GSSM Report

Tool Search: GSSM Report

The Golden State Seal Merit (GSSM) Report lists those students who have achieved the Golden State Seal and receive a diploma with that merit seal on it.

Screenshot of the GSSM Report Editor, located at Reporting, CA State ReportingGSSM Report Editor

Report Logic

One record for each student who meets the requirements of the report prints.

Posted transcript records are necessary, as follows:

  • A transcript must include two separate records of the same course, with the actual term, the student term and the end term for each record in which the student received a grade.
  • Grade level (state grade levels) in which the course was taken must be 09, 10 or 11.
  • To be considered, the grading task must be the Semester grade, or similar.
  • The GSSM Category needs to be assigned on the Course.
  • A student must have received a State Score of B, B+, A-, A, A+.

For ELA, Mathematics or Science, students must receive a state grade of B+ or higher.

For US History, students must receive a grade of B or higher.

Assessments with any passing score can be used to meet the requirements for ELA and Math IF and include the following:

  • Subject of LangArts or Math
  • State Test Code of 107: Golden State Examinations

If a student meets the requirements for one course category and also meets the requirements of the assessment, the category shows as met, as well as having met Additional 1 (or 2). For example, a student's passing score on an assessment meets GSSM, as does their semester grade on the course. The student reports in the extract with an X for the category and an X for the additional category.

Courses can be tied together using Schedule Rules of SAME TEACHER or BIND. This is used when course names are different (Math 1A, Math 1B, etc.).

Report Editor

Reporting DateIndicates the date of the report. This field displays the current date and includes all students enrolled on this date.
Report Type

Indicates which report is being generated. 

  • Summary Only includes whether the student qualifies for GSSM, the total count of qualification, and the categories for qualification.
  • Summary with Student Detail includes the information above and also in  which courses the student met the qualification.
FormatDetermines how the report generates. Select PDF or XML (state format).
Legal Name and GenderWhen marked, the student's legal name reports.
Report only test and course grades that could meet a GSSM RequirementWhen marked, only those courses or tests where the student received a score of B, B+ or Passing are included.
Report only students with a specific number of GSSM Requirements MetWhen marked, students who have met the selected value for GSSM requirements are included. Select All or a value of 1-6.
Ad hoc FilterSelect which students to include in the extract by choosing a filter that was created in the Filter Designer.
Calendar Selection

Select the calendar of enrollment from which to pull student data. Calendars can be chosen by the active year, by the school name or by the year.

Only one calendar can be selected at a time.

Report GenerationChoose the Generate Extract to display the results of the chosen items immediately. Choose the Submit to Batch option to generate the report at a specified time. This option is helpful when generating large amounts of data.

Generate the GSSM Report

  1. Enter the desired Reporting Date.
  2. Select either the Summary Only or the Summary with Student Detail Report Type.
  3. Select the desired Format for the report.
  4. If desired, mark the Legal Name and Gender checkbox.
  5. If desired, mark the Report only test and course grades that could meet a GSSM Requirement checkbox.
  6. If desired, mark the Report only students with a specific number of GSSM Requirements Met checkbox.
  7. If appropriate, select an Ad hoc Filter.
  8. Select the desired Calendar from which to report students.
  9. Click the Generate Extract button or the Submit to Batch button.

Screenshot of an example of the GSSM report in PDF format.Summary with Student Detail - PDF Format

Screenshot of an example of the GSSM report in XML format. Summary Only - XML Format

Report Layout

Data ElementDescriptionLocation
Summary Information
Student NameReports the student's name in Last Name, First Name order. If the Legal Name and Gender checkbox is marked, the legal first and last name report, if that information is populated for the student.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters

Demographics > Person Identifiers > Last Name, First Name

Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name, Legal First Name





Qualifies for GSSMReports a value of Y or N if the student qualifies for GSSM.

Alphabetic, 1 character
Calculated Value
Qualification CountReports the total number of qualifying courses or assessments in which the student qualified for GSSM.

Numeric, 1 digit
Calculated Value
US History

Reports an X if the student met the GSSM requirements for US History.

Alphabetic, 1 character

Calculated Value
ELAReports an X if the student met the GSSM requirements for ELA.

Alphabetic, 1 character
Calculated Value
MathReports an X if the student met the GSSM requirements for Math.

Alphabetic, 1 character
Calculated Value
ScienceReports an X if the student met the GSSM requirements for Science.

Alphabetic, 1 character
Calculated Value
AdditionalReports an X if the student met the GSSM requirements for additional work.

Alphabetic, 1 character
Calculated Value
AdditionalReports an X if the student met the GSSM requirements for additional work.

Alphabetic, 1 character
Calculated Value
Student Detail Information
Student NameReports the student's name in Last Name, First Name order. If the Legal Name and Gender checkbox is marked, the legal first and last name report, if that information is populated for the student.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters

Demographics > Person Identifiers > Last Name, First Name

Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name. Legal First Name





Requirement Applied ToDisplays the category or course type to which the GSSM requirement counts. This is based on the selected GSSM Category field on the Course.

Alphanumeric, 15 characters
Course Information > GSSM Category

Met RequirementIndicates whether the student met the requirement based on posted Transcript grades.

Alphabetic, 1 character (Y or N)

Calculated Value
CourseReports the name of the course name and number in which the student met the requirement.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters
 Course Information > Name, Number


Test NameReports the name of the assessment for which the student met the requirement.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Assessmen Centert > Test Detail > Name

Assessments > Test Name

TypeReports either Grade (if the requirement was met by a course) or Assessment (if the requirement was met by an assessment).

Alphabetic, 15 characters
DateLists the date the requirement was met.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)

Assessments > Date

Transcript > Date

ScoreReports the score the student received in the course, or reports a value of 1 for passing the assessment.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Assessments  > Score


Transcript > Score
