FRYSC (Kentucky)

Tool Search: FRYSC

The Family Resource and Youth Services Centers Program (FRYSC) was established by the passage of the Kentucky Education Reform Act in 1990 with the primary goal of removing non-cognitive barriers to children’s learning. These school-based centers are designed to promote the flow of resources and support to families in ways that strengthen the functioning and enhance the growth and development of the individual members of the family unit. Each center has a unique blend of program components depending on location, available services, local need and community input.

Once approved for a grant, centers are established near the population to be served and are available for any student or member of the student’s family with a need for support and/or intervention. 

FRYSC tool data is reported via the FRYSC Group Program Report and FRYSC State Report.

FRYSC records are read-only for Kentucky State Edition users.

FRYSC records outside the active year are read-only for all users.

Screenshot of the FRYSC Student tool.FRYSC Student tool

Adding a FRYSC Individual Intervention

The FRYSC tool allows users to add individual interventions for a student.

Screenshot of adding a new intervention editor.Adding a new Intervention

  1. Select the Add Intervention icon from the FRYSC action bar. The FRYSC Individual Intervention Detail editor appears.
  2. Select the Enrollment for which this intervention applies. This field will be populated with the enrollment from the selected year and school in the Campus toolbar.
  3. Enter the Start Date of this intervention in mmddyy format, or use the calendar icon to select a date. Start dates must fall within the start and end dates of the selected calendar.
  4. Choose the appropriate option for this Intervention is for setting. More than one option may be selected.
  5. Select the person who referred the student for an intervention from the Referred By dropdown list.
  6. Choose the appropriate Mode of Intervention. More than one option may be selected.
  7. Select the Referral Locations
  8. Expand the appropriate type of intervention headings and select the reason for the intervention.
  9. Click the Save button when finished. To also print the FRYSC record upon saving, select the Save & Print button. The student will now have an Intervention listed in the FRYSC editor.

Intervention Data Elements

Data element



Grade and calendar of enrollment.

Start Date

Start date of intervention program.

End Date

End date of intervention program.

Intervention is for:

Indicates the person who will be involved in the intervention program - student or parent

Result of a behavior issue

Indicates the intervention was a result of a behavior issue.

Parent/Guardian contacted

Indicates the parent/guardian of the student was contacted prior to the intervention being made.

Result of GAIN-SS ScreeningIndicates the intervention resulted from a GAIN-SS screening.

Referral Location 1
Referral Location 2

Selection of Program Agency where referral will take place.

Referred By

Indicates the staff person who referred the student for intervention.

Mode of Intervention

Indicates how the intervention will be made. More than one of these options may be selected.


Details of the intervention program.

Additional details can be chosen depending on the nature of the intervention.



Academic Support

Academic MotivationIndicates the student participated in an academic motivation intervention.

Adult Education

Indicates the intervention involved an Adult Education activity.
Born Learning AcademyIndicates the intervention involved the Born Learning Academy program.
Consultation with Parent/StudentIndicates the intervention involved a consultation with the parent and student.
EL SupportIndicates the intervention involved an EL (English Learner) program or activity.
Exceptional Ch Ed SupportIndicates the intervention involved exceptional child educational support.

Indicates the intervention involved a GED-prep activity.

Homework Assistance/Testing Support/TutoringIndicates the intervention involved a GED-prep activity.
Kindergarten ReadinessIndicates the intervention involved a Kindergarten readiness program or activity.
MentoringIndicates the intervention involved mentoring.
Organizational Skills/Study SkillsIndicates the intervention involved assistance with organizational skills.
Parent/Student VolunteerIndicates the intervention involved working with parent or student volunteer.
Parent/Teacher ConferenceIndicates the intervention involved a parent/teacher conference.
Resource LibraryIndicates the intervention involved using a resource library.
School Enrollment/RegistrationIndicates the intervention involved enrolling or registering the student in the school/classes.
School SuppliesIndicates the intervention involved assistance in acquiring school supplies.
Student RecognitionIndicates the intervention involved some form of student recognition.
Transition AssistanceIndicates the intervention involved receiving transition assistance.

0-5 Days Absent

Indicates the intervention was related to a student who was 0-5 days absent.
6-10 Days AbsentIndicates the intervention was related to a student who was 6-10 days absent.
10+ Days AbsentIndicates the intervention was related to a student who was absent for more than 10 days.
TardiesIndicates the intervention involved a student who has tardies.
Truancy Diversion ProgramIndicates the intervention involved the student participating in a truancy diversion program.
Other Attendance InterventionIndicates the intervention involved a program or activity aimed at improving attendance
Basic Needs
Backpack ProgramIndicates the intervention involved assistance in acquiring a backpack and possibly other school supplies.
Cleaning SuppliesIndicates the intervention involved assistance in acquiring cleaning supplies.

