Calendar and Attendance Audit (Idaho)

Tool Search: Calendar and Attendance Audit

Districts can use the Idaho Calendar and Attendance Audit to verify the calendar and attendance data reported to the state in the ISEE District Calendar and ISEE Student Attendance extracts. The Audit is not submitted to the state but only for data review and verification.

Screenshot of the Calendar and Attendance Audit Editor.Calendar and Attendance Audit Editor

Read - Generate the report.
Write - N/A
Add - N/A
Delete - N/A

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article.

Report Logic

Report logic differs based on the Record Type selected:

District Summary

This record type identifies a student's derived calendarID on the Audit Date selected. It also reports additional information from all of the student's enrollments that may contain reported attendance. 

Students report when theirSchool of Primary Responsibility is active on the Audit Date and is at least one of the calendars selected. Create/select an Ad Hoc Filter to delimit the audit to a specific student or group of students with reportable attendance.

Reports one record per Audit Date selected. When delimiting the file to a specific student, it is recommended to select All Calendars to ensure the student’s School of Primary Responsibility is selected.

To report, students must have a State ID and be enrolled in a grade level mapped to a State Grade Level Code of PK, KG, or 01-12. 

Calendar Detail

This record type aggregates enrolled student attendance in the single calendar selected.

Note this report does NOT return a student’s aggregated district-level attendance as reported in the ISEE Student Attendance state submission. Its availability is intended to assist in determining single calendar-level attendance per date for students with multiple cross-calendar enrollments.

Reports one record per calendar, per schedule structure, per student with an enrollment active at some point during the audit date range, per M-F day in the date rangeCreate/select an Ad Hoc Filter to delimit the audit to a specific student or group of students with reportable attendance. This audit can only be generated for one calendar at a time.

School of Primary Responsibility

The School of Primary Responsibility is the school that receives funding for a student, compared to other schools where the student may have partial enrollments. To determine the student's School of Primary Responsibility, all primary enrollments active at the same time are considered.

  • When only one enrollment is flagged as Primary on a given date, that enrollment identifies the School of Primary Responsibility.
  • When more than one enrollment is flagged as Primary on a given date, the School of Primary Responsibility reports from the calendar that has the highest calendarID.
  • When the student has no primary enrollments on a given date, the School of Primary Responsibility is the one of the secondary enrollment whose calendar has the highest calendarID.

Report Editor

Report TypeDetermines which audit report generates - the District Summary or the Calendar Detail.
Audit Date

District Summary Report only

Indicates the date the District Summary Report was generated.
Exclude Cross-Site Data
Cross-site section enrollment data is not included in the report when checked.
  • Cross-site enrollment functionality must be enabled at the district level for the checkbox to display.
  • Defaults to checked.
Start Date, End DateCalendar Detail Report only

Indicates the start and end date range of the Calendar Detail Report.
Sort OrderIndicates how the reports are sorted.
  • For the District Summary Report, options are Date, Calendar ID, Base Calendar Name, or Student Last Name.
  • For the Calendar Detail Report, options are Date, Student Last Name, or Schedule Structure.
Ad hoc FilterWhen chosen, only students included in the selected ad hoc filter are reported in the extract when they meet the extract's requirements.
FormatDetermines the layout of the report. Choose either CSV or HTML.
Calendar SelectionSelect at least one calendar from which to report student discipline information.
Report GenerationUse the Generate Extract button to display the extract's results immediately. When a larger data set is being reported, use the Submit to Batch option to choose when the extract generates (after or before school hours, etc.). See the Batch Queue article for more information.

Generate the Extract

  1. Select a Record Type of District Summary or Calendar Detail.
  2. When generating the District Summary, enter an Audit Date.
  3. If cross-site enrollment functionality is enabled at the district level, the Exclude Cross-Site Data checkbox will display (defaults to checked). Deselect if you want cross-site data included in the display.
  4. When generating the Calendar Detail, enter a Start and End Date.
  5. Select a Sort Order to indicate how results should be sorted in the extract.
  6. Select an Ad hoc Filter to limit results to a pre-defined filter. 
  7. Select a Format for the extract.
  8. Select a Calendar from the list.
  9. Click the Generate Extract button to generate the report in the indicated format or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report generates.

