Tool Search: SASID Import
The SASID Import imports new student State ID numbers to the Campus database. In Rhode Island, the State ID is a unique 10-digit numeric identifier the Department of Education assigns to each student and staff in a PK-12 public institution. Only student identifiers are imported with this tool.
Import Logic
The first line of the import file is ignored. Usually, the first line of the import is a header row; when it is not a header row but a state ID record, the state ID is not imported.
The first seven fields must be the following and must match the student data to import the student's state ID:
When fields are in the import following the DOB (date of birth), they are ignored.
Example Import
Example SASID Import
Import Layout
Element | Description | Location |
SASID | The state-assigned state identifier. | Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID Person.studentStateID |
LASID | The locally assigned student identification number. Alphanumeric, 20 characters | Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student Number Person.studentNumber |
LASTNAME | The student's last name. Alphanumeric, 50 characters | Demographics > Person Information > Last Name Identity.lastName |
FIRSTNAME | The student's first name. Alphanumeric, 32 characters | Demographics > Person Information > First Name Identity.firstName |
MIDDLEINITIAL | The student's middle name. Alphanumeric, 32 characters | Demographics > Person Information > Middle Name Identity.middleName |
SEX | The student's gender. Alphanumeric, 1 character | Demographics > Person Information > Gender Identity.gender |
DOB | The month, day, and year when the student was born. Date Field, MM/DD/YYYY | Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date Identity.dateOfBirth |
Validation Errors and Warnings
When an error is returned, the state ID is NOT IMPORTED. When a warning is returned, the state ID is imported.
Number | Type | Condition | Validation Rule |
V1 | ERROR | File is not found | The stateID is NOT be imported and the following message is returned: "File (File Name) not found on server." |
V2 | ERROR | Import file record does not contain a stateID | The stateID is NOT be imported and the following message is returned: "This row doesn't have a stateID." |
V3 | ERROR | Campus does not contain a matching Local Student Number | The stateID is NOT be imported and the following message is returned: "No student found with local student ID." |
V4 | ERROR | Campus contains more than one student record with the same local student number and No exact match is found. When more than one student record with the same local student number is found, a mach is attemped on LAST NAME, FIRSTNAME, MIDDLEINITIAL, SEX, DOB. | The stateID is NOT be imported and the following message is returned: "Multiple students with local student ID (studentNumber) were found. None were a complete identity match. Possible list of personIDs: (personIDs)" |
V5 | WARNING | Campus contains a match on all required fields, but already contains a stateID. | The new state ID is imported, overwriting the existing value and the following message is returned: "Student with local student ID (studentNumber) overwrote existing stateID. Old stateID: (stateID)" |
V6 | WARNING | Campus contains more than one student record with the same local student number and ALL persons are an exact match. When Campus Contains more than one student record with the same local student number, a match is attemped on LAST NAME, FIRSTNAME, MIDDLEINITIAL, SEX, DOB. | The stateIDs are imported and the following message is returned: "Multiple students with local student ID (studentNumber) and complete identity match were found. Possible list of personIDs: (personIDs)" |
V7 | WARNING | Campus contains more than one student record with the same local student number and only one exact match is found. When Campus contains more than one student record with the same local student number, a match is attemped on LAST NAME, FIRSTNAME, MIDDLEINITIAL, SEX, DOB. | The stateID is imported for the exact match person and the following message is returned: "Multiple students with local student ID (studentNumber) were found. Only one student was a complete identity match and was updated. Update personID: (personID)" |
V8 | WARNING | Campus does not contain matching LAST NAME, FIRSTNAME, MIDDLE INITIAL, SEX, DOB. | The stateID is imported and the following message is returned: "Student with local student ID (studentNumber) does not match on at least one of the following: Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial, Gender, or Date of Birth. Local value: Last Name (lastName), First Name (firstName), Middle Initial (middleName), Gender (gender), Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYY)" |