Career and Technical Education (CTE) (Tennessee)

Last Updated 06/24

Tool Search: Career and Technical Education (CTE)

The CTE tool tracks student participation in Career and Technical Education courses and aids in the monitoring of student progress towards course completion.

This tool is available in State and District Edition. Fields vary by state. Please see your state's State Tools articles for more information on CTE procedures in your state. 

  • When a record is created by a "State Wide" user on the State Edition (SE), the record will be saved without a District ID indicating it is a "State Owned" record
  • When a District is selected in State Edition, the record will be saved with a District ID indicating is is a "District Owned" record

Screenshot of Career and Technical Education tool with list of saved records.Career and Technical Education

Screenshot of CTE Program Information Editor with available fields displaying.CTE - Program Information

Screenshot of CTE Course Information editor with available fields displayed.CTE - Course Information

Screenshot of Certificate Information editor.CTE - Certificate Information

Screenshot of Organization Information Editor.CTE - Organization Information

Enter CTE Records

Available fields vary by state. Fields with a red asterisk next to their title must be populated in order to save a record.

  1. Click the New icon.
  2. In the Program Information editor, you must enter the Start Date indicating the date the student was added to the CTE Program.
  3. Select the Program Status if appropriate. Follow your district practices when entering information in this and other remaining fields in the Program Information editor. Refer to the CTE Editor Fields table for more information on these fields.
  4. By default, Auto-fill Course Fields is selected. If you need to enter course information, click Add in the Course Information Editor. Multiple courses may be added to a single CTE record if appropriate.
  5. To enter information in Course Number, Course Name, and State Course Code, enter and select the course number to Auto-fill when Auto-fill is selected. You may begin typing in a field to initiate a search and select from there. Information in these fields may be manually entered if necessary. 
  6. Indicate whether the student for whom the record is being entered has a Dual Enrollment associated with this course.
  7. Select the SCED Code associated with the course if one was not populated via Auto-fill.
  8. If appropriate, enter any Certificate Information associated with this CTE record, for example if the student earned a credential.
  9. If appropriate, enter Organization Information associated with this CTE record, for example if the student belongs to a student organization related to this CTE experience.
  10. Click the Save icon when finished. The new record displays in the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Editor.

When multiple CTE records exist, they may have overlapping dates. Within a record, the Start Date must be before the End Date.

Print CTE Summary Report

Click the Print Summary Report to display a PDF view of a student's Career and Technical Education (CTE) records.

Screenshot of CTE Print Summary.CTE Print Summary

CTE Ad hoc Reporting Fields

Create a report that pulls Career and Technical Education elements in the Filter Designer using the Student Data Type. CTE elements are located in Student > Learner > Career and Technical Education (CTE).

Screenshot of Ad hoc fields related to CTE Programs.CTE Ad hoc Fields

CTE Editor Fields

The Career and Technical Education tool includes the following fields. Field names and available selections may vary by state.

FieldDescriptionAd hoc Fields
Program Information
Start Date
Indicates the date the student was added to the CTE Program.
Dates can be entered in mm/dd/yy or use the calendar icon to select a date.
End DateIndicates the date the student left or completed the CTE Program.careerTechEd.endDate
Program StatusIndicates the status of the CTE program. Default value is the name of the program.
CTE Pathway

A CTE Pathway is an education pathway that provides students with the academic, technical, and occupational knowledge and skills needed to prepare for careers in their areas of interest.

Career Cluster
Career clusters house programs of study that lead to career goals and include opportunities to participate in Career and Technical Student Organizations.

Special Population

Special Populations may include individuals with disabilities, individuals in economically disadvantaged circumstances, individuals preparing for nontraditional fields, single parents, or persons in other groups defined under the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V).

Education FacilityIndicates the location where the CTE Program is taking place.
Certificate(s)/Credentials/Associate Degree(s)This droplist provides a list of certificates, credentials and associate degrees that can be associated with a student's CTE record.
Districts can modify this droplist.
HoursThis field provides a place to enter hours associated with student CTE records.
Numeric characters only
CommentsText box used to indicate any additional information regarding the student's CTE record.
255 character maximum
Created ByDisplays in the Editor. Autogenerated name of district, date and timestamp indicating who created the entry. For State Edition customers, displays the state if the state created the entry.
Modified ByDisplays in the Detail Editor. Indicates the person who last saved the selected record.
State Defined Elements
  • States may specify fields to include as a component within a student's CTE record.
  • These fields WILL NOT display in the CTE Editor. Users must select an individual record from the editor to view details.
  • Users will not see the header for this section until State Reporting fields are entered for a state.

District Defined Elements
  • Districts may use Custom Attribute to define elements that will be part of a student's CTE Record.
  • These fields WILL NOT display in the CTE Editor. Users must select an individual record from the editor to view details.
  • Users will not see the header for this section until District Defined fields are added for this tool.

Course Information
Auto-fill Course Fields Based on Course Number SelectionThis box is selected by default. Mark this preference to auto-fill the Course Name, State Course Code, and SCED Code (if entered on the course) when the associated Course Number is entered.
Dual EnrollmentIndicates that the student has multiple concurrent enrollments.careerTechEd.dualEnrollment
Course NumberUsers may begin typing in an existing course number to initiate a search or enter a number that is not found in the course number list.careerTechEd.courseNumber
Course NameUsers may begin typing in an existing course name to initiate a search or enter a name that is not found in the course number list.careerTechEd.courseName
State Course CodeState-assigned course code that is entered in the Course Information Editor associated with a selected course.careerTechEd.stateCourseCode
Credits EarnedIf credits were earned, select the number of credits earned.careerTechEd.creditsEarned
SCED CodeFive digit code that provides a standardized number for the general subject are and specific subject of the selected course.careerTechEd.scedCode
Certificate Information
Certificate(s)/Credentials/Associate Degree(s)
Used to indicate the type of credential the student may earn as part of this CTE program, if applicable.
Administered Date
Indicates the date on which the credential was assessed or awarded.
Credential Status
Indicates the student's progress toward achieving the credential, e.g. Fail, In-Progress or Pass.
CIP Code
CIP (Classification of Instructional Programs) was developed by the US Department of Education and is used to organize, collect and report on fields of study and program completions.
Other Certificate(s)/Credentials/Associate Degree(s)
This text field can be used to enter additional information about certificates, credentials and associate degrees.
255 character maximum
Organization Information
Club ID
This droplist contains a list of student organizations that can be connected to a student's CTE record.
Student Organization Member ID
Textbox provided for entry of student organization member ID if needed.
50 character maximum
Student Organization Charter ID
Textbox provided for entry of student organization charter ID if needed.
50 character maximum

Custom Fields and Tabs

Districts have the option of adding district-specific elements to the CTE tool. These will appear in the Detail Editor as District Defined Elements.

The Custom Attribute article explains how to add a field. 

See the Custom article for instructions on adding a district-specific tool. 

Tool Rights

The following tool rights can be assigned for the Career and Technical Education tool:

Users with at least Read and Add tool rights are able to create and save new records. Only users with Write tool rights are able to edit or end existing open records.

  • Read (R) - allows the user to view existing CTE records
  • Write (W) - allows the user to edit existing CTE records
  • Add (A) - allows the user to add new CTE records
  • Delete (D) - allows the user to remove CTE records

The Add & Auto-end Records sub-tool right overrides the Write and Add tool right selections for the CTE tool. 

  • If a user has at least Read rights to this sub-tool right, the user is able to create a new CTE record; an open CTE record is given an End Date one day prior to the new CTE record's Start Date to prevent overlapping records. 
  • An existing CTE record's End Date cannot be overwritten with this function, regardless of tool right selection on either the sub-tool right or the CTE tool. 
  • The sub-tool right cannot receive tool rights from a parent or grandparent tool right, but the sub-tool rights can be removed when tool rights are removed from a parent or grandparent tool right.