Tool Search: Enrollments
The Enrollments tool displays all student enrollment occurrences in the district. Because this is a historical view, this list could be long.
Enrollments are listed by grade level first, then by enrollment start date. To reorder the list of enrollments, click the blue hyperlinked headers in the Enrollments Editor list. Enrollment records can be sorted by Grade, Calendar, Start Date, or End Date.
See the core Enrollments article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Enrollment records.

General Enrollment Information
The General Enrollment Information section lists the calendar of enrollment, grade level, start and end date, the type of enrollment, the start and end status of enrollment, and any enrollment comments that have been entered.

Field | Description | Validations |
State Start Status Required | The state start status mapped to the assigned local start status. State Start Statuses are mapped to Local Start Status codes using the Enrollment Start Status Setup tool. Note: The Enrollment Start Status Setup tool is unavailable for Montana Edition users. State and Local Start Statuses are expected to be the same for Montana Edition users. | Database: Enrollment.StartStatus Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Core elements > startStatus (activeEnrollment.startStatus) |
State End Status | The state end status mapped to the assigned local end status. State End Statuses are mapped to Local End Status codes using the Enrollment End Status Setup tool. Note: The Enrollment End Status Setup tool is unavailable for Montana Edition users. State and Local End Statuses are expected to be the same for Montana Edition users. | When State End Status is 300, 310, 320, 330, or 340, Drop Out Reason is required.
When the Extracurricular Activities Only checkbox is marked, and the student has Exited, the State End Status must be null, 160, or 170. Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Core elements > endStatus (activeEnrollment.endStatus) |
Drop Out Reason *Required | A dropdown of possible reasons a student may have dropped out of school. | *This field is required when State End Status is 300, 310, 320, 330, or 340. Database: Enrollment.dropoutCode Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > State Reporting elements > dropdoutCode (activeEnrollment.dropoutCode) |
State Reporting Fields
Data entries made in the State Reporting Fields section of the Enrollments tool are unique to the state of Montana. They may directly impact how students are reported to the State Department of Education.

Field | Description | |
Extracurricular Activities Only | Indicates a non-public school student enrolled to participate in extracurricular activities only. Only non-public school students should be marked as Extracurricular Activities Only. Students cannot be marked as both State Exclude and Extracurricular Activities Only. | When marked, students are excluded from the following reports: When marked, students must also have a Service Type of S: Partial and a Start Status of 08 or 09.
When marked, the only other Enrollment fields that must be filled out are End of Year Number of 6+ and Number of 18+ weeks activities completed. Database: Enrollment.extracurricularActivities Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > extracurricularActivities (es.extracurricularActivites) |
Home-Based Early Literacy | Indicates the student participates in a home-based early literacy program. Students cannot be marked as both State Exclude and Home-Based Early Literacy. | When marked, students are excluded from the following reports:Database: EnrollmentMT.homeBasedEarlyLiteracy Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > homeBasedEarlyLiteracy (es.homeBasedEarlyLiteracy) |
Military Connected Status *Required | Indicates the student is a dependent of a member of the U.S. Military. | Database: Enrollment.militaryConnectedStatus Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > militaryConnectedStatus (es.militaryConnectedStatus) |
Enrollment Counts

