus toolbar.
  2. Select the Course Master(s) to include in the report. The list can be sorted by number or alphabetically by name.
  3. Indicate if the report should be the Detail version or the Summary.
  4. Leave the Exclude inactive courses checkbox marked to not report courses not flagged as Active.
  5. Click the Generate Report button. The report displays in CSV format.

Screenshot of an example of the course audit report. Detail Report Example

The Course Master Data and Course Data columns of the report indicate the details of the differences in grading setup.