Calendar Rights determine what school, year and calendar access is provided to all users within a user group.
Calendar rights work in tandem with Tool Rights, where Tool Rights determine which tools user group members can access and Calendar Rights determine which calendars user group members are allowed to view and modify via Campus tools.
User Groups
Create Calendar Rights User Groups
The first step in assigning calendar rights for staff members is to create a user group(s). A user group is a way to define a specific set of tool and/or calendar rights and apply these rights to all users assigned to the group.
Tool Search: Add User Group
The Add User Group tool allows you to create user groups, which can then be assigned specific tools and calendar rights. Once a user group is given specific rights, users can be assigned to the group, and all rights granted to the group are then granted to the person assigned to the group. This is a convenient and streamlined way to assign rights to a set of users and add or remove rights from these users.
User groups can be assigned to individual users via their User Account.

Create a Group
To create a group:
- Search for 'Add User Group' in the tool search bar and select the tool.
- Enter the User Group Name. Infinite Campus recommends using an easily identifiable descriptive name when assigning to users.
- Select the Associated Product. This allows you to associate the group with a specific product within Infinite Campus. Only users in a Multi-Product or Premium Product environment can select a value other than 'Student Information System'. Depending on the products your district uses, the following options are available.
- Student Information System
- Finance
- Human Resources
- Point of Sale
- Staff Evaluations
- Enter a group Description.
- Click Save.
OR - Click Save & Navigate. You will be redirected to the user group you just created.
Assign Calendar Rights to a User Group
Once user groups are established, calendar rights can be assigned. Calendar Rights determine what school, year and calendar access is provided to all users within the user group.
Tool Search: User Group Calendar Rights
Calendar Rights determine what school, year and calendar access is provided to all users within the user group. Calendar rights work in tandem with Tool Rights, where Tool Rights determine which tools user group members can access and Calendar Rights determine which calendars user group members are allowed to view and modify via Campus tools.
Infinite Campus recommends setting up calendar rights as user groups that are separate from tool rights user groups. However, the district has the option to combine calendar rights and tool rights into one user group.

Image 1: Calendar Rights (User Group)
Calendar Rights information is available in the Query Wizard for Census/Staff Data Types in the Person > Campus Usage > User Account/Summary > Calendar Rights.

Ad hoc Reporting Calendar Rights Fields
Information reports data from the UserSchoolYear Rights, UserGroupSchoolYearRights, and UserGroup tables with the following fields:
- userID
- personID
- groupID - data does not return for UserSchoolYearRights records
- groupName - data does not return for UserSchoolYearRights records
- School - when schoolID is not null, the name of the school reports; when schoolID is null, All Schools reports.
- Calendar - when calendarID is not null, the name of the calendar reports; when calendar is null, All Calendars reports.
- ModifyRights - when marked on the User Account tool, reports Yes; when not marked, reports No.
- ReadOnly - when ModifyRights is marked, reports No; when not marked, reports Yes.
- CloseMonthRights - when marked on the User Account tool, reports Yes; when not marked, reports No.
- Owner Rights - when marked on the User Account tool, reports Yes; when not marked, reports No.
Assigning Calendar Rights
Calendar Rights provides users with user groups access to specific schools, years, and calendars.

Image 2: Assigning Calendar Rights
To assign calendar rights to the user group:
- Select the New button. The School Year Rights editor will appear on the right.
- Select the School, Year, and Calendar users within the group can access.
If users within the group should be allowed to modify data in the selected Calendar, mark the Modify Rights checkbox.
If user group members should be allowed to modify attendance data for closed school months, mark the Close School Months checkbox.
- Select the Save icon. The calendar rights will appear in the Rights Editor window.
Calendar Rights Scenarios
This section will describe different scenarios for setting up calendar rights.
All Calendars/All Schools with Data Modification Rights
To assign users within the user group the ability to view and modify all data within all schools and all calendars in the district:
- Set School to 'All Schools'
- Set Year to 'All Years'.
- Set Calendar to 'All Calendars'
- Mark the Modify Rights checkbox (Image 3).
- Click the Save icon.

Image 3: All Schools/All Calendar Modify Rights
All Schools/All Calendars with Read-Only Data Access Rights
To assign the user group read-only data access rights to all calendars and schools within a district:
- Set the School to 'All Schools'
- Set Year to 'All Years'
- Set the Calendar to 'All Calendars'
- Leave the Modify Rights checkbox unchecked.
- Select the Save icon. Once saved, the calendar rights will appear with 'Read-Only' next to it in the Rights Editor window (see Image 4).

Image 4: Read-Only All Schools and Calendars Rights
Select Schools/Calendars with Data Modification Rights
To assign a user group data modification rights for a specific calendar within a specific school:
- Select a school within the School dropdown list.
- Select a calendar within the Calendar dropdown list.
- Mark the Modify Rights checkbox.
- Select the Save icon.