Clothing - Regular

Indicates the intervention involved assistance with regular clothing.
Clothing - UniformsIndicates the intervention involved assistance with school uniforms.
Financial LiteracyIndicates the intervention involved assistance with financial literacy.
Food AssistanceIndicates the intervention involved assistance with a community food pantry.
Food Stamps AssistanceIndicates the intervention involved assistance with a food stamp program.
Free/Reduced Lunch AssistanceIndicates the intervention involved assistance with the Free/Reduced lunch program.
Holiday AssistanceIndicates the intervention involved assistance for/during a recognized holiday period.
Housing/ShelterIndicates the intervention involved assistance with an emergency housing program or shelter.
Household ItemsIndicates the intervention involved assistance in acquiring household items.
Other Emergency Financial AssistanceIndicates the intervention involved emergency financial assistance.
Rent/MortgageIndicates the intervention involved assistance with rent or mortgage.
ShoesIndicates the intervention involved assistance in acquiring shoes.
UtilitiesIndicates the intervention involved assistance with household utilities.
CoatIndicates the intervention involved assistance in acquiring a coat.
BedIndicates the intervention involved assistance in acquiring a bed.
Career Development and Exploration
Career Education/ExplorationIndicates the intervention involved assistance with career education and exploration.
College Tech School VisitIndicates the intervention involved assistance with visiting a tech college/school.
Employment OpportunityIndicates the intervention involved assistance with an employment opportunity.
Financial Assist Career/Training NeedsIndicates the intervention involved assistance in receiving financial career training.
Job MentoringIndicates the intervention involved job mentoring.
Parent EmploymentIndicates the intervention involved employment through a parent.
Post-secondary Support/AdvisingIndicates the intervention involved post-secondary support and advising.
Resume/Interviewing SkillsIndicates the intervention involved assistance with resume building and interviewing skills.
Service Learning/Community ServiceIndicates the intervention involved community service learning.
Soft Skills TrainingIndicates the intervention involved soft skills training.

Summer/Part Time Jobs

Indicates the intervention involved a summer or part-time job.
OtherIndicates the intervention involved assistance not captured by other categories.
After School and Childcare
After School/Summer EnrichmentIndicates the intervention included participation in an after school/summer enrichment program.
Camp Referral/AssistanceIndicates the intervention included a camp referral and/or assistance.
Extra-curricular Activities Indicates the intervention included extra-curricular activities.
Provide Child Care ServicesIndicates the intervention included providing child care services.
Refer to Child Care ServicesIndicates the intervention included a referral to child care services.
Refer/Provide Financial AssistanceIndicates the intervention included a referral for finance assistance or provided financial assistance.


Indicates the intervention involved assistance with dental care.
Family HealthIndicates the intervention involved assistance with family health.
Head LiceIndicates the intervention involved assistance with head lice.
HearingIndicates the intervention involved assistance with hearing issues.
HygieneIndicates the intervention involved assistance with hygiene.
ImmunizationsIndicates the intervention involved assistance with immunizations.
Insurance AssistanceIndicates the intervention involved assistance with health insurance.
Medication AssistanceIndicates the intervention involved assistance with medications.
NutritionIndicates the intervention involved assistance with nutrition.
Other Pest AssistanceIndicates the intervention involved other pest assistance.
PregnancyIndicates the intervention involved assistance with pregnancy.
School PhysicalIndicates the intervention involved assistance with a school physical.
TobaccoIndicates the intervention involved assistance with tobacco
Vision/EyeglassesIndicates the intervention involved assistance with vision or eyeglasses.
Other HealthIndicates the intervention involved assistance with a health issue not captured by other categories.
Adult Protective ServicesIndicates the intervention involved assistance with Adult Protective Services.
Background CheckIndicates the intervention involved a background check.
Birth Certificate AssistanceIndicates the intervention involved providing birth certificate assistance.