Screenshot of the District Summary Report in CSV FormatDistrict Summary Report - Date Sort Order, CSV Format

Screenshot of the Calendra Detail report in html format.Calendar Detail Report - Last Name Sort Order, HTML Format

Report Layouts

District Summary

DateReports the date on which the audit was generated, as entered on the report editor in the Audit Date field.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)
SSIDReports the student's State ID number.

Numeric, 9 digits
Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID

Last NameReports the student's last name from the record active on the Audit Date.

Alphanumeric, 35 characters
Demographics > Last Name

First NameReports the student's first name from the record active on the Audit Date.

Alphanumeric, 35 characters
Demographics > First Name

Calendar IDReports the calendarID of the student's School of Primary Responsibility. Reports a record for each School of Primary Responsibility.

Numeric, 15 digits
Data not stored
Base Calendar NameReports the name of the calendar of the student's School of Primary Responsibility.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters
Calendar Information > Name
Base Schedule Structure
Reports the name of the schedule in the calendar of the student's School of Primary Responsibility.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters
Schedule Structure Setup > Schedule Structure > Name

Reported Grade Level
Reports the state grade level mapped to the grade level of the student's enrollment in the School of Primary Responsibility.

Alphanumeric, 2 digits
Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Grade

Grade Level Setup > State Grade Level Code

Kindergarten Code

Reports the Kindergarten Code of the student's State Grade Level.

  • When the student's grade is not mapped to a State Grade Level code of KG, reports as null. 
  • When the student's grade level is mapped to a state grade level of KG and Kindergarten Code is entered, reports the code selected. 
  • When state grade level is KG but no Kindergarten Code is selected, reports as NO CODE SELECTED.

Alphanumeric, 2 digits

Grade Level Setup > Kindergarten Code

Reports as Y when Alternative Attendance is marked on the student's enrollment. Otherwise reports as N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Alternative Attendance

All Calendars
Reports the names of all calendars in which the student is actively enrolled, separated by commas.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters
Calendar Information > Name
All Grades
Reports the mapped State Grade Level Code of all grade levels in which the student is actively enrolled, separated by commas.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters
Grade Level Setup > State Grade Level Code


NO Primary Enrollment
Reports as Y when the student has no active enrollments with a Service Type of Primary. Otherwise, reports as N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Student Information > General > Enrollments > Service Type

Multiple Primary Enrollments
Reports as Y when the student has more than one active enrollment with a Service Type of Primary. Otherwise, reports as N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Student Information > General > Enrollments > Service Type

Attendance Day
Reports as Y when the Audit Date is flagged as a School Day, Instruction, and Attendance. Otherwise, reports as N.
Day Setup > Day Detail > Attendance

Base Period Minutes
Reports the possible minutes of attendance from the calendar of the student's School of Primary Responsibility.

When there is not a Day Event of EC or SD, reports the total of all minutes in attendance taking periods.

Numeric, 3 digits

Calendar Information > Student Day Minutes

Base Day Event Inst Minutes

Reports the day event instructional minutes from the calendar of the student's School of Primary Responsibility.

When the day has a Day Event of EC or SD and the student's enrollment is mapped to a state grade level of PK, KG (with Kindergarten Code that is not 1 or 2), or 01-12, reports the Total Instructional Minutes from all EC/SD day events on the Audit Date. 

When the enrollment is mapped to a state grade level of KG and Kindergarten Code is 1 or 2, reports based on the Start and End Times of the day (or as Total Instructional Minutes from all EC/SD day events when Times are null).

Numeric, 3 digits

Day Setup > Day Detail > Instruction

District Absent Minutes
Reports the total number of minutes the student was marked as Absent on the Audit Date for all attendance taking periods in the Schedule Structure.

Numeric, 3 digits

Attendance > Date/Period > Code


Calendar Detail

Field NameDescriptionLocation
DateReports the day for which the record is generated.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)
SSIDReports the student's State ID number.

Numeric, 9 digits
Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID

Student NumberReports the student's local Student Number.

Numeric, 30 digits
Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number

Last NameReports the student's last name.

Alphanumeric, 35 characters
Demographics > Last Name

First NameReports the student's first name.

Alphanumeric, 35 characters
Demographics > First Name

Middle NameReports the student's middle name.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters
Demographics > Middle Name

Calendar Reports the calendar name.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters
Calendar Information > Name
Is Student Base CalendarReports as Y when the calendar is the calendar of record of the student's School of Primary Responsibility. Otherwise, reports as N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Data not stored
Calendar TypeReports the Type of the calendar.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters
Calendar Information > Type

Is Summer SchoolReports as Y when Summer School is marked for the calendar. Otherwise reports as N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Calendar Information > Summer School

Schedule Structure NameReports the name of the Schedule Structure.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters
Schedule Structure Setup > Name
State Grade
Reports the state grade level mapped to the grade level of the student's enrollment in the School of Primary Responsibility.

Alphanumeric, 2 digits

Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Grade

Grade Level Setup > State Grade Level Code

Kindergarten Code

Reports the Kindergarten Code of the student's State Grade Level.

  • When the student's grade is not mapped to a State Grade Level code of KG, reports as null. 
  • When the student's grade level is mapped to a state grade level of KG and Kindergarten Code is entered, reports the code selected. 
  • When state grade level is KG but no Kindergarten Code is selected, reports as NO CODE SELECTED.

Alphanumeric, 3 digits

Grade Level Setup > Kindergarten Code


Reports as Y when the Alternative Attendance is marked on the student's enrollment. Otherwise, reports as N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Alternative Attendance

Is Attendance Day
Reports a value of Y when School Day, Instruction, and Attendance are marked on the calendar day.

Otherwise, reports a value of N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)
Day Setup > Day Detail > School Day, Instruction, Attendance

Period Minutes Scheduled
Reports the total minutes for which the student is scheduled for the calendar, schedule structure, and date being reported.
  • Reports as 0 (zero) when the day is NOT an attendance day.
  • This does NOT include scheduled minutes from classes that are NOT marked as attendance taking or are NOT scheduled during attendance taking periods in the reported calendar.

Numeric, 3 digits

Day Events

Reports a concatenated code(s) ONLY when the Attendance Day field reports as Y AND code(s) selected in Type are EC or SD separated by a comma.

  • When this Day record has two EC events and three SD events, the value reports as EC,EC,SD,SD,SD (or any combination thereof).

Otherwise, reports as NULL.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Day Setup > Day Day Events > Type


Inst Minutes On Day Events

When the Attendance Day field reports as Y AND the current enrollment is NOT mapped to a state grade code of KG with Kindergarten Session Code of 1 or 2 (half day), reports the total instructional  minutes from all events where Type is EC: Emergency Closure or SD: Staff Development on this date.

Reports as 0 (zero) when there are NO day events of EC or SD are present, AND the current enrollment is mapped to a state grade code of KG with Kindergarten Session Code is 1 or 2 (half day), AND the start and end times are NOT entered on the day event.

Reports the total Instructional Minutes from all events where Type is EC or SD on this date.

Reports as 0 (zero) when NO day events of EC or SD are present, AND the start and end times ARE entered on the day event.

  • The number of day minutes is calculated based on the student's schedule and reports the number of EC or SD event minutes that overlap the student's schedule.

Example: the student attends AM KG from 8am to 12 noon. (240 min) and an EC day event is entered on this date with start time 11:40 am and end time 3pm. The reported Inst Minutes on Day Event = 220 minutes (8-11:40)

Reports as 0 (zero) when NO day events of EC or SD are present.

When IsAttendanceDay reports as N, this field reports as null. 

Numeric, 3 digits

Day Setup > Day Day Events > Instructional Minutes

Day Setup > Day Day Events > Type

Max Possible Attendance Minutes
Reports either the Scheduled Day Minutes OR Instructional Minutes on the Day Event, whichever is LESS.

Numeric, 3 digits
Absent Minutes
Reports the total number of minutes the student was marked as absent on this date for all attendance taking classes/periods.

Numeric, 3 digits