Image 5: Assigning Modify Rights for a Specific Calendar
Select Schools/Calendars with Read-Only Data Access Rights
To assign a user group read-only data access rights for a specific calendar in a school:
- Select a school within the School dropdown list.
- Select a calendar within the Calendar dropdown list.
- Leave the Modify Rights checkbox unchecked.
- Select the Save icon. Once saved, the calendar rights will appear with 'Read-Only' next to it in the Rights Editor window (see Image 6).

Image 6: Read-Only Rights for a Specific Calendar
Read-Only Rights for a Previous Year
To assign a user group read-only rights to a previous year calendar:
- Select a school within the School dropdown list.
- Select the Year.
- Select the Calendar.
- Leave the Modify Rights checkbox unmarked.
- Select the Save icon. Once saved, the calendar rights will appear with 'Read-Only' next to it in the Rights Editor window (see Image 7).

Image 7: Assigning Previous Year Read-Only Rights
Calendar Rights Blocked by Account Automation
If the 'Enable Automatic Creation of Staff Accounts' preference is enabled via the Account Security Preferences tool, user groups saved with only Tool Rights will be prevented from adding Calendar Rights. If you attempt to add calendar rights to a tool user group you will see the message below (Image 8).

Image 8: Calendar Rights Blocked by Account Automation
Assign User Groups to Individual Staff Members
Once calendar user groups have been created, individual staff members can then be assigned to the user group(s).
Tool Search: User Groups
The User Groups tab lists the user groups to which the selected person is assigned. User groups eliminate the need to individually assign tool rights to each person who needs the same access.
See the User Groups article for information about establishing user groups.
User Groups
Assigning User Groups to a User
To assign the user to a user group(s):
- Locate and select the user group within the Search and Add User Group column on the left. You can narrow the user group list by entering search criteria within the search box. The field will continue to refine results as you enter more characters. Each user group selected will appear in the user group will appear in the Current Group Membership window.

Assign User Groups
- Once all user groups have been selected, click the Save icon. The user is now a member of the selected user group(s) and now has access to all of the tools assigned said user groups.
Viewing the Tool Rights Summary
To access a comprehensive view of all tool rights the user has been granted within Campus (between Tool Rights and User Groups), click the User Tool Rights Summary button. The Tool Rights Summary will appear in a separate window (Image 2).
You can expand tools to view additional tool rights and sub-rights. You can also hover the mouse cursor over a tool to see exactly how the user was granted rights to the tool (granted by tool rights or granted by a group).
Tool Rights Summary
Viewing the Calendar Rights Summary
Select the User Calendar Rights Summary button to view which calendars in which years a specific user has rights to access and how this access was granted.
A single person icon
indicates access to that calendar was granted via individual user Calendar Rights (via the Calendar Rights tab).
A group icon
indicates calendar access was granted by the user being a part of a specific user group. Hovering your cursor over the group icon will indicate which user group(s) granted the user rights to the calendar.
Calendar Rights Summary
Tool | Description |
User Account Batch Wizard | This tool allows users to batch create student and staff user accounts using the census email address or a username patterns, enable student and staff user accounts, disable student and staff user accounts, force a password reset for student and staff user accounts, and add or remove user groups for user accounts en masse. |
User Group Report | This tool provides high-level and detailed information about which user groups exist, all tool rights and calendar rights assigned to each user group, and which user groups are assigned to which Staff Account Automation rules. |
Assign Calendar User groups to All Staff Members
You can also assign calendar user groups to staff members en masse using the User Account Batch Wizard.
Tool Search: User Account Batch Wizard
The User Account Batch Wizard allows users to batch create student and staff user accounts using the census email address or a username pattern, enable student and staff user accounts, disable student and staff user accounts, force a password reset for student and staff user accounts, and add or remove user groups for user accounts en masse.
Accounts can be modified for all students or staff within a selected school(s) or for specific users. You can also preview the changes that will be made prior to initiating modifications within Campus.
This article includes the following topics:
This tool does not feature the ability to delete user accounts en masse. This option is not available due to the dangers mass deleting user accounts can introduce throughout Campus. Instead of deleting accounts, users are encouraged to disable them. If users have forgotten their account usernames and/or passwords, they are encouraged to use the Forgot Your Username? and Forgot Your Password? recovery options found on the Campus login page.

Image 1: User Account Batch Wizard
In order to access the User Account Batch Wizard, you must be granted the Student Information System Product Security Role.
Enabling Student and Staff Accounts
The Enable Account option allows you to enable user accounts for all students or staff within a school(s) or for specific set of users. See the following sections below for more information.