Field | Description | Validation |
Fall Enrollment Count Impacted Reports for this section include: | ||
Fall Aggregate Hours of Inst. | The number of hours the student received instruction for the fall reporting period. | Database: Enrollment.membershipFallSnapshot Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > membershipFallSnapshot (es.membershipFallSnapshot) |
Fall Absent | The total hours the student was absent during the fall (in decimal form). When a student is present all day, this field reports 0. When the student is absent all day, this field reports 1.0. | Fall Absent must be between 0.000 and 1.000. Database: Enrollment.attendanceFallSnapshot Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > attendanceFallSnapshot (es.attendanceFallSnapshot) |
Exclude Fall ANB | Indicates the student will not be included in ANB calculations according to policy for one of the following reasons:
| Database: Enrollment.fall10DayAbsent Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > fall10DaysAbsent (es.fall10DayAbsent) |
Job Corps | Indicates the student participated in the Job Corps during the Fall Attendance Count window. | Database: Enrollment.jobCorpsFall Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > jobCorpsFall (es.jobCorpsFall) |
MT Youth ChalleNGe | Indicates the student participated in the MT Youth ChalleNGe during the Fall Attendance Count window. | Database: Enrollment.mtYouthChallengeFall Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > mtYouthChallengeFall (es.mtYouthChallengeFall) |
Age 19 or 20 Eligible for ANB | Indicates the student is 19 or 20 years old as of September 10 during the Fall Attendance Count reporting year and is included in the ANB calculation. Per the state law: (c) A pupil with disabilities who is over 19 years of age and has not yet reached 21 years of age by September 10 of the school year and who is receiving special education services from a school district pursuant to 20-7-411(4)(a) may be included in the ANB calculations if:
| The student must be age 19 or 20 (but not 21) by 09/10/YYYY of the current school year. Database: Enrollment.ageEligibleFall Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > ageEligibleFall (es.ageEligibleFall) |
Indian Lang. Immersion Prg. | Indicates the student participates in an Indian language immersion program during the fall attendance count window. | Database: Enrollment.indianLangPrgFall Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > indianLangPrgFall (es.indianLangPrgFall) |
Classroom-Based Early Literacy Fall | Indicates the student participates in an Early Literacy program during the fall attendance count window. | Database: Enrollment.fallEarlyLiteracy Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > indianLangPrgFall (es.fallEarlyLiteracy) |
Spring Enrollment Count Impacted reports for this section include: | ||
Spring Aggregate Hours of Inst. | The number of hours the student received instruction for the spring reporting period. | Database: Enrollment.membershipSpringSnapshot Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > membershipSpringSnapshot (es.membershipSpringSnapshot) |
Spring Absent | The total hours the student was absent during the spring (in decimal form). When a student is present all day, this field reports 0. When the student is absent all day, this field reports 1.0. | Database: Enrollment.attendanceSpringSnapshot Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > attendanceSpringSnapshot (es.attendanceSpringSnapshot) |
Exclude Spring ANB | Indicates the student will not be included in ANB calculations according to policy for one of the following reasons:
| Database: Enrollment.spring10DayAbsent Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > fall10DaysAbsent (es.fall10DayAbsent) |
Job Corp | Indicates the student participated in the Job Corps during the Spring Attendance Count window. | Database: Enrollment.jobCorpsSpring Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > jobCorpsSpring (es.jobCorpsSpring) |
MT Youth ChalleNGe | Indicates the student participated in the MT Youth ChalleNGe during the Spring Attendance Count window. | Database: Enrollment.mtYouthChallengeSpring Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > mtYouthChallengeSpring (es.mtYouthChallengeSpring) |
Age 19 or 20 Eligible for ANB | Indicates the student is 19 or 20 years old as of September 10 during the Spring Attendance Count reporting year and is included in the ANB calculation. Per the state law: (c) A pupil with disabilities who is over 19 years of age and has not yet reached 21 years of age by September 10 of the school year and who is receiving special education services from a school district pursuant to 20-7-411(4)(a) may be included in the ANB calculations if:
| The student must be age 19 or 20 (but not 21) by 09/10/YYYY of the current school year. Database: Enrollment.ageEligibleSpring Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > ageEligibleSpring (es.ageEligibleSpring) |
Classroom-Based Early Literacy Spring | Indicates the student participates in an Early Literacy program during the spring attendance count window. | Database: Enrollment.springEarlyLiteracy Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > indianLangPrgFall (es.springEarlyLiteracy) |
End of Year
These fields can be manually populated or imported using the MT EOY Attendance Totals Upload.

