Evaluations document the student's educational needs and determine eligibility for special education. This document describes each editor, the section(s) of the print format that includes the entered information, a description of each field on the editor, and any special considerations and instructions for using the editor and fields.
An evaluation must be created whether or not the student is determined to have a disability. The school district gives a copy of the evaluation summary report, including the documentation of eligibility, to the student’s parents. For information on general functionality, navigation, and additional plan and evaluation features, see the core Plan and Evaluation Information article.
The current format of this document is theGA Eligibility 2023. Evaluation formats are selected in Eval Types.
Georgia Eligibility Editor Home
Eligibility Header
The Eligibility Header editor includes general information about the evaluation, including relevant dates, the type of evaluation, and basic student information.
This editor must be saved before continuing to other parts of the evaluation.
Eligibility Header Editor
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Ad Hoc
Eligibility Date
The date the student is considered eligible for special education services.
Learner Planning > Evaluations > evalDate
Eligibility Type
The type of eligibility documented; Initial Eligibility or Reevaluation.
Learner Planning > Evaluations > type
Indicates if the student is eligible for special education services.
The date consent was given to place the student in special education services.
Learner Planning > Evaluations > consentDate
This field pulls the Date Consent Received field from the most current locked Consent to Evaluate document. * This is only required when Initial is selected as the Eligibility Type.
Initial Evaluation * Required
The date an initial evaluation took place.
* This is only required when Initial is selected as the Eligibility Type.
The Parent/Guardian Information editor populates based on the guardian checkbox on the student'sRelationshipstool. The editor includes Demographicsinformation for the student's guardian.
The Delete button next to each parent/guardian can remove a parent/guardian from the Evaluation.
The Refresh button retrieves a new copy of parent/guardians' data. This also returns any accidentally deleted people. Manually entered fields do not change when the refresh button is clicked. The user must Save after clicking Refresh to capture changes.
Parent/Guardian Information Editor
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Field Name
Ad Hoc
The relation of the parent/guardian to the student.
Census > People > Relationships
This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
Last Name
The last name of the parent/guardian.
Census > People > Demographics > Last Name
This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
First Name
The first name of the parent/guardian.
Census > People > Demographics > First Name
This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
Middle Name
The middle name of the parent/guardian.
Census > People > Demographics > Middle Name
This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
The suffix of the parent/guardian.
Census > People > Demographics > Suffix Name
This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
Print Sequence
The print order of the parent/guardian(s) on the IEP.
If no Sequence is selected, parent/guardian(s) print in the order displayed in the UI. If any Sequences are selected, only parent/guardian(s) with a sequence number prints in the order defined.
If there are multiple addresses for a person, a drop down with an option to select which address displays. If there is only one address, the drop down has one option.
The populated address is the one marked "Primary."
Home Phone
The home phone number of the parent/guardian.
Census > People > Demographics > Household Phone
This field populates from Census.
Work Phone
The work phone of the parent/guardian.
Census > People > Demographics > Work Phone
This field populates from Census.
Cell Phone
The cell phone of the parent/guardian.
Census > People > Demographics > Cell Phone
This field populates from Census.
The primary email address for the parent/guardian.
Census > People > Demographics > Email
This field populates from Census.
Home Primary Language
The home primary language of the parent/guardian.
Census > People > Demographics > Home Primary Language
This field populates from Census.
The dropdown options are pulled from the Home Primary Language Attribute/Dictionary list. See the Attribute/Dictionary documentation for additional information.
Note: This field is a locked attribute, Definition.iso639-2Language.
Interpreter Required
Indicates an interpreter is needed to communicate with the parent/guardian.
The Case History editor provides information regarding background of the evaluation, including the reason for the evaluation and the student's education and health history.Case History Editor
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Reason the child was referred for special education evaluation:
A text field used to describe the reason the student is being evaluated for special education services.
Has the child attended (or is the child attending) a preschool or Head Start Program?
Indicates if the student is attending a preschool or Head Start Program.
Yes or No
If Yes is selected, a justification text box displays that is required.
Is this child age appropriate for grade level?
Indicates if the student is at an age appropriate grade level.
Yes or No
If No is selected, a justification text box displays that is required.
Is the child's hearing/vision within normal limits?
Indicates if the student's hearing or vision is within normal limits.
Yes or No
If No is selected, a justification text box displays that is required.
Indicates if the student has significant health concerns.
Yes or No
If Yes is selected, a justification text box displays that is required.
Does the child take medication on a regular basis?
Indicates if the student is taking regular doses of medication.
Yes or No
If Yes is selected, a justification text box displays that is required.