Image 3: Enabling Accounts
Enable User Accounts for All Students or Staff in a Selected School(s)
To enable all user accounts for all students or staff within a selected school(s):
- Select an Account Type.
- Students - Select this option to enable student accounts within the selected school(s).
- Staff - Select this option to enable staff accounts within the selected school(s).
- Select a Change Type of 'Enable Account'.
- Mark the Enable user accounts for all students in the selected school(s) OR Enable user accounts for all staff in the selected school(s) radio button.
- Select which school(s) will have user accounts enabled. To select multiple schools, hold the CTRL button while selecting each school.
- To preview a list of all user accounts that will be enabled, click the Preview Changes button. A report will appear in CSV format.
- To initiate the enabling of student or staff user accounts, click the Save Changes button. A report will appear in CSV format, detailing all user accounts enabled (see Image 6).
Student Accounts | Staff Accounts |
| |
Enable User Accounts for Selected Students or Staff
To enable user accounts for a specific student or staff:
- Select an Account Type.
- Students - Select this option to enable specific student accounts within the selected school(s).
- Staff - Select this option to enable specific staff accounts within the selected school(s).
- Select a Change Type of 'Enable Account'.
- Mark the Enable user accounts for selected students OR Enable user accounts for selected staff radio button.
Enter search criteria for the student or staff member (e.g., Last Name, First Name, Gender, Grade) or staff (e.g., Last Name, First Name, Title, Role) and click the Search button. Users matching search criteria will appear in the window on the right.
- In the B. Select a person to add to edit list window, select the name of each person who will have their user account enabled. When a person is selected, their name will appear in the C. Click on a person to remove from list window.
- To preview a list of all user accounts that will be enabled, click the Preview Changes button. A report will appear in CSV format.
- To initiate the enabling of student or staff user accounts, click the Save Changes button. A report will appear in CSV format, detailing all user accounts enabled (see Image 6).
Student Accounts | Staff Accounts |
| |
Below is an example of the CSV report that will generate once the Save Changes button is selected (Image 4).

Image 4: Example of the Enabled Accounts Report
Creating Student Accounts
The Create Account option allows you to create user accounts for all students within a school(s) or for specific students. Options are available for determining how username and passwords are automatically created, as well as the default homepage (Campus Portal, Campus Student).
Click here to expand...
See the following sections below for more information about setting up each option:

Image 5: Creating Student AccountsUsername
Usernames are generated based on two available options: the email address of the student (existing on the Demographics tab) or a pattern used to create usernames for each account. The table below describes each option.
Field | Description |
Use census email as account username 
| Selecting this option means usernames will be generated to match the email address listed in the Email field on the student's Demographics tab (see below).
If you would like to remove the domain from usernames generated from a student's census email address, mark the Exclude email domain in username checkbox. For example, if the user's email address is '', his generated Campus username would be 'joetester'. Once the user account has been created, the user will enter their email address as their username for logging into Campus via the Campus login screen (see below).

Use a pattern to generate username for each account created 
| Selecting this option allows you to designate a pattern for how usernames are generated for each account.
For example, using the criteria entered in the picture to the left (Last Name, First Name, Student Number), if the student's name is John Doe with a student number of 123456789, he would log in with a username of Doe.John.123456789

Authentication Type
The Authentication Type determines how users of the generated accounts will log into Campus.
| - Local Campus Authentication Only - This option means users will use their Campus username and password to log into Campus.
- LDAP Authentication - This option means users will log into Campus using their LDAP username and password (controlled and maintained by their school/district's IDP). See the LDAP Authentication article for more information.
- SAML Authentication - This means users will log into Campus using their SAML username and password (controlled and maintained by their school/district's IDP). See the SSO Service Provider Configuration article for more information.
When determining how user account passwords are created, you have the following two options:
Field | Description |
Randomly generate password for each account created 
| Selecting this option means Campus will randomly generate a unique password for each account created. |
Use a pattern to generate password for each account created 
| Selecting this option allows you to designate a pattern for how passwords are generated for each user account created.
In the example to the left, based on the criteria (Last Name, First Name, 10 characters), a user named Nate Student would have a password of 'studentnate'. |
Once Username and Password criteria has been established, determine the Homepage of the accounts. The Homepage indicates whether the student will have access to Campus Student or the Campus Parent Portal. Select Campus Student.

Image 6: Setting the Campus HomepageFor example, if the Homepage is set to 'Campus Student', each generated student account is defaulted to a Homepage value of 'Campus Student Portal', meaning they will be sent to Campus Student when logging into Campus. This value is set on the student's User Account tab.

Image 7: Example of Where the Homepage Value is Set Within CampusCreate User Accounts for All Students in a School or Select Students
Once Username, Password, and Homepage criteria is set, you must determine which students will have user accounts created. User accounts can be created for all students within a selected school(s) or for a specific set of students. See the following sections below for more information about these two options.
To create user accounts for all students within a selected school(s):
- Select an Account Type of 'Students'.
- Select a Change Type of 'Create Account'.
- Set Username, Authentication Type, Password, and Homepage criteria (as described in the sections above).
- Select which school(s) will have all student user accounts created. To select multiple schools, hold the CTRL button while selecting each school.
- To preview a list of all user accounts that will be created, click the Preview Changes button. A report will appear in CSV format.
- To initiate the creation of student user accounts, click the Save Changes button. A report will appear in CSV format, detailing all user accounts created.

Image 8: Creating Accounts for All Students in a SchoolTo create user accounts for a specific student or set of students:
- Select an Account Type of 'Students'.
- Select a Change Type of 'Create Account'.
- Mark the Create user accounts for selected students radio button.
Enter search criteria for the student (e.g., Last Name, First Name, Gender, Grade) and click the Search button. Students matching search criteria will appear in the window on the right.
- In the B. Select a person to add to edit list window, select the name of each student which will have their user account created. When a student is selected, their name will appear in the C. Click on a person to remove from list window.
- To preview a list of all user accounts that will be created, click the Preview Changes button. A report will appear in CSV format.
- To initiate the creation of student user accounts, click the Save Changes button. A report will appear in CSV format, detailing all user accounts created.

Image 9: Creating Accounts for Specific StudentsBelow is an example of the CSV report that will generate once the Save Changes button is selected (Image 10).

Image 10: Example of the CSV Report Detailing Created Accounts
Creating Staff Accounts
The Create Account option also allows you to create user accounts for all staff within a school(s) or for specific staff members. Options are available for determining how usernames are automatically created, as well as the default homepage (Campus Tools, Campus Instruction).
Click here to expand...
See the following sections below for more information about setting up each option:

Image 11: Create Staff User Accounts OptionUser Groups
User Groups can be automatically assigned to all newly created staff user accounts within a school or for a specific set of staff members. This functionality is useful for using user groups to mass assign tool rights and calendar rights for new user accounts and prevents the need to manage and assign these rights on a person by person basis.
User Groups are broken into the three following categories:
- Tool Rights Groups - These groups only contain tool rights and do not assign calendar rights.
- Calendar Group - These groups only contain calendar rights and do not assign tool rights.
- Mixed or Empty Group - These groups assign a combination of tool and calendar rights or they are blank and contain no calendar or tool rights at the moment.
By separating user groups into these categories, users have a better understanding of what types of rights will be assigned and can easily identify and sort through different user groups when assigning.

Image 12: Adding User Groups to Created User AccountsTo select user groups for staff accounts being created:
- Select an Account Type of 'Staff'.
- Select a Change Type of 'Create Account'.
- Search for a User Group by first selecting the Group Type. Only user groups of this type will appear in search results.
- Enter the Group Name being searched. Only user groups of the selected type which matches the group name entered will appear in search results.
- Click the Search button. Search results will appear in the Click on a group to add to the list window on the right.
- Select which groups will be assigned to these new accounts. Selected groups will appear in the Click on a group to remove from list window.
- Repeat steps 1-6 If additional tool rights groups, calendar groups, or mix user groups should be added.
- Once all groups have been selected, move on to the Username section below.
Usernames are generated based on two available options: the email address of the staff member (existing on the Demographics tab) or a pattern used to create usernames for each account. The table below describes each option.
Field | Description |
Use census email as account username 
| Selecting this option means usernames will be generated to match the email address listed in the Email field on the staff member's Demographics tab (see below).
If you would like to remove the domain from usernames generated from a staff member's census email address, mark the Exclude email domain in username checkbox. For example, if the user's email address is '', his generated Campus username would be 'joetester'. 
Once the user account has been created, the user will enter their email address as their username for logging into Campus via the Campus login screen (see below).

Use a pattern to generate username for each account created 
| Selecting this option allows you to designate a pattern for how usernames are generated for each account.
For example, using the criteria entered in the picture to the left (Last Name, First Name, Staff Number), if the staff member's name is John Doe with a staff number of 123456789, he would log in with a username of Doe.John.123456789

Authentication Type
The Authentication Type determines how users of the generated accounts will log into Campus.
| - Local Campus Authentication Only - This option means users will use their Campus username and password to log into Campus.
- LDAP Authentication - This option means users will log into Campus using their LDAP username and password (controlled and maintained by their school/district's IDP). See the LDAP Authentication article for more information.
- SAML Authentication - This means users will log into Campus using their SAML username and password (controlled and maintained by their school/district's IDP). See the SSO Service Provider Configuration article for more information.
Each account created will require the staff member go through the account activation process. During this process, their password will be established.

