Cheat Sheet (Food Service) (New Look)

The instructions in this cheat sheet apply to the New Look look of Campus.

Deposit (Household)

Quick Steps
  1. Go to Census > Households > Household Food Service Deposit.
  2. Click Open Household Search.
  3. Enter and then select the name of the Household.
  4. Click the New Deposit button.
  5. In the Member field, select All to split the payment evenly or select a household member.
  6. Enter the Payment Amount, then complete one of the following tasks

    • To split the payment evenly between patrons, click Fill.
    • If there is a student in the household that is not receiving part of the deposit or the deposit is split unevenly, manually enter the amounts.
      Do NOT Click FILL. The amount entered for each patron must equal the amount entered in the Payment Amount field.
  7. Select the Payment Method and Payment Location.
  8. Click Save.
Step Action Example
Detailed Steps
1 Go to Census > Households > Household Food Service Deposit.
Screenshot of Household food service deposit under census
2 & 3 Enter and then select the name of the Household.

Screenshot of household

3 Click the New Deposit button.

Screenshot of the FS deposit table and New deposit button

4 Select All to split the payment evenly or select a household member.

Screenshot of the all option under member

5 Enter the Payment Amount, then complete one of the following tasks
  • To split the payment evenly between patrons, click Fill.
  • If there is a student in the household that is not receiving part of the deposit or the deposit is split unevenly,
    manually enter the amounts. Do NOT Click FILL.
    The amount entered for each patron must equal the amount entered in the Payment Amount field.
Screenshot of the payment amount field
Screenshot of the amount field for each patron
6 Select the Payment Method and Payment Location.

Screenshot of the payment method and payment location

7 Click Save.

Deposit (Single Patron)

Quick Steps Example
  1. Go to Census > People > Food Service Deposit.
  2. Click Open Person Search. If the search has already been used, it will automatically open.
  3. Enter and then select the name of the student.
  4. Click New Deposit.
  5. Enter the Amount.
  6. Select the Payment Method and Payment Location.
  7. Click Save.

Screenshot of the new deposit button and new deposit detail fields

View One Patron's Transactions

Quick Steps Example
  1. Go to  Food Service > Information > Account Journal.
  2. Click Open POS Account Search. If the search has already been used, it will automatically open.

  3. Enter and then select the name of the student. If you don’t know the student's last name, enter a comma, space, and then the first name.

  4. Click the Account. The Account Journal screen will appear with the Transaction List.

Screenshot of an account and the journal tab.

New Transaction

Quick Steps Example
  1. Go to  Food Service > Information > Account Journal.
  2. Click Open POS Account Search. If the search has already been used, it will automatically open.

  3. Enter and then select the name of the student. If you don’t know the student's last name, enter a comma, space, and then the first name.

  4. Click the Account.
  5. Click New Transaction.
  6. Fill in the required fields within Transaction Detail.
  7. Click Save.

screenshot of the new transaction button and transaction detail fields.

Void Transactions

Quick Steps Example
  1. Go to  Food Service > Information > Account Journal.
  2. Click Open POS Account Search. If the search has already been used, it will automatically open.

  3. Enter and then select the name of the student. If you don’t know the student's last name, enter a comma, space, and then the first name.

  4. Click the Account.
  5. Click the transaction you want to void. You must select the transaction. After you select the transaction, the Void TX button displays.

  6. Click Save.

Screenshot of the Void TX button.


Quick Steps Example
  1. Go to  Food Service > Information > Account Journal.
  2. Click Open POS Account Search. If the search has already been used, it will automatically open.

  3. Enter and then select the name of the student. If you don’t know the student's last name, enter a comma, space, and then the first name.

  4. Click the Account.
  5. Click Adjustment.
  6. Fill in the required fields within the Adjustment section.
  7. Click Save.

Screenshot of the adjustment button.

Balance Transfers

Quick Steps Example
  1. Go to  Food Service > Information > Account Journal.
  2. Click Open POS Account Search. If the search has already been used, it will automatically open.

  3. Enter and then select the name of the student. If you don’t know the student's last name, enter a comma, space, and then the first name.

  4. Click the Account.
  5. Click Transfer.
  6. Enter the Account # of the person receiving the money and the Amount.
  7. Click Save.

Screenshot of the transfer button.


Quick Steps Example
  1. Go to  Student Information > General > Flags.
  2. Click Open Student Search. If the search has already been used, it will automatically open.

  3. Enter and then select the name of the student. If you don’t know the student's last name, enter a comma, space, and then the first name.

  4. Click the student's name.
  5. Click New.
  6. Select Food Service Alert in the Flags dropdown list.
  7. Enter in a Start Date as 7/1/YYYY or 8/1/YYYY.
  8. Enter a User Warning. (40 character max)
  9. Click Save.

Screenshot of the flags button and student flag detail fields.

Block Ala Carte Items or Checks on the POS Terminal

Quick Steps Example
  1. Click the Search tab.
  2. Select Account, enter the student's last name, and click Go

  3. Click on Account # (not name).
  4. Click the Account Info tab.
  5. Select the patron's name.
  6. Mark the Block Check Deposit and/or Block Ala Carte checkboxes.
  7. Click Save.

Screenshot of the account info tab and block check deposit / block ala carte checkboxes

PIN Report

Quick Steps Example
  1. Go to Point of Sale > Reports > PIN Report.
  2. Select PIN Report.
  3. Select your School.
  4. Select one of the following Sort Options.
    • Patron Name - Pick this option if you want a master list.
    • Homeroom Teacher - Pick this option if you have homerooms in your school to get a list sorted by teacher.
  5. Click Generate.

Screenshot of the PIN Report.

Negative Account Balance Report

Quick Steps Example
  1. Go to Point of Sale > Reports > Patron Balance.
  2. Select Low Balance Report.
  3. Select your School.
  4. Enter -.01 as the Max Balance.
  5. Click Generate Report.

Screenshot of the low balance report

Transaction Summary Report (Production Counts)

Quick Steps Example
  1. Go to Point of Sale > Reports > Transaction Summary.
  2. Select your School.
  3. Select All Services.
  4. Mark the Include Purchasable Detail checkbox.
  5. Click Generate Report.

Screenshot of the transaction summary

Transaction Detail Report (Journal of Transactions)

Quick Steps Example
  1. Go to Point of Sale > Reports > Transaction Detail.
  2. Choose the Terminal.
  3. Click Generate Report.

Screenshot of the transaction detail

End of Day Report (Drawer Counts)

Quick Steps Example
  1. Go to Point of Sale > Reports > End of Day.
  2. Select the Terminal on the right side.
  3. Mark the Transaction Detail and Cashier Detail checkboxes.
  4. Click Generate Report.

Screenshot of the end of day report

Deposit Report (View Entered Checks, etc.)

Quick Steps Example
  1. Go to Point of Sale > Reports > Deposit Report.
  2. Select your School.
  3. Clear the Online Payments checkbox.
  4. Click Generate Report.

Screenshot of the deposit report

Audit Report (When Transactions Look Wrong)

Quick Steps Example
  1. Go to Point of Sale > Reports > Audit Report.
  2. Select the Item(s) you want to report.
  3. Click Generate Report.

Screenshot of audit report

View Student Details (Phone Numbers, etc.)

Quick Steps Example
  1. Go to Student Information > General > Summary.
  2. Click Open Student Search. If the search has already been used, it will automatically open.
  3. Enter and then select the name of the student. If you don’t know the student's last name, enter a comma, space, and then the first name.
  4. Click the student's name.

Screenshot of the summary tab