Tool Search: Documented Hearing Loss Extract
The Documented Hearing Loss Extract collects information on students who have hearing loss primary disabilities or who are marked as having documented hearing loss on their enrollment record.

Report Logic
A student reports when the student has an active enrollment in reporting calendar as of Effective date or when the enrollment end date populated on or before the Effective Date and has no other enrollment record after the ended enrollment record. To report, students must have:
- Documented Hearing Loss marked on their enrollment record
- And/Or a Primary Disability of 500: Deaf-Blindness, 515: Hearing Loss or 545: Deafness (Enrollments > Special Ed fields). When a student has both a disability and Documented Hearing Loss checked, report one record only
Generate the Report
- Enter the Effective Date. For students who meet report logic criteria, one record is reported for each student who has an active enrollment in the reporting calendar as of this date or an end dated enrollment on or before this date.
- Select which calendar(s) from which to report data.
- Select the Extract Format: CSV or HTML.
- Click Generate Extract to generate the report immediately or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report generates in the background. You can return to this editor and access the completed scheduled report in the Batch Queue List window.
Documented Hearing Loss - HTML Format
Report Layout
Data Element | Description and Business Logic | Location |
Total Count | The number of records reported. | N/A |
Documented Hearing Loss Count | The number of records where Documented Hearing Loss = Y. This count excludes student where disability = 500, 510 or 515 and Documented Hearing Loss = Y. | N/A |
Primary Disability Count | The number of records where Primary Disability = 500: Deaf-Blindness, 515: Hearing Loss or 545: Deafness.
| N/A |
District Name | The name of the district reporting the student's data.
| System Administration > Resources > District Information > District Name |
District Number | The State District Number of the student's district. | System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number District.number |
School Name
| The name of the school in which the student is enrolled. | System Administration > Resources > School > School > Name |
State ID | Student state identification number. Must include leading zeros. | Census > People > Demographics > Student State ID Identity.stateID |
Student Last Name | The last name of the student. | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name Identity.lastName |
Student First Name | The first name of the student. | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > First Name Identity.firstName |
Gender | The gender of the student. M or F | Census > People > Demographics > Gender Identity.gender |
State Race Ethnicity | The student's race/ethnicity. | Census> People > Demographics > State Primary Race Identity.raceEthinicity |
Birth date | The student's date of birth. | Census > People > Demographics > Birth date Identity.birthdate |
Grade | The student's grade level of enrollment as of Effective date entered on the report editor. | Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Grade Enrollment.grade |
Documented Hearing Loss | Indicates wthether the student has documented hearing loss. Report Y when checked. Report N when unchecked. | Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Documented Hearing Loss Enrollment.hearingLoss |
Primary Disability | Indicates the student's Primary Disability. Only students who have Documented Hearing Loss checked or a Primary Disability = 500: Deaf-Blindness, 515: Hearing Loss or 545: Deafness are included in the report. | Student Information > General > Enrollment > Special Ed Fields > Primary Disability Enrollment.disability1 |