Image 13: Staff Passwords
Once User Group and Username criteria has been established, determine the Homepage of the accounts. The Homepage indicates whether the staff will default to Campus Tools or Campus Instruction when logging in.

Image 14: Setting the Homepage
For example, if the Homepage is set to 'Campus Instruction', each generated staff account is defaulted to a Homepage value of 'Campus Instruction', meaning they will be sent to Campus Instruction when logging into Campus. This value is set on the user's User Account tab.

Image 15: Example of Where the Homepage Value is Set Within Campus
Create User Accounts for All Staff in a School or Select Staff Members
Once User Group, Username, Password, and Homepage criteria is set, you must determine which staff members will have user accounts created. User accounts can be created for all staff within a selected school(s) or for a specific set of staff members. See the following sections below for more information about these two options.
To create user accounts for all staff within a selected school(s):
- Select an Account Type of 'Staff'.
- Select a Change Type of 'Create Account'.
- Set User Group, Username, Authentication Type, Password, and Homepage criteria (as described in the sections above).
- Select the Create user accounts for all staff in the selected school(s) radio button.
- Select which school(s) will have all staff user accounts created. To select multiple schools, hold the CTRL button while selecting each school.
- To preview a list of all user accounts that will be created, click the Preview Changes button. A report will appear in CSV format.
- To initiate the creation of staff user accounts, click the Save Changes button. A report will appear in CSV format, detailing all user accounts created.

Image 16: Creating Accounts for All Staff Members in a School
To create user accounts for a specific staff members:
- Select an Account Type of 'Staff'.
- Select a Change Type of 'Create Account'.
- Set User Group, Username, Password, and Homepage criteria (as described in the sections above).
- Select the Create user accounts for all selected staff radio button.
Enter search criteria for the staff member (e.g., Last Name, First Name, Gender, Title, etc) and click the Search button. Staff members matching search criteria will appear in the window on the right.
- In the Select a person to add to edit list window, select the name of each staff member which will have their user account created. When a staff member is selected, their name will appear in the Click on a person to remove from list window.
- To preview a list of all user accounts that will be created, click the Preview Changes button. A report will appear in CSV format.
- To initiate the creation of staff user accounts, click the Save Changes button. A report will appear in CSV format, detailing all user accounts created.

Image 17: Creating Accounts for Specific Staff
Below is an example of the CSV report that will generate once the Save Changes button is selected (Image 18).

Image 18: Example of the CSV Report Detailing Created Accounts
Disabling Student and Staff Accounts
The Disable Account option allows you to disable user accounts for all students or staff within a calendar(s) or for a specific set of users. See the following sections below for more information.

Image 19: Disable Account Option
Disable User Accounts for All Students or Staff in a Selected Calendar(s)
To disable all user accounts for all students or staff within a selected calendar(s):
- Select an Account Type
- Students - Select this option to disable all students within a selected calendar(s).
- Staff - Select this option to disable all staff within a selected calendar(s).
- Select a Change Type of 'Disable Account'.
- Mark the Disable user accounts for all students in the selected calendar(s) OR Disable user accounts for all staff in the selected calendar(s) radio button.
- Select which calendar(s) will have user accounts disabled. To select multiple calendar, hold the CTRL button while selecting each calendar.
- To preview a list of all user accounts that will be disabled, click the Preview Changes button. A report will appear in CSV format.
- To initiate the disabling of student or staff user accounts, click the Save Changes button. A report will appear in CSV format, detailing all user accounts disabled.
Student Accounts | Staff Accounts |
| |
Disable User Accounts for All Selected Students or Staff
To disable user accounts for a specific student or set of students:
- Select an Account Type
- Students - Select this option to disable specific students within a selected calendar(s).
- Staff - Select this option to disable specific staff within a selected calendar(s).
- Select a Change Type of 'Enable Account'.
- Mark the Disable user accounts for selected students OR Disable user accounts for all selected staff radio button.
- Enter search criteria for the student (e.g., Last Name, First Name, Gender, Grade) or staff (e.g., Last Name, First Name, Title, Role) and click the Search button. Users matching search criteria will appear in the window on the right.
Search results are district-wide.
- In the B. Select a person to add to edit list window, select the name of each person who will have their user account disabled. When a person is selected, their name will appear in the C. Click on a person to remove from list window.
- To preview a list of all user accounts that will be disabled, click the Preview Changes button. A report will appear in CSV format.
- To initiate the disabling of student or staff user accounts, click the Save Changes button. A report will appear in CSV format, detailing all user accounts disabled.
Student Accounts | Staff Accounts |
| |
Below is an example of the CSV report that will generate once the Save Changes button is selected (Image 20).

Image 20: Example of the CSV Report Detailing Disabled Accounts
Forcing a Password Change
The Force Password Change option allows you to force a password change for all student or staff user accounts in a school(s) or for a specific set students or staff.
See the following sections below for more information.

Image 21: Force Password Change Option
Force a Password Change for All Students or Staff in a Selected School(s)
To force a password change for all student or staff accounts in a selected school(s):
- Select an Account Type
- Select a Change Type of 'Force Password Change'.
- Mark the Force password change for all student accounts in the selected school(s) OR Force password change for all staff accounts in the selected school(s) radio button.
- Select which schools will have all student or staff accounts forced to change their password.
- To preview a list of all user accounts that will be impacted, click the Preview Changes button. A report will appear in CSV format.
- To initiate the forcing of a password change for student or staff user accounts in the selected school(s), click the Save Changes button. A report will appear in CSV format, detailing all user accounts impacted.
Student Accounts | Staff Accounts |
| |
Force a Password Change for All Selected Students or Staff
To force a password change for specific students or staff:
- Select an Account Type.
- Student - Select this option to force a password change for specific students.
Staff - Select this option to force a password change for specific staff. Logic identifies staff members by looking for user accounts set with a Homepage of 'Campus Application' and then excluding some users based on their user group/product security roles.
- Select a Change Type of 'Force Password Change'.
- Mark the Force password change for all selected students or Force password change for all selected staff radio button.
Enter search criteria for the student (e.g., Last Name, First Name, Gender, Grade) or staff (e.g., Last Name, First Name, Title, Role) and click the Search button. Users matching search criteria will appear in the window on the right.
- In the B. Select a person to add to edit list window, select the name of each person who will be forced to change their password. When a person is selected, their name will appear in the C. Click on a person to remove from list window.
- To preview a list of all user accounts that will be impacted, click the Preview Changes button. A report will appear in CSV format.
- To initiate the forcing of a password change for all selected students or staff, click the Save Changes button. A report will appear in CSV format, detailing all user accounts impacted.
Student Accounts | Staff Accounts |
| |
Below is an example of the CSV report that will generate once the Save Changes button is selected (Image 20).

Image 22: Example of the CSV Report Detailing User Accounts Forced to Change Their Password
Adding User Groups to Staff Accounts
User Groups can be assigned to all staff user accounts within a school or for a specific set of staff members. This functionality is useful in mass applying calendar rights and tool rights for all staff members in a school or for a specific set of staff members (e.g., all teachers, specific counselors, etc).
User Groups are broken into the three following categories:
- Tool Rights Groups - These groups only contain tool rights and do not assign calendar rights.
- Calendar Group - These groups only contain calendar rights and do not assign tool rights.
- Mixed or Empty Group - These groups assign a combination of tool and calendar rights or they are blank and contain no calendar or tool rights at the moment.
By separating user groups into these categories, users have more control over what types of rights are assigned and can easily identify and sort through different user groups when assigning.
See the following sections below for more information.

Image 23: Add User Groups Option
Add User Groups for All Staff in a Selected School(s)
To add user groups for all staff within a selected school(s):
- Select an Account Type of 'Staff'
- Select a Change Type of 'Add User Groups'.
- Search for a User Group by first selecting the Group Type. Only user groups of this type will appear in search results.
- Enter the Group Name being searched. Only user groups of the selected type which matches the group name entered will appear in search results.
- Click the Search button. Search results will appear in the Click on a group to add to the list window on the right.
- Select which groups will be assigned to these user accounts. Selected groups will appear in the Click on a group to remove from list window.
- Repeat steps 1-6 If additional tool rights groups, calendar groups, or mix user groups should be added.
- Select the Add User Groups to all staff in the selected school(s) radio button.
- Select which school(s) will have selected user groups assigned to all staff members. To select multiple schools, hold the CTRL button while selecting each school.
- To preview a list of all user accounts and what user groups will be added, click the Preview Changes button. A report will appear in CSV format.
- Select the Save Changes button. Specified User Groups have now been added to all staff members in the selected schools.

Image 24: Adding User Groups for All Staff in a School(s)
Add User Groups for Specific Staff Members
To add user groups for specific staff members:
- Select an Account Type of 'Staff'
- Select a Change Type of 'Add User Groups'.
- Search for a User Group by first selecting the Group Type. Only user groups of this type will appear in search results.
- Enter the Group Name being searched. Only user groups of the selected type which matches the group name entered will appear in search results.
- Click the Search button. Search results will appear in the Click on a group to add to the list window on the right.
- Select which groups will be assigned to these user accounts. Selected groups will appear in the Click on a group to remove from list window.
- Repeat steps 1-6 If additional tool rights groups, calendar groups, or mix user groups should be added.
- Select the Add User Groups for selected staff radio button.
Search for a person by entering identifying criteria (e.g., Last Name, First Name, Gender, Title, etc) and click the Search button. Search results will appear in the window to the right.
- Select which users will have user groups added by click on their name in the Select a person to add to edit list window. Once a person is selected they will appear in the Click on a person to remove from list window.
- To preview a list of what user groups will be added for which people, click the Preview Changes button. A report will appear in CSV format.
- Once ready initiate the addition of the user groups, select the Save Changes button. Specified User Groups have now been added to the selected users.