Field | Description | Validation |
ADA - #Days Present | The number of days the student was present during their enrollment. | The ADA - #Days Present value must be less than or equal to ADA - #Days Enrolled. This field is limited to four numbers before the decimal and two after (XXXX.XX). Database: Enrollment.daysPresent Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > daysPresent (es.daysPresent) Reports: EOY Attendance Totals |
ADA - #Days Enrolled | The number of days the student was enrolled. | This field is limited to four numbers before the decimal and two after (XXXX.XX). Database: Enrollment.daysEnrolled Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > daysAbsent (es.daysAbsent) Reports: EOY Attendance Totals |
ESSA - #Days Absent | The number of days the student was absent. This field can be manually entered or imported using the EOY Attendance Totals Upload for Montana Edition users. | The ESSA - #Days Absent value must be less than or equal to ADA - #Days Enrolled. This field is limited to four numbers before the decimal and two after (XXXX.XX). This value cannot be greater than 200 or negative. Database: Enrollment.essaAbsent Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > essaAbsent (es.essaAbsent) Reports: EOY Attendance Totals |
Number of 6+ week activities | Indicates the number of 6+ week activities completed by the Extracurricular Activities Only student. | To select a value in this dropdown, students must be marked as Extracurricular Activities Only. Database: Enrollment.sixWeekActivities Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > sixWeekActivities (es.sixWeekActivities) |
Number of 18+ week activities | Indicates the number of 18+ week activities completed by the Extracurricular Activities Only student. | To select a value in this dropdown, students must be marked as Extracurricular Activities Only. Database: Enrollment.eighteenWeekActivities Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > eighteenWeekActivities (es.eighteenWeekActivities) |
Title 1
These fields can be manually populated or imported using the Program Participation Upload. These fields are reported on the Program Participation Extract.

Field | Description | Validation |
Title 1 | Indicates the student qualifies for federally funded Title 1 assistance. | When Title 1 is unmarked, all checkboxes related to Title 1 Instructional Services are cleared out. When Title 1 is marked, at least one checkbox from the Title 1 Instructional Service section must be marked. Database: Enrollment.title1 Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > State Reporting elements > title1 (activeEnrollment.title1) |
Title 1 Instructional Services | ||
Reading Lang Arts | Indicates the student is receiving Title 1 instructional services in Reading. | Title 1 must be marked in order to mark this checkbox. Database: Enrollment.title1Reading Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized elements > title1Reading (es.title1Reading) |
Math | Indicates the student is receiving Title 1 instructional services in Math. | Title 1 must be marked in order to mark this checkbox. This checkbox is cleared out when Title 1 is unmarked. Database: Enrollment.title1Math Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized elements > title1Math (es.title1Math) |
Science | Indicates the student is receiving Title 1 instructional services in Science. | Title 1 must be marked in order to mark this checkbox. This checkbox is cleared out when Title 1 is unmarked. Database: Enrollment.title1Science Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized elements > title1Science (es.title1Science) |
Social Science | Indicates the student is receiving Title 1 instructional services in Social Science. | Title 1 must be marked in order to mark this checkbox. This checkbox is cleared out when Title 1 is unmarked. Database: Enrollment.title1Civics Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized elements > title1Civics (es.title1Civics) |
Vocational Career | Indicates the student is receiving Title 1 instructional services in a Vocational Career. | Title 1 must be marked in order to mark this checkbox. This checkbox is cleared out when Title 1 is unmarked. Database: Enrollment.title1Career Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized elements > title1Career (es.title1Career) |
Other | Indicates the student is receiving Title 1 instructional services in a program that is not listed above. | Title 1 must be marked in order to mark this checkbox. This checkbox is cleared out when Title 1 is unmarked. Database: Enrollment.title1InstructionalOther Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized elements > title1InstructionalOther (es.title1InstructionalOther) |
Title 1 Support Services | ||
Health, Dental, Eye Care | Indicates the student is receiving Health, Dental, or Eye Care Title 1 support services. | This checkbox is cleared out when Title 1 is unmarked. Database: Enrollment.title1Health Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized elements > title1Health (es.title1Health) |
Guidance/Advocacy | Indicates the student is receiving Guidance or Advocacy Title 1 support services. | This checkbox is cleared out when Title 1 is unmarked. Database: Enrollment.title1Counseling Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized elements > title1Counseling (es.title1Counseling) |
Other | Indicates the student is receiving Title 1 instructional services in a program that is not listed above. | This checkbox is cleared out when Title 1 is unmarked. Database: Enrollment.title1ServiceOther Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized elements > title1ServiceOther (es.title1ServiceOther) |
Title 1 - Other | ||
Title 1 Part A Neglected | Indicates the student is in a local institution for neglected children/youth or attending a community day program and is eligible for Title 1 Part A services. | Database: Enrollment.neglected Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized elements > neglected (es.neglected) |
Title 1 Part D Delinquent and Served by | Indicates the student is adjudicated as delinquent and is eligible for Title 1 Part D services by identifying the general type of program or institution in which the student is being served. Options include:
| Database: Enrollment.delinquent Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized elements > delinquent (es.delinquent) |
Other Program Participation
These fields can be manually populated or imported using the Program Participation Upload. These fields are reported on the Program Participation Extract.

