Adviser PersonID Extract

Tool Search: Adviser PersonID Extract

The Adviser PersonID Extract exports student data to upload to the Adviser SSID system.

Screenshot of the Adviser PersonID Extract Editor.Adviser PersonID Extract Editor

Report Logic

Students must have an enrollment in the selected calendar(s). 

Students do not report when:

  • Their enrollment is marked as State Exclude.
  • Their enrollment is marked as No Show.
  • Their enrollment is inactive as of the Effective Date entered on the Extract Editor.

Report Editor

The following defines the options available on the Extract Editor.



Effective Date

Date the report uses to pull student data based on active enrollment records and other related information. This field defaults to the current date.

Students w/o stateIDsWhen marked, students who do not have State IDs are included in the report.
Display Metadata Rows
When marked, the metadata rows display at the beginning and end of the report.


Determines how the report is generated. Options are State Format (Tab Delimited), CSV, and HTML.

Calendar Selection

Selection indicates from which school calendar of enrollment information is pulled. Calendars can be selected by the Active Year, School, or Year. If a Year and/or School is selected in the Campus toolbar, that calendar is automatically selected.

Generate ReportUse the Generate Report button to display results of the report in the selected format. The report displays in the selected format.
Submit to BatchThe Submit to Batch option can be selected to generate the extract at a later date and time.

Generate the Report

  1. Enter the Effective Date in mmddyy format or select a date using the calendar icon.
  2. If desired, mark the Students w/o stateIDs checkbox.
  3. If desired, mark the Display Metadata Rows checkbox.
  4. Choose a Calendar from the Select Calendar options.
  5. Select a format in the Format dropdown. Options include State Format (Tab Delimited), CSV, and HTML.
  6. Click Generate Report or Submit to Batch. The report displays in a separate window in the selected format.

Screenshot of the HTML format example.HTML Format

Screenshot of the state format tab delimited format example.State Format (Tab Delimited)

Screenshot of the CSV format example.CSV Format

Report Layout

Header Record (Only displays when the Display Metadata Rows checkbox checkbox is marked.)

Data Element


Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Interface

Record Type

Always returns TH.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Not stored

Not stored

Extract Date

Date the extract was generated.

Date field, 10 characters


Not stored

Not stored

Extract Time

Time the extract was generated. 

Time field, 8 characters


Not stored

Not stored

Transmission ID

Identification number of the batch report. For multiple batches, the ID of the initial batch is returned.

Numeric, 10 characters

Not stored

Not stored


Reports the version of the Adviser Person ID file format.

Numeric, 3 characters

Not stored

Not stored


Literal representation of the delimiter used in the detail records. For a comma delimiter, literal representation is "delimiter=," and the hex representation is 'delimiter=0X2C."

Alphanumeric, 25 characters

Not stored

Not stored

Detail Record


DescriptionCampus Interface
Person Unique ID

Reports the student's Ed-Fi ID.

Numeric, 9 digits

Demographics > Ed-Fi ID


Person Last NameReports the student's Legal Last Name. If blank, reports the student's Last Name.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Demographics > Person Information > Last Name

Identities >  Identities Editor > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name



Person First NameReports the student's Legal First Name. If blank, reports the student's First Name.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Demographics > Person Information > First Name

Identities >  Identities Editor > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name



Person Middle NameReports the student's Legal Middle Name. If blank, reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Identities >  Identities Editor > Protected Identity Information > Legal Middle Name


Person Name Suffix

Reports the student's Legal Suffix. If blank, reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Identities > Identities Editor > Protected Identity Information > Legal Suffix


GenderReports the student's Legal Gender. If blank, reports the student's Gender.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

M or F

Demographics > Person Information > Gender

Identities >  Identities Editor > Protected Identity Information > Legal Gender



Person Date of BirthReports the student's Birth Date.

Date field, 10 characters


Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date

Identities >  Identities Editor > Identity Information > Birth Date


Person School Year Looks at the current school year, reports the start year and end year of current school year.

Numeric, start year and end year together:
Ex: 20202021

School Years > Start Year

School Years > End Year

Person District Code The district in which the student has a current, active, primary enrollment.

Nine Digit Current District in
which Student is Enrolled with
hyphens (e.g., 99-9999-000)
(must have leading zero if

District Information > State District Number

District Of Residence Reports the code from the student's enrollment in the District Of Residence.

Nine digit current district in
which the student lives in with
hyphens (e.g., 99-9999-000)

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Home District

Person School Code Reports the school code of the school that the student is currently attending.

Nine digit school building in
which the student is enrolled with
hyphens (e.g., 99-9999-001)

School Information > State School Number

Grade Level

Reports the Grade Level entered on the student's active enrollment record. 

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Enrollments > Enrollment Editor > General Enrollment Information > Grade



Person Local IDReports the student's Local Student Number.

Numeric, 15 digits
Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number


If the legal first name does not match the first name, report the first name. If legal first name report does match the first name, then report null.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters
Identities > firstName

If the legal last name does not match the last name, report the last name. If legal last name report does match the last name, then report null.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters
Identities > lastName

When the legal middle name does not match the last name, reports the middle name. When the legal middle name report does match the middle name, then reports null.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters
Identities > lmiddleName


Trailer Record (Only displays when the Display Metadata Rows checkbox is marked.)

Type, Format, and Length
Campus Database
Campus Interface
Record Type
Always returns TT.
Alphanumeric, 2 characters
Not stored in Campus
Not stored in Campus
Transmission ID
Identification number of the batch report. For multiple batches, the ID of the initial batch is returned.
Numeric, 10 characters
Not stored in Campus
Not stored in Campus
Indicates the number of records in the extract.
Not stored in Campus
Not stored in Campus