Tool Search: Behavior
The Behavior Setup and Behavior Management sections below describe behavior fields specific to the state of Nevada. For all other inquiries, please visit the Behavior Management Tool article.
In Nevada, Behavior Event Types mapped to a State Event Code (Mapping) and Behavior Resolution Types mapped to a State Resolution Code (Mapping) will sync from the Nevada District Edition to the Nevada State Edition in real time. Behavior Incidents that are not state-mapped will not sync to the State Edition unless a state-mapped resolution is added to the event.
Behavior Setup
The Behavior Office functionality allows users with the necessary tool rights to set up behavior events/incidents, resolutions, and responses. Below are Behavior fields specific to the state of Nevada. For all other inquiries, please visit the Event Types article.
Event Types
Behavior Event Type Editor
Field | Description | Ad hoc Inquiries Database Location |
Reports |
State Event Code Mapping | Indicates the reason a student was subject to disciplinary action.
These are the official state codes to which all district-defined behavior events/incidents should be mapped. Behavior events/incidents not mapped to a state event code do NOT report. |
Student > Behavior > Behavior Event > stateEventCode
behaviorDetail.stateEventCode |
Special Ed Disciplinary Removal Report |
Standardized Event Category | Indicates the regional event code. | Student > Behavior > Behavior Event > stateEventCode
behaviorDetail.standardizedEventCode |
Resolution Types

Field | Description | Ad hoc Inquiries Database Location |
Reports |
State Resolution Code (Mapping) | Indicates the reason a student was subject to disciplinary action.
These are the official state codes to which all district-defined behavior events/incidents should be mapped. Behavior events/incidents not mapped to a state event code do NOT report. |
Student > Behavior > Behavior Resolution > stateResCode
behaviorDetail.stateResCode |
Special Ed Disciplinary Removal Report |
Behavior Management
Behavior Management allows users with the appropriate tool rights to manage existing behavior and enter new behavior incidents. The fields specific to the state of Nevada are described below. For all other inquiries, please visit the Behavior Management article.
Behavior Incident Management Editor
Behavior Management Event Fields
Please see the Behavior Management article for more information about the Incident Detail Information fields.
Behavior Event and Particpants Details Editor

Field | Description | Ad hoc Inquiries Database Location |
Reports |
Event Type | The identifying code and name of the behavior event. Event Types are created in the Event Type Setup tool and can be mapped to State Event Codes. Options depend on the Alignment selected for the Incident; only Event Types with the same alignment will be available. | Student > Behavior > incidentType
BehaviorEvent.incidentType |
Special Ed Disciplinary Removal Report |
Behavior Management Resolution Fields
The Behavior Management Resolution fields specific to Nevada are described below. For all other inquiries, please see how to Add a Behavior Resolution.