Image 25: Adding User Groups for Specific Staff Members
Below is an example of the report that is produced once user groups are added.

Image 26: Example of the User Group Report
Removing User Groups to Staff Accounts
User Groups can also be removed from all staff user accounts within a school or for a specific set of staff members. This functionality is useful in mass removing calendar rights and tool rights for all staff members in a school or for a specific set of staff members (e.g., all teachers, specific counselors, etc).
See the following sections below for more information.

Image 27: Remove User Groups Option
Remove User Groups for All Staff in a Selected School(s)
To remove user groups for all staff within a selected school(s):
- Select an Account Type of 'Staff'
- Select a Change Type of 'Remove User Groups'.
- Search for a User Group by first selecting the Group Type. Only user groups of this type will appear in search results.
- Enter the Group Name being searched. Only user groups of the selected type which matches the group name entered will appear in search results.
- Click the Search button. Search results will appear in the Click on a group to add to the list window on the right.
- Select which groups will be removed from these user accounts. Selected groups will appear in the Click on a group to remove from list window.
- Repeat steps 1-6 If additional tool rights groups, calendar groups, or mix user groups should be added for removal.
- Select the Remove User Groups to all staff in the selected school(s) radio button.
- Select which school(s) will have selected user groups removed for all staff members. To select multiple schools, hold the CTRL button while selecting each school.
- To preview a list of all user accounts that will have user groups removed, click the Preview Changes button. A report will appear in CSV format.
- Select the Save Changes button. Specified User Groups have now been removed to all staff members in the selected schools.

Image 28: Removing User Groups for All Staff in a School(s)
Remove User Groups for Specific Staff Members
To remove user groups for specific staff members:
- Select an Account Type of 'Staff'
- Select a Change Type of 'Remove User Groups'.
- Search for a User Group by first selecting the Group Type. Only user groups of this type will appear in search results.
- Enter the Group Name being searched. Only user groups of the selected type which matches the group name entered will appear in search results.
- Click the Search button. Search results will appear in the Click on a group to add to the list window on the right.
- Select which groups will be removed from these user accounts. Selected groups will appear in the Click on a group to remove from list window.
- Repeat steps 1-6 If additional tool rights groups, calendar groups, or mix user groups should be added for removal.
- Select the Remove User Groups for selected staff radio button.
Search for a person by entering identifying criteria (e.g., Last Name, First Name, Gender, Title, etc) and click the Search button. Search results will appear in the window to the right.
- Select which users will have user groups removed by click on their name in the Select a person to add to edit list window. Once a person is selected they will appear in the Click on a person to remove from list window.
- To preview a list of what user groups will be removed for which people, click the Preview Changes button. A report will appear in CSV format.
- Once ready initiate the removal of the user groups, select the Save Changes button. Specified User Groups have now been removed for the selected users.

Image 29: Removing User Groups for Specific Staff Members
Below is an example of the report that will appear once the Save Changes button is selected.

Image 30: Example of the Remove User Groups Report
You can inform all users who have a newly created user account or who have never logged into their user account to log into their account and update their account password by using the User Account Messenger, User Account Messenger Scheduler, and Account Letter Builder tools.
Click here to expand...
See the following sections below for more information:
Tool Search: User Account Messenger
You can use the User Account Messenger to send an email for users to follow and access their new user account.

Image 31: User Account MessengerIn the example below, an Ad hoc filter was created which includes the total login count (usage.totalLoginCount) and if the account is flagged to require a password change (usage.forceChangePassword). These fields are important as can be combined with Filter Parameters to identify only those users who have a Campus user account who have never logged into their account and need to change their password (which will be the case for any accounts auto-generated via Account Security Preferences).
Use the following values to ensure a proper list is generated (see Image 32):
- usage.totalLoginCount
- usage.forceChangePassword

Image 32: Filter of Users Who Need to Log into their User AccountOnce this filter is created, use the User Account Messenger to send a message to each one of these users.
This message should include the following Campus fields:
- The accountManagement.username field.
- The accountManagement.uniqueLinkActivationURL field.
- The accountManagmeent.uniqueLinkExpirationDate field.
You should also enter an Account Activation URL Expiration Date (see Image 33). This is the date the unique activation URL contained in the message will expire. Users will need to select this URL prior to this date.

Image 33: Informing Users who Need to Log into Their User AccountEstablishing a Recurring User Account Activation Message
Tool Search: User Account Messenger Scheduler
Once you have created and saved a user account activation message in the User Account Messenger tool (see the steps mentioned in the section above), you can establish a daily, weekly, or monthly recurring message event using the User Account Messenger Scheduler.

Image 34: User Account Message Scheduler
For example, using a user account activation message template and setting to a frequency of daily, you can set the User Account Messenger Scheduler to email the user account activation email to any user accounts created in the last 24 hours and repeat this process every day within a certain timeframe.
See the User Account Messenger Scheduler article for more information about this process.
Tool Search: User Account Letter Builder
You can use the User Account Letter Builder to all users who have a newly created user account or who have never logged into their user account to log into their account and update their account password.

Image 35: Account Letter BuilderIn the example below, an Ad hoc filter was created which includes the total login count (usage.totalLoginCount) and if the account is flagged to require a password change (usage.forceChangePassword). These fields are important as can be combined with Filter Parameters to identify only those users who have a Campus user account who have never logged into their account and need to change their password (which will be the case for any accounts auto-generated via Account Security Preferences).
Use the following values to ensure a proper list is generated (see Image 35):
- usage.totalLoginCount
- usage.forceChangePassword

Image 36: Filter of Users Who Need to Log into their User AccountOnce this filter is created, use the Account Letter Designer to design a letter which will generate for each one of these users.
This letter should include the following Campus fields (see Image 36):
- The accountManagement.username field.
- The accountManagement.uniqueLinkActivationURL field.
- The accountManagmeent.uniqueLinkExpirationDate field.

Image 37: Building a Letter to Inform Users who Need to Log Into Their AccountOnce the filter has been created and the account activation letter has been build:
Select a Filter Type.
- Select the filter from the Saved Filters window.
- Select the letter from the Saved Account Activation Letters window.
- Enter an Account Activation URL Expiration Date. This is the date the unique activation URL contained in the message will expire (see Image 37). Users will need to select this URL prior to this date.
- Click the Build Letters button. The letters will appear in a separate window.

Image 38: Generating a LetterBelow is an example of a generated letter using this scenario (Image 38).

Image 39: Example of a Letter
The User Group Report provides high-level and detailed information about which user groups exist, all tool rights and calendar rights assigned to each user group, and which user groups are assigned to which Staff Account Automation rules.
Tool Search: User Group Report
The User Group Report provides high-level and detailed information about which user groups exist, all tool rights and calendar rights assigned to each user group, and which user groups are assigned to which Staff Account Automation rules.

Image 1: User Group Report
To access the User Group Report, you must be granted the Student Information System Product Security Role.
NOTE: User groups named with a leading + or - in the name will display as an equation within Microsoft Excel
Generating the User Group Reports
The following sections will walk you through generating and understanding each report type available:
User Groups Summary
The User Groups Summary lists all existing user groups within the district.
To generate the report:
- Select a Report Type of 'User Groups Summary'
- Select the Format
- Click the Generate Report button. The report will appear in a separate window.

Image 3: User Group Summary Report
As shown in the image below (Image 4), the report will list all user groups within the district.

Image 4: Example of the User Group Summary Report
User Group Details Report
The User Group Details Report lists all tool or calendar rights assigned to selected user groups.
To generate the report:
- Select a Report Type of 'User Group Details Report'.
- Select which User Groups will report tool/calendar right data.
- Select the Format.
- Click the Generate Report button. The Report will appear in a separate window in the designated format.

Image 5: User Group Details Report
As shown in the images below, the report details each tool and corresponding tool rights assigned to each user group within the district (Image 6). It also displays all calendar rights assigned to each user group within the district (Image 7).
Example of Tool Rights | Example of Calendar Rights |
| |
Staff Automation Rule Details Report
The Staff Automation Rule Details Report details a list of all user groups associated with selected Rules.
To generate the report:
- Select a Report Type of 'Staff Automation Rule Details Report'.
- Select which Rules will report user group information.
- Select the report Format.
- Click the Generate Report button. The report will appear in a separate window in the designated format.

Image 8: Staff Automation Rule Details Report
As shown in the image below (Image 9), the report lists all user groups tied to a specific Rule (Behavioral Specialist) and Type (Title). This means any users with a Title on their District Assignment record that matches the Title value set in the Behavior Specialist Rule will be given access to the tool rights and calendar rights encompassed in each user group listed in the User Group Summary section.

Image 9: Example of the Staff Automation Rule Details Report
The Tool and Calendar Right Access Report allows you to view a list of all users or user groups who have been granted tool rights for a specific tool and/or rights to a particular calendar.