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Special Education Extract (New Jersey)

Tool Search: Special Ed Extract

The Special Education Extract reports a summary of special education students who have exited special education programming.

Image of the Special Ed Extract editor.Special Ed Extract

The extract reports data in sections of 1 (basic demographic information and Federal Special Education Categories), Section 2 (Ethnicity and Exit information) and 3 (breakouts by each special education category and student age).

Report Logic

The report includes the total number of students referred, initially classified, reevaluated, de-classified and instructed at home by age group and federal disability category.

ClassificationsReporting Logic

Reports students who were referred for evaluation, ages 3-21. 

This does not include students who:

  • Transferred into the district
  • Were already classified in another district
  • Were referred only for speech/language services
  • Attend non-public schools
Initial Classifications

Reports Students who were found eligible for special education and related services for the first time according to the federal disability category.

This number should not be larger than the number of reported referrals, unless some of the referrals were carry-overs from the previous year.


Report the number of resident students by age group who were reevaluated. I

  • If a student’s eligibility category was changed, that student reports with the new federal disability category.
  • If a student was declassified, that student reports using the previous eligibility category.
  • If a reevaluation was started but not completed before the end of the school year, that student counts in the next year.
  • Students who were eligible for speech-language services and were subsequently referred to a child study team for evaluation to determine their eligibility for special education and related services, report as Referred and, if eligible, report under Initial Classification, instead of Reevaluated.
DeclassifiedReports the number of resident students by age group (3-5; 6-21) who were declassified (returned to general education) according to the federal disability category from which they were declassified.
Home InstructionReports the unduplicated number of resident students by age group (3-5; 6-21) by federal disability category who received home instruction for a portion of the school year according to an individualized education program.

Report Editor

Extract TypeSelection indicates what report will generate. Choose the EOY (End of Year) option.
FormatThe extract can generate in HTML or CSV (State Format with header). Use the HTML option for data verification prior to submitting the extract to the state.
Calendar SelectionAt least one calendar needs to be selected in order for the extract to generate.

Generate the Extract

  1. Select the Extract Type.
  2. Select the desired Format.
  3. Select the desired Calendar.
  4. Click the Generate Extract button. The extract displays in the selected format.

Image of section 1 of the Special Ed Extract.Special Ed Extract, Section 1

Image of the Special Ed Extract Section 1 SummarySpecial Ed Extract, Section 1 Summary

Image of the Special Ed Extract Section 2.Special Ed Extract, Section 2

Image of the Section 2-3 Summary of the Special Ed Extract.Special Ed Extract, Section 2-3 Summary

Report Layout

Section 1

Data ElementDescriptionLocation
County CodeReports the state-defined county code.

Numeric, 2 digits
System Administration > Resources > Counties > County Editor

District CodeReports the state-defined district number.

Numeric, 4 digits
System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number

School CodeReports the state-defined school number.

Numeric, 3 digits
System Administration > Resources > District Information > State School Number

SIDReports the student's unique state-assigned identification number.

Numeric, 10 digits
Census > People > Identities > Personal Identification Information > Student State ID

Last NameReports the student's last name.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters
Census > People > Identities > Personal Information > Last Name

First NameReports the student's first name.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters
Census > People > Identities > Personal Information > First Name

Special Education Exit ReasonReports the reason the student stopped receiving special education services.

Numeric, 1 digit
Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Reporting Fields > Exit Reason

Primary DisabilityReports the student's primary disability.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Reporting Fields > Primary Disability

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Primary Disability

Enrollment.primary Disability

Federal Disability Code

Reports the federal disability code based on the students Primary Disability reported above.

AUT = 02

DB = 09

ED = 07

HI = 01

LI = 06

MD = 08

MR = 03, 04, & 05

OHI = 11

OI = 10

SLD = 14

SP = 17

TBI = 15

VI = 16

Numeric, 6 digits

Data not stored

Reports a value of Y when:

  • The student's evaluation type is Initial Evaluation
  • The Referral Date on the Evaluation Editor is in the current calendar
  • The Primary Disability is not code 17 (speech/language services)

Otherwise, reports a value of N.

Alphabetic, 1 character

Y or N

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Evaluation
Initial Classification

 Reports a value of Y when:

  • The evaluation is locked
  • The evaluation type is Initial Evaluation
  • The Eligibility Date is in the current calendar
  • The Primary Disability is not code 17 (speech/language services)

Otherwise, reports a value of N.

Alphabetic, 1 character

Y or N

 Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Evaluation

 Reports a value of Y when:

  • The evaluation is locked
  • The evaluation type is Reevalution
  • The Eligibility Date is in the current calendar
  • The Primary Disability is not code 17 (speech/language services) or 00 (determined ineligible)

Otherwise, reports a value of N.

Alphabetic, 1 character

Y or N

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Evaluation

 Reports a value of Y when:

  • The Ext Reason is 01 (return to general education)
  • The Primary Disability is not code 17 (speech/language services) or 00 (determined ineligible)

Otherwise, reports a value of N.

Alphabetic, 1 character

Y or N

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Exit Reason, Primary Disability

Enrollment.primary Disability
Home Instruction

Reports a value of Y when:

  • The IEP is locked
  • The Special Ed Setting is either 07: Home Instruction Age 3-5 or 16: Home Instruction Age 6-12

Otherwise, reports a value of N.

Alphabetic, 1 character

Y or N

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Enrollment Status > Special Ed Setting

Special Ed Exit DateReports the date the student exited special education services.

Date field, 10 characters


Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Exit Reason

Enrollment.sped ExitDate
GenderReports the student's gender.

Alphabetic, 1 character

M or F

Census > People > Identities > Person Information > Gender

Date of BirthReports the student's birth date.

Date field, 10 characters


 Census > People > Identities > Person Information > Birth Date


Sections 2, 3

Data ElementDescriptionLocation
County CodeReports the state-defined county code.

Numeric, 2 digits
System Administration > Resources > Counties > County Editor

District CodeReports the state-defined district number.

Numeric, 4 digits
System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number

School CodeReports the state-defined school number.

Numeric, 3 digits
System Administration > Resources > District Information > State School Number

SIDReports the student's unique state-assigned identification number.

Numeric, 10 digits
Census > People > Identities > Personal Identification Information > Student State ID

Last NameReports the student's last name.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters
Census > People > Identities > Personal Information > Last Name

First NameReports the student's first name.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters
Census > People > Identities > Personal Information > First Name

Special Education Exit ReasonReports the reason the student stopped receiving special education services.

Numeric, 1 digit
Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Reporting Fields > Exit Reason

Primary DisabilityReports the student's primary disability.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Reporting Fields > Primary Disability

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Primary Disability

Enrollment.primary Disability

Federal Disability Code

Reports the federal disability code based on the students Primary Disability reported above.

AUT = 02

DB = 09

ED = 07

HI = 01

LI = 06

MD = 08

MR = 03, 04, & 05

OHI = 11

OI = 10

SLD = 14

SP = 17

TBI = 15

VI = 16

Numeric, 6 digits

Data not stored
Special Ed Exit DateReports the date the student exited special education services.

Date field, 10 characters


Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Exit Reason

Enrollment.sped ExitDate
GenderReports the student's gender.

Alphabetic, 1 character

M or F

Census > People > Identities > Person Information > Gender

Race EthnicityReports the student's assigned race/ethnicity. (W, B, A, P, H, M)

Alphabetic, 1 character
Census > People > Identities > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity

Date of BirthReports the student's birth date.

Date field, 10 characters


Census > People > Identities > Person Information > Birth Date

LEPReports the LEP Status of the student. Reports a value of Y when there is an LEP Start Date and the exit date is on or after July 1 of the current calendar.

Alphabetic, 1 character

Y or N

Student Information > Programs > LEP


Summary Sections

Table NameDescription
Section 1
FED Category (Age 3-5)Reports the total number of students who have a federal disability category of Preschool Disabled and School Age Disabled, and the total number of referrals, initial classification, reevaluation, declassification and home instructions.
FED Category (Age 6-21)Reports the total number of students who have a federal disability category and the total number of referrals, initial classification, reevaluation, declassification and home instructions.
Sections 2, 3
Ethnicity/Exit Summary

Reports the total number of students who exited special education programming by race and by gender, including LEP programming, and by the selected Exit Reason.

AutismReports the total number of students classified as Autistic between the ages of 14-21 who ended special education programming based on the selected Exit Reason.
Deaf-BlindnessReports the total number of students classified as Deaf-Blindness between the ages of 14-21 who ended special education programming based on the selected Exit Reason.
Emotional DisturbanceReports the total number of students classified as Emotional Disturbance between the ages of 14-21 who ended special education programming based on the selected Exit Reason.
Hearing ImpairmentsReports the total number of students classified as Hearing Impaired between the ages of 14-21 who ended special education programming based on the selected Exit Reason.
Language ImpairmentsReports the total number of students classified as Language Impaired between the ages of 14-21 who ended special education programming based on the selected Exit Reason.
Multiple DisabilitiesReports the total number of students classified as Multiple Disabilities between the ages of 14-21 who ended special education programming based on the selected Exit Reason.
Mental RetardationReports the total number of students classified as Mental Retardation between the ages of 14-21 who ended special education programming based on the selected Exit Reason.
Other Health ImpairmentsReports the total number of students classified as having Other Health Impairments between the ages of 14-21 who ended special education programming based on the selected Exit Reason.
Orthopedic ImpairmentsReports the total number of students classified as having Orthopedic Impairments between the ages of 14-21 who ended special education programming based on the selected Exit Reason.
Specific Learning DisabilitiesReports the total number of students classified as having Specific Learning Disabilities between the ages of 14-21 who ended special education programming based on the selected Exit Reason.
Speech OnlyReports the total number of students classified as having Speech Only Impairments between the ages of 14-21 who ended special education programming based on the selected Exit Reason.
Traumatic Brain InjuryReports the total number of students classified as having a Traumatic Brain Injury between the ages of 14-21 who ended special education programming based on the selected Exit Reason.
Visual ImpairmentsReports the total number of students classified as having Visual Impairments between the ages of 14-21 who ended special education programming based on the selected Exit Reason.