Does the child have motor/coordination/mobility needs?
Indicates if the student has motor, coordination, or mobility needs.
Yes or No
If Yes is selected, a justification text box displays that is required.
Does the child have adaptive or medical needs (e.g., eye glasses, wheelchair, walker, hearing aids, leg braces, feeding tube, etc.)?
Indicates if the student has adaptive or medical needs.
Yes or No
If Yes is selected, a justification text box displays that is required.
Does the child have other significant issues not covered in the previous questions?
Indicates if the student has other significant needs not previously covered.
Yes or No
If Yes is selected, a justification text box displays that is required.
The Summary of Interventions editor describes the interventions, specialized instruction, and immediate eligibility considerations of the student's education.Summary of Interventions Editor
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For Initial Eligibility:
A text field used to describe the interventions provided for which data will be provided in Section 4.
For Reevaluation and additional areas of concern:
A text field used to list specially designed instruction which includes: Adapting of Content, Methodology (specialized program), or Instructional Delivery provided.
Does the child require immediate consideration of special education eligibility?
Indicates if the student requires immediate consideration of special education eligibility.
Yes or No
If Yes is selected, a justification text box displays that is required.
The Progress Monitoring editor lists different instances in which the student's progress was assessed, including areas of difficulty, implemented interventions or educational modifications, and performance data.
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Progress Monitoring List Screen
Progress Monitoring List Screen
Padlock Icon
The user currently working on the record.
The sequence number of the progress monitoring record.
Area(s) of Difficulty
The curriculum areas and behavioral concerns. For reevaluations, this text field is used to describe goal areas and areas of concern for the student.
Progress Monitoring Detail Screen
Progress Monitoring Detail Screen
The sequence number of the progress monitoring record.
Area(s) of Difficulty:
A text field used to describe the curriculum areas and behavioral concerns. For reevaluations, this text field is used to describe goal areas and areas of concern for the student.
Initial eligibility:
A text field used to provide scientific research or evidence based intervention(s) for the area of difficulty.
A text field used to describe how upon reevaluation, the Special Ed team is adapting content, methodology, or instructional delivery for the student.
Baseline Performance Data:
A text field used to list the date(s), data, and baseline performance summary for the student.
Intervention Data:
A text field used to list the date(s), data, and performance summary for the intervention.
The Individual Student Data editor describes the student's individual needs, including the area evaluated, the assessment performed, and the identified strengths and weaknesses of the student in that area.
Some Domains include additional guidance, which appears when the Domain is selected.
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Individual Student Data List Screen
Individual Student Data List Screen
Padlock Icon
The user currently working on the record.
The date the assessment took place.
Domain Area
The area in which the student was evaluated.
Domain Description
A description of the area in which the student was evaluated.
Individual Student Data Detail Screen
Individual Student Data Detail Screen
The date the evaluation took place.
Domain Area:
The area in which the student was evaluated.
The options available in the Domain Area dropdown are available as an editable attribute in theAttribute Dictionary as an unlocked attribute, Eval.domainArea.
Domain Description:
A text field used to describe the area in which the student was evaluated.
Report(s) / Assessment(s) & Scores:
A text field used to describe the evaluation results.
Results Strengths:
A text field used to describe the student's strengths on the evaluation.
Results Weaknesses:
A text field used to describe the student's weaknesses on the evaluation.
The Exclusionary Factors editor describes factors that may have inhibited the student's educational progress when no disability is present. This section includes instances of a lack of appropriate instruction, cultural factors, educational history, and impairments.Exclusionary Factors Editor
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A child must not be determined to be a child with a disability: if the determinant factor for that eligibility is lack of appropriate instruction in reading, including the essential components of reading instruction (as defined in section 1208(3) of ESEA); lack of appropriate instruction in math; or limited English proficiency; and if the child does not otherwise meet the program area eligibility criteria for a child with a disability.
1. Lack of appropriate instruction in reading
Indicates if the student is receiving a lack of instruction in reading.
Y: Yes or N: No
Regardless of the option selected, a text field displays to explain reasoning. This is required if Yes is selected.
2. Lack of appropriate instruction in math
Indicates if the student is receiving a lack of instruction in math.
Y: Yes or N: No
Regardless of the option selected, a text field displays to explain reasoning. This is required if Yes is selected.
3. Lack of appropriate instruction in writing
Indicates if the student is receiving a lack of instruction in writing.
Y: Yes or N: No
Regardless of the option selected, a text field displays to explain reasoning. If Yes is selected, this text field is required.
Indicates if the student is has a lack of English proficiency.
Y: Yes or N: No
Regardless of the option selected, a text field displays to explain reasoning. If Yes is selected, this text field is required.
Indicates if the student has cultural factors inhibiting their ability to learn.
Y: Yes or N: No
Regardless of the option selected, a text field displays to explain reasoning. If Yes is selected, this text field is required.
6. Environmental or economic disadvantage
Indicates if the student has environmental or economic disadvantage inhibiting their ability to learn.
Y: Yes or N: No
Regardless of the option selected, a text field displays to explain reasoning. If Yes is selected, this text field is required.
7. Atypical educational history
Indicates if the student has an atypical educational history disadvantage inhibiting their ability to learn.
Y: Yes or N: No
Regardless of the option selected, a text field displays to explain reasoning. If Yes is selected, this text field is required.
For some students the following factors may be exclusionary. However, if the primary area of concern for a student is one of the issues in the chart below, proceed to the questions below the chart. For all others, please complete the chart and the questions below the chart.
1. Does the child have adequate visual capability?
Indicates if the student has adequate visual capabilities.
Y: Yes or N: No
Regardless of the option selected, a text field displays to explain reasoning. If Yes is selected, this text field is required.
2. Does the child have adequate hearing capability?
Indicates if the student has adequate hearing capabilities.
Y: Yes or N: No
Regardless of the option selected, a text field displays to explain reasoning. If Yes is selected, this text field is required.
3. Does the child have a motor impairment that impacts results of assessments?
Indicates if the student has adequate motor capabilities.
Y: Yes or N: No
Regardless of the option selected, a text field displays to explain reasoning. If Yes is selected, this text field is required.
4. Does the child exhibit selective mutism, tongue thrust, or dialectal differences in language?
Indicates if the student has mutism, tongue thrust, or dialectal differences in language.
Y: Yes or N: No
Regardless of the option selected, a text field displays to explain reasoning. If Yes is selected, this text field is required.
Are there exclusionary factors that should be resolved prior to determining eligibility?
Indicates if there are other exclusionary factors that need to be resolved before determining the student's special ed eligibility.
Y: Yes - Student is not eligible or N: No - Continue to next section
Regardless of the option selected, a text field displays to explain reasoning. If Yes is selected, this text field is required.
The Decision Making for Eligibility editor indicates if the student has received the necessary intervention and progress monitoring to verify eligibility.
Decision Making Editor
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Have interventions been implemented and monitored as designed for an appropriate time to show effect or lack of effect in the identified area(s) of concern?
Indicates if interventions have been implemented and monitored as designed to accurately evaluate the student.
N: No - therefore the student cannot be considered for eligibility under the disability category of SLD, but can be considered for eligibility under any other disability category which may be appropriate OR Y: Yes - continue
Progress monitoring demonstrated the child is not making sufficient rate of progress to meet age or State-approved grade-level standards within a reasonable time frame when child's response to intervention is measured. Therefore, there is an adverse effect on educational (functional, developmental, and/or academic) performance.
Indicates if the student's progress monitoring has shown the student is not making sufficient rate of progress to meet age or State-approved grade-level standards.
N: No - student not eligible under IDEA or Y: Yes - continue
Committee Rationale:
A text field used to describe the Special Ed committee's rationale for making the decision.
The Summary of Considerations editor indicates the areas where the student shows a disability that negatively impacts the student's educational performance and development, and the areas of the student's eligibility.Summary of Considerations Editor
Multiple checkboxes can be selected. If Other is selected, a text field displays and is required.
The Eligibility Determination editor indicates if the student is eligible for special education services, the areas of eligibility, and the reasons that led to this conclusion.
The Eligibility Determination editor is a REQUIRED editor in order for the disability to correctly pull into the Individual Education Plan.
Eligibility Determination Editor
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Is the student eligible for special education and related services?
Indicates if the student is eligible for special education or related services based on the evaluation.
No or Yes, eligible categories listed below
When Yes is selected, the following dropdowns display:
Primary (Required)
Committee Rationale:
A text field used to describe the committees reasoning for their decision and the eligibility categories the student qualifies for, if Yes.
The Parent Participation Editor indicates the types of documents provided to the parents. It also indicates how the documents were delivered to the parents.
Parent Participation Editor
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Print in Evaluation
Prints this editor on the evaluation.
The following documents were provided to the parent(s):
The list of documents provided to the parent/guardian. Options include:
Parent Rights in Special Education
Evaluation Results
Eligibility Report(s)
If parent did not attend the meeting, complete below:
Date Provided
The date the documents were provided to the parent/guardian.
The documents were:
Indicates how the documents were provided to the parent/guardian. Options include: