MOSIS Course Assignment (Missouri)

Tool Search: MOSIS Extracts

The Course Assignment extract contains educator identifiers and assignment data including regular instructional or administrative assignments, planning time and travel time between buildings, course number, sequence, grade, semester, program code, delivery system, minutes per week and units of credit. The Course Assignment extract requires a record for every educator assignment (all positions). The Course Assignment and the Student Assignment extracts are collected together as the Assignment Collection.

When a course section has multiple primary teachers associated with it, a record for each teacher who taught that section during the date range entered on the report editor will report.

Screenshot of the MOSIS Course Assignment extract editor.MOSIS Course Assignment

The Course Assignment Extract is collected during October and June. The October extract defines educator instruction and services information and the June extract defines certified staff and student information for state-approved and state-funded summer school programs. All active courses within the calendar(s) selected on the extract editor report. 

Read - Generate MOSIS Course Assignment.
Write - N/A
Add - N/A
Delete - N/A

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article. 

Report Logic

Records are reported from the selected calendar(s) on the extract editor, regardless of those calendars being the active school year.

The following business rules exist for the Course Assignment Extract:

Items reported:

  • Course Number
  • Sequence
  • Grade
  • Semester
  • Program Code
  • Delivery System
  • Minutes per week
  • Units of Credit

The following determines when an educator reports:

  • When the educator is the Primary Teacher, the record reports. 
  • When the educator's District Assignment or Personnel Record Start Date is on or before the State Date in the date range in the extract editor, the record is reported.
  • When the Start and End Date of the educator's District Assignment or Personnel Record is within the date range of the extract editor, the record is reported.
  • When the Start Date of the educator's District Assignment or Personnel Record is on or before the Start Date in the extract editor and the district assignment End Date is after the End Date in the Extract Editor, the record is reported.
  • When the educator's District Assignment Start and End Dates are after the dates entered in the extract editor, the record is not reported.
  • When the Start and End Dates of the educator's district assignment are before the Start Date in the date range of the extract editor, the record is not reported.

Course Assignment data is used to populate the following MOSIS Core Data Screens:

  • 18 – Educator
  • 20 – Course and Assignment Data
  • 22 – Sending School Courses and Enrollment
  • 24 – Summer School Courses and Enrollment

Any course marked as Exclude from State Reporting is not included. Any Course Section that has an Assignment Number value of 0 is not included.

Course Minutes Calculation

This value reports for the October Reporting Period only.

When the Override field on the Section editor has a value, that value is used as an override of the calculation.

The average weekly course minutes are calculated for the course/section separately for each term in which it is scheduled as follows:

  • For each period schedule in which the course/section is assigned in that term:
    • Total instructional minutes are calculated by the number of instructional minutes per day for the course/section times the number of instructional days to which the period schedule is assigned in the term.
    • Total instructional minutes divided by the number of weeks in the term = the average weekly course minutes for that period schedule in that term.
      • If the term is less than one week, instructional minutes are divided by 1.
    • This calculation is repeated for each period schedule to which the course/section is assigned in that term.
    • The weekly course minutes are then summed for each period schedule in the term to which the course/section is assigned, equaling the average weekly course minutes for that term.
  • This is repeated for each term in which the course/section is scheduled.
  • The average weekly course minutes are summed for each term, divided by the number of terms in which the course/section is scheduled.
  • This result is reported, rounded to the nearest whole number.

Report Editor

The following fields are available for selection on the MOSIS Course Assignment Extract.

Extract Option


Extract Type

Determines the extract that generates. Selection should be Course Assignment.

Reporting Period

Indicates the section of the school year for which student data is being reported. Each selection contains the same layout, but certain fields may be required in certain extracts, and optional in others.

Report Protected IdentitiesWhen marked, student identity information (last name, first name, etc.) reports from the Protected Identity Information fields.
Report State Excluded Course SectionsWhen marked, course sections where the Assignment Number field on the Course Section editor has a value zero (0), those sections are included in the report, as long as the sections meet all other reporting population logic.

Marking this checkbox also includes courses where the Exclude from State Reporting checkbox are marked on the Course editor.

Date Range

Entered dates are used to return students enrolled during that time frame. Enter dates in mmddyy format or use the calendar icon to choose a date.

Ad hoc Filter

Selection includes only those students included in the filter.


