Reports (Cases)

The Reports area allows support contacts to pull and export case information. This is found under Cases > Reports.

The following reports are available: 

  • All Cases - All district cases, including Closed
  • All Idea Cases- All cases submitting enhancement requests
  • All Open Cases - All district cases that are currently Open
  • All Open Issue Cases - All cases with a Status of Assigned to Development
  • All Pending Cases - All cases awaiting a customer response including Pending Customer Input and Pending Customer Verification

Report Layout

Click on a report's name to view it. All reports contain the same headers by default.

Total RecordsDisplays the number of cases included in the report.
Case NumberThe record's unique identifier. Click to open the case record.
Date/Time OpenedThe day and time when the case was submitted.
Case Date/Time Last ModifiedThe day and time when an update was last made to the case details.
Account NameName of the district who submitted the case.
Contact NameThe Authorized or Technical support contact who submitted the case.
StatusThe current state of the case in its life cycle.
Case Record TypeCategorization of the case chosen by the contact at its creation. Eg. Ask a Question.
ModuleThe part of the Campus product that the case pertains to.
Case OwnerThe Support resource working the case.
SubjectTitle of the case. Click to open the case.
DescriptionThe question being asked, explanation of the issue being reported, or details of the service request.
ResolutionAnswer to the question asked, solution to the issue reported, or summary of services provided.

Screenshot of the All Cases report.


Filters may be adjusted to include cases based on certain criteria. Some filters will be pre-selected and are locked.

To update the Filters:

  1. Click on the Filters (funnel) icon.
  2. Click on the filter to adjust.
  3. Use the dropdowns to select the desired search parameter.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Click the Filters (funnel) icon again to close the filters panel.

Screenshot of the filter options. Options include the ability to filter by case and date/time opened.

Exporting Reports

Reports may be exported into formatted or details only reports:

  • Formatted Report - Exports the report as it appears in the Portal, including headers, groupings, and filter details. Exports in Excel Format .xlsx.
  • Details Only - Exports only the detail rows. Use this to do further calculations or upload to another system. Exports in Excel Format .xlsx, or as Comma Delimited .csv.

To export a report:

  1. Click on the Export button.
  2. Choose Formatted Report or Details Only. The option selected will be indicated with a green and white check mark. 
  3. If choosing Details Only, use the drop down to select the Format.
  4. Click Export.

Screenshot of the Export tool with the Formatted Report option selected.