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The Individual Education Program (IEP) or Evaluation team uses the Evaluation to document the student's educational needs and the student's determination of eligibility for special education.
The current format of this document is the IL Eval 2023. Evaluation formats are selected in Eval Types.
An evaluation must be created whether or not the student is determined to have a disability. A copy of the evaluation summary report, including the documentation of eligibility, is given to the student's parents by the school district.
Evaluation Summary Report Editors
The following table lists the editors available on the student's Evaluation, the section(s) of the print format that include the entered information, a Description of what the editor is used for and any special considerations and instructions for using the editor.
Editor Name | Printed Document Section | Description | Special Considerations and Instructions |
Evaluation Information | Introductory material and Purpose of Conference | The Evaluation Information editor includes general information about the evaluation, including relevant dates and the type of evaluation. | The Evaluation Date auto-populates to the current date when the evaluation was created. The Date of Next Eval auto-populates to the current date plus three years minus one day. This editor must be saved before continuing to other parts of the evaluation. The Creation and Modification information for the plan appears at the bottom of this editor. |
Student Information | Student Identification Information | The Student Information editor populates basic information about the student such as demographic data, address and school information. | Student information populates from the Demographics tool and the student's current Enrollment. |
Parent/Guardian Information | Parent/Guardian Information | The Parent and Guardian Information editor allows space for explaining the reasons the student was recommended for evaluation, including feedback from parents and school personnel. | Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon. |
Procedural Safeguards | Procedural Safeguards | The Procedural Safeguards editor indicates when the procedural safeguards were provided to the parent and what documents were also supplied. | N/A |
Meeting Participants | Evaluation Participants | The Meeting Participants editor lists the meetings held for this evaluation and the individuals who were invited and who attended. | Team members must be added in the Team Members tab before entering participants. The Print in Eval checkbox must be marked for the team meeting to appear on the printed document. |
Evaluation Documentation | Based on Area Evaluated selected | The Evaluation Documentation editor lists the evaluations conducted to determine the student's eligibility. | Evaluator Name and Position options are established in Evaluators and Evaluation Tools. The Area Evaluated determines the section headers that appear in the printed document. |
Eligibility Determination | Determinant Factors and Complete for Student Suspected of Having a Disability under IDEA | The Eligibility Determination editor describes whether the student's performance exhibited a lack of appropriate instruction or limited English proficiency, what the student's disability is, any adverse effects caused by the disability, the educational needs of the student in relation to the disability, and whether the student is eligible for special education services. | N/A |
SLD Documentation | Documentation of Intervention/Evaluation Results | The SLD Documentation editor describes the results of the evaluation conducted regarding a Specific Learning Disability, including referral reason, analysis, intervention plan, student needs, and additional information. | N/A |
SLD Factors/Exclusionary | Eligibility Determination, Exclusionary Criteria | The SLD Factors/Exclusionary editor describes the factors that led to the determination of the student's disability. | N/A |
SLD Inclusionary Criteria | Inclusionary Criteria | The SLD Inclusionary Criteria editor describes the student's progress over time prior to the evaluation, in comparison to expected learning standards and includes specific instructional needs. | N/A |
SLD Eligibility Determination | Eligibility Determination | The SLD Eligibility Determination editor indicates whether the student has a specific learning disability, in what areas that disability manifests itself, and whether the student is receiving specialized instruction and special education services. | In the printed document, this section includes an area for all team members to sign the document. |
Functional Behavioral Assessments | Functional Behavioral Assessments (As Appropriate) | The Functional Behavioral Assessments editor is used to document the student's behavior and determine the need for a Behavior Intervention Plan. | N/A |
Behavioral Intervention Plan | Behavioral Intervention Plan (As Appropriate) | The Behavioral Intervention Plan editor is used to document the details of the student's plan for behavior intervention based on their functional assessments. | N/A |
Manifestation Determination | Manifestation Determination | The Manifestation Determination editor records disciplinary incidents that could be related to the student's disability. | The Print in Plan checkbox must be marked to include Manifestation Determination forms in the printed document. |
Autism Considerations | Autism Considerations | The Autism Considerations editor records the student's needs and support identified specifically related to an autism disability. | Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon. |
Additional Notes/ Information | Additional Notes/Information | The Additional Notes/Information editor provides free-form space for entering any extra information related to the evaluation. | N/A |