Determines how the extract generates. Use the State Format (CSV) when submitting the final data to MOSIS. Use the other available formats (HTML, Tab Delimited, XML) for data review and testing.


Selected calendar indicates which students are included in the report. Multiple calendars can be selected at one time; it is recommended that all calendars in a district not be selected as this will increase the amount of time it takes to generate the extract. The calendar chosen in the Campus toolbar is already selected.

Generate Extract

Displays the selected calendar information and extract immediately for data review and printing purposes in one of the selected formats.

Generate the Report

  1. Select the Course Assignment Extract Type.
  2. Select the Reporting Period.
  3. Mark the Report Protected Identities checkbox, if desired.
  4. Mark the Report State Excluded Course Sections, if desired.
  5. Enter the Date Range.
  6. Select the Format.
  7. Select which Calendar(s) to include within the extract. Selecting multiple calendars may impact generation times and overall Campus performance.
  8. Select the Generate Extract button. The extract will appear in a separate window in the designated format.

Screenshot of a MOSIS Course Assignment CSV format example.MOSIS Course Assignment - CSV Format

MOSIS Course Assignment Layout




Collection Version

Reports a value of 20XXOct1.0CrsAssign or 20XXJun1.0SumCrsAssign, depending on the reporting period selected.

The June collection uses the start year of the summer school calendar, not the end year.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Data not stored

Current School Year

The ending year of the current school year (i.e., 2023 reports for the 2022-2023 school year).

  • The October Cycle uses the end year of the calendar selected.
  • The June Cycle uses the start year of the summer school calendar selected.

Numeric, 4 digits (YYYY)

School Year Setup > School Year Editor > School Year Detail > End Year


Reporting District Code

DESE-assigned 6-digit county district code for the district reporting.

Alphanumeric, 6 characters

District Info > State District Number


Reporting School Code

DESE-assigned 6 digit school code where the student is being reported from.

Reports first from the Reporting School Code field on the Course. When that field is not populated, reports from the State School Number field on the School Resources editors.

Alphanumeric, 6 characters*

*Note: while this report displays the full 6 digit school code, the state only accepts 4 and this value will need to be manually adjusted before submitting to the state.

Course > Reporting School Code

Course.reporting SchoolCode

School Information > State School Number



The Social Security Number of the teacher teaching the section of the course.

Numeric, 9 digits

Demographics > Person Information > Social Security Number


Last Name

The legal last name of the educator teaching the section of the course.

When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the report editor, the educator's last name reports from the Legal Last Name field when populated.

This field reports a blank value when the educator's last name's first three characters is DNR. When Report Protected Identities is marked, the last name reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters

Demographics > Person Information > Last Name


Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name


First Name

The legal first name of the educator teaching the section of the course.

When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the report editor, the student's first name reports from the Legal First Name field when populated.

This field reports a blank value when the educator's last name's first three characters is DNR. When Report Protected Identities is marked, the first name reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters

Demographics > Person Information > First Name


Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name


Pos Code

Position code of educator's assignment.

When this field is null, the Assignment Code for the Primary Teacher reports. When both the Position Code field and the Assignment Code field are null, a value of 60 reports.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

District Assignments > Employment Assignment Information > Assignment Code


Section Information > Section Editor > Position Code

CTE Prog Type

Program type code of CTE approved program.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Course Information > CTE Program Type


Assign Num

The number used to uniquely identify an instance of an educator's course assignment also used to link that course to the records of students within the course.

Every assignment must be identified by a course code except pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and elementary classes in self-contained classrooms. When a teacher has more than one grade in a self-contained elementary classroom or is teaching morning and afternoon pre-kindergarten or kindergarten classes, these report as separate assignments. 

The value reports from the Section Assignment Number field. When that field is not populated, a concatenated value of the course ID plus the section ID reports. 

Integer, 20 characters

 Section Information > Assignment Number


Loc Course Num

Course code that identifies assignment

Alphanumeric, 12 characters

Course Information > Number


Loc Course Name

The course name.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters

Course Information > Name

Loc Sec Num

The section number.

Alphanumeric, 6 characters

Section Information > Section Number


Course Num

The state course code.

Alphanumeric, 6 characters

Course Information > State Code


Assign Start Date

The date the course is added after beginning of school year or filled for first time after beginning of school year, or the date an individual replaces the original course educator after beginning of school year; otherwise, reports as NULL.

This value must be between July 1 and June 30 of the calendar selected on the extract editor. The Assignment Start Date cannot be after the Assignment End Date.

The Late Start Date field is compared to the Staff History Start Date. The latest start date reports. When only one field is populated, that populated date reports. When both fields are blank, a null value reports.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)

Section Information > Late Start


Section Staff History > Start Date


Assign End Date

The date the course is eliminated prior to the end of school year or the individual is transferred out of position prior to end of school year (leaving position vacant), or the individual is replaced in position with another individual prior to the end of school year; otherwise, reports as NULL.

This value must be between July 1 and June 30 of the calendar selected on the extract editor.

The Early End Date field is compared to the Staff History End Date. The earliest end date reports. When only one field is populated, that populated date reports. When both fields are blank, a null value reports.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)

Section Information > Early End


Section Staff History > End Date


Course Seq Num

Sequence number that identifies the content of courses taught at more than one level.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Course Information > Sequence


Course Grade Level

Grade level at which curriculum for the specific course is designed to be taught.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Course Information > Grade


Course Sem

The course length. Valid options include:

  • Full Year = Blank
  • First Semester = 1
  • Second Semester = 2

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Section Information > Semester Code


Course Delivery Sys

The delivery system of the course.

When the Position Code is 60 and the Course Number begins with 19 and the Course Number is not 19300, 193100, 198600, the Course Delivery System must be in CO, IG, SC, LI, H, C0-C9.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Section Information > Delivery Method


Course Prog Code

Program code that identifies special funding or approval. A Program must be assigned to the course.

  • When the Course Program Code is 03, the school must have a targeted services or schoolwide Title 1 program assigned. 
  • When the Course Program Code is 13, the school must have a schoolwide Title 1 program.
  • Reports from the Section > Program drop list. When there is no value entered, reports from the Course > Program drop list. When there is no value entered in the Program drop list in the Course tool and Section tool, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Course Information > Program


Section Information > Program

Course Mins

Minutes per week for class/assignment. Calculated based on the student's period schedule. See the Report Logic section for details on the calculation.

Numeric, 4 digits

Calendar > Periods


Course Credit

Units of high school credit granted for the assignment.

  • When the Credit Level of HS: High School and no credit is assigned to a grading task, the course is still reported.
  • When the Credit Level is HS: High School, then the credit assigned to Grading Tasks will be reported.

CourseCredit is calculated using the Grading Task term mask and credit assigned to the grading task. Each term mask selected will aggregate the credit assigned to the grading task for each term.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Course Grading Tasks > Credit


The number of students served in an education setting other than a regularly scheduled class.
Reporting logic:

  • Logic identifies teachers with an Assignment Code = 60: Teachers and the Resource Teacher checkbox checked and then reports the number of students entered in the Caseload field on the Section of the Course the teacher is assigned.
  • Caseload is not allowed for CTE enrollments.
  • Caseload must be a positive integer.
  • When Caseload > 0, no records matching CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode, EDSSN, ReportingSchoolCode, CTEProgType, PosCode, or AssignNum should exist in the Student Assignment file.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Section Information > Caseload; District Assignments > Assignment Code, Resource Teacher


Course Hours

Total hours the class meets during the full duration of the summer school program (normally 60 to 120 hours).

This is only reported in the June Reporting Period and reports only Summer School calendars.

The number of instructional hours the course was in session for the summer school period is calculated. All minutes of instruction are added up and converted to hours. The number is reduced to the nearest integer that is less than the decimal value.

Numeric, 6 digits

Data not stored

Assign Comment

Reports any value entered in the Sections Assignment Comment field.

Alphanumeric, 70 characters

Section Information > Assignment Comment


Combined Course

Indicates the course being reported contains curriculum for multiple subjects, or grade levels for self-contained elementary courses are taught during the same period by the same teacher.

Numeric, 2 digits

Section Information > Combined Course


Virtual Instruction
Indicates the course is taught virtually.

Alphanumeric, 6 characters
Section Information > Virtual Instruction


Course Information > Virtual Instruction


Previous Versions

MOSIS Course Assignment (Missouri) [.2243 - .2247]
MOSIS Course Assignment (Missouri) [.2239 and previous]