Field | Description | Validation |
Immigrant | Indicates the student is an immigrant. | When the Immigrant checkbox is unmarked, the Date Immigrant Entered US School field is cleared out. In order to save the Immigrant checkbox, Home Primary Language is required on the Demographics tool, and the Date Immigrant Entered US School must contain a value on the Enrollments tool. When marked, the Foreign Exchange checkbox cannot be marked. Database: Enrollment.immigrant Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > State Reporting elements > immigrant (activeEnrollment.immigrant) |
Date Immigrant Entered US School *Required | The day the student first entered the United States as an immigrant. | *The Immigrant checkbox must be marked to select enter a value. When marked, a value is required for Date Immigrant Entered US School. Database: Enrollment.immigrantDate Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > immigrantDate (es.immigrantDate) |
21st Century | Indicates the student participates in the 21st Century grant program to provide academic enrichment opportunities for children, particularly in high-poverty and low-performing schools. | Database: Enrollment.twentyFirstCentury Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > twentyFirstCentury (es.twentyFirstCentury) |
Foreign Exchange | Indicates the student maintains residency and citizenship in a foreign country and is qualified to pursue a full course of study in the United States. | The student cannot be marked as both an Immigrant and a Foreign Exchange student. Database: Enrollment.foreignStudent Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > foreignStudent (es.foreignStudent) |
Gifted and Talented Evaluated | Indicates the student has been evaluated for a gifted and talented program. | Database: Enrollment.giftedTalentedEval Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > giftedTalentedEval (es.giftedTalentedEval) |
Gifted and Talented Identified | Indicates the student is participating in a gifted and talented program. | Database: Enrollment.giftedTalented Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > State Reporting elements > giftedTalented (activeEnrollment.giftedTalented) |
Homeless | Indicates the student is homeless. | When the Homeless checkbox is unmarked, the Homeless Nighttime Residence and Unaccompanied Youth fields are cleared out. When marked, Homeless Nighttime Residence is required. To save a value in the Homeless Nighttime Residence or Unaccompanied Youth fields, a student must be marked as Homeless. Database: Enrollment.homeless Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > State Reporting elements > homeless (activeEnrollment.homeless) |
Homeless Nighttime Residence *Required | A dropdown used to identify where the student's nighttime residence is located. | *This field is required when the Homeless checkbox is marked. Database: Enrollment.homelessResidence Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > homelessResidence (es.homelessResidence) |
Unaccompanied Youth | Indicates the homeless student is also an unaccompanied youth as defined by law. | The Homeless checkbox must be marked to save an Unaccompanied Youth value. Database: Enrollment.mvUnaccompaniedYouth Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > State Reporting elements > mvUnaccompaniedYouth (activeEnrollment.mvUnaccompaniedYouth) |
Optional Sort By | A text field used to sort assessement barcode labels further. Labels are sorted by School, Grade, Sort by field, Last Name, and First Name. | Database: Enrollment.sortBy Reports: ADA Import and ADA Export (historic) Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > sortBy (es.sortBy) |
CTE Post-Program Status
These fields can be manually entered or imported using the Fall CTE Upload. These fields are reported on the Fall CTE Extract.

Field | Description | Validation |
CTE Post-Program Status *Required | Selection indicates what the student is doing after graduation. | *To save a value in this field, the State End Status must be in the 300-400 range. The Date Contacted is also required to save a value in this field. Database: Enrollment.postGraduationStatus Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > postGraduationStatus (es.postGraduationStatus) |
Date Contacted *Required | Indicates the date the student was contacted about post-graduation plans. | *To save a value in this field, the CTE Post-Program Status must be selected. The Date Contacted must be after the Enrollment End Date. The Enrollment End Date cannot be null. Database: Enrollment.dateContacted Ad hoc Inquiries: Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > dateContacted (es.dateContacted) |