Child Protective Services

Indicates the intervention involved assistance with Child Protective Services.
Citizenship AssistanceIndicates the intervention involved providing citizenship assistance.
Court Case and SupportIndicates the intervention involved assistance with a court case.
Emergency Protection Order/Domestic Violence OrderIndicates the intervention involved assistance with an Emergency Protection Order or a Domestic Violence Order.
Family Team MeetingIndicates the intervention involved a family team meeting.
FAIR Team ParticipationIndicates the intervention involved FAIR Team participation.
Guardianship/Custody AssistanceIndicates the intervention involved guardianship assistance.
Student Driver's LicenseIndicates the intervention involved the student's drivers license.
Other LegalIndicates the intervention involved assistance with a legal matter that is not covered by the other categories.
Mental Health/Counseling


Indicates the intervention involved assistance related to abuse.
Anger ManagementIndicates the intervention involved an anger management program.
BullyingIndicates the intervention involved bullying.
Consultation for BehaviorIndicates the intervention involved giving the student a consultation on their behavior.
Crisis Referral/InterventionIndicates the intervention involved referring the student to a crisis center or hotline or some form of intervention services.
Dating IssuesIndicates the intervention involved assistance with dating issues.
DivorceIndicates the intervention involved assistance related to a divorce.
GriefIndicates the intervention involved assistance related to grief.
MH/Counseling ReferredIndicates the intervention involved providing a mental health and counseling referral. 
MH/Counseling ProvidedIndicates the intervention involved providing the student mental health counseling.
Other Mental Health/CounselingIndicates the intervention was related to a mental health or counseling issue not captured by the other categories.
Parent/Child ConflictIndicates the intervention involved assistance related to a parent/child conflict.
Peer RelationsIndicates the intervention involved assistance with peer relations.
Self-EsteemIndicates the intervention involved assistance with self esteem. 
Social SkillsIndicates the intervention involved assistance with social skills.
Substance AbuseIndicates the intervention was related to substance abuse.
Transition IssuesIndicates the intervention was related to transition issues.

Bus Token

Indicates the intervention involved providing bus tokens.
Cab VoucherIndicates the intervention involved providing a cab voucher.
Gas VoucherIndicates the intervention involved providing a gas voucher.
Provided Transportation in district vehicle by FRYSC StaffIndicates the intervention involved a FRYSC staff member using a district vehicle to transport the student/parent.
Public Transportation InformationIndicates the intervention involved providing information about public transportation.
School Bus InformationIndicates the intervention involved providing school bus information.
Other TransportationIndicates the intervention involved providing transportation assistance not covered by available options.

Adding a FRYSC Group Program

The FRYSC tool allows users to add a FRYSC Group Program for a student. 

FRYSC Group Programs can be added to students en masse using the FRYSC Program Participation Wizard.

FRYSC Group Programs are setup and managed via the FRYSC Group Programs (Kentucky) tool.

  1. Select the Add Group Program icon from the FRYSC action bar. A pop-up window appears.
  2. Select the appropriate FRYSC Group Program option from the dropdown list. This list is based on the options in the FRYSC Group Program editor in the System Administration Student tool.
  3. Click the Select button when finished. The FRYSC Group Program Detail editor will appear (see image below). 
  4. Select the Enrollment for which this intervention applies. This field will be populated with the enrollment from the selected year and school in the Campus toolbar. 

    If a student's enrollment does not overlap the group program, but the Time Frame for the program is selected as "07: Winter Break" or "09: Summer Break”, the student will be enrolled in the program for the dates specified on the FRYSC tool. 

    Non-Summer/Winter time frame programs require enrollment dates which overlap the group program dates by at least one day.

  5. Enter the Start Date of this intervention in mmddyy format, or use the calendar icon to select a date. Start dates must fall within the start and end dates of the selected calendar.
  6. Mark the Parent Participated check box if the student's parents participated in the program.
  7. Click the Save icon when finished.

    When adding program detail, previously entered program information appears but cannot be edited. To edit past program information, that program must be selected from the Group Program editor.

Intervention Data Elements

Data Element


FRYSC Group Program

The type of program.


Grade and calendar of enrollment.


If a student's enrollment does not overlap the group program, but the Time Period for the program is selected as "07: Winter Break" or "09: Summer Break”, the student will be enrolled in the program for the dates specified on the FRYSC tool. 

Non-Summer/Winter time frame programs require enrollment dates which overlap the group program dates by at least one day.

Start Date

The start date of the student's participating in the Group Program.

End Date

The end date of the student's participating in the Group Program.

Parent Participated

Indicates the student's parent/guardian participated in the program.


Details of the program.

Related Information

See the following articles for related FRYSC information: